Super Healer

Chapter 2643

Snake Valley in the night!

"Sister, don't you really think about it?"

Snake Zun came to Xi's cave an hour ago and looked at Xi's face, which was not so good-looking: "the demon emperor now dominates the Oriental world, and he has always remembered you for so many years. I believe that as long as you nod your head, you can become his demon. Then,,"

"brother!" Hope looks as calm as ever, and a faint voice interrupts the snake Zun who wants to continue: "I said to think about it for me. You are forcing me to make a decision now. Do you think I can make this decision? Have you forgotten what the demon emperor did to me

"You are my brother. You can't help me to get justice back. I don't blame you. But now you want me to go to the demon emperor and try to become his demon queen. Is that right?"

Snake Zun looks a little embarrassed, but it is just a moment. He doesn't feel that he has done anything wrong.

At the beginning, Xi was indeed defiled by the demon emperor, but a woman's life is to accompany men, or accompany a strong man, or accompany many men. Although Xi is excellent, she is ultimately a woman. If she is defiled by ordinary strong men, she will surely seek justice for her.

But Xi was defiled by the demon emperor. The ten snake zuns were not the opponents of the demon emperor. He also wanted to find the so-called justice, which was just a joke.

Secondly, now that the demon emperor has become a saint, he even dominates the Oriental world. Even the ancient god Lu Wan and the taboo goddess have all evaded and dare not confront the demon emperor. At this time, as long as we are close to the demon emperor, we will surely get great benefits in the future.

Therefore, the snake king hoped that Xi would take the initiative to approach the demon emperor, because the demon emperor had a desire for Xi. As long as she agreed, even if she could not become a demon, she could also become an important woman around the demon emperor. At that time, the Hydra clan would rise.

She is waiting for Chu Feng to give her news. At that time, she will get close to the demon emperor, which is when the demon emperor falls.

Butterfly Zun didn't know that Xi was thinking about killing the demon emperor. Seeing that his sister was still a little stubborn, he couldn't help but angrily said, "I was really angry at the beginning, but how can I face the reality? Now the demon emperor is powerful and incomparable. How many demon women want to get close to him? You have the inborn advantage and are still dragging around here. It's stupid. "

Xi frowned: "brother!"

When snake Zun turned to one side with a cold hum, Xi said: "I can understand your mind that you want the nine headed snakes to surpass the rain butterflies, but I hope that you can get it by relying on your own strength, rather than by using your own sister's body to please the demon emperor." :

after a pause, Xi's tone also softened a little: "of course, I know you can't go to the demon emperor's situation, but don't force me to make a decision now. Give me a little time to balance my mind. If I can't let go, I'll go to the demon emperor. If I can't, you kill me, and I won't go."

Snake Zun clenched his fist and finally slowly loosened it. He could control the life and death of all the nine headed snakes, but he was helpless in the face of his sister.

Not to mention the special feelings of the demon emperor to Xi, only Xi has the body of the atavistic white snake, which has decided that Xi can be capricious occasionally.

She stood up, waved heavily, turned around and left the cave. Unexpectedly, Xi said that she needed time to think about it. Then she would give her some time to think about it. If Xi still disagreed, even if she hated her brother all her life, she would forcibly bind Xi to the demon emperor.

Because of missing this village, maybe there will be no shop. When the demon emperor Wanjie is the only one, Xi will not have the attraction now.

Only Xi was left in the cold cave. Her face was filled with melancholy and helplessness. In the face of the powerful demon emperor, she knew that snake Zun was powerless. It was not unreasonable to use her to please the demon emperor, but she was willing to go, and it must be the time when the demon emperor died.

Gently nodded his head, ready to go out for a walk, Chu Feng suddenly appeared in front of her. Xi was stunned at first, and then recovered her original look without any fluctuation: "is it going to start?"

Chu Feng looked at the more charming and amorous feelings of the woman than the ice moon, went to her side and sat down: "are you ready?"

"For more than 2000 years, do you think I'm ready?" Xi asked a question from the bed down, Yuzu stepped on the cold ground, showing a faint temptation: "but I really want to know, what kind of strength are you going to gather to deal with the demon emperor? I don't care about death, but I also want to have some value in my own death. "

Chu Feng looked at Xi's figure, which was so similar to bingyue. He stood up and went to Xi and said softly, "I'm not a destiny. I don't know what will happen in the future. The only thing I can do is to plan as well as possible before things happen."

"Against the demon emperor, I have gathered Four Saints. As long as you succeed, we can succeed."

Hearing that the four sages did not show any expression, or even shocked at all, he turned his head and did not look directly into Chu Feng's eyes: "when will we start?"

"I want to go for a walk in the modern world. Do you want to go?" Chu Feng didn't answer Xi's question, but threw out the words that he had already thought of before coming: "although I have four saints here, but the demon emperor after swallowing the demon Zun is really powerful. I don't know. You are in danger, and we are also taking great risks.""What's more, you just refused your brother's request, and it's impossible to express your opinion so quickly. Would you like to go to the modern world with me and relax before the war comes?"

In the words, Chu Feng opened the door of dazzling light, which is the channel to the modern world.

Looking at his puzzled look, Chu Feng said: "if you reach the realm of saints, you can travel through the world. You can go to the modern world through this passage. You don't need to travel long distances through the entrance and exit of the wild demon domain. If you are interested, you can go for a walk. If you are not interested, I will go to see it and come back."

Xi's eyes are fixed on the dazzling door. She probably knows that saints can ignore the interface, but now she is asked to go to the modern world and have a little trance.

Before she was defiled by the demon emperor, she wanted to go to the modern world, but she could not go there because she was restrained by the snake. After being defiled by the demon emperor, she lived in hatred every day. As for the idea of going to the modern world, she never appeared again.

It didn't appear, but it doesn't mean that I don't want to remember it in my heart. I pursed my lips and hoped to put on my shoes: "can I really go to the world now?"

"Yes!" Chu Feng nodded and took Xi's hand and walked directly into the gate of dazzling light. In his eyes, Xi was the moon, and the moon was Xi. The death of the moon was too late for Chu Feng to appear. Now he met Xi chufeng and satisfied some of her conditions as much as possible. It should be a little nostalgia for the lost ice moon.

Through the glare of the door, only feel a light in front of you, then appeared in a forest, Xi took back the hand held by Chu Feng, looked around: "good comfortable feeling."

All the time, Xi has lived in the wild demon domain, where the evil spirit does not disperse all the year round, but there is a very calm and peaceful flavor in this forest at the moment, which has never been seen in the wild demon domain.

Chu Feng went to the front a little bit, and his eyes also had a few soft colors: "I was from the present world to the five forbidden areas, and this is the place where I grew up in the modern world, an ordinary small village, where I am most familiar with people, here are my most pure memories, and the only place I will not be vigilant."

Obviously, the place where Chu Feng is expected to come is Linjia village outside Xuancheng in southern Yunnan.

Xi's eyes stay on Chu Feng. When Chu Feng was saying those words just now, she felt a kind of tenderness that she had never seen in anyone. It was an emotion that the demons in the wild demon domain would not have.

Come to Chu Feng's side, Xi's face broke ice like a little smile: "can you show me your hometown?"

Chu Feng nodded: "if I bring you here, I will naturally show you around, and feel whether this world without absolute strong exists is more beautiful than the five forbidden areas, the heaven and the world."

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