Super Healer

Chapter 27

Chu Feng didn't hurt Liu mo. after all, Liu Mo was right. His identity was destined to be his life-saving gold medal. In addition, Liu Mo was the first to make mistakes this evening. In order not to let others know what happened this evening, he would cover it up vigorously.

Although Chu Feng has cut off more than 20 people's arms, as long as Liu Mo is OK, all these things can be resolved. After all, Liu Mo's one life can be comparable to a hundred ordinary people's. although such a statement is cruel, this is the fact.

On the contrary, if Liu Mo was cut off an arm by himself, Liu's people would never give up like this. There is no better result than now.

Of course, in order to reduce his own trouble, Chu Feng still used xuanhuang nine needles to stimulate Liu Mo's brain, which would not do him any harm. But what happened tonight was doomed to be forgotten by him, and those who had their arms cut off were almost scared to death and would not say anything.

So after solving these problems, Chu Feng took Jin Xiaoqi out of the manor and returned to her villa at daybreak, while Xia Yan looked for her from the outside. Because Jin Xiaoqi's identity was special, Cui Xinliu didn't want to call the police when he had to, which would affect Jin Xiaoqi's image.

Although Chu Feng doesn't understand this, is fame not as important as life?

However, this is a matter for others. Jin Xiaoqi is only her own employer. Now that she is safe, Chu Feng doesn't want to say anything. She just sends Jin Xiaoqi back to her room, and then asks Cui Xinliu to stay and take care of her. Then she goes back to the hall on the first floor. Their flight is 12 o'clock. Now it's morning. After a break, she will go to the airport.

"No, that Chu Feng, can you come up for a while?"

More than ten minutes later, Cui Xinliu suddenly stood at the foot of the stairs, with an unnatural look. Now she did not dare to have any opinions on Chu Feng. Although she did not know who kidnapped Jin Xiaoqi, she was definitely not an ordinary person. Moreover, when Chu Feng came back with Jin Xiaoqi, she was full of blood. Cui Xinliu was not a fool and knew what was going on.

So now she is afraid of Chu Feng from the bottom of her heart. The young man who looks clear and beautiful seems to be different from what she looks like, so she is polite to speak.

Chu Feng, who just took a bath and changed his clothes, was stunned, but still nodded and threw the towel aside and went upstairs: "what's the matter?"

"Come in and talk about it!" Cui Xinliu had changed her clothes. Now she took Chu Feng and entered Jin Xiaoqi's room. She pointed to Jin Xiaoqi, who was rolling on the bed. "Miss Jin seems to have been drugged. What should I do now? She almost treated me as a man just now."

It seems that the only way for Cui Liujin to go out is to tell others the best way to do it

Originally, I wanted to tell you, but seeing Chu Feng's eyes, Cui Xinliu was scared. She left the room quickly, closed the door, stood at the door for a moment, and then quickly went downstairs. I don't know how much noise has been made. I have to pay for the Quan Hao first, or Miss Jin's reputation will be ruined.

After three injections, Jin Xiaoqi's temperature doesn't seem to rise any more. Chu Feng is relieved to know that she is under control. She gets up and walks to the bathroom and takes out a basin. Then she lifts Jin Xiaoqi up and touches the woman's smooth and tender skin. Chu Feng still feels a kind of suffering.

However, he still managed to stabilize his mind. His left hand pinched his finger on the gold needle in his abdomen, and then played the second gold needle, followed by the third one. It seems to be very simple, but it pays great attention to the technique. The strength is very important. If it is not well controlled, it will easily lead to paralysis or death of the user.

But it's a small thing for Chu Feng. He has reached the level of a national player in gold needles a few years ago, but his master didn't tell him where he was going. He just said that he was not good enough and still needed to work hard. Chu Feng believed in this!

With three fingers and a flick, Jin Xiaoqi's flushed face slowly begins to disappear. Chu Feng has been looking at her face. She says that a beautiful woman looks as beautiful as her aunt. But that is to say, Chu Feng quickly pulls out three gold needles.

As soon as the gold needle came out, Jin Xiaoqi opened his eyes. Wow, Xin Kuchu Feng had been prepared for it. The basin was immediately placed in front of her, and all of them vomited in it with a little fishy smell and cyan liquid. Chu Feng knew that it was a digestible medicine, and now she was oppressed with the gold needle and vomited out.

Jin Xiaoqi vomited several times in a row. It seemed that she finally vomited clean. Chu Feng reached for the water cup on the bedside table and opened it to let jinxiaoqi drink up the water inside. Although the gold needle forced most of the water out of the body, it was still a little residual. Just drink the water and dilute it. When it is convenient, it will be completely OK.

Jin Xiaoqi vomited and then directly fainted, but his whole body has returned to his usual color, just like a sleeping beauty. Chu Feng cleaned up and looked at Jin Xiaoqi sleeping in bed. He now knows that Jin Xiaoqi is a big star and that the girl he saved in the hotel is Jin Xiaoqi.

"It's beautiful. Good luck!"Chufeng directly opened the door and left. He was busy and ate the breakfast prepared by Cui Xinliu. It was more than nine o'clock. The plane at twelve o'clock should also be gone. Cui Xinliu, who did not know the truth, sent Chu Feng to the car with complicated eyes. She secretly said that Miss Jin was arched off by a small bodyguard. What a pity!

But then she showed a smile and took out a piece of paper. It was the phone number she got from Xia Yan's hand. She thought about finding a time to go to longshuo again. Such a man must catch it.

"Miss King, are you awake?"

At more than ten o'clock, Cui Xinliu, who was packing up things in Jin Xiaoqi's room, saw that Jin Xiaoqi had already woken up. He said with a light smile: "it was really dangerous last night, but fortunately there was no danger. It would be ok if you were OK, otherwise something would happen!"

Jin Xiaoqi shakes her head and has a little pain, but it's much better. The medicine is directly forced out of the body. So Jin Xiaoqi still remembers what happened last night. She just doesn't know how Chu Feng handled it after she fainted, but there should be no big deal? Liu Mo is not an ordinary person. Jin Xiaoqi is not afraid, but he doesn't want Chu Feng to cause trouble.

"Xinliu, I was drugged last night. How did I solve it?" Jin Xiaoqi ignored Cui Xinliu's words, but asked the most critical question!

"This one!" Cui Xinliu originally pretended to be a little more natural. She would not ask Jin Xiaoqi, but she didn't know how to say it at the moment. However, looking at Jin Xiaoqi's angry appearance, she still shook her head: "there was no way at that time. You were too hot, so the wind helped you solve it."

"Oh Jin Xiaoqi's nervous look relaxed when he heard the wind, with a faint smile, but then asked, "what about the wind?"

"Let's go. It's been half an hour. It's time to get to the airport." Cui Xinliu is very surprised. Why is Miss Jin given something? She doesn't seem to be angry?

"What, get your car ready now, I'm going to the airport!" Originally with a little light smile Jin Xiaoqi suddenly jumped up and ran to the bathroom to wash, said Cui Xinliu.

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