Super Healer

Chapter 2791

Not to mention Zhang yun'er, it is a heavy way to slap Lu Wan in the face. Venerating the gods all the time, she has to avoid them. Satyana is not generally excessive. You should know that her father was very respectful to Lu Wan.

"Princess Anna, is it over?" Chu Feng was also a little bit unable to bear: "even if you are the strongest today, but the world is very big. If you are here, others can't be in this world. Is it reasonable?"

"Want to start for your woman?" Satina asked a cold and direct question. In Chu Feng's silence, she continued: "if you want to stand out for your woman, you can beat me. If you can't, then shut up. Even if you think I'm a woman for you, how about it?"

"Another news for you is that the giant rats and nine headed snakes in the wild demon Kingdom have returned, and they dominate the demon realm and are superior to all demon clans."

Chu Feng is silent, because in satina's words, he can hear the latter's hatred for him.

It is not so much that she is aiming at Lu Wan and others, but rather at him. Because Lu Wan and others are his women, satina will do this to revenge her imbalance.

It can also be said that he is turning to remind him that his women today are not as good as her.

This is a very strong expression of jealousy, of course, said that satina would not admit, Chu Feng also dispersed the idea of argument, a woman because of love hate, the degree of psychological abnormality is difficult to understand.

Holding the hands of Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er, Chu Feng was calm and calm: "everything you want to do as you like, just hope you remember your promise."

"Stop!" Chu Feng wants to leave and let satyana go tossing about. As long as he doesn't touch the bottom line, the latter calls out: "in addition, from today on, except that the protoss can enter and leave freely, the rest of the forbidden areas are not allowed to go in and out, even if they want to go in and out, they have to go through the permission of the Protoss."

"The semi divine period needs to pass through the city Lord of Xingluo, and the divine realm needs to pass through kardashan. As for the existence of the holy land, if I do not die, I will never be able to enter the present world."


Chu Feng's eyes coagulated, his back to satina's eyes flashed, and slowly turned around: "next, do you want me to go back to the present world?"

"Yes Satina nodded gently.

Chu Feng sneered. When satina said the conditions of restricting access to the present world, he knew satina's plan. This was to ask Chu Feng to go back to the modern world and become a loner. Approval should be obtained for the demigod period and below, and saints were not allowed to go to the present world.

Although there is still an adjudication office, Chu Feng believes that satina will never let him use the power of the adjudication office.

Sure enough, satina said after a moment's silence: "in addition, there can be no change in the half divine period and below in the current world adjudication Institute. Once it is done, there will be no amnesty for killing."

Chu Feng sneers in his heart. Satina only says that there are changes and moves. She doesn't say right or wrong, so she adopts the method of killing without amnesty. Then if it is the protoss' active provocation, will the adjudication office only passively bear the attack?

A woman's hatred expanded infinitely, and Chu Feng now fully realized its horror.

Slowly clenched his fist, Chu Feng finally put up with it and didn't get angry: "OK, I promise you!"

"Chu Feng!" Zhang yun'er opened her mouth tightly.

Chu Feng motioned to her not to speak: "now I have no strength at all. It is the same everywhere. Moreover, it is safer in the present world than here. You can take good care of yourself."

Satina has been to the demon world, but she doesn't know that the demon world is a portable world. If Chu Feng goes to the modern world, she can easily open the entrance and exit. Therefore, she is still in the forbidden area in the modern world, which has little impact on Chu Feng. Of course, when she comes back to the modern world, she should be careful to be discovered by satina.

At this time, satina said, "in addition, tell me where the entrance of the demon world is!"

What a dead end!

As soon as she had just chosen to compromise, satina was involved in the demon world. Obviously, she wanted to kill all the possibilities.

However, Chu Feng didn't worry about it. He released Zhang yun'er's hands and shrugged helplessly: "the demon world is very special. I can open it when I have strength. Now I have no power at all. It's useless to tell you the entrance and exit, because you are not taboo. You can't open the demon world."

Satina narrowed her eyes and wanted to see whether Chu Feng was lying or telling the truth. However, Chu Feng was quite calm and half convinced: "what do you mean, people in the demon world can't get out."

"If I have a little bit of strength, then I can." Chu Feng's way back to the empty and the real.

Satina thought, Chu Feng's power has been completely absorbed by her, and it is absolutely impossible to recover. Because Chu Feng has no power, the means he can help others recover can't be used in himself, so the demon world can't be opened, right?

I don't know that the demon world is just an idea of Chu Feng. She doesn't need strength. Satyana dispels the tangled idea. There are several powerful gods in the demon world. As long as they can't get out, it doesn't matter.Turning around, he didn't ask Chu Feng anything, and he didn't have to know where the demon world was: "before sunrise tomorrow, I hope you have gone back to the present world."

After that, satyana went directly into the temple of King Wu. She didn't go to see Chu Feng any more. The protoss were scattered and took the place of the temple guard. Only Chu Feng and others were left at the scene.

"Crazy boy!" Yan Luo came to Chu Feng and frowned and asked, "your strength can't be restored. We will listen to this woman in the future?"

"I don't know!" Chu Feng gently shook his head and looked deep into the distance: "at least for the time being, the consequences of not listening to her will be very serious. As for other things, don't think much about it. Satina's important role in situ Liming is to make you uncomfortable. As long as you resist the impulse to kill people, nothing will happen."

"I can go back to the present world and think about things."

Yan Luo and others, you look at me, I see you do not know what Chu Feng is thinking, just know that now satyana is coming, they are hard to resist.

Chu Feng didn't say anything more. He asked Lu Wan to open the door to the demon world, so he asked yuwentuo to leave with him. As for satyana, chufeng didn't worry about her being cheated. The demon world was special. She must have believed what she had just said.

After Chu Feng and Chu Feng left, the soldiers of Wulie gradually dispersed. Thinking of the five weak men in the future hidden world, Yama had a crazy impulse. If it had not been for the persuasion of Wulie, Yan Luo would have roared at the sky.

In the majestic Temple of King Wu, satyana sat in the position where Chu Feng sat, closing her eyes and feeling there.

Once the protoss was not nearly destroyed by the demons, she was a carefree little princess of the Protoss. Now, as time goes by, she has become an infinite saint. Although the means are evil, as long as they are strong enough, no one dares to explore the reasons.

In the past, venerable gods, or taboo demons, or taboo goddess, were easily suppressed by her, and nagula, who had a deep hatred of the sea, also died completely. Satyana felt a sense of loss, which is the reason why she did not kill Chu Feng.

Because of invincible loneliness, Chu Feng is the first man she loves and the one she hates most now. If he dies, satina knows that her life will be more meaningless.

What's more, she felt that Chu Feng had caused her today. If Chu Feng didn't refuse her, she would not have firmly practiced the heaven and earth Yin and Yang arts, and would not have eaten the love breaking pill. It was because of all this that satyana had no intention of killing Chu Feng, only meant to make him suffer all his life.

Next, cadysan and Stuart Liming stood there, slightly in front of her, without disturbing satina, who was contemplating with her eyes closed.

After a long time, satina opened her eyes and whispered, "send me an order. After Chu Feng returns to the present world, except I can kill him, no one can take his life. As for the others to challenge him, it doesn't matter. I want to let him know how stupid the decision was."

Katherine nodded. "I see."

"Situ Liming!" Satina believed that kardashan would do a good job. She also looked at situ liming, who was silent below: "when the temple war broke out, where did the four of you hide so that Chu Feng could not find it?"

Situ Liming opened his mouth and wanted to tell the truth. When he got to his mouth, he suddenly remembered what Chu Feng had just said. If he wanted to live and cherish life, don't say it.

My father and the founders of the other three families were all disciples of God worship. When Chu Feng was in charge of the absolute situation, Zun Shen secretly took us away, saying that she would leave a little blood for our four families, which could be regarded as her master's last affection

When situ Liming said this, he looked very serious. He could not see that he was lying. However, satina didn't think about anything. The founders of the four families were all Lu Wan's disciples. It's no secret.

It's normal to help the disciples keep a little blood at critical time.

After dispersing the idea of inquiry, satina gently waved her finger: "go down, and later mainly assist the master of Xingluo city to do things. It's OK to challenge the people of Chu Feng, but you should control the degree, otherwise you will die in vain."

After all, Yan Luo and others are all gods of nature. One gesture can kill the upper gods.

Situ Liming quickly nodded and said yes, and then slowly left the temple of King Wu. Only then did kardashan open his mouth: "cousin Anna, is that the Chu wind that goes back to the present world?"

Satina's eyes narrowed slightly: "if I aimed at his women, would he be heart and lung?"

Kardashan looked stunned, and immediately understood what satina meant. She didn't want to do anything to Chu Feng, but she couldn't do anything to her woman!

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