Super Healer

Chapter 2618

Tao respects the world, just as the sun sets, before the stone palace of Mohism, there is a sea of people.

But there were a lot of people, but they were very quiet. Everyone looked at the woman sitting on the ground limply in front of the stone palace. Their eyes were complicated, because it was Tang Youyou, the sequel wife of Mo Lin, the leader of Mo family. But now it is being ravaged by Mo Yun himself. Now, sitting there has no strength to fight back.

In addition to the Mohists, there are also Lu family members here. Lu Hui is the first to stand in the front, and the Mohist leader is an elder of the middle God.

As for where Mo Lin and Lu Ren went, no one knows, only that Tang youyou is said to have betrayed Mo Yun and other men and lingered on. After teaching Tang youyou a lesson, Mo Xuan did not know where he went and went with Lu Ren.

And now so many people gathered here to witness the next killing!

Lu Zhen of Lujia points out that Tang youyou and men have been having sex with each other. Mo Xun directly asks a senior woman of Mohist school to investigate and finds that Tang youyou has had sex recently. However, since this period of time, Mo Yun has been busy with the mysterious strong man in the small world, and he has no friends at all.

Undoubtedly, it has been confirmed that Tang youyou combined with a man with a Mohist on his back, so that the Mohist clan leader wore a green hat.

Sitting on the ground, Tang youyou nodded slightly and swept everyone present with a cold smile. She didn't expect that she would have today, but she won't regret it again. It's better to fight for a chance of freedom than to be a plaything of Mo Lin to protect the Tang family.

But this time she failed, Chu Feng let her down, a message has not been sent, and even the message is not returned.

Mo's parents always see that Tang youYou can still laugh at this time. His face is gloomy and he says: "what are you laughing at? As the clan leader's wife, you represent the face of our family. But you have no shame to have sex with men, which makes our patriarch ashamed. You can not only be ashamed, but also laugh?"

Tang youyou stands up with her body propped up. Her body is slightly shaking, which is more than the rage of Mohan. At the moment, her body is on the verge of collapse.

"Tang youyou!" The elder of the Mohist school is the one who upholds the rules of the Mohist school. Seeing Tang you're not repentant, he says, "do you know what's wrong?"

"No regrets!" Tang youyou coughed gently. Although he looked very embarrassed, the demeanor of the whole person still existed: "give me another chance, I will still choose to betray Mo Lin, I have never loved him, everything is forced by him, I hate him."

"Whenever he touches me, I think of my dead father. I hate him. I hate everyone in Mohist school."

The Mo elder's face was gloomy, and suddenly he raised his hand and burst his strength on Tang youyou's body: "Damn, I don't know shame, I don't know how to repent, come on!"

The crowd slowly dispersed. Tang Youyou, who had fallen to the ground, looked at him with a slight twinkling of his eyes. He took advantage of his strength and said, "despicable!"

Under the leadership of Mo Qian, the Mohist people came in with the core members of the Tang family. In front of them was her niece Tang Yi. It just seemed that everyone was in a mess. Obviously, before they were captured by the Mohist people, they all suffered from oppression and torture.

Mo Qian stopped with a sneer: "mean? You carry my father behind your back to accompany other men, are you good? You are a shameless, dissolute woman

Tang youyou swept Mo Qian with cold eyes. If it was her heyday, she would kill Mo Qian, a shameless villain. Unfortunately, after being ravaged by Mo, she had no strength at all, and even had no strength to mobilize. Mo Qian, an ordinary Taoist, could make her pay the price at the moment.

"Auntie!" Tang Yiyou, who wants to run out of the house, just throws up blood.

"Tang Yi!" Tang youyou shouts nervously when he sees his favorite niece wretched.

He wanted to hold on to Tang Yi, but he was kicked by Mo Qian as soon as he went out. Tang youyou clenched his teeth and didn't cry out. He looked at Mo Qian with indignation in his eyes, and hated Chu Feng in his heart. He thought that Chu Feng was a negative man who had played with her.

Mo Qian squatted down and said in a voice that only he and Tang youyou could hear, he said: "I was very interested in you, but I didn't think you were such a woman and committed to that mysterious powerful person. If it wasn't for Lu Zhen, I can't imagine that you are such a loose woman."

"To give you a chance to live, to be my secret woman, and I will make your life safe."

Tang youyou sneered. When Mo Qian thought he was in charge of everything, he said with a sneer: "Mo Qian, even if I betrayed your father, it is also your father's sequel. You even want me to be your woman. You are really a good son."

Tang youyou's words make Mo Qian's face change greatly. Hearing the laughter of some deer family around him, he is even more angry. He hits Tang youyou with a fist and says, "shameless woman is nonsense. I will kill the Tang family according to my father's will. It will be your punishment for betraying my father and Mohist family."

Mo Qian, who felt that he had lost all his old face, was completely angry at the moment. He quickly passed by and killed two Tang family members.Tang youyou stares at her coldly and doesn't say a word. She knows that no matter what she says, the Tang family will have bad luck today.

It's not because she has pity on Chu Feng secretly, but Mo Xun can't bear it. Her physical betrayal is just another time. For the sake of the complete freedom of the Tang family, Tang youyou has no regrets about such a choice. She is only angry with Chu Feng and doesn't recognize people when she puts on her pants.

Because he was humiliated by Tang youyou's words, Mo Qian expressed his anger by killing completely. The Tang family members died one by one, and the people present also saw his cruelty.

Tang youyou didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, because no matter how much he said, it couldn't change the ending. It's very good that Mo Xun didn't do it himself. It's absolutely impossible for him not to vent his pent up anger.

At the moment, I also know that the masked young girl who followed Chu Feng was Lu Zhen.

It's just that she paid little attention to Lu Zhen before, and Tang youyou didn't recognize it. If she knew that it was Tang Youyou, she would not care what chufeng was going to do. She would kill Lu Zhen without mercy. In this way, what happened now would not happen. One by one, the people of the Tang family were killed by Mo Qian.

"Stop it!"

When Mo Qian is completely involved in the killing and cutting, Mo Li comes from one side and says, "Tang youyou is wrong, but it's her personal fault. Who let you kill the whole Tang family?"

Mo Qian stopped and coldly said, "roll!"

"Mo Qian!" Mo left Leng for a while, eyes than Mo Qian even cold: "you say again, I did not hear clearly."

Mo Qian looks a little angry and embarrassed. He knows that he shouldn't have called Mo Li Juan just now, because Mo Li is a crazy woman. If he dares to say a rolling word, he will fight with him immediately. If he doesn't say that rolling word, people around him will make fun of him.

His fist clenched slightly and killed a Tang family with one fist. He also said in a cold voice: "it's not that I am bloodthirsty. This is what my father meant. Do you want to disobey my father's decision? If you don't dare, get out of here

After saying this, Mo Qian felt very comfortable in his heart. With Mo's instructions, he didn't need to be polite to Mo Li. Of course, he would not repeat a word of "rolling", but he would explain it again. I believe Mo Li didn't dare to start with him at will.

Sure enough, heard this is the meaning of Mo Lin, Mo Li's face scattered a bit of haze, but she still did not mean to leave, went to Tang Yi in front of her and helped her up.

His eyes slightly cold swept Mo Qian: "father is because of Tang youyou's infidelity will be angry to make an unwise decision, I hope you don't follow his father together confused, wrong in one person, then against one person, not because of one person brewing a blood case, I ask you to stop now, if you kill Tang Youyou, it has nothing to do with Tang family and other people."

Some deer family members nodded slightly, and the deer owl standing next to Lu Hui stepped forward: "Miss Moli said that one person made mistakes, one person should bear."

Mo Li and Lu Xiao both said such words. Some people with a little conscience in their hearts nodded slightly, feeling that Tang youyou should not be implicated in the whole Tang family because of Tang youyou. It's too bloody.

"What's your business?"

Mo Qian was said by so many people, his face changed a little, and he was angry and angry: "this is our Mo family's business, and Tang family is also our Mohist family's subsidiary. Tang Youyou, as the master of the Tang family, is also the wife of the Mohist clan leader. If you don't know self-respect, you have to pay a price. To let others know that betraying the Mohist school is not a person's business."

With his hands raised, more than a dozen powerful members of the Mohist School stepped forward. Everyone held a knife in their hands. Mo Qian gave a cruel smile: "choosing to betray the Mohist school is the whole family's business."

More than a dozen strong Mohists all raised their swords in their hands, and ink left their faces tight: "Mo Qian!"

However, Mo Qian didn't hear Mo Li's words at all. When the big hand fell down, more than a dozen powerful Mohists also dropped their swords. Then the Tang family fell to the ground. How can they resist the lethal sword?

Being supported by Mo Li, Tang Yi saw the man who fell down and burst into tears: "father, mother!"

In the killing just now, Tang Yi's parents were killed directly. Tang Youyou, who was shaking and falling at any time, swept around every Mohist who supported the killing of the Tang family: "you will have retribution."

When Mo Qian heard the speech, he laughed and joked in his eyes: "retribution? I knew that you betrayed my father's retribution, "

" you see, what is that? " Mo Qian's words have not finished, was interrupted by a strong deer family, he pointed to the sky above like a meteor falling flame tail, said anxiously.

Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted. Tang youyou also raised his head with difficulty. He was stunned for a moment and also showed a smile. He fell on the ground with a soft body: "my wife, it's so nice not to be played in vain."

On the other side, the Mohist elder who had watched Mo Qian wreak havoc on the Tang family was the first to react. His face changed greatly: "saint, that's not a meteor flame, it's a saint!"

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