Super Healer

Chapter 2568

"Father, it's a thrill!"

The official came to the corpse of Shangguan Jinghong after the day, looked at his son's eyes, indicating his intention of dying and not to close his grave. His lips trembled and opened, and he could feel that heavy and sad.

There are countless years, but only one wife, only one child, and now the only son died, the Shangguan chasing the heart of grief, many people can understand, so heard the static of the Shangguan family saw this scene, silent did not make a sound, just occasionally to stand on the empty do not know what to do Chu wind.

The upper official Mingheng looks a little trance, slowly walked past, did not squat down he stood there to watch his own grandson, now has died, ironically still died in his own grandson's hands, and asked Shangguan Mingheng how to be well received in his heart.

One is his own grandson, the other is his own grandson. Even if he has done anything more, he is his grandson in the eyes of Mingheng, the official. Now he is dying like this. Mingheng, the upper official, can not accept the scene in front of him.

But he can not hate Chu Feng, because if it is the other people, Chu Feng can kill, why can not he kill it if he is changed to a superior officer?

If you do something wrong, you should take responsibility. No matter when it is a fact that can not be changed, the superior officer is surprised because of his mistake. At this moment, it is his life to pay, and it is still unable to recover the life that comes again.

Raise head to take a deep breath, the tone of lonely opening: "clean up a good burial!"

"Father!" The officer shouted after the day, pointing to Chu Feng on the dome: "I have knelt down for him. Why did he kill Jinghong, it was wrong to surprise Hong in the matters of feimen and South City, but how could he say to kill him?"

The official Mingheng can not accept it in his heart, but he can imagine: "because in the heart of Chu Feng, blood is only a continuous connection, only getting along with each other is the most real emotion. Although feiyuxin once sorry for him, even framed him."

"But don't forget that at the end of life, feiyuxin can die for Chu Feng. A woman so loves him. Chu Feng will recover justice for her family. He should be, or he will not be a man."

After a while, Mingheng continued: "and you should be glad that Chu Feng's mother called Shangguan yingyue, or the death today is not the Shangguan Jinghong one person, but the whole Shangguan family, everyone!"

The official gently shook his head after the sun. All the things Mingheng said could be understood and knew that the officer should be killed for his crime of startling the emperor.

But what is more, not all his son, really look at his death when the heart is not able to put down, but he even hate Chu Feng also can not find a better reason, because Chu Feng killed the officer even if said out, the truth is hard.

Can not die only by the identity of relatives and cousins. How can it be possible?

Chu Feng, who is above the void, listens to the words of Mingheng, the superior official. He is glad that others can understand their difficulties and whether they hate themselves or not, because he has made the worst plan before he wants to kill the officer and frighten Hong.

That is, when we have to, even if we are against the whole Shangguan family, we will kill Shangguan and surprise Hong. Otherwise, we can't comfort the people who died in Nancheng, and those miserable people in the gate. I am sorry for the rain in heaven.

So no matter how, Shangguan Jinghong must die, even if the superior official Ming hang-on people can not forgive, Chu Feng also has no regrets for their own practices.

The eyes calmed down, and the people in the demon area and spirit circle were coming to the upper official family area. A lot of people were gathered just before the death of the Shangguan. And they were still increasing. However, as long as the emperor did not appear, Chu Feng didn't mind the more people the better.

The body slowly rises, ignoring the people coming from all directions, the realm of the demon God has been removed, otherwise these people will not be able to approach the upper official family territory at all.

The corner of the mouth raised a cruel and extreme smile. Chu Feng's right hand slowly lifted up and opened. Minghong magic sword sparkled the magic light and appeared in the palm of the palm and turned gently. A hidden and non hair breath surrounded the body of Minghong magic sword, which was bloodthirsty and gloomy, and gave a kind of indifference of cold.

The people in demon field and spirit world also saw Chu wind above the void, and felt the horror breath of Ming Hong magic sword. The eyes of all people were more alarmed. They knew that it was Chu wind, but they didn't know why the demon emperor and nagula were not here yet.

They didn't say that if Chu Feng appeared, they would come in the first time. Now Chu wind has appeared, and their people?

"All for me to die!"

They speculated the mind of the demon emperor and nagula that Chu wind burst into the sky and drank it. The sound was huge, which contained the horror of anger and killing machine. Suddenly, the sword power flashed countless sword lights, just like the flowers scattered by heaven and women were shooting towards the upper official family.

Even the four family territory of the past, the five holy monarch territory has not escaped. The attack of the magic sword seems to have long eyes, which is constantly raging the people in the spirit and demon regions. No matter where they hide, they can not avoid the attack of the magic sword.One by one, one by one, the sound of the wail roar, staged the lament of life.

But that person is Chu Feng, which is shouldering the name of the peerless killing God, taboo demon God!

No one knows how many people's blood has been stained in Chu Feng's hands. So even if all the people in the demon realm and the spirit world in the temple world are killed, Chu Feng will not be moved at all, because compared with their sins, this is nothing at all. Those who die in feimen should also be sacrificed by them.

The screams are continuous, and the evil power of terror covers the whole temple world. The prestige of saints spreads out everywhere. No one knows how many people in the demon Kingdom and the spirit world die, but it is definitely a terrible number.

When the scream stops, the attack of the magic sword disappears and everything around becomes quiet. Only the corpses are left on the ground, all of them are people from the demon Kingdom and the spirit world.

Chu Feng, who has entered the holy land, has been able to selectively kill people with his ideas. In the two major regions of the temple world, not to mention all of them have died, but at least 80% of them have also died. However, either the demon emperor or nagula has not appeared, as if they don't know what happened.

But Chu Feng believes that they absolutely do not know, but there are more important things, just what is in the end can let the demon emperor and nagula do not even come to him, this Chu Feng is not known.

However, if it does not appear, it will be a good thing after all, which will also avoid the first World War.

His eyes twinkled, his mouth opened, and his voice thundered: "all the people in the demon Kingdom and the spirit world have been killed by me. Those who want to leave the temple area and the Holy City area should take advantage of it. Otherwise, when the demon emperor and nagula arrive, you will inevitably become the people who are angry! "The words of Chu wind shaking the heaven and earth made the people in the temple area and the holy city shake up, and even the news is constantly spreading, and the whole temple world is boiling. Except for the crowd in remote places, people near the entrance and exit of the temple world all go to the entrance and exit, enter the secret place of morning light, and then disperse to the small world.

In everyone's panic, Chu Feng also took back the wings of the magic light and returned to the ground. Seeing Shangguan chasing the sun, he picked up the body of Shangguan Jinghong. Chu Feng just glanced lightly and then moved away: "at first, you can stay, but now you must leave."

"But do you want to go by yourself or with me?"

The Shangguan family looked at each other and knew that this time was not a joke.

Whether it is the death of Shangguan Jinghong or the killing of so many people in the demon Kingdom and the spirit world by Chu Feng, it is enough for the demon emperor and nagula to get angry. Moreover, there are so many people in the temple world. If the Shangguan family stays, it will definitely become the vent object of the demon emperor and nagula.

It's just that if they go by themselves, they don't know where to go. If they follow Chu Feng, they don't have any opinions, but now Shangguan Jinghong has just been killed by Chu Feng. They don't know what Shangguan Mingheng and Shangguan chasing the sun mean.

Shangguan chased the sun and looked at the dead Shangguan in his arms. His eyes flashed sad and said nothing.

The Shangguan Mingheng next to him is the head of the family after all. Although he is grieved about the death of Shangguan Jinghong, he still has to consider for the rest of the family. If so many people die, he will be the criminal of Shangguan family.

After a moment of silence, Shangguan Mingheng patted Shangguan on the shoulder of chasing the sun: "look open a little bit, some things happen, none of us can do anything, everything should look forward, so that our heart will be a little better, don't be blinded by family affection, everything should be based on the overall situation."

Shangguan understood the meaning of Shangguan Mingheng, but he also raised his head to look at Chu Feng: "Jinghong has done something worse than a beast. Are you willing to protect Shangguan family?"

"It started with me." Chu Feng didn't answer Shangguan's words of chasing the sun, but answered a sentence in his heart.

Shangguan was silent after the sun. He turned to see that almost all the people in Shangguan's family came. He knew that he could hate Chu Feng, but he could not let the Shangguan family members suffer from possible danger because of his emotions.

Heart is very sad, but still heavily nodded: "we go with you!"

Chu Feng looked at Shangguan Mingheng, which also meant the same thing. Without wasting much time, Chu Feng directly put all the people of Shangguan's family into the demon world.

When all the Shangguan family members were included in the demon world, Chu Feng stood on the dark sky and looked at the empty temple area. He raised his hand with deep eyes. Suddenly, the earth trembled. When all the buildings behind and the people who had died in the demon Kingdom and spiritual world were buried in the ground, the temple area suddenly became ruins The existence of.

Chu Feng took back his hand and looked at the night sky with deep eyes: "demon emperor, nagula, what are you doing in the end?"

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