Super Healer

Chapter 2768

The dream left the manor and went through the water to the edge of the forest outside. He found a place to sit down and looked at the calm of the water in his eyes.

The reason why she is determined to drive away satina is that she does not want Chu Feng to be stabbed by satina before the peak of the great era. Although the possibility is not very great, this is an era of seeking for power, and anything can happen.

But now Chu Feng doesn't mean to drive away satina, which makes the dream helpless and helpless. Because Chu Feng has an absolute reason to keep satyana. If she insists on it again and again, the only person to leave is her. The dream is very clear about this.

Although she said to Chu Feng one of the two, but really can't let satina leave, she will not leave.

Chu Feng is related to a very important plan. If she is stabbed by satina, the plan may run aground. However, she can't tell Chu Feng the truth directly because she was directly removed by nothingness last time. It is certain that this is a nihilistic plot.

The more I want to dream, the more entangled my heart is. I also catch the wind of Chu.

Subconsciously will stand up to walk away, but Chu Feng's voice also directly came: "if you dare to go, I will make you cry!"

The dream stopped in vain, staring at Chu Feng in front of him with indignation in his eyes, and looked sullen: "you didn't choose satina, what do you come to me for?"

You can hear a sour smell in the words. It seems that you are jealous, but you don't feel general.

Chu Feng coughed gently. The injury was not completely good. He had been chasing his dream all the way. There was a little obstacle.

Dream of a tight heart, but think of Chu Feng just to protect satina, and stopped the pace, a cold face, as if Chu wind owed her one hundred and eighty thousand general.

"Don't go!" Chu Feng held the dream's hand and said, "I need your help to fight against nagula."

Dream look some unnatural shake off Chu Feng's hand: "isn't there satyana?"

Chu Feng shook his head with a wry smile, turned around and sat down and said, "I'm very surprised why you have such a big reaction when you see satina for the first time. However, you don't want to say that I won't ask you. But in the future, the western world needs satyana. This time, I need her help to fight against nagula."

"Sometimes we can be self willed, but sometimes we have to take the overall situation into consideration. If I can directly control the western world, it doesn't matter to me whether satina will leave, but I know that I can't

From the beginning of this era, or from the ancient times, the relationship between the East and the west is divided.

In this era, the Oriental warriors are still much stronger than the western spiritual ones. There is no time for them to live in peace. They can respect the gods or demons, but they will never accept the rule of the strong in the East.

Chu Feng used to think about subjecting Wanjie, but after a lot of experience, he thought more about Wan Jie's stability. If he could, Chu Feng believed that no one wanted to fight again and again.

If nagula dies, she is the only one who can control the western world, and even make the West recognize and not exclude. Therefore, Chu Feng's help or support is just for the future stability of the western world. Stability is more important than anything else.

Chu Feng calmly said the words to this, the dream is not a willful person, sit down, but a little distance from Chu Feng: "only if one day you find that the support for satina is wrong, do you regret it?"

"Yes, but not too much!" Chu Feng thought about it and nodded: "because everyone's heart is different, I can only take the trust situation before there is no change. If satyana really makes me regret, it is also my wrong choice, but I believe that I can't be wrong when I look at people."

"Satyana is a kind-hearted person. Even if she is bad, she can't be bad. Even if she wants to dominate the western world in the future, I don't care as long as she guarantees her stability."

Dream gently opened her mouth and wanted to tell Chu Feng satyana's secret, but she still held back the words to her mouth. It was not so easy to say something that Zhang Yuner could not pry into.

Shaking his head scattered the tangle in the heart, the dream fell into silence.

Chu Feng has a reason to stay with satina. She has the difficulty of telling Chu Feng the secret. So it is meaningless to entangle in this issue. Of course, she will not leave. Compared with the future, she wants chufeng to live a strong life.

Just after nagula fell, maybe the two people can still sit together peacefully, will not appear again?

Chang'e and Phoenix blood, dream does not want to return to Chu Feng, and Chu Feng must go back. Now the quiet is just because of the existence of nagula, and when nagula falls, the dream does not continue to think about it, but already know what the result is. His eyes deviate, seeing Chu Feng staring at himself, his face slightly red and leaning to one side: "what are you looking at?"Chu Feng's mouth slightly cocked up, did not answer the words of the dream, but directly held her hand, forced to pull close to himself, in the dream surprised look, Chu Feng overbearing kiss her red lips, hands are tightly embrace the dream, do not give her the chance to break free.

Pupil fierce contraction, dream eyes subconsciously look around, the first feeling is not Chu Feng kiss himself, but whether there is anyone to see.

When no one wanted to push away the wind of Chu, Chu Feng let it go first and looked at her gently with a pair of eyes: "dream, put Chang'e and Phoenix blood!"

At the moment is a very romantic atmosphere, dreams have been slightly emotional, do not want Chu wind at this time to throw out such words, mengdun pushed away Chu Feng to stand up: "impossible!"

"Why!" Chu Feng then got up and asked with a slight cough: "I can feel that you don't want to take away the blood of Chang'e and Phoenix, but you don't want to do so. What are your difficulties or what? Can you tell me?"

At that moment, dream really wanted to tell Chu Feng all the things, but she was very clear that if she said it, the relationship with Chu Feng would fall into the freezing point completely.

Before that day came, dream didn't want to be the enemy of Chu Feng.

Turning around, her beautiful eyes showed a faint apology: "I'm sorry, everyone has his own little secret, but my secret can't tell you."

Chu Feng had no choice but to smile bitterly. He gently shook his head and walked to the shore. He did not know what the dream was insisting on, but he did not want to embarrass the dream.

She is a monk who should have disappeared, and her appearance has completely exceeded all people's expectations. Therefore, it is normal for a dream to have some secrets, but it seems that this secret dream does not want to share with him.

Standing behind Chu Feng, looking at his back, the heart of the dream can't stand the pain. During the days when her soul was attached to Bai He, she already had a heart beating with Bai He's feelings for Chu Feng. Seeing his sadness, the dream heart was not very good.

Slowly walked forward, the dream took the initiative to open his hands, clasped Chu Feng, chin against his shoulder, whispered: "Chu Feng, if one day we want to be enemies, please don't be merciful to me, because if you show mercy to me, you are not responsible for your own."

"I can't tell you why now, but I hope you will remember my words."

Chu Feng did not move and did not reply, but his eyes became deep.

The dream doesn't want to do it, but she has to do it. Obviously, there is an unknown secret hidden behind her, or someone asks her to do so. But in the universe, who can let the dream do what she doesn't want to do?

After thinking about many people, they were overthrown by Chu Feng one by one. Maybe this problem can only be explained by dream itself.

The dream looked at Chu Feng from the side and asked, "you really don't like satina. You won't let her stay around in the future, but just want her to control the western world and live in peace with the east?"

"At most, friendship." Chu Feng understood the dream's mind, and did not tangle with the topic that made them unable to communicate. He nodded back and said, "after the destruction of nagula tonight, I will leave the western world. If there is no situation, maybe I will never come here again."

"So for satina, I never thought about possession."

Dream seriously looking at Chu Feng, sniffing his body that let him indulge in the taste.

A faint shyness flashed in his eyes: "then why do you like me?"

"Don't you want me to be in charge?" Chufeng gentle smile, holding the hands of the dream turned around, facing the temperament of the outstanding woman: "and you are so perfect, even nihilism are moved to you, so how can I not you?"

The heart beat faster and faster, the dream lowered his head and did not dare to look at Chu Feng's eyes. He also asked, "you are not well injured. Do you really want to fight tonight?"

Chu Feng nodded: "my injury is temporary, nagula's injury is a long time, now do not hand, more to wait for when?"

The Grail of light can make the injured satina recover in a short time, so let him also recover quickly, shouldn't it be difficult?

What Chu Feng and Meng didn't know at the moment was that their words and deeds were under the control of satina. When she returned to the room alone, she opened the picture connecting Chu Feng with them, watching their lingering and listening to their words.

That drop in front of the tears slowly slide down the face, satina clenched the powder Fist: "Chu Feng, you really to me, a little heart feeling all have no?"

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