Super Healer

Chapter 2551

Because Xuanyuan duckweed has made an agreement with the people in Xuanyuan Holy Land in advance. Chu Feng did not suffer any accident when he received them in the demon world. When everything was quiet down, Xuanyuan holy land, which used to be brilliant and noisy, was empty.

Chu Feng didn't spend too much time in the demon world. He took the white lotus out and looked at the Xuanyuan family under the vast night and said, "where are Xuanyuan 3000 and the emperor?"

I didn't have time to ask Xuanyuan duckweed just now, that is, from the beginning to the present, Chu Feng has not seen Xuanyuan emperor and Xuanyuan 3000 father and son. According to the truth, under the oppression of the demon emperor, even the Xuanyuan emperor could not resist, let alone Xuanyuan 3000, but now they have not appeared.


Bai He pursed his lips and stood behind Chu Feng and said, "Princess duckweed seems to say that the emperor and his son don't want to be protected by anyone. Now it's their shame that Xuanyuan family needs you to protect them. If they want you to protect themselves, they won't have dignity any more."

Chufeng was stunned for a moment, but he also understood what he meant. Xuanyuan emperor and his son are people with strong dignity. Now it is a disgrace for him to protect Xuanyuan family. If they need to protect themselves, they will not be able to raise their heads in front of the Xuanyuan family.

Although it's a special time that we shouldn't care about such a problem, the Xuanyuan emperor and his son should have such an idea. Chu Feng can't say anything. Moreover, Xuanyuan emperor is the God of creation, and Xuanyuan 3000 is the superior God. This power is not enough to fight against the demon realm, but concealment and self-protection are not a problem.

Chu wind also dispersed a little worry, left eye twinkle between also embrace white lotus slender waist.

Bai He's body is stiff, showing a kind of instinctive vigilance. He looks at Chu Feng, as if the next moment Chu Feng wants to do something to her, she will immediately rise up to resist.

"White lotus, are you menopausal?" Chu Feng also felt Bai He's unnatural. Although she didn't know how to treat Bai He, she shouldn't have behaved like this. She narrowed her eyes and thought about the abnormality of Bai He in recent times: "how do I feel? You seem to be a little bit repelled to Ben?"

White lotus twinkles in the eyes, lowers his head, murmurs in the heart, meets you such shameless person, as long as is the individual all repels.

Of course, these words are also in the heart to think about, the mouth white lotus certainly dare not say: "master, but now the situation is not the same, I'm afraid that your lust will mislead the event."

Chu Feng's mouth twitched violently, and ten thousand grass mud horses were roaring and galloping there. Although he didn't have much resistance to beauty, he also had a clear priority. Otherwise, why should we find Bai He? Murong Bing that demon seduced, Chu Feng will draw a gun to fight.

"You don't know me enough!"

Gently shaking his head, Chu Feng slapped his hand on Bai He's buttocks, ignoring the white lotus's bleeding face: "although I thought about when to give you, but now I don't want to kill the demon emperor and the demon Zun, so don't worry about this problem."

The corner of his mouth was slightly warped and jokingly asked, "and even if I really want to do something to you, do you want to refuse? Who said something to me, just to follow me? "

White lotus facial expression changes, low head goes: "master, I am wrong, I should not question you!"

Chu Feng took back his eyes and looked at the night sky: "do what you should do as a female slave, my business, what I want to do, even if it is to accompany countless men, you do not question me, understand?"

White lotus body slightly shakes, look unnatural return way: "yes!"

Chu Feng didn't pay attention to Bai He's mind any more. He took her waist and flew away directly. In an instant, he disappeared without a trace. If Xuanyuan holy land was not empty, almost all of us would doubt whether Chu Feng had appeared.

However, people in the holy city of Xuanyuan just have some feelings about the changes in Xuanyuan holy land. They don't know that the Xuanyuan holy land is empty now. Most of them are just wondering why the Xuanyuan family members go out so much today, either in the holy city or in the rest of the world.

And their bewilderment, near midnight, finally had an answer.

Xuanyuan Holy Land suddenly emerged in the direction of monstrous spirit, there is a thick evil spirit, in an instant let the whole Xuanyuan secret place present in a tense atmosphere, whether it is the rest of the people or not have a rest are surprised.

Everyone came out to see the direction of Xuanyuan holy land. They were all surprised at what happened. Why did these uncomfortable breath of Xuanyuan family appear in Xuanyuan holy land?

At the moment, Xuanyuan holy land is a different scene. Shangguan Jinghong enters Xuanyuan family with millions of demon Kingdom troops because of the importance of the demon emperor. However, after entering the Xuanyuan family, it seems that the Xuanyuan family is not surrounded by all kinds of soldiers, but is empty. From a distance, there is no one.

Before he came, Shangguan Jinghong still wanted to be arrogant in front of Xuanyuan family members. However, he couldn't see anyone now. Who would he go to?At the same time, Shangguan Jinghong asked the demon domain army to push forward in a carpet way. Anyone who saw the Xuanyuan family, if they resisted, would be killed. At the same time, the demon Zun was always ready. Once any problem was found, he would go over and destroy the people who were in the way.

However, after the demon domain army searched for a circle, all the news was sent back to Shangguan Jinghong, that is, there is no one in the whole Xuanyuan holy land, and even the trace of ordinary small creatures' activities can not be found. Xuanyuan holy land has become a dead city, and no one can be found.

"What's going on?"

After hearing the speech, Shangguan was shocked. The Xuanyuan family has developed for endless years. As the only entrance and exit to the temple world, how could it disappear without a trace?

The Shangguan Jinghong, who didn't believe all this, rose into the air, and the breath of the next God filled the void, and quickly flew over the Xuanyuan holy land. Only after a while, Shangguan Jinghong landed in the main hall of Xuanyuan family, and his look was hard to see. He knew that the strong people in the demon domain did not lie, and all the Xuanyuan family members ran away.

And he abandoned all the accumulated years and ran away. He must have known that the demon domain army was coming, so he left. But where did so many people go? Why can't you catch it at all?

His eyes were a little more ferocious. He asked the demon domain army to go to the holy city to find some people to come back. At the same time, he sent the news here to the demon emperor. The latter asked him to come to Xuanyuan secret land for the purpose of oppressing and subjecting the Xuanyuan family. Now that everything has disappeared, it is necessary to tell the demon emperor.

Almost as soon as the news was sent out, a dazzling door appeared beside Shangguan Jinghong. The demon emperor came out of it with a cold look. He didn't need to check it. But he knew that Xuanyuan family was gone.

A cold hum: "Damn it!"

This is a problem that the demon emperor can't even think of. The reason why the demon emperor sent millions of demon domain troops to come through the secret place of morning light, instead of opening the main channel to go directly, was that the Xuanyuan family would not abandon all their foundation business.

And he also wanted to let the Xuanyuan family enjoy the fear of the war. But now the demon emperor knew that he was wrong, and the impossible things happened one after another.

First, he felt that chufeng couldn't abandon all the people in the temple world. As a result, Chu Feng abandoned it. Then he felt that Xuanyuan family could not abandon the foundation. As a result, it was also wrong. Xuanyuan family not only abandoned the foundation, but also disappeared. The demon emperor's feeling of anger was the most clear to him.

It's normal to make a mistake in judgment once, but when such a problem occurs twice in a row, the demon emperor knows that he still doesn't know Chu Feng. Because the disappearance of Xuanyuan family must have something to do with Chu Feng, except Chu Feng, the demon emperor can't think of anyone who has the ability to evacuate all the Xuanyuan family members.

Shangguan Jinghong stood aside, feeling the anger of the demon emperor, he didn't dare to say a word. He just waited for the order of the demon emperor to be a dog, so he had to have the consciousness of being a dog.

The demon domain strongmen who started to send out also captured more than ten people from the holy city. The demon emperor narrowed his eyes, and the Shangguan Jinghong quickly said, "the Xuanyuan family members can't disappear for no reason, so I'll ask people to catch some people and ask them back, maybe we can find clues!"

"Stupid!" The demon emperor and other Shangguan startled Hong and kicked him to the ground with one kick. He said in a cold voice, "if Xuanyuan family wants to withdraw completely, how can people know their tracks? Even if they know, they are just unimportant people of Xuanyuan family. What do I want those people to do?"

"It's just rubbish. Take the demon Zun with me to the hermit judgment center. If they run away, I don't want you as a dog."

Shangguan Jinghong was ravaged for a while, and did not dare to show any dissatisfaction. When the demon emperor opened the door of dazzling light, he quickly called the demon Zun to follow him in. In a blink of an eye, the matter arrived at the headquarters of the hidden boundary adjudication office, the business district!

But just arrived at this place, the demon emperor's look became more and more ugly, and the atmosphere of anger gradually diffused. The boom of hands was heard all the time. The business district was in the destruction of inch by inch, and there were no ruins left in the end.

Business District, also empty!

The demon emperor's face was ferocious. He knew that he had been played too badly by Chu Feng. He should not fight against the temple world first, but should directly come to Xuanyuan family or the hermit court. In that way, he could control the weak points of Chu Feng.

But now that everything is too late, Chu Feng has disappeared with Xuanyuan family and the people of the hermit court.

"Demon emperor, I have an idea!"

When he saw that there was no one in the business district, Shangguan Jinghong's heart thumped for fear that the demon emperor would kill him because of his anger. The angry Shangguan Jinghong said, "let me handle this matter with my full authority, and I will certainly let Chu Feng show up!"

The demon emperor condensed his eyes and looked at the superior officer, startled Hong: "what method?"

"Kill!" Shangguan Jinghong sneered back: "Chu Feng has taken away the people he values, but he has ignored a problem, that is, the people he values must also have their own people. If the people he values are dead, can Chu Feng still sit back and ignore it?"The demon emperor narrowed his eyes, then laughed wildly, patted Shangguan Jinghong on the shoulder: "very good, you have a lot of brains, congratulations on your value again when I want to kill you."

"But it's better to do it better, or I think it will be more realistic to kill all the people in Shangguan family. Don't think I don't know. Chu Feng took some important women in Shangguan's family,,", "

Shangguan was stunned. He lowered his head and looked pale. He didn't expect that the demon emperor even knew this, and vowed to do it harder to make the demon emperor feel better The Shangguan family had no connection with Chu Feng.

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