Super Healer

Chapter 2669

The place of the original demon temple is now surrounded by barren land, without mountains, trees, flowers and plants, only the boundless dust.

In the first battle between Chu Feng and the demon emperor, because of Xi's anger, he destroyed the demon temple, and even destroyed the whole primitive wolf people, which also made this place a ruin. How many people died in Chu Feng's hands that night? No one knows. The only thing they know is that the once brilliant demon temple will eventually become the past of the demon kingdom.

It will also become the past of the heaven and the world, and it will never reappear.

Although there is nothing else on the barren land, there are a lot of people gathered here. It is the Hydra and the rat.

When Chu Feng and the demon emperor entered the final battle, all the clans in the demon realm responded to the call of diezun to resist the cruel rule of the demon emperor. Only the nine headed snakes and giant rats vowed to defend the demon emperor's rule under the leadership of snake Zun and rat Zun, and started a war. However, with Lu Wan's intervention, the war was not too fierce, and it was over 。

Due to their loyalty to the demon emperor, Murong Bing and Leng Rushuang directly let the clans of the demon domain control the people of the two clans after they came to the wild demon domain. Because LV Wan and Zhang yun'er are standing behind the Leng Rushuang sisters, all the clans in the demon domain dare not refuse.

In addition, butterfly Zun respected to do things, and they had nothing to be proud of. Therefore, the people of the two clans, together with the snake Zun and the mouse Zun, were under control. They were all guarded here and could not leave.

At first, when they were suppressed, snake Zun and mouse Zun also wanted to leave, but situ Ya and Bai He didn't give them the chance, which led to the miserable situation of prisoners now.

They can all feel the kind of sorrow of the people, but even if they feel uncomfortable at the moment, they dare not scold any one of them, because that will only make them lose their final heart.

Once even their people don't support it, they are really finished.

The sun was scorching. They had been guarded here for a few days. They were guarded by the demons. The power of the snake and the mouse was blocked. At the moment, they did not know when such a day would come. They suddenly missed that freedom. Even if they had no rights, it seemed to be much better than now.

When they all had similar thoughts, the three figures appeared in front of them from the sky. The people of the two ethnic groups who had been sitting on the ground quickly stood up with fear and fear in their eyes.

Because the people who came were Chu Feng and Leng Rushuang.

Now, as prisoners, they are very clear that their life and death is in the mind of Chu Feng. Thinking of that night when Chu Feng destroyed the demon temple and destroyed the primitive wolf clan, none of the people present were afraid. Even snake Zun and mouse Zun were all worried.

Chu Feng, surrounded by cold frost and Murong ice, does not reveal any Wang Ba Qi, but maintains a trace of peace.

At present, the highest realm of the two ethnic groups is the snake statue, but it is also the realm of the middle God. Chu Feng only needs to move his finger to turn snake Zun into fly ash. Therefore, Chu Feng does not attach too much importance to a group of people who can not pose too much threat to themselves.

He came, but just want to make lengrushuang and Murong bing more stable in the future.

Standing in front of the two clans, facing the snake Zun and the mouse Zun who stood up, they had long lost the kind of high spirited spirit when they followed the demon emperor, and they were more like dogs who lost their families.

Chu Feng raised a faint smile around the corner of his mouth, passing by the people present, and remembered an idiom: a nest of snakes and mice.

How similar the situation is to this idiom!

Thinking about it, Chu Feng turned his back and went forward: "snake respect, mouse respect, let's talk about it!"

Regardless of whether snake Zun and mouse Zun are willing to talk or not, Chu Feng goes forward. Lengrushuang and Murong Bing are lazy to see the people present and follow Chu Feng.

Snake Zun and rat Zun stood there. You looked at me and I looked at you. All I saw in each other's eyes were confused. I don't know what Chu Feng could talk to them at this time. Shouldn't we kill them when we met?

Rat Zun is a little better. He has never had a direct conflict with Chu Feng. When he fought with the demon emperor, although he gathered people from the giant rat clan to support the demon emperor, he was suppressed by Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er before the beginning of the war, so there was not much hatred.

Only the snake Zun's heart is particularly bottomless, because he and Chu Feng have real hatred.

If he had not gone to the present world first, murongbing and lengrushuang would not have been taken away by the demon emperor's body in the end. Even though the two people were taken away, at that time, he was also raging the Chu wind which was not strong enough as a dog. Now the Chu wind is strong enough to forget what happened at the beginning?

Snake Zun shrunk his head and was afraid. Although he was a nine headed snake and possessed nine lives, Chu Feng would never be able to survive even if he had 100 lives.

Dark swallow a mouthful of saliva, follow in the rat Zun's back toward the direction of Chu Feng, at the same time in the heart thinking how to beg for mercy.Yes, at the moment, there is only one thought in snake Zun's heart. If he was not afraid of death, he would not swallow a breath when he was defiled by the demon emperor.

Deviated from the rest of the people, you can ensure that you can't hear the voice of the conversation. Chu Feng stops with his back to the snake Zun and the mouse Zun, standing there with deep and calm eyes. Cold as frost and Murong Bing stand on the left and right respectively, giving people a light pressure.

Snake Zun and rat Zun were not too close. About 10 meters away from Chu Feng, they stopped. The mouse Zun was not under any pressure, and whispered: "demon!"

The snake revered the lips to shake, very unnatural opening: "demon God!"

"It turns out that you are also afraid." Chu wind slowly turned around, the star eyes flashing cold meaning that people dare not look directly: "it's just that people who have been bullied and humiliated by you, will they also be afraid? Think about the way you've been destroyed by me

Chu Feng's meaningful words made snake Zun and rat Zun's hearts thump for a moment, because in this kind of speech, we can hear the subtle killing opportunity.

Mouse Zun was very spineless, so he knelt on the ground and said anxiously, "demon God, I did do a lot of wrong things, which have harmed several demon clans, but those are not my original intention. I have always been a cowardly person. I do those things under the orders of the demon emperor, and I dare not not do them!"

Chu Feng hears the speech and is stunned with a smile. The words of mouse respect are really a little funny, as timid as a mouse. Are you a mouse yourself, do you still need a metaphor?

However, chufeng didn't get tangled in such meaningless things. His eyes were bleak, and the corner of his mouth was slightly cocked up: "rat Zun said that everything he had done was the meaning of demon emperor. I don't know what you want to say about snake Zun?"

"I believe the demon emperor ordered you to do some cruel things, but I also believe that you have done a lot of things you want to do yourself?"

Snake Zun narrowed his eyes. When he came just now, he wanted to ask for Chu Feng. But when facing Chu Feng, he knew that his plea would not have any effect, so he didn't kneel down like rat Zun.

Because if Chu Feng didn't kill them, they didn't have to ask for help. But if Chu Feng wanted to kill them, even if they took out their hearts and lungs to admit their mistakes, it was useless.

What's more, shezun remembered what happened when he was in the Chu family in Tianguan. Shangguan yingyue, chufeng's mother, was brutally killed by him. Can Chu Feng put this matter down?

I don't know Shangguan yingyue didn't die at that time, but was finally sent away by Chang'e

Chu Feng turned the ring between the fingers, absent-minded in general: "Oh, there are conditions?"

"I will die!" Snake Zun didn't care about Chu Feng's pondering. He said word by word: "but I hope you can let go of the rest of the Hydra clan. I am the clan chief, and my command is the imperial edict. They just do it according to my arrangement. All the mistakes are in me, and they have nothing to do with them."

"What's more, Xi helped you and died in the hands of the demon emperor. At that time, I didn't want to revenge for Xi, but to help the demon emperor. That was my stupidity. But if Xi was still alive, I believe that's what she meant. Let go of the nine headed snakes."

It was beyond Chu Feng's expectation that shezun did not ask for mercy. However, it is reasonable to think about it. How could the affair of Shangguan yingyue be erased so easily?

His eyes were a little chilly. Finally, he slowly dispersed and opened his hand. Suddenly, snake Zun's body would not move. At first, he struggled for a while, but he thought that this was the method of Chu Feng, and he no longer resisted, because even if he resisted, it would not have much effect.

Chu Feng's hand slowly raised, and the snake Zun's body also slowly floated up: "at the beginning, you came to the world, which made me wreak havoc on me. If my mother didn't appear, maybe I'd already died. If Chang'e didn't arrive, I might have died in your hand, or be occupied by the demon emperor."

"I really want to kill you, but killing you can't change what happened, so I won't kill you today."

The snake Zun, who had already closed his eyes, opened his eyes suddenly, full of disbelief. What Chu Feng said just now, he almost doubted whether he had heard him wrong and didn't kill him?

It wasn't a dream until Chu Feng dissipated her strength and the snake statue fell to the ground. She was shocked and asked, "why did I kill your mother, and even nearly killed you, and let the four princesses separate from you for such a long time. Don't you hate me in your heart?"

Chu Feng turned around, raised his head to look at the sky, sighed softly: "I hate you, but hate you does not mean that I will kill you, and you can not rise to my killing intention now, can only say that you have a good sister, her behavior let me not mind kindness once."

"Go away and go to the wild border area with the mouse Zun. You can't step around the demon territory for a thousand years. There are the prohibitions I set up. Repent well!"

Chu Feng made a decision and left with Murong Bing and lengrushuang. In situ, only the snake Zun standing there stunned and the mouse Zun kneeling on the ground were confused.The wild border area is the area outside the demon domain, which is very desolate. If you go there, you have to start all over again. But is the punishment too light for killing them?

Even if imprisoned for thousands of years, it seems that it should not be so?

Snake Zun tears slowly flow out, kneeling on the ground, raised his head and roared: "Xi!"

He knew that if it wasn't for Xi, the incident that he killed Shangguan yingyue was enough for Chu Feng to tear him into pieces. Could it be as simple as driving him to the border area?

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