Super Healer

Chapter 2559

One by one, or by car?

The demon emperor and nagula all know that chufeng is a man who is not only Iron-blooded but also arrogant. But it is usually time. Now they are in full control of their advantages. Where can chufeng get arrogant capital? If not together, a demon Zun can make him worried. This tone is not afraid of the wind and his tongue flickers.

The demon emperor laughed wildly and said, "Chu Feng, don't say that the devil is back now. You and I can't deal with you. Is it interesting for you to say these words?"

"Yes!" Chu Feng nodded his head seriously, and a pair of eyes also fell into a kind of extreme cold at the moment: "I'm really not your opponent with normal combat effectiveness, even demon Zun can make me very sad, but this little Lord has said to fight with you normally now?"

"Laozi ignites the source of life, not to kill all, but to pull one or two to be buried with him, can we?"

Chu Feng's crazy words made the demon emperor look slightly changed. Even nagula was moved slightly. If what Chu Feng said was true, then he did have the ability to pull at least one person to be buried with him. But that was to say, the demon emperor and nagula calmed down, and their eyes toward Chu Feng were still ironic.

Chu Feng ignites the source of life and stimulates potential. The first battle can really hurt one of them, but they are not fools. Will they give Chu Feng such a chance?

If three people join hands, can Chu Feng be strong enough to fight against the three saints of heaven at the same time?

The answer is obvious, that is impossible!

With a smile of evil spirit, nagula's body slowly moved forward, and her eyes were overcast by the Chu wind. A faint ferocious look appeared: "demon emperor, you and demon Zun have a rest. You have just broken through the holy land. You are not very familiar with the battle of the holy land. Let him have a look at the anger of the ancient demon king!"

All of a sudden, a huge black figure appeared behind nagula, covering the sky and the sun. He held something in his hand as if he wanted to harvest everything. His eyes opened slowly, and Chu Feng's body suddenly shook.

The dark shadow's eyes gave him a sense of death. What was the matter and why did he have this feeling?

Squinting his eyes, Chu Feng was uncomfortable all over. He turned all kinds of ideas in his mind, and finally his eyes fell on nagula: "are you the present world of the ancient devil?"

At present, only the demon emperor knows these things, but Chu Feng just remembered the first news he got, that is, nagura wants to revive the ancient demon king with the blood of the Western Protoss. According to the truth, nagura has entered the holy land, and the ancient demon king should appear.

However, until now, Chu Feng has not seen the ancient demon king. When he thinks of the evil scene when nagula broke through the holy land, Chu Feng has such a conjecture that nagula is the present life of the ancient demon king. The ancient demon king who fell down at the beginning hid all the people and left a ray of vitality. Until today, he is integrated with the present nagula and enters a stronger realm.

Nagula just burst out laughing, did not answer Chu Feng's question, and he did not answer is already an answer, Chu Feng's look suddenly changed ugly.

The huge black shadow behind nagula suddenly moved directly, and the object in his hand swept directly towards the Chu wind, just like the scythe of death. Chu Feng scolded him for being damned, and his body passed through the void and went directly to the distance.

Looking back, I found that nagula didn't catch up with her. She just stood in the original place with a smile on her face.

All of a sudden, a sense of danger appeared behind Chu Feng. His left eye blinked and saw a picture, but his reaction was a little slower. Everyone was in the stage of saints, and many of the means that could be used before were meaningless at this moment.

The scythe of the God of death who began to fall out of the sky unexpectedly broke out of the sky, and fiercely banged on his body behind the Chu wind, and directly cut off the left side of the magic light wing.

The wings of magic light itself has no substance, and the scythe of death has no substance. Under the collision of the two, the force of terror naturally arises. Because of this attack, Chu Feng has a feeling of intense pain in all four limbs and hundreds of skeletons, so he can not cry out, and only when his body falls towards the sky can he be regarded as barely stable.

"Chu Feng, enjoy it slowly!"

Nagula burst into laughter when he was able to strike. The huge shadow behind him kept waving the scythe of the God of death. Each time contained the power of the law of terror, and all of them suddenly appeared around the body of Chu Feng. Even if nagula was thousands of miles away, he could kill people in the formless.

Chu Feng's left eye twinkled with the difficulty of evading the attack of the death god sickle. He also knew that this kind of attack would not cause too much damage to his body, but would cause heavy damage to his soul.

Because the scythe of death does not attack the entity, but the soul. If it is accidentally touched, the soul will be hurt, which is more serious than the simple physical body.

The attack continued to break through the air, but Chu Feng's left eye always made him alert in advance. Slowly, nagula also found that such an attack could not play a big role in chufeng. After squinting his eyes, he showed a cold smile with a three-point banter and a seven point cruelty.

His hands were open, and his voice was low: "up!"

All of a sudden, everything around is changing. The attack stops temporarily. Chu Feng finds that his surroundings are slowly turning black, and he still can't see the darkness. Although these are nothing to him who has a left eye, even if he has a left eye in the dark, he may not be able to avoid countless attacks.It is also found that with the darkness shrouded, the huge black shadow behind nagula is completely integrated with the darkness, and it can not be seen at all, because it itself is a shadow without substance. Now it is impossible to see it in the darkness. Even the left eye of Chu Feng can not see the shadow of darkness.

The demon emperor, the demon Zun, and the Gula are all gone. There is only Chu Feng in the dark.

After a quiet moment, nagula's voice of abuse sounded: "Chu Feng, how many soul attacks can you avoid? I'm very curious. Enjoy it slowly. After your soul dies, let the demon emperor invade your body and become a new taboo! "

Then there was the laughter of the demon emperor and nagula, which could be heard that they were totally playing cat and mouse and treating Chu Feng as a monkey.

Chu Feng also knows that, but now the world is blocked. In addition to being played as a monkey, he doesn't have much strength to fight back, and he is very depressed. However, even the most oppressive and unyielding can be tolerated by Chu Feng. What he is thinking now is how to break through the darkness and not face the attack that damages the soul. It's not fun.

However, even though he could not think of any way, the feeling of danger came quickly. Chu Feng's left eye twinkled, and the corners of his mouth crossed with a bitter smile. Because he was in the dark, he could not see that it was the black attack at all.

Can only rely on their own feelings and left eye calculation, five minutes after the screen Dodge, did not suffer any damage for a time.

In the outside world, the demon emperor couldn't see the situation in the dark. He only knew that Chu Feng was completely trapped in it, and his face did not fluctuate. However, he had set off a storm in his heart, because this move, not to mention Chu Feng, could not be stopped by him. Moreover, depending on the situation, it was not nagula's strongest means.

Hold back the shock in the heart, demon emperor skin smile flesh don't smile open a mouth: "devil son, that Chu wind now how?"

"I don't know!" Nagula shook her head and just looked at the darkness in front of her: "now he must not be able to get out of the demon king's soul, and I can't see what's going on inside. But it's pitch black. Even if the saints can't see clearly, if you want to wait for the darkness to be removed, Chu Feng will be completely disillusioned."

The corner of his mouth raised a ponder and looked at the demon Emperor: "at that time, you can use the big Shura to devour your body and occupy the body of Chu Feng, which will become a new taboo."

The demon emperor's face was smiling, but in his heart, he had been wary of nagula. He began to wonder what the huge shadow was. Now he knew that it was the soul of the ancient demon king, and the demon emperor knew that he was not the opponent of nagula, at least not for the time being, because the latter had two souls in one, and both spirits had strong power.

The soul of the ancient demon king can directly cause heavy damage to other people's souls. The soul of nagula controls the noumenon and can also issue strong fighting power. It can be said that the present nagula is equivalent to two saints.

The demon Zun standing indifferent to the corner of his eye glanced, and the demon emperor sighed slightly. If nagula didn't have any good means, he would devour the demon Zun. Otherwise, the demon Zun would be hard to control in the future. In the face of nagula, he would not say anything about fair cooperation.

When Chu Feng was trapped in the soul of the ancient demon king, Zhang yun'er and Bai he were always here on the barren planet separated by ten thousand layers. Even if they could not leave this planet, Chu Feng could not be seen on the screen at the moment. It was completely dark, and both of them had some tension in their hearts.

Zhang Yuner is worried about the safety of Chu Feng. Bai He is nervous that Chu Feng can't die now. As for why, only she knows.

The former clenched the powder fist, and his lips were about to be broken: "white lotus, launch the strongest attack on me and force my soul out of the body."

"Are you crazy?" Baihe heard the speech and said: "the soul out of the body can ignore all obstacles and travel through the world, but can you definitely save Chu Feng from the spirit body of the ancient demon king? Don't you not only can't save Chu Feng, you can't even come back, that's the end of twin taboo! "

Zhang yun'er has decided that instead of waiting for the unknown result, it's better to go out of the body and go to the spirit world. Even if he can't save Chu Feng, he can die with him.

But at this time, the darkness on the screen quietly dispersed, and nagula took back the soul of the ancient demon king. When the original situation was restored, Zhang Yuner and Bai He both looked stunned and said, "what's the matter?"

On the sea surface of the spirit world, the demon emperor and nagula also said in astonishment: "what about Chu wind?"

When the darkness recedes, even if Chu Feng has already lost his soul, he has at least left his body. But at this moment, let alone Chu Feng's body, even a trace of hair can't be caught.

The demon emperor and nagula looked at each other and didn't know how to explain all this. Blinking, they were repeating a question in their hearts. Where was Chu Feng?

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