Super Healer

Chapter 2687

Mike's residence is not far away from the place where elno lives. It is less than 100 meters away.

However, at noon today, ilno was not there. Only Mike, as well as isavia and savaqi, were sitting in the spacious dining room. Neither the royal guards led by sack nor the spiritual strongmen followed by Mike came in. All of them were waiting outside.

This is where the holy see is, and it's still in the daytime. Isavia's identity is there. I believe nothing will happen.

Isavia and savvy are sitting together, and Mike is sitting opposite them. Only until the service is served, none of them speaks first. Everyone doesn't know what they are thinking. The only obvious thing is that Mike's eyes are always looking at the two people opposite, intentionally or unintentionally, as if to see through their clothes.

If it wasn't for the fact that she didn't tear her face, she would have stood up and slapped Mike, because his eyes were so wild that he didn't give her much respect, even if isavia was sitting here.

The expression in the eyes was more meaningful, as if they were appreciating their prey. Both of them felt very uncomfortable.

After the Vatican chef had finished all the dishes for lunch, Mike picked up the red wine in front of him, and said with a smile: "it's a great honor for Mike to have lunch with the queen of isavia and the director of savaqi. Here, I'd like to propose a toast to both of you."

Isavia and Savannah looked at each other vaguely, then raised the glass in front of her.

After a gentle touch with Mike, he sipped in and put down his glass. As for Mike, he saw that neither of them had finished drinking, but only had a little drink. His eyes flashed a cold color, which made him angry that others did not give face.

The slight shaking of his fingers suppressed his anger. Mike raised his hand and said, "eat, we'll eat and talk."

"Master Mike!" Isavia did not pick up the knife and fork, and said calmly, "tell me what you want to talk to me about?"

All along, the great emperor family has been developing in Europe, and even played an important role in the Second World War, because it has an irreplaceable position in Europe. However, even if the great emperor family and the eagle Kingdom Royal family keep a distance, not too close, but not too distant.

We all maintain the existing balance with a tacit understanding.

"The queen is so impatient

Mike grinned, took the bottle and poured wine into his glass. He said, "there's nothing really happened. It's just that the emperor's family has been too low-key for so many years. As the leader of dozens of royal families in Europe, the eagle Kingdom has a different influence."

Putting down the bottle, Michael's eyes flashed with heat: "so I hope that her Majesty the queen will summon the European royal families and tell them that my great family hopes to have our branches not only in Germany, but also in other countries."

Isavia frowned at the words, almost to say that Mike was dreaming.

For a long time, the great emperor's family has always been the object of defense for the king's chambers in Europe. Let alone letting it spread its branches all over Europe, even if it only stayed in Germany, everyone's heart was uneasy, because it was not sure when the great emperor's family would open its hands and participate in European affairs.

In the past, most of the time the great emperor's family could not be hidden, so many countries didn't pay much attention to it. But now Mike wants to spread the branches of the great emperor's family all over Europe. You can imagine his ambition.

Because as long as Mike's request is met, they will certainly infiltrate all countries in the shortest time, and then the rare stability will be affected. That is something that isavia can't agree to and all countries do not want to see.

So there was only a brief silence, and isavia shook her head: "master Michael, you look up to the eagle royal family. We are just elected, but it does not mean that we can dominate the royal families of all countries."

"And there are a lot of things that master Michael knows very well. It can be said that the conditions you put forward are completely impossible."

Isavia's crisp refusal didn't make Mike angry. Instead, she gave a playful smile.

It is very clear to isavia that all countries do not want the great emperor family to have branches all over Europe. But for one thing, Mike is particularly interested in. If isavia speaks, the countries will surely give some face, instead of the idea that they can't control the king's chambers, as she said.

Now, of course, it's not the time to tear his face, and Mike won't say such damaging words. He opened his hand and held out two fingers: "200 billion euro."

As isavia's eyes narrowed, Mike directly threw out his prepared chips: "I believe queen, you will not refuse. After all, some time ago, the behavior of the eagles has caused certain economic losses and threatened the livelihood of the people. I believe that the 200 billion euro is enough to solve the current crisis in Eagle country."

"As long as her majesty agrees to my request and tells the royal families what I mean and indicates that you are willing to accept the great emperor family, 200 billion euro will be charged to the royal family immediately!"Isavia breathed for a moment. Although money is a figure for her as the queen of the royal family, the situation in Eagle kingdom can be spent and even developed if there is a certain amount of money for relief.

But all of a sudden, isavia gave up the idea that she shouldn't have, because Mike was a member of the great emperor family. Behind the great emperor's family was the spirit world. At present, the master of the spirit world, devil Zi and Chu Feng were enemies of life and death.

As a woman of Chu Feng, she has some guilt if she can't fight with Chu Feng. If she still drags Chu Feng back, it's hard to say.

He agreed to let the great emperor's family spread its branches and leaves in Europe. That was to drag down the Chu wind's hind legs. The ruling's absolute control over the underground forces in the world would soon be broken. Chu Feng certainly did not want to see such a thing.

Two hundred billion euros is a lot, but it is not enough to move isavia. No matter how much, it is impossible.

So there was not much entanglement. Isavia gently shook her head: "master Michael, Eagle country really needs some money at present, but I also know what kind of money can be asked for and what kind of money can not be asked. Moreover, I believe that as long as I give enough commitment, fengteng consortium will definitely give me this money."

"The great emperor's family is very strong, and the fengteng consortium is not weak?"

Isavia's words let the smile on Mike's face slowly solidify, and his stiff face turned into a cold color.

The reason why he was so restrained that he said that he wanted to get the maximum return for the smallest effort, while isavia directly refused his request. This was a slap in the face for him. Mike could not accept it.

He picked up his glass and slapped it on the table and stood up: "Your Majesty, don't you really need to think about it? You are a wise man. You should know that there is no one in the world who can stop me

"Maybe you think Chu Feng can, but I can tell you responsibly that Chu Feng can't either."

Michael's pride isavia had already been taught. She stood up fearlessly, and her voice was as firm as ever: "even if it wasn't for Chu Feng, I wouldn't agree to your request. The world belongs to everyone, not to any family or force. If the great emperor's family penetrates successfully, the belief in peace will be gone. I still know that."

The words have already said this. It is unnecessary to talk about some things that are not.

Mike's mouth raised a cold smile: "it seems that the Queen's majesty is absolutely loyal to Chu Feng, but it's a pity that he was deterred by the devil in the forbidden area and did not dare to show up at will."

"So I'll give you another chance to make up for what you said and did."

Isavia felt so ridiculous. A mike, a guy who was able to become the successor because Zach was suppressed by Chu Feng, is qualified to say such a thing to her? It's ok if Mike is a spirit or a warrior, but he's not. He's just like her.

He shook his head slightly: "master Michael, your idea is different from mine, so you don't have to give us another chance. My choice is to let the great emperor family stay in Germany quietly. If there is a choice, then,,"

slowly looked up, and isavia's eyes shot resolutely: "then I hope the great emperor family will disappear in this world, and the earth is ordinary The human planet, the great emperor family, as the pawns of the spirit world, should not exist. "

Mike slowly clenched his fist and wanted to speak. Isavia had already taken savaki's hand and turned to leave.

Seeing this, Mike's heart was even more angry: "stop!"

After drinking, two spiritual giants appeared in front of isavia and savaki, blocking their way. Outside, sakak and others were also deterred by the two spiritual strongmen and couldn't come in at all.

Mike said with a sneer: "Your Majesty, you can't see the form clearly. The world has not been the original world for a long time. This is an era in which the strong are respected and the power is the king. Obviously, I, Michael, have absolute power. You can only have a chance to choose according to the conditions I give you."

Isavia turned her head, her eyes cold: "I'd rather die than surrender!"

Isavia's words made Mike laugh wildly, as if what a ridiculous joke isavia had said.

When the laughter fell, Mike waved his hand: "do you really think I'm such a good talker? Now I don't force you to go back and give me a good consideration. Next time I hope to give me a perfect answer. "

"Or be my concubine or my slave!"

Isavia as if did not hear to pull the Savannah to leave directly.

Five minutes later, the news also reached Chu Feng's ears. Lying on the bed for a little rest, his mouth curled a chill: "the great emperor's family, indeed, should not exist on the earth."


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