Super Healer

Chapter 2799

Satyana can be sure that the Grail of light has recognized itself as the Lord, as she was able to prove when she first used it to heal the powerful Protoss.

But at the moment, there is no way for her to call the light Saint back. The Holy Grail of light seems to be pulled by an invisible force and keeps parallel with the wolf masked man, reaching a height of tens of meters.

Satina's face changed greatly, and she left in an instant. The Grail of light was the only artifact in her hand. Although she didn't know what was going on, she could not take it away.

But satina's powerful face wolf mask man, just like a little girl facing a strange uncle, has no effect. When she is about to get close to the Holy Grail of light, she finds herself blocked by an invisible force, so she can hardly get close to the Holy Grail of light.

Her pretty face was worried and angry. She raised her hand and directly attacked the man with wolf mask. However, the powerful attack only dissipated completely three meters away from the latter, and there was no way to get close to the body of the man with wolf mask.

"When a woman gets angry, she grows old easily."

The wolf mask man's light smile, a little finger, suddenly the Holy Grail of light sounded a pleasant sound.

Satina's body was shocked and her head boomed. She felt dizzy. Her body fell uncontrollably to the ground. If she had not stabilized her body shape when approaching the ground, she would have hit the ground severely.

But this is the case, satina's mood in addition to shock has not known how to describe.

Satyana was shocked that the wolf masked man was able to make the Grail of light appear. Now that the Holy Grail of light recognized by the man with wolf mask was urged by the man with wolf mask, which affected her spiritual strength. How could this be possible?

There is only one master of chaos artifact. Unless the owner dies or voluntarily gives up, she can be controlled by others. Now she is not dead, and she has not given up the control of the Holy Grail of light. How does the wolf masked man motivate the Holy Grail of light? The most damning thing is that satina can't compete with the wolf masked man at all.

The wolf masked man used the Grail of light to force satina back, and he did not pay attention to it. He just sent out a mysterious power to cover the Holy Grail of light.

The Holy Grail of light, which was already shining with light, was even more bright. In the bright light, satina saw a faint blood light flash, and then disappeared directly. Her face suddenly changed: "how can it be?"

Because the light that appeared and disappeared just now was the mark of her entering the Holy Grail of light, but now that mark was forcibly pulled away from the Holy Grail of light without her giving up and dying. This kind of thing is almost unheard of. Satina almost doubted whether she was dreaming.

The bright light of the Holy Grail of light slowly disappeared. The man with the wolf mask directly held it in his hand and put it away when he raised his hand. There was no sign of the Holy Grail of light.

Satina stood on the ground, and could not accept what happened in front of her. The Holy Grail of light has recognized her as the main one. How could she be forcibly taken away? And now she wants to recall the Holy Grail of light, but she can't do it. She has completely cut off the contact.

Blinking her eyes, satina looked at the wolf mask man in the void. Her eyes were cold: "who are you?"

"You call me wolf Jun!" Wolf mask man smile back.

Satina frowned slightly: "wolf king?"

"How lovely Madame The wolf mask man joked and laughed,

satyana was stunned, and then she reflected that she was played by the man who called himself the wolf king? the husband?

His face turned ugly and offered his sword: "no matter who you are, if you don't hand in the Holy Grail of light, I will kill you."

When the protoss king came to the world, satina felt that no one could shake her again. Now there was a person who not only took away the Holy Grail of light, but also saw her naked body. Now she is teasing her to call wolf king. How can she not be angry?

Said to do it, satina flashed out in front of the wolf mask man, the sword in her hand poured out with the saint's terror.

The wolf masked man did not dodge. Instead, he stretched out two fingers and clamped satina's cleaved sword. Even a glance dispelled the locking of satyana's gas engine and the attack of momentum. His calm eyes were like water with a touch of playfulness.

Satina saw that her attack had no effect on the wolf masked man, and her face was even more ugly. Even if Lu Wan and others came to satina, she believed that she could not easily stop her attack. However, she was completely blocked by the two fingers of the so-called wolf king. How could it be possible?

Satina didn't know how many times she asked herself this evening how it was possible, but the fact was that her attack was very strong, but it didn't work for the wolf masked man.

However, when she thought of the Holy Grail of light and the provocation and frivolity just now, satina turned cold and drew back her sword, which directly drove the terrible and powerful battle situation. No matter whether such force would collapse the secret place of morning light, she only knew that the people in front of her must die, and she was the master of the world, and she could never let people be superior to herself.

Boom.Satyana's momentum is constantly climbing, but the wolf mask man did not give her such a chance. He quickly approached her, and the heavy strength between his hands fell on her, directly let her fall from the void and hit the lake.

From above, the wolf masked man's eyes gradually cooled down. Looking at satyana floating from the lake, he said coldly, "I'm not here to live with you tonight. Now I've got the Holy Grail of light. If I'm entangled again, I'll kill you first and then destroy the Protoss."

Also want to continue to work on the body of a shock, clenched her lips, dare not do it at will.

At the moment, the masked man is as helpless as he was when facing nagula. If he continues, maybe he will kill himself and then destroy the Protoss. That is what satina absolutely does not want to see.

See satina has not started, wolf mask man twinkling in front of her, satina subconsciously back, eyes vigilant looking at him.

"I didn't care if you were naked. What are you worried about now?"

The man with the wolf mask jokingly smiles, and suddenly goes forward. Satina only feels that her waist is encircled by something. At the next moment, there is a dazzling door in front of her. She is pulled directly in by the man with the wolf mask before knowing what is going on.

When satina reacted, she found that she was in the middle of the universe. After becoming a saint, she knew that she could travel through space, but it was her first time.

She broke away from her waist and said, "what do you want to do? You have taken away the Holy Grail of light. You are not going to explain who you are. What are you doing here?"

"Come with me!" The wolf masked man did not answer satina, but said that he quickly moved forward.

Satina's eyes seemed a little hesitant. After all, she didn't know who the man in the mask was. She just looked back and thought that she was not the opponent of the wolf masked man at all. Satyana followed up again. No matter what else, as long as this person didn't kill her heart, she would follow and maybe know who he was.

Before long, the two came to a space between the stars, there is no world around the existence of planets, only a high-speed rotating wormhole, if too close, will be immediately sucked in.

And this wormhole is one of the nihilistic conspiracies, once the demon Zun and Chu wind inhaled, that wormhole.

Satina, frowning, approached, looked at the dark wormhole from a distance and asked, "it's a wormhole!"

"Yes, and it's a wormhole that will destroy the ancient universe. You are a saint and you have the right to know." The wolf masked man nodded gently, pointed to the wormhole in the distance and said, "don't look at it so quiet now. In the end, it will expand a lot, and even suck in the whole universe and wipe out the stars."

"It is irresistible for the ancient Xiuzhen world to reappear, but the most dangerous thing is the wormhole, because even the sages can't stop it when it is completely destroyed."

Satina wanted to say that the wolf masked man was alarmist, but the latter did not seem to deceive her at all.

"Remember!" At this time, the wolf masked man turned and patted satina on the shoulder: "no matter how much fighting, we can't change the fact that we live together in a universe. In this world, besides the supreme status and the glory of the race, there is also a sense of responsibility for the world and the eternal universe."

"Even if the protoss king comes to the world, when the wormhole or other unknown danger comes, all people, people, and people are going to die. Please experience it."

The voice fell, the wolf mask man's body slowly blurred, disappeared in front of satina.

Satina blinked her eyes and looked around subconsciously. She could not see him. Her eyes fell on the wormhole again, and her eyebrows frowned deeply: "even if the protoss were in the world, could they not stop the wormhole and the unknown danger?"

Satina didn't know, but she had a feeling that there were things in the universe that she didn't know. It was like suppressing the general trend, and it was very difficult for her to know.

Turning slowly, satina whispered to herself, "who are you, and why can the Grail obey you, or even tell me this?"

Millions of light-years away from the wormhole and the five forbidden areas, a dazzling door flashed and disappeared as the night faded. A figure swept across the sky and landed outside the balcony of the room on the second floor of the fengteng garden. No one found it and went directly into the room.

Then the light lights up, wearing a pair of underpants chufeng to the bathroom, the smile on his face, fun, deep!

Wolf mask man, Chu Feng?

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