Super Healer

Chapter 2711

When the night came, Chu Feng and Lu Wan took satina to the place again, and situ Ya also came out of the dark.

Because of the loss of blood essence, satina was still a little weak. In addition to being able to move around, she was very reluctant to use a little strength. Chu Feng asked situ ya if there was anything wrong with them today. After confirming that there was no suspicious person, Chu Feng made that land appear again that deep pit.

"I'll be with you."

When Chu Feng and Lu Wan wanted to go down, satina came up and said, "I want to worship my ancestors again, so that he will not be buried deep in the future. No one will know his existence, and I will not be able to see him again."

It is disrespectful for the dead to rest and always open his resting place, and there is nothing wrong with satina's request.

Chu Feng didn't refuse to let Lu Wan go down first and naturally put her arms around satina's waist. It was obviously impossible for her to go down by herself in her current state.

This time, satyana was just a little unnatural, but there was no rejection. She leaned on Chu Feng's body, and after landing, she was the same as last night. Chu Feng carried satyana behind her back, and then quickly went to the inside, and soon came to the Underground Palace last night.

The body of the king of God was still there. Lu Wan looked at it and sighed with a little emotion: "once I had a monopoly on hope with the demon king. I didn't expect that one day I would lie down safely on the ground. It was a tragic time."

As if back to the ancient times, Lu Wan's eyes are a bit more sad.

Originally those people do not have to die, only blame them have been above the way of heaven, let nothing fear, so finally still can not escape the fate, one by one left the world, sleep in the ground, or left the world.

Chu Feng put down satina and went to hold Lu Wan's hand: "the cycle of heaven, I believe the result of this era, will be beautiful."

Lu Wan felt the warmth in her hand and nodded gently: "I believe it's better to look for it quickly. Even if you are sure, you can't miss any details."

However, satyana sat down as she did last night, saying something in her mouth. But Chu Feng and Lu Wan couldn't understand what she was talking about. They didn't have much thought to explore. Instead, they focused on looking for the Holy Grail of light that might exist.

After searching for more than half an hour, both of them stopped. Satina also got up early and sat on the side waiting. It's not that she doesn't want to help, but she doesn't have the strength to help now.

Lu Wan took a glance at the underground palace. It was so large that she could see everything at a glance. She had seen the Holy Grail of light. There was no hiding place here, but why not now?

Lu Wan knew that Chu Feng had a sacred pearl that could lock in the strong and precious things above the divine realm. He insisted that there was a revelation that it must be a holy pearl. But where could it be hidden in such a large place?

The eyes can not help but look at the smooth stone wall, all around are the same.

Lu Wan narrowed her eyes and examined it carefully. Then she went forward and raised her hand to touch it. The smooth stone walls were very slippery. They were not like the natural ones. In the underground palace, a place of rest, why build such a stone wall?

Just want to continue to explore deeply, suddenly all the stone walls in the underground palace have changed, as if into a mirror, in which you can see yourself, very clear.

Chu Feng slightly a Leng: "how to return a responsibility, stone wall became a mirror?"

As soon as the voice dropped, suddenly there were whirlpool like things on the mirrors made of stone walls. They had a lot of suction, just like the powerless suction when they were close to the wormhole. Chu Feng clenched Lu Wan's hand and said, "back off!"

But Lu Wan was too close, but there was no way to step back. Suddenly, her body was sucked into the general. If it was not pulled by the Chu wind, the whole person would have gone in.

Chu Feng doesn't know what happened, but it certainly won't be a good thing. Looking back, she finds that satina was sitting there, and now she's gone. She scolds and thinks that she might have been sucked in.

Clench Lu Wan's hand and pull it out, but the strong suction of Chu wind can't make much strength, and even the force driving her body is not very strong. The mirror created by the stone wall, the whirlpool on it is still spinning rapidly.

"Damn it!"

Chufeng did not release Lu Wan's words, but he could not stop the powerful whirlpool. They were sucked in together. The whole underground palace became quiet, and the mirrors became the same as the stone walls just now.

And satina was not inhaled as Chu Feng thought, but sat there all the time. At the moment, she also stood up, and the saint appeared beside her with fun and banter in her eyes.

"What's going on?" she asked, confused

"It's just a little trick the master taught me." The saint said with a smile: "however, there is no harm to Chu Feng and Lu Wan. Just let them temporarily seal in the mirror image of this area, and it will come out in half an hour. So we should seize the time now, otherwise it will be too late."For Saint said satina did not know: "what to do, if Chu Feng knows, we will be in bad luck."

"No, he won't know." The saint's eyes were firm, and he also raised his step to the God King's body: "and what you have to do now is to recite the divine forbidden art in your heart, and seize the time to practice. Before the battle between Chu Feng and nagula, you will become the new master of the universe."

Satina looked at the stone wall where Chu Feng and Lu Wan had been sucked in, and she couldn't understand why she went to the saint's side and said, "isn't the divine forbidden art already banned by the ancestors at the beginning, don't you know where it is? I can't even practice if I want to! "

The saint laughed, and his voice was very harsh.

When the laughter fell, the saint gave a cold smile: "for the rest of the protoss, even for outsiders, protoss prohibition is just a legend, but for me who has followed my master for endless years, it is real."

"The reason why it can't be found is that no one thought that the master had sealed the protoss ban on his own body, which turned into a powerful force."


Hearing the saint's words, satina was surprised to look at the body of the God King. In this body, there was a melting power of the divine prohibition. But why can't she see it, or even feel it at all?


The saint didn't explain much, and took out the pill: "after the master went, I have been guarding the protoss in secret. However, when the manpower is exhausted, I am not a complete human after all. I am half human and half soul. It is not easy to survive until now. Take this pill and take it when necessary."

What's going on in the eyes of sardino when she looks at you and says, "what's wrong with Saint Anna's eyes?"

Saint Nuo took satina's hand and put the love breaking pill in her palm and asked her to put it away. Her turbid eyes flitted over a faint sadness: "after the divine prohibition turned into power, it was extremely powerful, and the master was not easy to be confined in his own body, and it needs to be inherited through the media."

"He told me never to let anyone know about this, but now that the protoss is on the verge of decline, I have to apologize to my master. I will use myself as the medium to help you bear the most violent power, and then transfer to your body. Don't waste my heart. This is the only thing I can do for the Protoss."

Without waiting for satyana to express any opinions, the saint suddenly opened her hands, and her body was unable to move. Her body, which was powerless due to the depletion of blood essence, was unable to play any role at the moment.

The saint gave satina a soft look in his eyes, just as if he was looking at his grandson. Then he came to the body of the God King. One hand gently raised and pressed on the king's heart. Suddenly, a terrible force completely penetrated into the king's body.

A moment later, satyana, who could not move or even speak, saw that from the heart of the king's body, a dark force was slowly pouring out, and it was totally submerged in the saint's body.

The saint was old. At the moment, he looked more aging, as if he would wither at any time. But even so, what he saw on his face was satisfaction, smile and relief.

Satyana's eyes were turning there, as if saying no to the saint, but the saint didn't hear it at all. She was still sucking out the forbidden force from the body of the God King. Her bent body seemed to swell and seep into the human body!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

at this time, suddenly from the passage of the underground palace, Mosuo appeared like a ghost. His eyes were sinister and evil, and he said with a smile: "saint, I thought you were dead just like me, but I didn't expect that you still exist. I didn't even think that the divine forbidden art was hidden in the body of the God King. It's a pity!"

The corner of his mouth cocked up and said with evil: "but it's OK. As long as you are brought back, the devil can still inherit the heaven and earth yin-yang technique, ha ha ha ha!"

The evil laughter reverberated in the underground palace, which also changed the color of Saint slave and satyana Qiqi. They naturally knew Mosuo, but what they didn't expect was that Mosuo would appear here. Didn't Chu Feng arrange people to watch it? How did you come down?

However, it is normal to think that both Stuart and Baihe are superior gods, and that Mosuo is equivalent to the existence of God of creation.

The saint's pupil shrinks violently, suddenly opened his mouth and bit on his tongue. His face was ferocious: "today, no one wants to stop me!"

Mosuo, who had gathered the power of terror, was shocked and found that he could not move at all. His face was extremely ugly: "you are crazy. You are not willing to use your half soul's power to bind me. Do you want to die?"

With a smile, she took back the hand on the God King's body. She had inhaled all her strength into her body. At the moment, she was suffering from the fierce power: "now you are the only one in the world who can travel through the soul world at will. I am going to die, and you should not exist in the world. It will not be good for you to remember that the dark Holy Grail is in the soul world It is. "Mosuo struggled desperately, but it didn't work at all. He yelled, "do you want to do it?"

"Die with me!" The saint raised his hand to satina, and the endless evil forces converged into satina's body. The latter suddenly screamed and seemed to be in great pain. However, the saint didn't care at all. He just looked at Mosuo coldly: "I can't kill you. I can only control you. I'll wait for Chu Feng and Zun God to come out of the mirror and clean you up."

Mosuo's body was so shocked that he felt that he was not able to start his school and die first. He cried out bitterly, "you can't do that!"

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