Super Healer

Chapter 2745

The disappearance of situ Ya and Bai He, Chu Feng seemed to have forgotten. When night fell, he walked out of the room and could not see any ugly color on his face. It seemed that what happened did not affect his mood.

When he went to the front hall, satina was a little surprised. According to her initial understanding, Chu Feng must still be silent in the anger of situ Ya's captivity. But now Chu Feng gave her the feeling that she didn't pay attention to everything at all, which was quite strange.

But of course there was curiosity in her heart, and satina's face was not revealed. She just sat there quietly, as though she were meditating.

"There is little wind. Do you want to eat?"

William, who had forgotten everything, stood up with the same enthusiasm as before: "I've just made something, and I'll bring it to you if I want it."

"No, thank you." Chu Feng shook his head with a smile and patted William on the shoulder: "you don't have to be busy with what we want to eat every day. We can do it if we don't eat. And if you want something, you can go back first, so that your father won't doubt anything."

"I know you hate demons, but it's not good to be found out that you haven't been in the castle for days."

William shook his head. "It's OK. Even if they want to pay attention to it, they are my father. They won't waste their time on me. Otherwise, they won't spend the past few days without anyone looking for me."

"You can do it yourself." Chu Feng didn't force him. He believed that William was a man of his own discretion.

He walked over and sat down. Everyone was sitting here. Yihong was even more quiet. He was sitting in the corner. His face was calm. He couldn't see the amorous feelings at some time. It was as if nothing had happened.

Of course, Chu Feng couldn't expose his relationship with Yihong. He took a deep breath and said, "it will soon be the full moon night. Before that, I think I need to tell you something and prepare you to avoid something out of control at that time."

Hearing Chu Feng have something to say, William also sat down, everyone's eyes are on Chu Feng, want to know what he wants to say.

Chu Feng was silent for a moment and said, "you must all be very curious about why I have to wait until the full moon night. Now I will tell you, because on the full moon night, nagula will become a monster without human thinking. The last time the werewolf appeared on the moon night, in fact, is nagula!"

In addition to relying on Hong can barely calm, satina or William are surprised to stand up.

The latter was more shocked and said, "you said that the werewolf who appeared on the night of the full moon last time was nagula, but how could it be possible?"

Nagula was born in a demon clan. In addition to their different ways, they are all human beings. The werewolf is obviously half human and half wolf. How could it be nagula?

"I didn't believe it at first, but that's the truth."

Chu Chu as like as two peas, Sarti Anna and William sat down, and Xu Daolai sat down. "I went up with me that night, and I fought with the wolf man. The upper body was the wolf's form. The lower body was human. The most important thing was that the wolf head and the demon emperor's body that had never appeared again were the same. In another power, I felt the breath of the king of the wind."

Chu Feng asked everyone not to speak first and said his own judgment.

That is, nagula has changed itself after merging with the demon emperor. I'm afraid that's what nagula didn't expect. Therefore, on the full moon night, nagula will become a werewolf, and nagula who becomes a werewolf will have no basic thinking and reason.

Otherwise, he would have recognized the person in the last fight, and would never have happened these days.

Seeing that several people were still unable to accept it, Chu Feng said with a warm smile: "at first, I couldn't accept it when I saw it, and I even doubted it. But later, I was absolutely sure that the werewolf was nagula, and the fusion demon emperor completely changed him. Otherwise, how to explain that the werewolf appeared in the spirit world, but nagula didn't send people to search it?"

Satina and William, who had doubts, suddenly woke up.

Judging from the character of nagula before, this is indeed impossible. Although it may be that the demon Kingdom army that may be killed at any time has not been searched, it does not need too many hands to search the werewolf, and the huge spiritual world can still be transferred out.

But nagula didn't mean to search. It was not that he was worried about dispersing his power, but that he knew very well that the werewolf was himself and could not be found.

In this way, the unreasonable can be fully explained.

Satina narrowed her eyes, and her eyes passed by chufeng carelessly. That night, she thought Chu Feng was impulsive to go out. At the moment, it seems that Chu Feng didn't go out rashly at that time. It must be that she found some problems at that time.

Of course, the most surprising thing is that the pure blood nagula was influenced by the demon emperor, and became the existence of human beings, demons and demons. It is estimated that nagula's heart must be angry to death?

Under the illusion that nagula turned into a werewolf, satina felt comfortable, because although nagula is now incomparable, he has become a monster.After telling them all, Chu Feng's eyes fell on satyana and whispered, "Princess Anna, we are going to war with nagula soon. At that time, you don't need to participate in it. Find a safe place to hide, or solve some of the core strongmen of the demon clan. Stay away from the fierce battle center between me and nagula as far as possible."

Satyana is still joking about nagula's change. She is stunned: "why, can't I help?"

"You're more likely to die." Fighting nagula is not a joke. Chu Feng has no polite meaning: "if you insist on participating in it, I can't guarantee your safety, but I still hope you don't participate in it. You are the only one left in the royal family until now. If you die, there will be no future for the Shenzu."

Satina looked at Chu Feng, her lips trembled and said, "the wind is less, you, you, and"

"it's wonderful to be the only one in the world, but I don't want to die too many people." Chu Feng didn't wait for satina to finish saying what she wanted to say. She said with a warm smile: "I started to put forward some conditions for you. It's just that I was rejected by you. I'm just a person. I can't control the world at the same time. What should belong to you belongs to you."

Satina's body was slightly shaken, and her eyes twinkled with complicated colors. All along, she felt that Chu Feng wanted to use the protoss to control the western spirit world, but now Chu Feng's meaning was so clear that he never thought of using the protoss to control the western spirit world.

What he wants is the stability of the world and the peace of all living beings.

Shaking her head, satyana dispelled the thought that she should not have in her mind. She thought of one thing and said, "by the way, the protoss royal family has fallen and I am the only one left. But on my mother's side, I have a younger sister, who is my uncle's biological daughter. We have always maintained contact. She risks hiding in the spirit world to provide me with information at any time."

"In the afternoon, she contacted me and asked where I was. I didn't tell her, I just said that nagula would be attacked soon."

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes: "what do you want to say?"

After a pause, satina's eyes twinkled, and she lowered her head: "she and I have no parents, no relatives, we only have a cousin. I mean, if Feng Shao agrees, I want her to come here."

Chu Feng nodded slightly, then shook his head and said: "your cousin can hide until now, so it shows that she is not a stupid person, and it is not short of these days. I am not doubting your cousin, but I just don't want to have any changes, because no one can guarantee whether she will be watched by the demons."

"So I don't want anyone to know that I'm in the spirit world before I go to war with nagula."

The meaning is quite clear, that is, satina's cousin can't come here, or even tell her that now people have come to the spiritual world.

Satyana looks stiff. All her relatives have died. Although the only cousin is not the royal family of the protoss, she is still her own relative. Now Chu Feng refuses with a word. Satyana is a little uneasy.

Biting her lips, she finally chose silence. It is not easy for Chu Feng to change her decision. Secondly, her plan does not allow any changes.

Chu Feng didn't go to see whether satina's look was good or bad, to see if everyone had nothing to say. Then he stood up and said, "I'll rest as much as possible in the next two days. OK, before the war on nagula, I don't want any changes to prevent the person who can absorb other people's strength from appearing again. I hope that no one will go out."

Satina nodded unnaturally. Like William and Yihong, she didn't refute Chu Feng's words. She just glanced at the back of Chu Feng's departure, passing a faint complex color.

Because Chu Feng's words just touched her a little bit, and even kicked her over. She always felt that Chu Feng was using her ideas.

At the moment, I want to say that Chu Feng is just saying it, but I can't find the need to cheat her.

After Chu Feng left the front hall, satina also went out. The moon in the sky will soon become a full moon, and remembering what Chu Feng said, nagula will become an inhuman werewolf on a full moon night.

Beautiful lips slightly raised, I believe that if nagula turned into a werewolf, even if it was found out that the demon people would despise it, even though nagula was so powerful at that time, it would lose people's heart.

The only thing that is not beautiful is that satina found that her killing heart to Chu Feng and her determination to avenge the saints are unconsciously weakening

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