Super Healer

Chapter 2797

When Ding Yi met Liu Yan on the day when his father came to Jianghai to take office, he was quite moved to see Liu Yan. However, she began to be a woman of Chu Feng, so Ding Yi suppressed his impulse. After all, Chu Feng's fierce reputation deterred the whole world.

At the moment, he felt that the opportunity had come. First, he was blocked by a man who thought he had a little white face. Now, there was a man who told him to roll away, and he was angry for no reason in his heart.

Cold eye looks to just want to open mouth to scold who does not grow eyes, immediately stopped to say the words: "Miss Yan!"

Obviously, Yan Ruyu is coming!

Yan Ruyu looks back at Chu Feng, and a trace of discontent and anger flashed in her eyes. If it wasn't for catkins who talked to her on the phone that she didn't know Chu Feng was back, and she was in the river and sea. She gave Chu Feng a look of account settlement and so on, and then turned back.

Staring at Ding Yi indifferently, he said, "your father is a responsible person. If you don't want to drag him down, get out of here now!"

Ding Yi looks affected. Naturally, he doesn't dare to offend Yan Ruyu. It's just that he waited for such a long time to get the chance to win Liu Yan. If he misses it like this, it may not happen in the future.

"He's my man. Are you sure you won't go?"

Yan Ruyu can see from Ding Yi's eyes his persistence to Liu Yan. He points back to Chu Feng and says to Ding Yi, "if you don't go, this will be the biggest mistake in your life."

Yan Ruyu's man?

At first, chufeng said that he was Liu Yan's man. Now Yan Ruyu said that this was his man, and there was only one man they shared, that was Chu Feng.

Body suddenly a shock, eyes surprised to see Chu Feng, this boy is really Chu Feng?

Ding Yi wants to say how this is possible, but Yan Ruyu is not the kind of joker. At the same time, she also finds that she has gone into a misunderstanding. Chu Feng may have been abandoned, and the adjudication office has been suppressed. But if all the women around him support him, Chu Feng still has a strong background and can not be shaken.

Just for a moment, Ding Yi is scared out of a cold sweat, and stares at a flat headed man fiercely.

It was his friends. Knowing that he had loved Liu Yan for a long time, but he had not been able to act, he told him that the era of Chu Feng was over. At this time, as long as he took the initiative to get Liu Yan, Ding Yi, who was hoodwinked by beauty, believed it. But only when he thought about it, did he know how stupid he was.

If Chu Feng doesn't die, his era will never pass. Thinking that he was almost involved in his family, Ding Yi would like to kill the flat headed man.

The latter also realized that he flattered the horse's leg, lowered his head and did not dare to say a word.

"I'm sorry, I'm leaving first."

Just for a moment, Ding Yi slightly bowed his head and said, "no matter what the people around him think, he quickly takes the people away. He also tells himself not to listen to the people around him, or listen to his father more. Otherwise, if he is not careful, it will be an irreparable situation. Whoever says that the era of Chu Feng has passed is an idiot.

Originally, he thought it would take a little bit of energy, but he didn't want Ding Yi to leave like this. Chu Feng had some fun and a little appreciation. It can be seen that Ding Yi is not a complete idiot.

"Mayor Ding is a good man."

Yan Ruyu turned around and said in a low voice, "Ding Yi is a man with soft ears and a little arrogance, but he is still a decent person. Otherwise, he would have been chasing Liu Yan and would not wait for this time."

Chu Feng could see this just now, so he didn't pay much attention to it. He only regarded it as a simple little thing in life.

Put down the big bag in the hand, Chu Feng walked forward and hugged Yan Ruyu: "I'm sorry, but also let you come to me."

Yan Ruyu blushed, because there were other people around him. Chu Feng held Liu Yan first and then her. All the people around him were stunned. The bastard didn't divide the time.

Gently push away Chu Feng and stare at him. Yan Ruyu speeds up her steps and walks forward. Chufeng smiles and brings up things. Liu Yan's three sisters also leave quickly. They are watched by the onlookers. They are really uncomfortable.

As for the onlookers, they were unconsciously fed with dog food, which even made many male sex mouth envious. They hugged each other. How could the gap between people be so big?

Because of Yan Ruyu's appearance, Chu Feng and they didn't go shopping any more and went back to Jianghai fengteng garden directly.

When Liu Xu and Liu Jing go to the kitchen to prepare lunch, only Chu Feng faces Liu Yan and Yan Ruyu in the hall.

Liu Yan guguguzui, look at Yan Ruyu and Chu Feng, know that Yan Ruyu must have a lot of things to say with Chu Feng, he should have said with Chu Feng, now sitting here a little uncomfortable meaning, stood up and said: "I deal with two documents, you talk first!"

Then she went upstairs, Yan Ruyu looked at Chu Feng's eyes without blinking. She was angry and resentful!

Chu Feng coughed gently: "jade son, what's the matter?"

"What do you say?" Yan Ruyu snorted coldly: "even if such a thing happened, I won't tell me when I come back. If it wasn't for me that I couldn't get through to Liuyan's phone call to LiuXu, would you not be ready to tell me when you came back this time?"Chu Feng smiles bitterly and doesn't know how to say it.

This time, he was forced to come back. In addition to the oppression of satina, Chu Feng wanted to take advantage of satyana's control of the world and go to the soul world.

Chang'e is dead and her dream is also dead. If there is no accident, their souls can be found in the soul world, so that they can have a chance to live. The Xiuzhen world may reappear at any time. It is impossible to lack sufficient strength.

Of course, Chu Feng didn't tell LV Wan about these things, so it's impossible for Chu Feng to tell Yan Ruyu.

But Chu wind is silent, Yan Ruyu did not calculate like this: "how, won't explain?"

"Yu'er!" Chu Feng opened his mouth in a low voice and looked lonely: "my strength has been completely lost. Now it is said that I am a waste. There is nothing wrong with it. What you want is a peak man. Now I am worthless and have no face to see you."

Yan Ruyu stood up and said angrily, "Chu Feng, our child, don't you want to see him?"

Chu Feng closed his eyes, a trace of intolerance flashed in his heart, but did not shake the plan in the heart, now the ruthlessness in the end, just to reduce the pain in the future.

Slowly opened his eyes, Chu Feng then rose: "wait, I don't know when, but before I don't know how to say to you."

Turning around, Chu Feng goes upstairs. He has his own plan, a plan that can't be known to anyone. Only in this way can he go to the soul world in peace of mind, so that he won't be paid attention to, and even will be a little more smooth.

Yan Ruyu stood in place, trying to stop the Chu wind, but the words to the mouth or hold back, she felt Chu Feng helpless, there is a trace of helplessness can not be said.

Through the understanding of Chu Feng, Yan Ruyu caught a trace of something, but he could not say it again. He clenched his fist slightly, and Yan Ruyu looked firm: "when the baby was born, what I longed for was peace, not that you were at the top, facing countless dangers."

But Chu Feng has gone upstairs, destined not to hear what Yan Ruyu said.

Hidden world, the temple of King Wu!

Originally Chu Feng's bedroom, satina sat there quietly, her face calm, the room was only her, no one knew what she was thinking.

From time to time to see the environment in the bedroom, it seems to be in the capture of familiar traces of general, eyes from time to time passing a faint helplessness, and finally become indifferent, no strangers!

Outside came the sound of footsteps, and cadysan came in. She was stunned by the stupidity of satina. Then she went over and sat down: "cousin Anna, the far north has been arranged. Is there anything else to do next?"

"How is Chu Feng?" Satina raised her head slightly and asked in a low voice, "the news that he has become a waste and the verdict has been suppressed in the world is spreading. He has no power. Is his life very bad now?"

I don't know how satina suddenly asked about Chu Feng, and she said truthfully, "according to the news from people we observe, Chu Feng is now living like thousands of ordinary people, without any special behavior."

What kardashan said was similar to what satina expected. Chu Feng, who had no power, also lost her ambition.

Gently sighed: "let people stop staring at Chu Feng and wasting time. He who loses his strength has no value. Staring at him is just a waste of manpower. As long as the ruling office is suppressed, I have no time to manage Chu Feng."

The general trend of suppression may collapse at any time, and the Xiuzhen world may reappear at any time. Satyana felt that there was no need to waste time and manpower on Chu Feng.

Kardashan frowned: "cousin Anna, Chu Feng is not dead. It's a disaster."

"I didn't want to let him die." Satina gently shook her head, pure and indifferent face with a trace of cold: "for him, I just want him to live well, until the problem of suppressing the general trend is solved, I will let him know that I am the best woman in the world."

Hearing this, kardashan closed her mouth. Knowing that satina had loved Chu Feng, she knew that if it was not for the suppression of the general situation, satina would now have to attack Chu Feng's women, which was an act of letting Chu Feng tug at her heart and lung.

But even if she did, she nodded and stood up. "I'll arrange it later."

"Wait!" Satina stopped her and her beautiful eyes were deep: "let another person go to the present world to sit down, mobilize people to monitor the ruling house, and maintain the stability of the world. I have promised that the Chu wind will be stable, and it will not be allowed to be disordered."

Kardashan was stunned and nodded away.

Satina's behavior, she is more and more unable to understand.

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