Super Healer

Chapter 2629

The demon emperor and nagula fell out. The war between them destroyed three small worlds, which made all the world in a faint trance. The two men who cooperated with each other to fight against Chu Feng finally parted ways.

However, the fall of Chang'e, the youngest daughter of emperor Jun, who was once the Lord of heaven, and the master of Guanghan palace, even more, Chang'e, who entered the holy land through seven generations and seven lives, has fallen like this. Many people are hard to accept the fact that saints can also fall?

At the same time, there are also news that Chang'e's death is an important factor that caused nagula and the demon emperor to turn over. Of course, few people know whether the specific truth is like this.

The only thing I know is that the five forbidden areas in the future, I'm afraid, will not be too peaceful.

In the demon world, before the demon hall.


Lu Wan took advantage of the dispute between the demon emperor and nagula, quietly left with Chang'e when the blockade was lifted, and returned to the world of demons. At the moment, Dongfang Yun was holding Chang'e as if her body was asleep and was crying. People around her were sour.

Xuanyuan Huining is also very sad, because Lagerstroemia Xuanyuan is one of Chang'e's six lives. Now that Chang'e is dead, it means that several other people are dead and will never come back.

In the sad atmosphere, Dongfang Yunyang looked at Lu Wan with indignation: "it's all your fault. If it wasn't for you, the master would not have died."

Lu Wan was silent and did not speak, because Dongfang Yun's accusation was correct. If it were not for her, Chang'e would not have followed her out of the demon world and would not have stood in front of her when she was going to be killed by nagula.

At the moment, when she calmed down, Lu Wan knew that Chang'e didn't stop nagula's deadly attack for no reason, but because of the child in her stomach.

There is no doubt that Chang'e is deeply in love with Chu Feng. In her body, there are other six Sheng's thoughts, which to a certain extent even affected Chang'e's behavior. At that time, they certainly did not want her to die, because there were children of Chu Feng in her belly, and they could not sit and watch the children of beloved men die with her.

Lu Wan felt guilty and sad in her heart, and deeply understood that she was kind when she shouldn't be.

Now the demon emperor and nagula control the absolute advantage. The best way is to avoid the edge and accumulate certain strength, and then destroy the demon emperor and nagula when they are strong enough. When they are not sure, they will not only be unable to stop the behavior of the demon emperor and nagula, but also put themselves into it. After that, all the worlds will still suffer from rampage.

Lu Wan has always been very rational, but this time she knew she was really wrong, because her mistake made chang e die.

In addition to Dongfang Yun, no one criticized her impulse, but it doesn't mean that they don't blame her in everyone's heart. It's just because she is a god worshiper and Lu Wan, so no one said it.

Standing in the same place, Lu Wan's mood became more and more miserable. She wanted to leave here and find a place to be quiet. She was afraid that she was evading her responsibility. Chang'e died for her, but she hid herself. It can only be said that LV Wan is standing there, and the whole person is uncomfortable.

Dongfang Yun scolded Lu Wan and didn't continue to say anything. She just held Chang'e's body and wept, because no matter how much she accused Lu Wan, Chang'e could not survive.

Thinking that Chang'e saved herself and took care of her in order to escape the war and met with danger from the wild demon region, she regarded herself as Chang'e's follower. But Chang'e often asked her to do things as a sister, but it was not convenient for Chang'e to do them.

If Chang'e was really bad to her, she would have been killed by Chang'e's possession of Chu Feng when he knew about her and Chu Feng.

Relying on Chang'e's body, the East rhyme weeps the appearance, I see still pity: "master!"

In everyone's grief, there is a dazzling door beside the Oriental rhyme holding Chang'e. the guilty Chang'e, the sad looking Zhang Yuner, or the rest of us are on guard. Only saints can open the gate of dazzling light. Now who is coming?

But the next moment, the people's vigilance dissipated, because they saw Chu Feng come out from inside, the whole person looked haggard and calm, and caught the pain and struggle in his eyes.

At the beginning, Lu Wan knew that Chu Feng was not dead, but went to another parallel universe through nothingness. At the moment, seeing Chu Feng back, everyone was happy. It was only because of Chang'e's death that everyone's excitement and happiness were suppressed. Even Murong Bing understood what kind of things should not be done on such occasions.

Chu Feng slowly squatted down and looked at Chang'e as if she was sleeping. She stretched out a hand to touch Chang'e's face.

Just before meeting, he was slapped open by Oriental rhyme: "go away. Just now Bai He said that your life is burning. It must be that you have come back from the parallel universe. But you didn't show up and watched the master be killed. You are not a man at all."

"The master really doesn't want you to have other women, and even more wishes that all the other women will die. But I tell you, the master's love for you is incomparable to many people."Chu Feng did not have a trace of anger, can also understand the anger and pain of Dongfang Yun, because now his heart is also similar sad.

"I'm sorry," she said softly

"You Dongfang Yun raised her hand to give Chu Feng a slap, because Chu Feng didn't even show up when Chang'e was in danger. However, the hand stopped when she was only three centimeters away from Chu Feng's face. She knew that it was not Chu Feng who didn't do it, but there must be some reason why she couldn't.

The reason why she began to say such words was just to find a person to vent her anger, because Chu Feng, who drove Chang'e away from Bai He, could just give her vent.

Put down her hand, Dongfang Yun cried a little louder. After Chu Feng and demon Zun entered the wormhole together, Chang'e thought that Chu Feng would come back safely every day. Now Chu Feng is back, but Chang'e will never see her again.

Take a deep breath, chufeng once again extended his hand to gently touch Chang'e's face, but the face has lost the temperature, very cold.

Gently took her from Dongfang Yun's arms and held her in his arms. Chu Feng stood up and unfolded the wings of magic light. Holding Chang'e, she went to the distance. Dongfang Yun was stunned and quickly followed up. Chang'e was dead. Where is Chu Feng going to take her and what to do?

Across a long distance, Chu Feng falls in the place where Qingdi hides the phoenix eggs. Looking at Chang'e in her arms, Chu Feng's eyes coagulate, and the earth is separated into a huge pit, and the Chu wind directly disappears into it.

After a while, Dongfang Yun also came here. Seeing the deep pit, Dongfang Yun frowned and was curious, but she didn't follow it. She was ready to wait for Chu Feng to come out and ask again.

After waiting for a long time, Chu Feng rose up and came out of the crack. The crack closed slowly after he stood beside Dongfang Yun. It seemed that there was no trace at all.

Oriental rhyme wiped a tear: "master?"

"Buried!" Chu Feng calmly replied, he put Chang'e beside the phoenix egg. There is a life in the phoenix egg. The spiritual power is very strong, which can nourish Chang'e's body. Of course, Chu Feng will not tell Dongfang Yun, because talking to her will not have any effect.

Hearing Chu Feng bury Chang'e like this, Dongfang Yun's eyes were cold: "you bastard!"

Dongfang Yun thinks that Chu Feng is very sad because of Chang'e's death and may have to do something about it. But she never thought that Chu Feng buried Chang'e so simply. How could such a man be like this?

Chu Feng took a deep breath and sat down: "what can I do without burial?"

When she wanted to scold Chu Feng, she found herself unable to refute Chu Feng's words. Chang'e was already dead. Would she have to hold a funeral if she didn't have a funeral, just like the present world, to invite guests to offer incense? That's obviously impossible.

For a time, Oriental rhyme did not know how to say, a white dream fell from the sky and stood in front of Chu Feng like that: "you can go and find Chang'e's soul."

"Nagula's attack only forces Chang'e's soul to leave the world, which is just like death. But as long as you go back to it, Chang'e can be revived."

Dream even the parallel universe can shuttle away in the way of soul. It's not surprising that Chu Feng can come to the world of demons. It's just that Chu Feng doesn't know the soul of dream very well.

Dream also understand that Chu Feng is not clear about these, roughly explain.

From ancient times to the present, there is a legend that the lamp of death is off, but it is only the death on the body. As long as the soul is not annihilated, then they can enter the samsara. The attack of nagula seems to be extremely dangerous, but it only causes Chang'e's physical death, and the soul still exists.

When Chu Feng's eyes gradually appeared bright, the dream continued: "and Chang'e's soul went to a world where the soul exists. As long as you look for it, she is willing to come back with you, and with the cooperation of the goddess, Chang'e can live."

"It's just that this place is very strange. Only the soul can enter it, and the living can't go in at all. Even if you go in, it's only death."

Chu Feng, no matter what strangers are not allowed to enter, stood up with a sharp look in his eyes: "where is that place? How can I get there?"

"The place where you sent the demon king." Dream gently nodded, the expression calm return way: "you can open the passage of that place at any time, why ask me?"

"As for that place, it's called the soul world, and the present world calls it, the underworld!"

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