Super Healer

Chapter 2819

Chu Feng once again, he does not care who died debt clear.

If he was in this world, he would naturally follow such a principle, but now he is not in this world but in the soul world, so there is no need to abide by such a rule. He only knows that nagula and the demon emperor both owe their blood debts, which is enough.

The high priest never thought that Chu Feng ignored his advice and continued to do it. His eyes flashed with anger. When Chu Feng exploded, he also quickly met him. The two collided and produced a huge impact.

It's just because they are in the soul world now. Although they cause vibration, they do not cause too many waves. The soul envoys stationed on the ground have not suffered any impact.

Under one blow, Chu Feng and the high priest were tangled together. As the high priest of the soul world, if Chu Feng, the human being, destroyed the soul body of the soul world in his face, he could not forgive himself. Moreover, it was a provocation to his majesty that he was really done by Chu Feng.

In the future, how can we take over the soul world instead of the world Master?

The battle situation of the two men kept rising until they reached the thick clouds. All the soul envoys on the ground were watching, but there was no way out. It was a luxury to walk in the soul world against the sky.

At this time, the demon emperor and nagula looked at each other, and suddenly burst out, toward the dark light curtain.

The soul makes them see that their faces have no fluctuation, as if what the demon emperor and nagula do is nothing.

When the two approached the dark light curtain, there was a sound of collision. Their souls seemed to have hit the wall and bounced back and hit the ground. However, they did not give up. They took off again and again, pounding against the dark light curtain again and again, trying to get to the ghost area.

At the moment, seeing the madness of the demon emperor and nagula, the golden horn, who was in a mess in his mind, took back his look at the battle in the sky and said, "don't waste your energy. Except for the high priest and the Lord of the world, no one can let you go to the ghost area. Even if we don't have soul cards, we can't go through the dark light curtain."

The words fell, and suddenly the demon emperor and nagula gave up the collision with the dark light curtain, and quickly passed by and appeared in front of the golden horn.

The rest of the souls immediately flustered, because they knew that the demon emperor and nagula were going to attack the golden horn.

Sure enough, when the soul envoys did not respond or did not have time to respond, nagula put a hand on the neck of golden horn and said fiercely, "hand in your soul card."

Jinjiao didn't expect that a word of his own brought disaster. His face was worried. Just like when he began to face Chu Feng, he stammered a little: "that I gave you soul cards, which are all of their own. I can use them, but if I give them to you, you can't use them."

Nagula narrowed her eyes. "You didn't cheat me?"

Golden horn was anxious to cry. Looking at the sky, the high priest and Chu Feng also found that the changes on the ground stopped temporarily, and said with a wry smile, "I am under your control now. What benefits can I get from cheating you?"

Even if Jin Jiao had said that, nagula still didn't let go of his meaning. He held his neck and turned around, and his eyes shot fiercely into the air. When he looked at Chu Feng, he just took a hard look. Because he had forgotten his life in the soul fixing area for some time, he didn't know why Chu Feng wanted to destroy his soul.

But he turned his eyes and coldly fixed his eyes on the ugly high priest, and said in a deep voice, "high priest, give us the soul card, otherwise the soul envoy will become smoke and cloud."

The high priest narrowed his eyes. Although the soul emissary has an entity, it has no heartbeat and blood pulse. It is only a little more real than the soul body. However, to some extent, the result is the same. As long as the soul emissary is killed, it will disappear completely like the soul body and will never appear again.

"Give it to them!"

Without waiting for the high priest to open his mouth, Chu Feng said in a deep voice: "even if I give them to them, I will kill them."

The high priest squinted his eyes and took a meaningful look at Chu Feng. Then he looked at the Golden Horn: "did you bring the demon to the soul setting area?"

Golden Horn's eyes twinkled, for a while, he didn't know how to answer the high priest's question. However, such expression and silence in the eyes of the high priest undoubtedly confirmed his conjecture that Chu Feng was brought to the soul fixing area by golden horn. Otherwise, Chu Feng would definitely not appear in the eastern part of the soul fixing area.

However, instead of yelling at golden horn at this time, he pointed his crutch to nagula and the demon Emperor: "in the soul world, the soul body must abide by all the rules. Once you hurt the soul envoy, it will be doomed. Do you think it clear?"

The demon emperor interrupted the high priest's words with a cold hum: "don't talk nonsense. Give us the soul card quickly. I don't remember what happened before my life. Don't want me to stay quiet."

The high priest shook his head gently: "the guardian of the rules of the spirit world will not compromise with any soul body."

Chu Feng's heart began to worry. Jinjiao was not disgusted from the beginning to the present. On the contrary, he thought he was very interesting. Seeing him under the control of the demon emperor and nagula, how could Chu Feng allow him?He raised Minghong magic sword, pointed to the high priest, and said word by word: "do you give it or not?"

"Capable of threatening me?" The high priest sneered and pointed at the demon emperor and nagula indifferently: "then why don't you threaten them? If you want me to give soul cards, why don't you let them release them? "

Chu Feng is eager to blow the head of the high priest. The demon emperor and nagula are evil in nature. Even if they are dead, they will not change their nature. It is absolutely impossible for them to be released from the golden horn, who is now a hostage. The high priest said these words just like they did not.

As for the attack on the demon emperor and nagula, it was just joking with golden horn. With the ruthlessness of the demon emperor and nagula, they would certainly kill Jinjiao, and Chu Feng did not want to implicate the innocent.

Slowly put down the Ming Hong magic sword, but the tone was much colder than the beginning: "if you don't give the soul card, if the golden horn is dead, I will make the whole soul world uneasy."

The high priest laughed with disapproval. This is the soul world, and the master of the world is the absolute master. Even the most powerful infinite sage comes to the soul world, they are bound by rules, and even he can't deal with it. What's more, it's a disaster to the whole soul world?

Therefore, the high priest didn't care about the threat of Chu Feng at all. As time went by, Chu Feng would die completely and become a soul. Even if he was a saint, he could easily suppress it.

"High priest, give the soul card."

Seeing that the high priest didn't agree to his conditions at all, nagula couldn't help but burst into a drink and tightened her hand around the neck of the Golden Horn: "or do you think I dare not kill this soul envoy? You should know that in the soul world, except you and the Lord, the rest of the soul envoys are united together, and I can kill them easily."

The high priest ignored and chose to close his eyes. He knew that whatever he said to the demon emperor and nagula was useless.

The reason why they ignore the Golden Horn now is that the Golden Horn itself has made mistakes first. For the high priest, the golden horn is only punished. Therefore, the result and the result are the same. Why should we pay attention to it?

After the golden horn is killed, suppress the demon emperor and nagula, or even put out the fire.

The indifference of the high priest fell into Chu Feng's eyes, which made him have a cold chance to kill. Of course, the rules of the soul world can not be compared with those of the present world. But now that the golden horn is being held back, he should be rescued first, but the high priest is completely ignoring it. This is what Chu Feng does not understand.

Holding the Ming Hong magic sword, he slowly fell from the air, and stood not far away to open his mouth: "nagula, demon emperor, let the Golden Horn go. I will help you remember everything in your life."

The demon emperor and nagula looked at each other, and the latter snorted: "you, who just wanted to kill us, do you think we will believe you? Get away from me, or I'll get rid of this ghost emissary. "

Chu Feng frowned deeply and apologized. If he didn't want Jinjiao to take him to the soul setting area through the river Styx, then Jinjiao would not be held back by the demon emperor and nagula if he didn't want him to take him through the river Styx to the soul fixing area.

Clenched his fist, Minghong magic sword disappeared in his hand, Chu Feng indifferently said: "kill him, you will be killed by me, is it worth it?"

The demon emperor laughed wildly and didn't care about the threat of Chu Feng's words: "if you can't restore the memory of your life and find the method of rebirth, what's the meaning of being in spirit? The bastard of the world Lord wants us to wait 10000 years for reincarnation. That's 10000 years. We can't wait! "

Chu Feng sneered: "ten thousand years, ten thousand years can clear your sins. It seems that the Lord of the world really takes care of you, but it's a pity that when you meet me today, you are doomed to have no future."

"If you want to kill Jinjiao, you can kill it. In the end, I will destroy you."

Golden Horn chin almost didn't fall down: "demon lord, I don't want to die, it's not easy for me to exist!"

Chu Feng closed his eyes. If he could, he didn't want to die in golden horn. But now the high priest is totally indifferent. He can't defeat the high priest in a short time, so he can't do anything about it.

What's more, it's not easy for the demon emperor and nagula to release people. Even if the high priest hands over the soul card, they will also worry about the safety in the soul haunting area. Can the high priest agree? Can Golden Horn still be safe?

Chufeng closed his eyes, left eye while searching, while thinking of ways in his heart, suddenly saw what he opened his eyes.

At the moment of opening the eyes, the Holy Grail of light broke out, and the crystal clear cup gave out a bright light. It was impossible for the soul world to appear. But in a moment, whether it was the high priest, or the soul envoys, or the demon emperor nagura and the golden horn, they all consciously closed their eyes.

They all belong to the soul world and have instinctive rejection of light.

Taking advantage of this time, Chu Feng raised a cruel smile on his mouth, and Minghong magic sword reappeared in his hand, killing the opportunity to lock nagula and the demon emperor, and stabbed out with a sword!

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