Super Healer

Chapter 2595

Bingjing asks other people in the ice palace to go back to rest, but be careful not to leave the ice palace. What Mo Li said is not just for fun. If the people in the ice palace really want to leave, she will definitely kill them.

Then he just took ice blue and ice moon back to his bedroom. In the bedroom made by ice and snow, ice crystal sat down with her eyebrows locked, and let them sit down. The latter two looked similar to ice crystal, and they were both frowning.

Now, the oppression of Mohist people is more serious than that of the Huo clan coalition army two days ago. Although there are only three people, they are worth thousands of troops.

"Elder martial sister, are we staying like this?"

Bingyue frowned and said in a soft voice: "that Mokang is a lecherous. If it goes on like this, we Ice Palace sisters will be humiliated."

Ice crystal and ice blue didn't answer. They understood what bingyue said, but now they can't even protect themselves. What's more, they have to rescue other sisters? Moreover, if they try to stop it, they will not only involve themselves, but also involve more people. This is not a desirable way.

The bedroom quieted down, and the three of them did not speak. In the past, when there was the boundary between the ancestors of the ice palace, they could feel a little more at ease. Today, when the border was raised, it was broken by Mo Kang. The feeling that they would be persecuted at any time without fortification made their hearts very heavy.

Don't know how long silence, ice crystal broke the silence: "you all go to rest, perhaps this is the fate of Ice Palace, we think too much, there is no way, other I will see to do, you don't have to worry about me."

Binglan and bingyue want to talk, but Bingjing waves to let them go quickly. Both of them can see that they are upset on her face, but she doesn't lose her temper.

In the end, both of them did not stay and left Bingjing's bedroom. After they left, the ice crystal powder fist hit the table in front of them. The table made of ice and snow cracked and finally fell to the ground.

As the leader of the ice palace, in addition to leading everyone to become strong and ensure the long-term survival of the ice palace, he also needs to protect everyone's safety. However, today several ice palace women were taken away by Mo Kang as playthings. Bing Jing didn't say a word, which made her almost collapse because of her anxiety and suffering.

At that time, she really wanted to stand out and tell Mo Kang to let go of the others and rush to her if there was anything.

But Bingjing didn't do that, because she knew that she was the master of the ice palace and the driving force for all the people in the ice palace to support. If she was trampled by mohang, the support in other people's hearts would collapse, and it would be more impossible for her to persist in it.

She just doesn't say these words, but she feels that she is useless and can't protect the people in the ice palace. There are a few today, maybe a dozen tomorrow, and then all the women in the ice palace will become the playthings of others.

Bingjing think of it, the heart is very tired, tired just want to find a shoulder to rely on.

Binglan and bingyue didn't know the mood of Bingjing after they left. They only separated when they came back to their residence. Ice blue, which has always been cold and serious, has less words today. Everyone is oppressed by Mo Kang and makes them feel bad.

Bingyue returns to her residence. She feels very warm and stable when she comes back at night. What she feels today is only cold.

A moment ago, she was still thinking about going out for training to find Chu Feng. Now she is oppressed by the Mohist school. She lies on the ice bed, and tears of ice moon can't help but flow out. She drops on the ice bed and soon condenses into ice.

Measuring a body, bingyue originally wanted to be comfortable. Suddenly, she saw a dark shadow in front of her eyes. Subconsciously, she wanted to move her hands and felt her body became weak. She lay limp on the ice bed, and could not even make a sound.

Looking at the person in front of him, he completely covered his face and didn't know who he was. However, from his figure, he knew that this was a man.

Bingyue's heart was in a panic. In the middle of the night, a man suddenly appeared in her room. What did she want to do? Bingyue's mind sprouted pictures. If she could cry, she must have screamed.

And this masked man is Chu Feng, who avoids Mo Li, who is guarding the outside, and quietly comes to bingyue's residence. The reason why he is covered is that he doesn't want bingyue to recognize himself. This time, he is not ready to attack, because the enemy is in the dark, which is the safest.

Of course, it's not in the light, but a chess piece can be arranged in the light, and the ice moon is very suitable.

Chu Feng reached out his hand and grabbed bingyue's collar. Then he held it in his arms. Seeing bingyue's eyes turning there, he knew that he wanted to say no, but Chu Feng ignored bingyue's request and walked out of the ice house with her in his arms. No matter Mo Kang, Mo Li and Mo Qian, he didn't know that anyone had entered the ice palace.

Across thousands of miles, Chu Feng chose to go towards the uninhabited area. I don't know how long it took to fly. With the ice moon, Chu Feng landed in a desolate black rock area. There was nothing but black stones. At first glance, they were all big black stones.Chu Feng puts bingyue down and unties the meridian blockade on her body. Feeling the recovery of her strength, bingyue quickly gets up and flashes out more than ten meters away, and stares at Chu Feng with vigilance.

Tone a little shivering said: "that you don't touch me, I have a favorite person."

Chu Feng Earl smile, bingyue is really too simple, if he is really interested in her to do something, how can he care whether she has a favorite person, anyway, he doesn't fall in love with her and get the body.

However, in order to make bingyue cooperate with him, Chu Feng changed his tone and said: "don't worry, I won't do anything to you. I just want to improve your cultivation and let you ice palace survive this disaster. I also helped you to solve the ice palace crisis two days ago. You don't need to be on guard against me."

Bingyue hears the speech, frowns and stares at Chu Feng. She really doesn't feel any malice. She also feels the faint breath hidden from Chu Feng. At first, she is still afraid that Chu Feng will strengthen her face. "You are a saint!"

That breath is not the breath of the divine realm. It is more powerful and surging than that of the divine realm. There is also a peaceful breath. Bingyue has never seen a saint, but this breath must be a saint, and it is just like seeing the water of Chu Feng. He mistakenly thinks that the person in front of him is daozun.

"You don't care about that."

Chu Feng didn't hide his breath, but he didn't say anything to bingyue: "take off your clothes first, and then I'll help you improve your cultivation. I believe if you hurry up, you will not be persecuted by Mo Kang tomorrow."

Bingyue's stunned eyes suddenly became vigilant and held her hands in front of her chest: "that, if you are willing to help me, I will be very grateful, but you are a great power, you are a saint, you can't be so stingy, and I have to repay you with my body, no way!"

Chu Feng almost dropped his chin on the ground. He wanted bingyue to take off his clothes in order to improve his cultivation. He didn't want bingyue to think about these things.

Glancing over the bitter smile, Chu Feng thought for a moment, knowing that bingyue was still vigilant. She could not understand her explanation. She pointed to one side: "sit down, but remember one thing. You are not allowed to tell others about the things I brought you out tonight, even your elder martial sister."

Seeing that Chu Feng has not let himself take off his clothes, bingyue nodded and sat down according to Chu Feng. Chu Feng also sat behind bingyue and closed his eyes.

Although the demon world can't be opened, as long as the demon Kingdom still exists, then we can mobilize the power of origin. Chu Feng puts his hands on the body of bingyue, and his strength begins to surge into bingyue's body.

He was still wondering how Chu Feng wanted to improve his accomplishments, and even wondered who Chu Feng was and why he wanted to help the ice palace. He felt that all kinds of strength had entered into his body, which was pure and comfortable. He did not know how many times more powerful than his usual practice.

All of a sudden, bingyue's little head didn't think about it any more. She knew that this was an opportunity for her. If she grasped this opportunity, she might be able to improve her accomplishments.

With the passage of time, bingyue was completely shocked and numb. She not only improved her accomplishments, but also continued to improve. There was a breath of divine state in the void, which was a sign that she was about to break through the divine realm. Bingyue was careful to keep her mind and mind and did not think about anything else. She knew that her hope was coming this time.

A roar of nine gods thunder from the sky, but also shocked the small world.

However, Chu Feng changed the vision of heaven and earth temporarily by the supreme Saint Weili, so everyone could not see and feel the breath of breakthrough in the divine realm. It was only when thunder suddenly broke out.

Under the first thunder, the clothes of ice moon completely turned into powder, and the baby bound by tight underwear jumped out directly, and the white body also appeared in the air.

"Keep your mind, or you will be possessed by the devil!"

Bingyue felt the pain on her body and felt a little cold. When she wanted to open her eyes, Chu Feng whispered in her back.

Bingyue quickly kept her spirit and didn't dare to open her eyes to see it. She just thought that she had nothing to wear now and was sitting in front of a man. Bingyue felt shy, especially when her big baby, which she usually deliberately hid, jumped out. Would she be made fun of?

At the moment, Chu Feng is not in the mood to appreciate these, and constantly urges the powerful force to enter the body of the ice moon, helping her to break through safely to the next God.

When she was excited by bingyue, she broke through from the mid demigod stage to the end of the next God. She found that the strength in her body was still increasing. It was strange how a person could help others to improve their cultivation, and quickly guided the power into the body to constantly improve their own cultivation.

When the pale fish belly appears in the sky, Chu Feng also takes back his hand, and the state of ice moon stays in the upper God.

Chu Feng stood up, and bingyue also opened her eyes. She just sat on the ground, opened her hands and looked at herself. Last night, she was in the middle of the demigod period. Today, she has become a superior God. If everything is not so real, bingyue will think that she is dreaming.Chu Feng went to her side and looked at the proud figure of bingyue. Her throat wriggled and moved away. She also said, "it's getting bright. I'll send you back. Remember what I told you last night that I never appeared. As for your breakthrough, you don't know it. Do you understand?"

Bingyue nodded to get up. She looked at Chu Feng with adoration in her eyes. She also found that she had no clothes on. Everything was exposed in front of Chu Feng. Her excited face suddenly turned red. She didn't know where to cover her hands. Finally, she covered her face directly.

Chufeng coughed gently, looking at the proud figure of bingyue. At first, she felt it through her clothes. Now I really want to feel it with my own hands. However, to think about it, Chu Feng is not really an animal.

A dazzling door opened between the hands: "go in, directly back to your residence, quickly find clothes to put on."

Bingyue is full of shyness at the moment. She can't manage so much. She doesn't doubt whether there is any danger. She walks in quickly. When she finds herself back at her residence, she remembers one thing and forgets to leave a voice mark with the strong one just now.

The transmission mark is the secret connection of the world!

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