Super Healer

Chapter 2702

At three o'clock in the morning, a manor thirty miles away from the eagle palace is extremely luxurious. There are more than ten gatekeepers standing at the door, each with a gun pinned to his waist. He moves back and forth like a crabs, with his eyes up and his nostrils facing the sky, which perfectly interprets what is meant by being defiant!

The manor is not the residence of the unknown, but the manor of Prince modo, an uncle of isavia. The number of security guards alone is 300.

It is not Prince modo who wants to show his noble status, but he is greedy for life and death.

Because over the years, relying on himself as the Queen's uncle and Prince, Mordor has done a lot of things, and even committed a lot of cruel things for his own self-interest, just because he was well covered up and didn't spread out.

But these things are no secret to the people in the circle, just because of the identity of modo, those who know it are regarded as not knowing it.

Modo also knew that his crimes had offended many people, so the guards were over 300 all the year round to ensure his safety.

The only difference is that tonight, in addition to the 300 guards stationed here all year round, there are 20 more men with fierce looks. They are scattered in every corner of the manor, and their eyes are keen on everything in the manor, even the guards that modo has started to arrange.

It's like a beast, staring at its own food.

These people are the spiritual strongmen sent by Mosuo to Mike. He sent 20 people to follow him. Each of them is a semi divine cultivation. Any one of them can destroy an army.

Mike brought them to the eagle kingdom to deter isavia and make her willing to be her own woman. As for this, he didn't care at all because the 20 people who followed him had been completely bribed by him. Mosuo would not know what he was going to do.

Living in the manor of modo is because modo and Mike have known each other for several years. The reception that isavia attended tonight was also held in the name of modo. Otherwise, isavia would not be present. It can be said that they are completely in collusion.

It's three o'clock in the morning. It should be a rest time, but for Mike, it's not sleepy at all. Even the famous actress that modo arranged for him, Mike doesn't have any interest.

Because while he and modo were still drinking and discussing to go directly to the king's palace to let isavia compromise tomorrow, a message came to the emperor's family that two women had killed the emperor's family, and they could not stop it. He asked Mike to take the strong man of the spirit world back to support him.

On the way to the phone, Mike didn't know what was going on, but there was a scream. Mike didn't know what was going on in the great emperor's family. He just sent a strong man from the spiritual world to have a look. He was waiting for news here.

Sitting opposite Mike is a bald middle-aged man, who is the owner of the manor, modo.

Looking at Mike's ugly face sitting there, modo said with a smile: "master Michael, the great emperor family is the spokesman of the spirit world. These are all strong people who can defeat thousands of people. Don't worry about any problems. The great emperor family must be intact. Maybe those two women have been killed by your people?"

There was still no smile on Mike's face because he thought a little deeper than Mordo.

As we all know, there is a powerful spiritual world behind the great emperor family. Under such circumstances, there is no force in the secular world who dare to challenge the great emperor family. Even the overlord of the United States dare not challenge the great emperor family. However, it is now that someone has entered the great emperor family, which is definitely not something that ordinary people dare to do.

He didn't want to think about the worst, but at present, apart from the ruling house, he had no idea who would dare to enter the emperor's family.

The more he thought about it, the worse he felt. He raised his hand and slapped him on the table. He said in a cold voice: "it must be the damned ones in the adjudication office. Their Master Chu Feng is afraid of the devil. He doesn't dare to appear. Where are they confident to attack the emperor family? Do they think it was a few years ago? "

A few years ago, the adjudication office was a force to maintain the stability of the modern world and contain the people from the five forbidden areas. But that was before. Now, Chu Feng doesn't know where he is, where does the confidence of the adjudication office come from to fight against the great emperor's family?

Mike just can't think of it. He even decides secretly in his heart that when the evening goes by, he will directly oppress isavia and make her submit to himself. Then he will lead the powerful spirit world to kill the heaven and destroy the hidden dragon gate of the verdict, so that they can know that they are the real king of the modern world!

But in Mike's assumption that he felt good about himself, there was a roar of explosion outside and the scream of the crowd. The earth shook slightly, and Mike's thoughts were completely interrupted.

What's going on?

This is the manor of modo. No one dares to do anything here. How could it explode? In addition, Mike also felt a heavy breath, which was very uncomfortable.

"Master Michael, it's not good!"When Mike stood up and wanted to go out to investigate, a powerful spiritual man came in with a dignified look, as if his parents had died: "Chu Feng is coming, Chu Feng is coming!"

Mike was stunned for a moment, then his face appeared excited and excited: "great, quickly contact the devil, tell him Chu Feng is in the present world, come and kill him."

The strong man in the spirit world was stunned for a moment. How could he feel that Mike was so stupid? He shook his head and said, "hurry up, the devil is healing recently. It's impossible for us to come out, and we can't contact the devil. Chu Feng is a saint, several levels higher than us. One finger can make us die countless times!"

Mike's brain seems to be broken. He can't understand what the powerful man in the spirit world said. Isn't Chu Feng hiding away recently? How dare you come out? Where does he come from?

Until the spirit world strong man took his hand and ran to the back, Mike still couldn't think of it. He thought that nagula was so strong. Why should people in the spirit world be afraid of Chu Feng?

Mordor didn't know what was going on. He only knew that the spiritual strongmen around Mike were afraid. He couldn't stay here and run after him.

But when they came out of the house and ran outside, suddenly a huge storm came into being. All the buildings in the manor were swept up into the sky by a tornado that they didn't know how to produce, and even dissipated a little bit. All at once, the manor was razed to the ground. There was nothing but the people with fear on their faces.

The spirit strong man holding Mike felt the terror of the saint. Where could he dare to delay and go straight across the void, even though modo was still behind shouting to take him with him.

It's just that after flying out for hundreds of meters, the spirit world strongman felt that he was bumping on something and hit the ground fiercely. Mike fell down and yelled at him.

A figure is also slowly falling from the sky at this moment, not the Chu wind can be who?

Mike and modo stand together and look at Chu Feng, who is like a God. As ordinary people, they naturally can't feel the evil spirit rolling around them. Only those powerful people in the spiritual world can deeply feel that everyone's face has turned pale. Facing Chu Feng, they are ants.

They should have been standing in front of Mike when they were in danger. At the moment, they all forgot what they should do. They looked at Chu Feng and scolded Mike in their hearts.

At first, when they were sent by Mike, they were promised a lot of benefits and arranged a lot of good things for them to enjoy. They all felt that it was nothing to help Mike do something. They thought it was just a holiday in the modern world to have some fun.

Of course, they and Mike have the same idea, that is, chufeng is not nagula's opponent, even if he suffers losses, he can only hide. Otherwise, Chang'e was killed by nagula for so long, why hasn't Chu Feng moved?

But now that they see Chu Feng coming, they know how stupid they are. It's not that Chu Feng doesn't move, but that Chu Feng doesn't want to have a conflict with nagula for the time being, just as he doesn't want to have a conflict with Chu Feng without absolute certainty.

They slowly clenched their fists and clenched their teeth to ease the tension in their hearts. However, facing the incomparable Chu Feng, their tension could not be relieved at all. Standing there was more like a lamb to be slaughtered.

His feet fell firmly on the ground, and Chu Feng gently raised his head. With the moment he raised his head, more than 300 guards in the manor all suffered electric shock and fainted in the past. Before Chu Feng came, he wanted to leave no dogs or chickens. However, on the basis of these people only obeying orders and being ordinary people, Chu Feng did not mind giving them a way to live.

Of course, what they want to do in the future, will they help the tyrant? Chu Feng doesn't want to pay attention to it. As long as they are not idiots, I believe they will not help tyranny in the future.

This is Mike's first time to see Chu Feng. He looks much younger than he was. Moreover, he is totally different from what he originally imagined. His eyes can't help but look down on him. He looks down upon him with contempt: "you are Chu Feng. I didn't expect that you still have the courage to come out?"

Mike's stupid words make all the strong people in the spiritual world black. He has seen stupid people, and has never seen anyone who is not only stupid but also arrogant.

Chu Feng is in front of him. It's Chu Feng, the forbidden demon God. Where is Mike confident to say such a thing? Don't you know that Chu Feng can destroy a planet with a look and an idea?

Shameless ignorance is the perfect interpretation of Mike at this moment!

Chu Feng has not met Mike this type of fool for a long time, heard his words passing light pondering: "do you know who I am?"

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