Super Healer

Chapter 265

Chu Feng didn't go back to the headquarters, but was interrupted by a phone call halfway.

If it is an ordinary person, Chu Feng naturally has no spare time to pay attention to these things, but the person who called is Taigu, a small role, but the one standing behind Taigu is not an ordinary person, but Wen Aojun, a man who can become Yan Ruyu's fiance through Yan Tianming.

On a desk and chair near the street in Binjiang building, Wen Aojun comes here after knowing that Chu Feng has not left with Su Xinyu. He is confident that Chu Feng has no courage to refuse to keep the appointment.

In fact, as he expected, Chu Feng agreed to attend the appointment within a short time after receiving Taigu's call.

The time points to 11 o'clock, and the time agreed with Chu Feng is at 11:30. The reason for this is that Wen Aojun wants to wait for some news to determine how to talk with Chu Feng.

On the way to a phone call, Wen Ao Jun frown tight look also stretch out, hang up the phone when sneering: "Chu Feng, this time, I see how you play with me!"

With only five minutes to go before 11:30, Chu Feng appeared in Wen Aojun's field of vision. In a simple casual dress and a college student's dress, Wen Aojun's eyes were full of murderous opportunities, but eventually dissipated. A small role could not really make him angry.

Chu Feng came to the table, Wen Ao Jun nodded and said, with that kind of charity in his tone, but he didn't look at Chu Feng at all. It seemed that the latter was not worthy of sitting with him. It was already a gift to let him sit down by himself!

He opened his chair in silence and sat down. Chu Feng did not open his mouth. He just picked up the teapot and filled the cup in front of him with a cup of water. He took it and drank it slowly. Wen Aojun was probably looking for himself because of something. Chu Feng was very clear. At the moment, he was just waiting for Wen Aojun to speak first.


Wen Ao Jun didn't say anything to Chu Feng first, but said to Taigu. Then he sat there with an enigmatic face, picked up the napkin on the table top and tied it to his collar. Then he took the pot of chufeng's tea, poured the tea out to clean the tableware in front of him, and then poured the water into the nearby bucket.

Then he handed the pot of tea to another Bodyguard: "take this dishwashing water down and change it to a pot of Biluochun!"

Chu Feng takes a hand to drink tea, and a light ponder passes in his eyes. Wen Aojun shows his superiority to himself. It can also be said that he deliberately slaps his face. Although Chu Feng doesn't like tea, he also knows what this kind of tea is. Dishwashing water?

Even though he knew, Chu Feng was not willing to say anything, instead, he drank the tea in the cup.

Wen Ao Jun's eyes flashed a touch of disdain, and the dishes came up one after another at this time. Wen Ao Jun ordered the delicacies in front of him: "eat more, you don't always have a chance."

"Thank you for your hospitality. I'm not welcome."

In the morning, he just ate half a bowl of noodles. Chu Feng was still a little hungry at this time. He didn't pay attention to Wen Ao Jun's mind. According to Chu Feng's idea, he didn't eat anything. He was just a bastard!

He picked up his chopsticks and began to eat. The scorn in Wen Ao Jun's eyes was more intense. However, he ate the food in front of him slowly and drank wine. The whole person behaved as gentle as a gentleman.

But Chu Feng ate very fast, only in less than ten minutes, he put down his chopsticks, felt his round stomach and belched comfortably!

"Chu Feng, although you come from Dian LAN and have never eaten good food, you should also pay attention to the image!"

Wen Aojun never ate anything. At the moment, seeing Chu Feng put down his chopsticks, he also followed him and said: "but it's also true that temperament and image are naturally cultivated. When you grow up in a gully, you can't learn it. I can understand it."

"It's just that temperament can't be cultivated, but cognition can't be absent. It's very important for people to have self-knowledge."

Pointing to a lobster on the table, Wen Aojun's tone is natural, but it contains sarcasm: "it's like eating pickles, but I just want to eat lobster. First of all, I don't say whether I can afford to pay or not. The most important thing is whether I can bear it or not. It will never come singly!"

"Wen Shao said so."

Chu Feng slightly smile, in Wen Ao Jun disdain color more a bit of time to open: "Wen juvenile income, how much does this meal want?"

Wen Ao Jun was stunned. He didn't know what Chu Feng meant by this sentence. However, he replied with no hesitation: "annual income is the thought of your poor people. Anyway, when I want to spend money to buy something for women, I don't lack money. As for this meal, it's not expensive. It's only over 100000 yuan. After you graduate from University, you can have a meal by saving and saving for a year."

If Chu Feng does not understand what Wen Ao Jun is trying to express, he is an idiot. He is just trying to make himself clear of the gap between himself and him, which shows that he is not worthy of Yan Ruyu!

Just knowing is knowing, but not hindering Chu Feng's words: "so it seems that Wenshao's family is rich, can give you so much money to spend, I am a poor man can't do anything, any money must rely on their own hands to create, naturally can't eat such a rich meal, thank Wen Shao again for such an opportunity."Wen Ao Jun's face changed. He was not a fool. How could he not know that Chu Feng was mocking him? He was relying on his family background and power. He was too lazy to talk to Chu Feng again: "Chu Feng, I know you are very good at fighting. You still have a little bit of ability, but you should know what you can take and what you can't touch."

"I believe you should know what I'm looking for you to do. Let me tell you the truth."

See Wen Ao Jun was ridiculed by his own, scattered the elegant appearance, Chu Feng ponders a smile: "want what accurate words?" In the heart is to add one more, your fiancee and I have slept a few times, there is no accurate word seems to be unable to retrieve it?

"And she's going to marry me in a month, and I don't want you to harass my wife."

When Chu Feng's hand was stagnant, Wen Aojun waved. Taigu took out 100000 pieces and threw them on the table. Wen Aojun continued: "of course, it's one thing not to entangle Ruyu. In addition, you have to stop her thinking. I don't want to happen again today. Otherwise, even if Miss Su is fond of you, I will kill you."

At the moment, Wen Ao Jun, without any cover up, freely released his fangs: "compared with yu'er, Miss Su has only more dignity, my woman you can't touch, Miss Su, you are hopeless, what kind of person, should take what kind of road."

"You don't have the qualification to rely on women to be superior."

In the face of Wen Ao Jun's disdain, Chu Feng was still calm. His finger passed over the 100000 yuan and picked it up with a smile: "I'll take the 100000 yuan, and I promise not to entangle Miss Yan. In addition, I will help you to have a happy marriage."

Then Chu Feng left the riverside building directly with 100000 yuan. In his heart, he was sneering. If Wen Ao Jun didn't have the identity of a nephew of the literary family, he would be dead now. But for Wen Ao Jun, Chu Feng was too lazy to pay attention to him. I didn't bother Yan Ruyu. She pestered me. That was her business.

"Wenshao, do you believe him in this way?" At the moment, Taigu opened his mouth curiously, and he always thought that it was too simple to warn him?

Wen Ao Jun is confident, and his tone is lofty: "I am a man of the literary family. He is a native of the Dian Lan Mountain Village. If he is not an idiot, he will choose, otherwise he will not know how to die!"

Wen Aojun's self-confidence is there, his identity is enough for his pride, but he does not know, Chu Feng left the riverside building less than 10 minutes, on Yan Ruyu's car!

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