Super Healer

Chapter 2696

Chu Feng didn't leave the SA family that night, and found satina. Naturally, she had to wait for the result she needed. Although she didn't promise, Chu Feng believed that eventually she would agree.

Because nagura is a dictator, he will never allow the existence of people who may threaten their rule in the universe. Moreover, the Protoss and the demons have been fighting for endless years. Nagula, who controls the absolute victory, will not give the protoss a chance to breathe, or even take satyana to vent.

So satina has no better choice, and cooperation with him is the only way out. Chu Feng is not worried. He firmly believes that his judgment is correct.

The next morning, Chu Feng got up early in the morning and felt sleepy. As soon as he opened the door and went out, a servant of the SA family came up to him and said, "our Miss, let you go and have breakfast."

Because Chu Feng told me last night, she didn't tell anyone that the person she brought home was Chu Feng.

Chu Feng en went to the direction of the restaurant. When he went in, he saw that salinine and satina were already sitting there. In addition, there were more Peng ruohuan. I think he came here this morning.

Chu Feng took a look at satyana, then walked over and sat down as if nothing had happened between them last night. Everything seemed very natural.

In three different styles but similar beautiful women, Chu Feng has a kind of beautiful feeling. Eating breakfast, his eyes are also vaguely passing over the three people. Everyone has his own characteristics, but Chu Feng is just a simple look, without any evil thoughts.

Only SA Linlin made Chu Feng a little speechless and knew why she was like this. Last night, her active request was rejected. For a woman, or a woman who is beautiful enough, it is a blow to her confidence.

But for this Chu wind completely as do not know, eat breakfast at ease.

Four of them sat at a table, and no one spoke until breakfast. The atmosphere seemed a little embarrassed.

"Less wind, wait a minute. I'm going to Potala Palace. Would you like to go with me?"

Put down the dishes and chopsticks, Chu Feng just picked up the tea, Peng ruohuan said: "of course, if you have something, I can do it myself."

This is a straightforward invitation, of course, Chu Feng understood. If there is nothing, Chu Feng doesn't mind walking with Peng ruohuan. Even if there is no waiting for thousands of customs, it's a good thing to be able to talk with such a woman.

But now satyana's affairs have not been settled, Chu Feng is not in the mood to hang out.

Wei Lu apologized and said, "I may leave the hiding place later. I'll talk about it next time."

Peng ruohuan heard the speech, and her eyes flashed with a faint regret. She had to go to Potala Palace to see the living Buddha early this morning. But she thought that Chu Feng was in the SA family, so she came here. Although she had not seen Chu Feng for several years, her obsession with Chu Feng was not weakened.

Now Chu Feng refused to go with him, but at the same time, he also inspired Peng ruohuan's fighting spirit. He firmly believed that one day he could let Chu Feng fall in love with the pomegranate skirt.

Act as if nothing had happened to get up, with a faint smile: "less wind is busy, I do not force, just hope next time can not refuse."

With that, Peng ruohuan turned around and left cleanly. He didn't even say hello to Sally Lin. it seemed very natural to leave. But Chu Feng could feel that when Peng ruohuan was rejected by him, he was very uncomfortable in his heart, but there was no way to do it. It was a matter of priority.

"Little wind, are you going back to the imperial city? I happen to be going this afternoon too

Palin ignored Peng ruohuan, a pair of eyes have never left Chu Feng's body, as if her world is only Chu Feng.

By the way, miss penglin didn't want to tell her that he didn't want to tell her that he didn't want to hurt her

"As for me, I'd like to invite Miss Anna to go with me. Although the scenery of Tibet is good, the world is very big."

Instead of being rejected, she was amused.

"It seems that I am really old, no charm, then you talk about me to prepare, when you go, I will not send, if there is anything, let the servant do it."

She stood up and left directly. As a smart woman, she knew that the reason why Chu Feng came this time was mainly because satina. If she didn't know how to get involved in it, not to mention conquering Chu Feng, it would be difficult to see Chu Feng in the future.

There are only satina and chufeng in the restaurant. The former is still sitting there and eating breakfast peacefully. But under her calm, Chu Feng can feel her inner uneasiness, entanglement and a little contradiction.

Knowing that satina certainly didn't sleep well last night, she was thinking about whether to cooperate.Chu Feng didn't disturb satina either. She took a cup of tea and sipped it there. Her eyes sometimes looked at satina. She was quiet and pure. Just like her name, Saint angel, holy as an angel!

"The wind is low, I can go with you, but I need a little time to think about it!"

After about ten minutes, satina put down her spoon and said calmly, "no matter whether I promise or not, please don't embarrass me. After all, in my heart, it's the property of ancestors. Let's go out, I'm not comfortable!"

Chu Feng doesn't care about spreading his hands: "casually!"

For a moment, satina couldn't understand what Chu Feng was thinking. She got up and left the restaurant with a frown. Only Chu Feng was still sitting there, drinking tea.

Chufeng didn't pay too much attention to satyana's entanglement. Unless she was really a woman with big chest and no brain, she would cooperate with him in the end, because besides cooperating with him, the protoss could hardly hope to rise again in the spiritual world.

If you want to negotiate with nagula, there is no chance. Satina has only one choice, that is, to cooperate with him unconditionally.

After leaving the restaurant, satina went back to her room, closed the door and sat down. After silence for a while, she said, "saint, should I promise Chu Feng's request?"

In the room with only satina, a woman who was old and drooping slowly appeared. Her body was bent as if it would fall down when the wind blows. However, she stood there like a mountain, bringing a light pressure.

Facing satyana, the old woman's wrinkled face showed absolute humility: "princess, is the Grail of light important, or is the future and future of the protoss more important?"

Satina's clear eyes asked, "what do you mean?"

"We have no choice!" The old woman sighed and said slowly, "the Grail of light is the property of our ancestors, but if we don't find it, it's just a legend. The future and future of the protoss can be seen. If we struggle alone, the final result will be destroyed by one party."

"The conditions given by Chu Feng seem to be a threat, but in the final analysis, there is no loss to us. We just promise Chu Feng what we can't find. On the contrary, if Chu Feng wins, we can get a lot of benefits, at least we can take root in the spirit world!"

Satina frowned slightly, reflecting on what the old woman had said, and probably understood something.

That is the battle between chufeng and nagula. If nagula wins, the protoss will never have a future. Now chufeng seems to be threatening, but there is not necessarily a holy grail of light behind the door of blood seal. The difference is, regardless of whether there is a holy grail or not, chufeng will regard the protoss as an ally. As long as victory is achieved, the protoss will have a tomorrow.


satyana asked softly: "Saint slave, it is said that Chu wind is bloody and ferocious. Since he came out in the modern world a few years ago, now I don't know how many bloody incidents have been created. Can we believe his words

The old woman understood that satina was worried about helping Chu Feng open the door of blood seal in the end, but Chu Feng didn't fulfill the promise between her allies and betrayed her promise.

In response, the old woman chufeng said with a smile: "the taboo devil, the murderer, this rumor has been circulating in the five forbidden areas for millions of years. I don't know about others, but I can still believe the promise of Chu Feng. Have you ever heard of someone saying that Chu Feng is a villain who betrays his faith and betrays his righteousness?"

Satina thought for a moment and shook her head slightly. "That's not true."

"He is an absolute villain and a man of faith." The old woman said solemnly, "as long as he promises us that in the future, no matter whether we can find the Grail of light in the place where our ancestors fell down, he will protect us. This is no doubt."

"A grail of light that we will never get in our lifetime is worth a hope, an opportunity for the protoss to become the master of all worlds."

Satina listened well, but looked at the back and said, "the world, the master?"

Both Chu Feng and nagula are not good talkers. Now they will have a battle at any time. What they want to do is to dominate the universe. It's good for any victorious Protoss to have breathing space. How can they dominate the world?

With a strange smile, the old woman went to satina and said in a low voice, "the God King got something besides the Holy Grail of light at the beginning. I just know where that thing is. As long as you do as I say, the future gods, fairies, demons, or demons are just slaves kneeling in front of you."

next, satyana was shocked The old woman whispered something in her ear.

Finally, satina clenched her lips, and she could see a faint blush: "if you fail?"

"The protoss is destroyed!" The old woman curved body slightly straightens a little, the tone indifference return way.

Satina's body was shocked and her eyes were full of complexities. Then she shook her head and said, "I need to think about it. The cost of success or failure is too high."

A faint disappointment flashed in the old woman's eyes, but she didn't force satyana, because that completely violated the spirit of the protoss, which is why the God King could rule the world at first, but there was no choice.Gently nodded his head and said, "as an old saying goes in the Chinese dynasty, if you succeed, you will only see the result and will not care about the process."

It seems that satina didn't hear the old woman's words. She was absent-minded and seemed unable to digest the words

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