Super Healer

Chapter 255

Chu Feng's figure then appeared in the training ground. Seeing his arrival from a distance, the head of the small leader cheered and stood in front of him with a gun in his hand. This time, the target characters, they all knew, Chu Feng's appearance here meant the death of ten companions.

Although surprised that ten people and ten guns did not kill Chu Feng, but this time also did not have time to think about these, directly pulled a person to stand in front of: "further forward, I will kill her!"

Chu Feng slightly narrowed his eyes and spoke faintly: "let them go, I will stay!"

Xiaotoumu was just about to say something. A man came to his ear and whispered a word. The former's eyes were surprised and then became firm. When Chu Feng saw this scene, his left eye narrowed and the picture flashed, and then his face changed dramatically and burst out.

Because he saw these people killing indiscriminately, and with the intention of death.

"Stop him!"

The little leader suddenly burst out lethal bullets, but they were all avoided by Chu Feng. The former's face was cheered, and in an instant, ten people shot at the location of Chu Feng, with a fierce look in his eyes.

Chu Feng clenched his teeth and scolded a bastard secretly. His body kept rolling there. His left eye could let him know the rules of bullets, but his physical strength and speed were still a little poor.

In addition to the time when the roof of the building was shot in the abdomen, the Chu wind at the moment is a little strength divided into two points to use.

"Kill them all."

The little leader saw that Chu Feng was completely suppressed and could not go forward. Although his amazing speed could escape the killing of ten guns, he knew that there was something more important. He turned to face the more than 100 hostages and threw out a cold word.

"No, if you want to kill him, you can kill his aunt. What do you want us to do?" Xiao tou's words just finished, Ma Liuzi stood up like fried beans. At the moment, even fools knew that their kidnapping had something to do with Chu Feng. Human instinct made Ma Liuzi not want to be implicated by Chu Feng.

However, these people obviously ignored Ma Liuzi, and the micro Chong in their hands was aimed at everyone, and the muzzle of the gun was even more aimed at Lin Yulin.

Chu Feng, who dodged in the distance, saw this scene and roared: "no!"

Worried about Lin Yulin's safety, a bullet pierced Chu Feng's arm. Chu Feng's eyes were red with pain. It was a kind of performance of killing opportunity to a certain extent. It seemed that he could see Lin Yulin die at the muzzle of the gun.

Just a continuous injury, let Chu Feng back shot again, the body directly roll out in front, but see those people will pull the trigger, Chu Feng to Lin Yulin showed a trace of pain: "don't!"

At this time, a figure suddenly burst from the distance, which was still a hundred meters away, but the next moment it suddenly appeared on the scene. The body shape was so fast that people could not see the real appearance. Only a red light swept through the air, and the ten blue cell members, including the little head, were all together.

But the man who suddenly appeared did not stop here, but came towards the front like lightning. A red light was constantly emerging. The bodies of ten people who had no idea of carrying guns stopped there. The guns in their hands were silent for a moment.

When Chu Feng saw all the 20 blue cell members bleeding from their throats, he felt relieved. Although he didn't know who was responsible for the attack and why he was so powerful, he knew that Lin Yulin was safe and fainted with a smile.

Abdomen and back and arm shot, now Chu Feng can not die, has been very amazing.

Lin Yulin, who was out of control, was shocked by the scene just now, forgetting everything, or nervous and unable to remember to make a sound. At the moment, she saw Chu Feng's whole body covered with blood and fell into the pool of blood. Her tears directly flowed out and ran towards Chu Feng.

However, the body of the mysterious man who suddenly appeared flashed past and appeared beside Chu Feng. One hand stretched out from under the black clothes, holding Chu Feng's clothes with snow-white softness. At the next moment, she quickly left towards the distance. Lin Yulin stopped on the way to look at the distance and covered her mouth: "Xiaofeng!"

Half an hour later, the official spokesman appeared on the TV. In order not to cause panic among the public, but also not to bear too much responsibility, he just said that the two incidents were the personal behavior of a group of extremists. Without any organizational premeditation, the blue cells were virtually eliminated.

If people know that blue cells have operated twice within a few months, it will damage the image of the city.

In the dark, Yan Tianming ordered a ten day martial law on the river and the sea. During this period of time, anyone who makes trouble will not be killed without asking the reason!

Under such a high-pressure policy, Jidao was silent. Some small gangs were suppressed by the wind door, and there was no room for breathing. At this moment, Yan Tianming came back to make such an announcement, and many people said that it was a troubled time.

While all sides are surging, the wind gate is sending out 3000 people all over the city to search for the Chu wind. At night, Hangzhou is extraordinarily beautiful. On a high mountain, it looks like it will be pushed into the clouds.

A man who couldn't see his face clearly stood on the edge of the mountain and could not see the front of any city color. His words were plain, but he was not angry and powerful: "are you sure?""The blood test is in progress. We expect to hear from you soon."

As the man's voice dropped, a figure suddenly appeared on the mountain behind. It was completely wrapped in a black cloak. It was hard to see the real appearance. But I heard the voice that it was a woman: "it's just that we enter into it like this. If the Chinese government knows, will it be bad?"

"What's wrong? Are they satisfied with the complete extinction of the Chu family?" The man snorted coldly, with a trace of displeasure in his tone: "so you don't need to think about these. In addition, everyone has been used to calm these years, and no one will notice your appearance, but you should be careful after all."

"It's a pity that overlord is dead. Otherwise, why should we find Chu Feng now?"

Just as the woman wanted to talk, her mobile phone rang in her pocket, took it out and looked at the contents above. Then she said, "the news is coming. Chu Feng is indeed the blood of the Chu family. It's strange that the martial vein that he didn't exist 18 years ago has come into being. Moreover, it's very special. At present, I don't know what it is!"

"Not waste." The man's tone softened a little, but with a little joy that he didn't know whether it was true or not: "maybe it was trained by overlord over the years. You know that guy was the deputy director of the adjudication office at that time, and his ability was greater than we imagined. It's just that he would die in such a state. It's strange!"

"As long as you live in this world, no one will not die."

The woman in the cloak slowly turns around and walks towards the darkness in the distance. She has determined something. Then she can carry on according to the plan and fulfill the promise made 18 years ago!

The woman in the Cape left directly. The man didn't say anything, but soon after she left, a man appeared from the dark on the mountain top. He looked like a middle-aged man: "brother, it's a good thing for us to die of Chu Feng. Why do you still want to do this now?"

"I always suspected that Murong Bing was hiding something from us."

The man seemed to know who the man appeared, and said quietly: "I naturally know that there is a risk, but the insiders in those years are all dead. Murong Bing was not there at the beginning, so only you and I know the truth. If you and I don't say anything, where can Murong Bing know?"

The man who appeared later pondered for a moment, and finally said: "I hope it is the same as your guess. If there is any deviation, we can not only get what we want, but also pay a heavy price."

The man standing at the front of the mountain disappeared indistinctly on the top of the mountain: "it's OK to take care of the family affairs. My purpose is that if it can't be used by me, it will be killed by me, even if he is the direct lineage of the Chu family!"

The men who appeared behind didn't go to find where the people who started. They just took a look at the night sky and then disappeared in the same place. They didn't find it when they left. The woman with the Cape who left early appeared from the darkness: "two old people, really when I Murong Bing is an idiot?"

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