Super Healer

Chapter 2751

For two days in a row, satina was hiding in the castle of Xingluo. What Chu Feng said when she began to look for her caused her inner turmoil. However, after these two days, she felt that Chu Feng was suspicious.

If kardashan really has a different heart, and even the Star City Lord has betrayed, then the past two days will never be peaceful. Nagula has already arrived.

So the Chu Feng words that she still put in her heart were completely forgotten by satina. As for where Chu Feng is now, she doesn't want to think about it. She just needs to know that Chu Feng will fight nagula on the night of full moon. As for what she needs to do at that time, she has no better decision at present.

A new day has passed and night has come.

Satina sat in front of the window and looked up. The day after tomorrow, it would be full moon night.

There was a soft sigh, which also attracted the attention of cadysan, who came to satina's side and asked, "cousin, what's the matter?"

"I want to get out of here, tonight!" Satina was silent for a moment and said what she thought.

On the full moon night the day after tomorrow, Chu Feng will fight with nagula, and the whole spiritual world will inevitably be implicated. Satina knows that this is a crisis, but it may also be an opportunity. She even started to choose to cooperate with Chu Feng. It is better to be present when necessary. Moreover, situ Ya and Bai He are in her hands, which should reflect their value.

"Now, why, isn't it safe?" she said

"It's safe, but it may only be temporary." Satina gently shakes her head. She still refuses to tell her the secret of the full moon night. She just says, "because soon, Chu Feng is going to fight nagula. We are safe in the castle of Stella now, but not necessarily in the future."

"When the demon army enters the spirit world, they will only follow Chu Feng's will to carry out boundless killing, and each branch of the demon clan and the big city-state must bear the brunt. We are not safe here!"

Kardashan did not recognize that there was another meaning in satina's words.

It was just a little anxious. Nagula told her that she tried her best to know the whereabouts of Chu Feng from satina's mouth, whether it was now in the spirit world. However, in the past two days, satina did not disclose any news, and kadaishan felt nagula's impatience.

At the moment, satina is going to leave. How can Kardashian allow it?

Just as she was about to speak, the door rang. Kardashan was stunned for a moment. Then she went over and opened the door. No one would come here except the Star City Lord and William. Sure enough, when he opened the door, there were the father and son of Star City Lord standing outside.

When they came in, the Star City Lord asked, "Princess Anna, do you have any orders for William and me?"

"I'm leaving the castle tonight." Satyana did not hide her thoughts. She said, "because soon Chu Feng will come to the spirit world, and the war will certainly involve the whole spirit world. Xingluo city is the first city-state of the spirit world, which will be focused on, so I want to leave here."

"And I hope you are ready to evacuate at any time. The people of Chu Feng are coming, and that is endless blood."

From Chu Feng's attitude, satina can already see that kind of unshakable killing opportunity, so if the war starts, there will be a river of blood. Xingluo city is the first city-state in the spiritual world. How can it survive?

Hearing that satyana was about to leave, the Star City Lord frowned: "Princess Anna, night curfew, there are demons everywhere. How do you leave?"

Satina opened her lips and said, "I can leave safely. The city Lord can rest assured."

Chu Feng came here two days ago. If there is any danger, you can contact him at any time. Although there is no danger, Chu Feng will not say no if he wants to leave here.

Both Star City Lord and kardashan felt that satina had not finished her words. However, neither of them asked, but the former asked, "is Princess Anna leaving now or late at night?"

"Late at night." Satina looked out of the window and said faintly, "although the people of the curfew demon clan are more frequent, they are also the most lazy moment. If you leave at that time, the chances of success will be greater. Of course, the city Lord, you should remember my words and be ready to evacuate at any time. As long as you are not here, I believe the demon Kingdom army will not start at will."

The Star City Lord bowed back: "I understand."

"Besides!" Satyamna stopped for a moment and said, "let William and I leave together. You are the next God. It's not difficult to avoid the demonic army as long as you are careful. However, William's realm is not enough, so as not to affect your evacuation. I want to take him away first."

William was brought up by satina when he was a child. The master of Starland had no opinion on it. He nodded softly: "it will trouble the princess."

Then the father and son left the room. Later, William came back and left with satina at night. There were only satyana and the Kardashian sisters in the room.At the moment, kardashan was fully sure that satina was going to leave. Her eyes narrowed slightly, but she didn't say a word. After a while, when satina went back to the house, she said outside: "cousin Anna, I'll go out to breathe, relax, and go with you at night."

But instead of leaving the castle, she went all the way to the castle. She knocked out the castle guards and sat down.

Not long after, a figure shuttled through the night sky and appeared directly in front of kardashan. It was nagula.

"The devil!" stood up as she sat

Nagula did not respond, but slowly raised her head to skim the night, knowing that the day after tomorrow will be the full moon night, she will become an irrational monster.

"Give me a reason to call me. I'm satisfied that you're still alive. I'm not satisfied. You're going to die right away."

As soon as she felt cold, she felt that nagula was not joking with herself. If she did not give a good reason, she would be mercilessly killed.

Her body was slightly bent, but the scenery could not attract nagula's eyes, and made kardashan's mood even more uneasy: "satyana decided to leave the castle and said that Chu Feng was going to fight with you. If you stay here, you may be killed by the demon Kingdom army and mistakenly think it's the demon people who kill you. You can't pay for the loss!"

Originally, she thought that nagula would look better when she said such news, but when she didn't want to say it, kardashan was slapped by nagula.

Suddenly fell on the ground, rolled out a little, covered his face up, eyes full of confused color, there are innocent like Innocence: "why hit me?"

"What I know, did you tell me make sense?" Nagula snorted coldly, and looked at kadaishan with sinister eyes. If she didn't want to arouse satina's attention, she would have broken out into a terrible evil spirit: "shouldn't you tell me more about the Chu wind?"

The day after tomorrow is the full moon night. Nagula doesn't worry about Chu Feng coming to fight with him tonight or tomorrow, but he worries that it will be the day after tomorrow, because he will lose his mind and become a werewolf. Although his power is still strong, but he has no normal thinking, it is equivalent to a fighting machine. How can he be killed by Chu Feng?

Feeling the killing opportunity of nagula's condensation, kadeshan's heart trembled and she knelt on the ground with a plop: "forgive me!"

Nagula came up to kardashan and put her hand on her chin. She asked her to look up: "don't think you are a God. If you give me your body, I will look at you more. If you have no value, you can still be abandoned. Now give you the last chance and give me a reason not to kill you."

The closer it was to the full moon night, the more bloodthirsty and irritable nagula's heart would become. At the moment, he really wanted to kill kardashan.

Kardashan's tense throat was dry, and she felt that one of the things she regretted most was to surrender to nagula, because this was a moody psychopath.

But now that everything is false, kardashan quickly thought of the reason why she could live, and suddenly said, "if we take William, maybe we can know whether satina is cooperating with Chu Feng, and let her tell us what we want to know."

Nagula shrugged her eyes. "Do you think she will compromise?"

"Certainly!" "Because William was brought up by her, it's like her child. If we take William, satina will certainly compromise in order to save him," she said without hesitation

In her heart, Katherine's jaw was released.

If it was not for the full moon night, the war would break out at any time, he would not be so eager to know where Chu Feng was and whether he was in the spirit world, because the full moon night was approaching, he could no longer waste his time.

Moving her hands, nagula's eyes gradually cooled down: "then do as you say, it's time to meet with satina, but you'd better not expose it for the time being. Maybe it's useful!"

"Good!" How dare she say no, she nodded directly. When she got up to leave, she thought of something and asked, "devil, how do you know that satina is leaving tonight?"

At present, only she and the father and son of the Star City Lord know this. How does nagula know? And she found that she had just passed on the news for a while and nagula was coming. Was it too fast?

Originally, she wanted nagula to answer her own questions, but she didn't want to get a killing look in her eyes. Kardashan quickly shut up and left the top of the castle, ready to go back to satina as if nothing had happened.

When kardashan returned to her room, the Star City Lord also sent a message to satina.

Nagula, here it is!

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