Super Healer

Chapter 2785

Nagula's evil voice reverberated between heaven and earth, and it was clear that he was not frustrated by defeat, and even had a pleasant meaning.

This is also the evil place of nagula. Just now when he and satyana were fighting, he suddenly thought of the divine forbidden art. Combined with what satyana and he said, even if he was reincarnated, there would be no future.

The way to let him reincarnate and have no future is to break up his power before he dies and can't integrate into his soul. Combined with the news that the Holy Grail of light is in this world, but there is no divine prohibition, nagula guessed that satina probably controlled the divine prohibition, otherwise she would never have said such words.

The facts also proved that he was right. She practiced the Yin and Yang skills of heaven and earth.

So when nagula knew that she couldn't avoid satyana's power absorption, she voluntarily gave up her resistance. She also knew that Chu Feng would never allow anyone who practiced this magic art. So he passed on his strength to satina. Even if he died, Chu Feng and satina would surely fall out.

It's very comfortable to think about nagula. Although there is no future of reincarnation and there may not be a chance of reincarnation, Chu Feng can be uncomfortable before he dies. He is very happy.

Satyana did not say a word, but absorbed the power of nagula. She felt that the strong power was constantly pouring into her body. She did not care about anything. What she thought was the future of the Protoss and the supreme position of the world.

Her silence fell in Chu Feng's eyes, and there was a heartache of being cheated. Minghong's magic sword floated out, and suddenly thousands of sword Qi shot out. If he could, he didn't want to do anything to satina, but if he didn't, it would be unfair to stuya and others.

What's more, what satyana practiced was such a sorcery that directly absorbed other people's power, which was not allowed by Chu Feng, let alone that satyana was hiding around him and hurting the people around him.

"If you don't want stuya and Baihe to die, do it!"

Thousands of sword rage, satina knew that she could not hide, but she did not mean to hide, just cold mouth.

Chu Feng's pupils congealed, his hand a thousand swords stagnated in the air, looking at satyana sitting there constantly absorbing the evil power of nagula. At the moment, she was so strange.

Take a deep breath and lower your head. The corners of your mouth touch a touch of unintelligible playfulness: "do you capture them for this moment?"

As long as there are hostages in hand, satina doesn't have to worry about being attacked by anyone at a critical time.

"At first, then not, now!" Satina closed her eyes and did not notice Chu Feng's look. Her words did not fluctuate in the slightest: "I resent the death of the saint. I blame you, but I know that you wanted to save me at that time. You don't know who the saint is. Although you have resentment against you, it's not too big. It's really a threat to take away stuya and Baihe. But at that time, I didn't want to absorb the power of nagula 。”

"Later, it wasn't because I broke through the sage. You didn't give up me even though you were afraid of death. My heart couldn't bear to fight against you. I also wanted to let go of situ Ya and Bai He. Now, it's because you refused my love for you, and you hurt my heart."

When satina spoke, she was calm, and Chu Feng listened quietly. He believed what she said.

But even so, he did not regret rejecting satina, because love is love, not love is not love, he is more of an ally, the most friends relationship, to say love or almost mean, reluctant to accept satina, for her, will only be greater harm.

Chu Feng carried his hands: "stop, if you hate me because of my refusal, then aim at me and absorb the evil power of nagula, which will affect your mind."

Satina snorted coldly. She did not respond to Chu Feng at all, but absorbed nagura's strength, because she had a more crazy plan.

"Chu Feng!" Lu Wan frowned slightly when she saw that satyana completely ignored Chu Feng's words: "nothingness began to hide from yun'er, which must be part of the nihilism plot. We can see that nagula is powerful, and the five sages are hard to deal with. Now the dream is not there, and satyana has changed. The three of us have not said the following words, but the meaning is very clear It is satyana who has absorbed the power of nagula, and must be stronger than nagula. Only the three of them are left. Even if the Chu wind becomes stronger, it is also full of changes.

Chu Feng nodded clearly: "but, situ Ya and Bai He!"

"This Lu Wan was stunned, and her expression became firm: "you were not threatened before? For the sake of the stability of the world, it is necessary to die one or two people. "

"Chang'e is dead, Xi is dead, and my dream is dead. I don't want to see anyone die again." Chu Feng's expression was not startled or pleased. He said as light as water: "I don't want people around me to die again. Maybe you think I'm emotional. But if I don't even have the most basic bottom line, what's the difference between me and nagula and others?"

"Don't say anything. Stuart and Baihe were involved because I was involved. How can I watch them suffer harm? As for the future, I believe that she is not a big evil person."Lu Wan wanted to say that satina would wreak havoc on the heaven and earth in the future. He heard Chu Feng say such words, but he sighed and did not speak again. Chu Feng has seen too many people die these days. If situ Ya and Bai he die in the same way, Chu Feng's heart will never be able to forgive himself.

Her eyes shifted to satina. Lu Wan's expectation was that she was not a bad person, as Chu Feng said.

At the moment, the surroundings are completely quiet. Because of the life and death of stuya and Bai He, Chu Feng doesn't start when satina absorbs strength, and asks Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er not to do it.

With the passage of time, nagula's hair has turned silver white, and the whole person has become much older. Satyana also opened her eyes, put down her hands and stood up. Under the seemingly peaceful posture, Chu Feng and others could feel that satina had hidden the power of terror.

Even if it has not been completely stabilized, but Chu Feng can fight her here, Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er will not be rivals.

Nagula also opened her eyes, the whole person was weak and said with a smile: "Princess Anna, you are also threatened by the woman of Chu Feng, but you are better than me, ha ha ha ha!"

In the laughter, satina's hand opened to nagula's forehead: "thank you for your last gift. Now you can go to the Protoss and make amends."

The bright light suddenly shrouded nagula and completely wrapped him in it. Instead of screaming and indignation, nagula burst into laughter: "I am looking forward to your love and killing each other."

When the light dissipated, there was no nagula in front of satyana, even a trace and breath were not left, almost exterminating the devil of Chu Feng. At this moment, she completely died in the hands of satina, and before she died, she left all her strength to satina.

The dark clouds above the sky gradually dispersed, the smoke rose on the barren land, under the sunny sky, it gave people a kind of sadness after the war.

Satina slowly raised her head and looked at Chu Feng without blinking: "have you ever liked me?"

"No!" Chu Feng didn't cheat satina and shook her head gently.

"Good!" Satina made a heavy reply. Her hand opened her hand, and a whirlpool of light appeared. When the whirlpool dispersed, stuya and Baihe appeared directly. However, both of them were blocked. At the moment, they were still bound by satina. They could not move at all. They could only be held by a force.

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes, clenched his fist slightly, and then slowly released: "tell me your conditions!"

Satina caught stuya and Baihe, and had the intention to let him not intervene when necessary. But Chu Feng believed that apart from this, satina must have other purposes. Otherwise, she spent so much spiritual hiding, there would be no need for her.

Bai He's eyes flickered and looked up at the sky: "master, don't promise her any request."

Stuya also said: "less wind, I can die, but you can't compromise, satina is an evil woman."

As soon as they had finished their words, satina slapped her two palms in the air. Stuya and Whitehall had a slap on their faces, and their white faces were red and swollen. It can be seen that satina's strength is not small at all.

The beautiful woman nodded slightly and her charming eyes blinked: "the Grail of light is a Protoss. I want you to return it to me. As for everything I started to promise, it will be invalid."

Zhang yun'er suddenly took Chu Feng's hand: "no way!"

As we all know, the magic effect of the Holy Grail of light can also affect the enemy's thinking. Now satina has absorbed the power of nagula and is extremely powerful. If she gets the Holy Grail of light again, who can defeat it?

"I'll give it to you!" Chu Feng patted Zhang yun'er's hand gently. As soon as Zhang yun'er's eyes congealed, the Holy Grail of light floated out. As Zhang yun'er shook their heads, Chu Feng raised his hand a little, and the bright Holy Grail was full of glittering and translucent cups. At last, it was a lot more gloomy.

Zhang yun'er several people's eyes flashed disappointment, Chu Feng, this is to have broken the contract with the Holy Grail of light, that is, the Holy Grail of light is now an ownerless thing.

Satina raised her hand and directly drew the Grail of light. After holding it in her hand, she directly put her own mark and a drop of blood to let the Holy Grail recognize the Lord.

Feeling the connection with the Holy Grail of light, satina's face also eased a little. She put up the Holy Grail of light. She nodded and looked at Chu Feng. After a moment of silence, she said word by word: "come down, let me absorb all your strength."

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