Super Healer

Chapter 2741

Night falls, but for Chu Feng, only the more angry mood.

Because he felt a familiar breath calling himself in the afternoon, he left the mirage manor. However, until now, the people who called him out were like hiding cats and cats with him, leading him to travel around the spirit world. Although he was not found by anyone in the spirit world, Chu Feng was still very unhappy.

If he didn't think there must be something wrong, he would have turned back to the mirage manor, so he would not follow the shuttle everywhere.

The person who lured him out was dream. The dream should have been in the hidden world, but it appeared in the spirit world. Chu Feng knew that something must have happened. Although she was angry that she had taken Chang'e and Phoenix's blood, Chu Feng didn't want to fight with the dream until the last minute!

The moon has risen high. Chu Feng also feels that the dream has stopped. Standing at the foot of a mountain when he sees the dream above the sky, he will resist the impulse of your uncle. Chu Feng slowly falls down, standing 10 meters away from the dream.

Only then discovered, appeared is not the dream entity, but her soul.

Chu Feng watched for a while, wondering whether he could bring back Chang'e's soul if he let the dream go to the soul world. But this idea was quickly put out by Chu Feng, because it was not realistic at all.

There are many ways to enter the soul world, but there is only one way out, that is, she must go through the door of reincarnation. If she succeeds, she will be OK. If she fails, her dream will disappear. She will enter a new life. She certainly will not take this risk.

After dismissing the impossible thought, Chu Feng said in a deep voice: "what do you tempt me to do? You're not an entity, it's useless! "

"Chu Feng!" The dream turned around, and his face was angry: "can't you be polite to me?"

Although chufeng has been slighted for many times, she knows that it is Chu Feng's wild goose and hair plucking mind. In essence, Chu Feng is not a beast, but her character is not that kind of woman who is particularly open-minded. Therefore, she can't accept Chu Feng's words of challenging her bottom line by opening her mouth and closing her mouth.

But Chu Feng was indifferent to spread his hands: "when you took away the blood of Chang'e and Phoenix, I didn't have any polite words to you. I even regretted that I cancelled your blood spirit contract, and even why I didn't play you directly at the beginning."

"In this way, I won't be so uncomfortable now."

Dream by the Chu wind, the mood of Qi ups and downs, but also think of the Chu wind stripped into a white sheep, think of the face is hot.

But the dream knows that Chu Feng is now deliberately irritating himself. Dream takes a deep breath to let himself not be affected by Chu Feng's words. He whispered, "don't say these things to me. It doesn't have any effect on me. It's useless for you to regret things, because you don't have a chance now."

"I came to you tonight just to tell you something about the absorption of power by Stuart and Baihe."

Chu Feng was not satisfied with the situation, but heard the words behind is immediately the whole person tightened the body: "is it you?"

"Chu Feng!" Dream a Leng, immediately angry to drink a way: "in your eyes, I am that kind of evil woman?"

Chu Feng also realized that this could not be a dream. If she had really practiced such terrible magic, she would have absorbed his strength. Zhang Yuner and Lu Wan would not have planted a blood spirit contract for him at the beginning.

He coughed gently: "I'm sorry, then you can say it."

Stunned for a moment, the dream was stunned by the words of Chu Feng's sorry. He calmed down slowly and said softly, "I know who absorbed their strength, but forgive me for not telling you. It's not that I don't want to, but I can't. The only thing I can tell you is that I know what kind of magic arts the people who absorb the power of situ Ya practice."

Chu Feng subconsciously clenched his fist and wanted to take the dream down and threaten it, because she even knew who it was. How could she not say it?

But as soon as he clenched his fist, Chu Feng reflected that the dream was the virtual body of the soul out of the body, and it was not his arrival at all. Obviously, he also guessed what he would do. For the empty body like the soul, Chu Feng knew that as long as the dream had the intention to dodge, he would be hard to hurt himself.

After loosening his fist, Chu Feng took a deep breath: "what kind of magic?" Although I don't know who it is, if you know what kind of magic arts you are practicing, you may be able to find a way to deal with it.

Just now Chu Feng's actions at that moment were all seen in his eyes. He was slightly annoyed in his heart. Chu Feng was still such a bastard. He wanted to threaten people if he didn't agree.

In the heart secretly scolds a, the dream forbearance just did not lose temper, return way: "heaven and earth Yin and Yang skill!"

Chu Feng frowned, thought for a moment and asked, "what is it?"

Dream light looked at Chu wind one eye, just slowly road.

Heaven and earth Yin and Yang technique, do not know which era the powerful person created the sorcery, the main function is to absorb other people's power for their own use, and is no loss of absorption, although the strength is not as strong as the six prohibitions, but the absorbed power is completely stable, it is very powerful, the most important thing is that it will not have any side to itself effect.In addition, in addition to absorbing other people's power, the heaven and earth yin-yang technique can also absorb the past together with other people's memories, and it is a complete memory, as if one's own memory was known by another person.

He is not surprised that Chu Feng is moved by the simple information and can absorb the power. Because both stuya and Baihe have been absorbed, and can fully absorb one's memory, Chu Feng has to be dignified.

Both stuya and Baihe are close people. They know some secrets about Chu Feng. If they are known by those who absorb their strength, they will expose their weaknesses to others. Maybe even the demon world is no secret now.

Thinking of the existence of such a terrible person in the world, Chu Feng's eyes were cold: "who is he, where is he? Besides, how do you know what happened to us? You've been following us? "

Dream side to side, quietly back: "I can say, only so much."

"Dream!" Chu Feng said in a low voice, "this matter is very important to me. If you have a little conscience, tell me. I'm not afraid to absorb other people's power, but I can absorb it together with other people's memory. This is absolutely not allowed. It is equivalent to a war with a person who fully understands himself. Do you think there is a chance to win?"

Dream brows are locked. The reason why she can know is that she has been following satina secretly in the past two days. Looking at satyana's situation is to fight against Chu Feng, which is in line with the dream's plan. Once Chu Feng is told, there will be a person who is against Chu Feng in the future. In the dream's heart, there is always a little do not want to.

Just touching Chu Feng's urgent eyes, the dream did not know how to refuse, and finally sighed softly: "I can tell you, but you don't want to ask me how I know about you, OK?"

Chu Feng looked happy and nodded: "good!"

"That person, even", "dream" finally did not know why, gave up the idea of the beginning, gently opened red lips ready to tell Chu Feng, but just opened his mouth, suddenly felt a heavy pressure, so that her soul was shaking.

Startled to raise his head, eyes appear dignified: "nothingness!"

words as like as two peas, the body of dreams suddenly distorted and disappeared directly before Chu Feng. A figure similar to her, even in illusion and even appearance, appeared before Chu Feng. It was not illusion that turned into a dream like nothingness. Who else could it be?

We are ready to wait for the dream to say that person out, and then go directly to kill it, so as to avoid any unchangeable dangerous situation. We don't want to be transferred directly by nothingness before the dream is said. At present, we don't know where the transferred person is.

The joy on Chu Feng's face solidified in an instant, looking at the nihility in his eyes, with a cruel and cruel killing opportunity: "bitch, how can you get there?"

"Is that how you treat your Savior?" Nothingness giggled and giggled. Otherwise, she really thought she was a woman: "don't forget that you came back from the parallel universe. If it wasn't for me, you would have been directly broken by the huge power of the wormhole!"

"So, you should know how to be grateful, and I don't want you to agree with me. At least you should be polite to me?"

Nihilism directly transferred the dream away, obviously did not want her to say who the person was. Chu Feng clenched his fist and thought of bingyue and Xi. This is the process of nihility setting. Their death and everything are under the control of nothingness.

The murderous opportunity in his eyes was burning fiercely, and the power of terror began to gather between Chu Feng's fists.

Nothingness, however, had no feeling. She said with a smile: "you can't attack me with the power of destroying the heaven and earth. Instead, nagula will find you in the spirit world. So you can think about it. Besides, once you attack, you will have no chance to turn back."

Chu Feng closed his eyes, took a deep breath, loosened his fist and scattered his fierce: "what do you want to do this time?"

Nihilism smile: "before the throne appears, I don't know what I want to do. I only know to look at you happy, you pain, I will be very satisfied, really."

"Pervert!" Chufeng burst to drink, and nihilism continue to say, do not doubt that he will be angry to death, turning to leave, found that the body simply can not move, Chu Feng look slightly angry: "nihilism, you don't want me to die now, why do you want to tie me?"

Nothingness giggled and giggled in front of Chu Feng, and his hand passed over his face. Only it could touch people, others could not touch it.

He said with a smile: "it's nothing, but I'm training you a stronger enemy than nagula, so I don't want you to go for the moment."

Chu Feng looks stunned, suddenly awakened, thinking of satina and Yihong, they are going to have an accident!

Roar directly to the sky: "nothingness, you can't die easily!"

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