Super Healer

Chapter 2815

Cut constantly, is the feeling!

Inseparable, is love!

Even if Yin and yang are separated, thousands of dangers, the part that can't be separated is the real feelings. Even if there are unknown dangers ahead, and if you want to risk the world's great disrespect, you should stick to it to the end. Even if you die for you, it doesn't matter.

A river, separated by people on both sides, can not be separated is the kind of firm that must be found, even if this river is the Styx river!

Going east, I don't know how much distance, Chu wind and half moon stopped at the same time, the gray and yellow clouds in the sky seemed to be pressed down at any time were heavier and thicker, but they could not block Chu Feng's inner firmness.

In front of it is a black fast flowing river, which is spacious up to three miles. The powerful current seems to be able to swallow people directly. It is also overflowing with evil breath and uncomfortable gloomy. Even in it, Chu Feng can see something struggling to come out, which is extremely penetrating!

From the old man, there is also what he has seen and heard along the way. Chu Feng knows that after coming to the soul world, both ordinary people and strong people will lose their abilities before they die.

For example, the strong can resist the sky, and when they come to the soul world, they can only walk on the earth. The same thing is, no matter whether the soul envoy or the soul envoy is fast, the soul of the strong may be more powerful than the soul emissary to a certain extent, which should be very few.

Looking at the rolling river Styx, beside is the boundary between the wandering soul area and the soul setting area. As long as you walk into it, you will go to the soul setting area.

I raise my head and move half a month with the sound of the instrument. Sometimes I still want to touch the dark light curtain, but then I will stop again, as if I want to cross the Styx River, but I'm worried about being pulled down by something.

Chu Feng has put up half a month. The half moon is a chaotic artifact. There is no place in the world that it can't go. Unexpectedly, it has not rashly crossed the river Styx at the moment. So there must be great risk in the river Styx. The feeling of this risk is even deeper than that of the Ming sea in Zhongzhou.

Chu Feng went to one side and stretched out his hand. A heavy stone floated up and his eyes flashed. The stone suddenly shot out and went towards the opposite bank.

According to the great power of the infinite sage of Chu Feng, it is possible to throw out thousands of miles of the river Styx, not to mention the Three Li River. However, when the stone went to the center of the river, it was already in a hurry and suddenly roared and rose, forming a terrible wave.

In that huge wave, Chu Feng faintly saw a figure, or a monster like figure, directly swallowed the stone.

The rushing river resumed its rapid flow again, as if nothing had happened just now, but through the scene just now, Chu Feng knew that it might not be a simple thing to cross the river Styx.

He is an infinite saint, but this is the soul world. Nothing will happen for the time being. But who knows if something will happen when we go to the river Styx?

And even if you go to the high altitude, it is not necessarily safe. How can we have a safe and secure past?

"The land of the Styx is three miles and three miles. No souls are allowed to enter. What are you doing?"

When Chu Feng was thinking about whether to take a risk, a figure suddenly appeared on the side and drank to him.

Chu Feng turned his head and saw a little ferocious in his face, but there was a funny presence when he looked carefully. He came to this side with a horn on his head, which was not long or short, about ten centimeters in length. His whole body was golden, which said it was human, but it didn't look like a human being.

However, Chu Feng was still very interested in that the man who came along was not human, ghost or ghost. He was totally different from the rest of the soul world. However, the strange thing was that he could not feel the breath of the living, more like a walking corpse.

At this time, long horn people have come to Chu Feng, a pair of big eyes up and down looking at Chu Feng, suddenly hand: "it is not the soul, how come the demon?"

Chufeng gentle smile, in the face of the long horn of the hand, just raised the hand to easily block, and then a foot up to kick him to fly out, but the control is very good, and did not bring him any injury, because at present, this is the first person with entity that Chu Feng came to see in the soul world.

The long horn man who was kicked by Chu Feng rolled and stood up with a look of panic on his face: "how can you, what ghost are you?"

Chu Feng put down his feet and gently twisted his neck: "I am a man. If there is no mistake, are you the soul envoy of the soul realm?"


Hearing Chu Feng's words, the long horned man's pupil shrinks violently, and his face becomes more ferocious. Originally, a little fat body grows bigger, and his voice becomes hoarse. A black stick appears in his hand: "human beings have humanity, and soul has soul road. How can you, who are not dead, violate fate and come to the soul world?"

Just for a moment, the long horned man became a giant close to five meters tall, with a big mouth: "now let Ben represent fate and punish you!"

All of a sudden, Chu Feng felt a huge suction around him, his mouth slightly cocked up, his eyes flashed with light playfulness, his right hand was lifted up in vain, and he was directly absorbed in the next moment.The pupil of long horn person shrinks fiercely, but the next moment is too late, a flame was swallowed by him into his stomach, and his body also changed back to the beginning appearance. He fell on the ground and kept rolling and coughing: "damn the guy, you dare to eat fire for me. What the hell are you? It burns me to death."

Chu Feng went to the side of the long horn, squatted down, light return way: "taboo demon God, do you know?"

"Taboo devil?" The long horned man pauses for a moment, then jumps up as if he was bitten by a snake. Then he runs out a long distance and keeps his eyes Alert: "are you talking about the taboo God who has made countless deaths in recent years, and let our soul make our busy buttocks urinate?"

Chu Feng passed by, stood up, nodded his head and said, "yes, it's him, do you know?"

"Nonsense, don't you know that?" The long horned man was moved by the corners of his mouth and kept a secret: "this guy started to wake up a few years ago and sent people to die when he was free. Recently, several planets have been destroyed by the war in the five forbidden areas. We haven't had a rest for several months in the soul world."

Pointing to the river Styx on one side, the long horned man continued: "if any time he dies, I will definitely throw him into the river Styx and let him struggle in it for thousands of years."

Chu Feng touched his nose and felt that the soul envoy was still very interesting: "that, my name is Chu Feng, just came to the soul world."

The long horned man was still talking. When he heard his speech, he seemed to have been fixed. At the next moment, he straightened up his body and slowly looked at Chu Feng. His throat wriggled hard, as if he were very nervous. "Elder brother, I'm just a little soul envoy. Don't you joke with me. My luck won't be so bad?"

Chu Feng didn't expect that he had such a reputation in the soul world. Even the soul emissary trembled when he heard it. He just spread out his hands and said helplessly: "if you don't change your name or sit down or change your name, I'll call you chufeng. I'm the taboo demon God that you said you're going to struggle in the river Styx for thousands of years. Your luck seems to be really bad."

Almost as soon as he had finished speaking, the soul envoy turned around and yelled: "I thought the master of the world was joking. You really can come to the soul world. If you don't see me, goodbye!"

Chu Feng looked at the soul emissary who ran away, but with a smile, the next moment he came to the soul emissary, and grabbed his neck: "introduce yourself. Do you know that I am coming?"

Under the control of Chu Feng, it was useless for the soul emissary to break free. He said with a bitter face: "my name is golden horn. It's my turn to guard the river Styx. Other people don't ask me. I don't see you either. I've got the old and the young. There are 18 wives to take care of. You can let me go."

Chu Feng's mouth twitched violently. He felt that the soul made his speech really funny. He took a deep breath: "I won't do anything to you. I just hope you can tell me something and do me a favor. For example, as you said just now, the Lord seems to know that I will come. What's the matter?"

In order to come to the soul world this time, Chu Feng designed to let no one know. Now when he first came to the soul world, he was told that the master of the world knew that he would come. Chu Feng didn't want to encounter trouble, because in that case, it would be difficult for him to take away Chang'e's soul, that is, whether he could go back completely or not.

After hearing that Chu Feng would not kill himself, Jinjiao was not so anxious. He looked around to see if he could be heard. Then he replied: "after the emperor's daughter was killed by the devil, the soul of the emperor's daughter came to the soul world. At that time, the Lord of the Kingdom ordered us to closely investigate. The demon Chu Feng might come to the soul world at any time."

"At first, we all thought that it was impossible. People from the soul world could enter but could not get out. I thought you would not be so stupid. Ghost knows that you are really here. Lord demon, let me go."

Chu Feng didn't mean to let go of Jin Jiao. He just recalled what he said just now. From this, it seems that when Chang'e died, he already knew that he would come.

For the master of the soul world, Chu Feng is more curious, but also has some helplessness. He knows everything. It seems impossible to take Chang'e away quietly.

Taking a deep breath, he loosened Golden Horn's neck and asked, "where is Chang'e now? Where are the souls of Xi and bingyue after their merger? Where are dreams, and where are they? Don't tell me that you don't know. Even the Lord knows about me, then you should know that if I come to the soul world, some people must be brought back. "

Jin Jiao gulped down his saliva nervously, and then he said: "except Chang'e, all the other people in the world have arranged to enter the samsara. Now they have been born in some interface of the world. In addition, the dream, she is not dead, so she is not in the soul world."

Chu Feng heard that in addition to Chang'e has been reincarnated, he was still a little sad, but when he heard that the dream was not dead, his eyes instantly condensed into awn, and his body burst out with a heavy momentum: "are you sure?"

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