Super Healer

Chapter 283

The headquarters of Shen's pharmaceutical company is the place where a 33 storey building is located.

Shen Xiuqin started his own business in the name of Laozi when she was in University. She borrowed 500000 yuan from the bank and developed into a company with assets of 3 billion yuan in seven years. Words such as smart and capable woman have gradually become synonymous with Shen Xiuqin.

Although there are many companies with hundreds of millions of assets in Jianghai, an international city, it is a legend that a 25-year-old girl started her own business from scratch to become a giant with 3 billion assets.

Especially since Shen Xiuqin graduated from university three years ago, all his energy has been put into the company. From the original wholesale to today's self-produced and self-sale, it has more than 150 chain stores all over the country, with amazing ability.

And in October last year, Shen Xiuqin announced that within five years, it would open its stores all over the country, with a minimum target of 1000. At the same time, it has opened the goal of internationalization. She is ready to open branches in neighboring groups and try to enter the international market. She is an ambitious and capable woman.

Therefore, at the beginning of her career, Shen Xiuqin may have relied on her father's reputation as Shen Xueyan, but later, it is her ability to embody. Otherwise, how can she support such a large company with 3000 employees' wages?

"This is our company's research lab, where we develop new drugs every year."

The first floor of Shenshi pharmaceutical company was transformed into the company's pharmaceutical research room by Shen Xiuqin. At the moment, we can see more than ten armed people busy there, and the smell of all kinds of medicinal materials permeates the air.

Shen Xiuqin looked at the research room on which her company depended and felt proud: "every year, I spend at least 100 million yuan on research. In the current era of Western medicine flooding, I want to make Chinese medicine a leading role and let those foreigners know that the Chinese medicine of the Chinese dynasty is the leader of the world pharmaceutical industry."

Chu Feng looked at this beautiful and capable woman with appreciation: "I can't see that you are still a patriotic entrepreneur!"

"That's what my father taught me since childhood."

Shen Xiuqin accepted Chu Feng's praise without hesitation. It can be seen that she is also very confident in herself: "change clothes and go in. They are currently studying your bottles of medicine. The ingredients are everything, but the effect produced is heaven and earth."

Chu Feng nodded slightly and followed Shen Xiuqin to the next disinfection room to change clothes. However, he was surprised and laughed. If it was so easy to be detected, I would be too failed.

Ten minutes later, after disinfection and changing clothes, Shen Xiuqin and Chu Feng, who only showed their eyes, appeared in the research room. The busy staff did not show any other look because of Shen Xiuqin's arrival, but only focused on the work in hand.

Only a man with an old look in his eyes came up and said, "Mr. Shen, we have studied for so long and tried dozens of methods every day. It costs a lot of medicine, but it still can't achieve the original effect."

Speaking of this, there is a trace of regret in the man's tone: "especially the trauma medicine, as long as it is developed and put into the market, our company can definitely occupy one tenth of the market of China, because at present, in addition to special cosmetic surgery, there is no drug that can completely remove scars and has no side effects."

"It's a pity that we don't want to make all kinds of drugs in China, even if we don't have a variety of drugs in the next 30 months, even if we don't have all kinds of drugs developed in China, we don't want to use them all in the world."

Chu Feng looks at the man in front of him. He can't imagine that he can infer that the medicine should be put down in order. It seems that Shen Xiuqin's researchers are not all called animals and brick families!

"This is Professor Dou Yiwu, the head of our research laboratory. He was once a national player of the national medical hall and an old friend of my father."

Seeing Chu Feng's curiosity, Shen Xiuqin introduced: "our company currently sells more than 130 kinds of drugs on the market, 80 of which are cold medicine and antipyretic medicine from the old formula, and the other 50 kinds are developed by Professor Dou and his team members within seven years."

Another finger of Chu Feng said to Dou Yiwu: "Professor Dou, you have always been curious about who developed these drugs. I have brought you people!"

"Is it him?"

Originally, she was surprised that she had always come alone. Why did Shen Xiuqin bring a person here today? But the person in front of Wen Yan was the original developer of the drug they developed at the moment. Her eyes twinkled with excitement. Although it seemed that Chu Feng only showed his eyes, he could know that he was still ten percent young.

"But, this little brother seems to be young, OK?"

Chu Feng knows Dou Yiwu's curiosity. Many people are also like this. He puts out his hand with a smile: "Professor Dou, is it possible to do something instead of saying it?"

Dou Yiwu nodded his head and held out his hand with Chu Feng. The latter then went to the research platform and looked at the dozens of medicinal materials placed on it, with a smile on his mouth.In the curious look of all the staff, Chu Feng quickly swept over the medicinal materials, and quickly distributed and classified them. He quickly selected more than 30 kinds of traumatic drugs: "this is the medicine of trauma medicine. You can see that your detection is really attentive."

From the speed of chufeng's prescription, the contempt in their eyes began to turn into admiration. Although it seems that chufeng is just grasping at random, we can see that the weight of the drugs allocated may not be too much different.

You only think that he is a young man who can distribute drugs of similar weight by hand without any instrument?

Chu Feng didn't care about their eyes at the moment. He put the dozens of herbs on a tray and went to the machine where the capsule was made. It was not difficult for chufeng to use it once.

Start the machine, chufeng began to direct hands, everyone's eyes are condensed together, it seems that Chu Feng's speed is not clear.

In less than 10 minutes, the machine stopped. In the tray in front of Chu Feng, there were more than 100 pills in the shape of capsules that had not yet been coated with sugar. They were handed over to Dou Yiwu: "Professor Dou, please check whether the ingredients of these pills are the same as those given to you by Miss Shen at the beginning."

Dou Yi as like as two peas at the moment, was completely silent, shocked, and excited to take the test of the past. He was a professional man. In less than half an hour, he came to the same place: "the same as it is, and after the rolling of the machine, the effect is even more uniform, which is two times higher than the beginning of Shen's purity."

is like a "two". If such pills are made into ten tablets, even if they are sold for 100 yuan, someone will buy them! "

"A hundred? I'm going to buy a thousand dollars! " Shen Xiuqin said with a smile, saying that Dou Yiwu would smack her tongue. She went over and picked up a pill: "for me, if there is a scar on my body and I don't want to have cosmetic surgery, even if it's 10000 yuan, I'd like to buy it, let alone 1000 yuan."

Chu Feng's mouth was slightly open. If he didn't wear a mask on his face at the moment, if he only showed his eyes, he would be said to be a bunny. These medicinal materials are very simple and common. Just like the materials for manufacturing more than 100 pills, the cost is at most dozens of yuan. If the pharmaceutical companies buy them in batches, it will be cheaper.

Ten pills on a plate, a thousand? Chu Feng scolds the profiteer secretly!

However, I still open my mouth to say one thing: "that, ten pills are too much, and only three of these ingredients can completely heal the wound and remove the scar. If the old wound is six, it is enough, and the cost is not high, and the rich can only consume it, it is not interesting."

Dou Yiwu nodded: "this little brother is right. If a few pills can be removed, we might as well develop several versions so that they can be introduced to different customers. Of course, the ingredients of the medicine are the same, but the packaging is not the same, such as ordinary version, hardcover version or luxury version."

Chu Feng touched his head: "that you discuss here, you can produce?"

Shen Xiuqin was still brewing. When she heard Chu Feng's words, she suddenly looked stiff. She waved to Dou Yiwu to go to work first. Then she took Chu Feng's arm and said, "follow me!"

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