Super Healer

Chapter 2830

Longmen holy land, near sunset.

The news of Chu Feng's return did not cause much shock, nor was it advertised. Because Chu Feng still needs to go to the hidden world, he wanted to surprise satina. If he knew he was back in advance, he would certainly take corresponding measures, and then he would get half the result with twice the effort.

In addition, from Yin Feng, Chu Feng also knew what happened in the hidden world during the period when he left.

In the temple world, situ Liming chose to submit to satina at first, and the latter asked him to assist the Star City Lord to manage the hidden world together. At first, it was OK. But later, situ Liming and the Star City Lord played a conspiracy, and they were in violation of satina's orders and persecuted Yan Luo and others.

This is what happened. One night, a Protoss patrol passed through Baiyun's territory, but I don't know what happened. All the 30 people in the group were killed on Baiyun's territory.

This event had a great influence and even shocked satina. Later, the city master of Xingluo and situ Liming pointed out that it was Yan Luo and others who had done it. Therefore, they put forward a series of evidence and testimony, saying that Yan Luo and others were angry about the rule of the Protoss and were angry at the disappearance of Chu Feng, so they would retaliate against the Protoss.

For this matter, Yan Luo and others did not explain too much. Anyway, it was a sentence, with a clear conscience.

At first, satyana still had a little doubt, but at last, inspired by the city master of Xingluo and situ liming, she gradually believed that all the 30 powerful Protoss were killed by Yama and others.

The reason is that the angry Protoss control the hidden world, and the people who are angry with the protoss let Chu Feng know about life and death, so they retaliate maliciously.

Yan Luo himself is a violent temper, how can we allow such slander, not only scolded the Star City Lord and situ liming, even satina was scolded, but also directly said that she was a Luocha heartless whore, and such words severely hurt satiana.

Under a word of disagreement, satina fiercely shot at Yan Luo, and Wu lie and others all advanced and retreated together. Even though satina wanted to target Yan Luo, they naturally couldn't sit back and ignore it.

But satina's strength is strong, even if the five people of Yama are all gods of nature, they can't resist, just a simple face-to-face, all of them are seriously injured by satina.

Based on Yan Luo's insults, satina ordered all the five sages to be detained until all the circumstances were found out.

It should have ended here, but later Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er went to the hidden world, hoping that satina would release Yan Luo and others. Zhang yun'er even told satina that the people who killed 30 powerful Protoss were the Star City Lord and situ Liming. The purpose was to eliminate dissidents, so that Yan Luo and others could not threaten their status in the hidden world.

If Zhang Yuner said that situ Liming had done these things, satina might still believe it, but she even said the Star City Lord. How can satina tolerate it.

Yan SA Wan'er is angry with her opponent, but she doesn't want to leave the world together.

In this way, satina put Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er in custody, and all that Conrad said at first was that Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er stopped on their own initiative. Otherwise, it would not be easy for satina to take them down.

Knowing all this from Yin Feng, Chu Feng didn't worry too much. Unless satyana was crazy, otherwise she would not act rashly. Otherwise, she would not have any help when Xiuzhen kingdom came again and the wormhole collapsed.

Standing in the garden in front of the bedroom and looking at the setting sun in the distance, Chu Feng knew that the battle with satina was inevitable, only to see whether the time came earlier or later.

As for the dream hidden in the unknown place now, Chu Feng doesn't care too much, it can be said that he didn't think much about it. He even chose to hide himself, so let her continue to hide. When it is time to appear, let's talk about it!

"What do you think?"

Su Xinyu comes in from outside the garden and sees Chu Feng standing there alone with a quiet smile on his mouth. He goes to Chu Feng's back.

Chu Feng takes back the sight of looking at the setting sun from afar and turns to look at Su Xinyu. They haven't seen each other for a long time.

Because of practicing martial arts, Su Xinyu's appearance has no change compared with a few years ago. The difference is that it has an attractive ripe flavor. It is the natural temperament of a woman when she is mature enough. It seems that she is greeting men. They are the best fruits that are ripe and can be picked.

Slim and plump, Su Xinyu did not know that he had more indescribable temperament in the past, which also attracted his attention.

He has many women in Chu Feng, but Su Xinyu is the only wife in the world. Seeing this woman who has become her own, Chu Feng goes forward and hugs her affectionately.

Slowly released, hands holding Su Xinyu's face, gently said: "these years, hard you."Su Xinyu gently shakes his head: "as your woman, you should not only be beautiful, but also be able to hold up a piece of sky, isn't it?"

Chufeng smiles and hugs Su Xinyu again. It seems that Su Xinyu is very relaxed in front of him, but Chu Feng knows that Su Xinyu is not easy at all.

Over the years, he has been shuttling through the five forbidden areas. Now the world is completely left to these beauties and some brothers. If it was not for them, he would not be able to deal with all parties in the forbidden area with peace of mind, because only by ensuring that the backyard does not catch fire, can he attack the vanguard without concern.

It seems that Su Xinyu and others have done nothing in recent years, but without them, the present world would not be as stable as it was a few years ago.

Ask the heart, everyone these years, have not been easy.

In the embrace of Chu Feng, Su Xinyu has an unprecedented sense of steadiness. In the past, when every night was empty and lonely and cold, what she imagined most was Chu Feng's solid embrace. Thinking about the two people's acquaintance, it was like everything was yesterday.

Leaning on Chu Feng's shoulder, Su Xinyu showed a light sweet smile: "husband!"

Do not know how long did not hear Su Xinyu such call oneself, Chu Feng released her, smile warm run: "hungry?"

Su Xinyu's face was slightly red. Most women would be shy if Chu Feng's straightforward words were replaced by most of them. However, Su Xinyu calmed down and nodded seriously: "women's thirty are like wolves and forty are like tigers. Although I'm less than thirty, I will certainly be hungry in the past few years."

Su Xinyu is the kind of person who can't say what she did. Because she was such a person before, so when she says such words seriously now, there is a huge temptation for Chu Feng. Even in her mind, she can't help but come up with the scene of lingering with Su Xinyu.

Catching the gradually burning color in Chu Feng's eyes, Su Xinyu smiles secretly. The attraction of the heart to Chu Feng still exists.

However, it is not the time in the dead of night. Although Su Xinyu is eager for some satisfaction, she can still hold it at least at the moment. Holding Chu Feng's hand, she whispered, "just now, when I finished my affairs, I passed by the front yard. My mother and Ye Ling asked me to ask you to come over and have dinner together."

"It's time for you to meet your daughter after all these years."

When talking about her daughter, Su Xinyu's tone has been specially accentuated. How can Chu Feng not know the dissatisfaction in Su Xinyu's words?

Although Ye Xinlan is not her own mother, she has an indelible nurturing grace. Although Chu Feng and ye Xinlan have not broken through the bottom line of morality, it is undeniable that Ye Ling is ripe from ye Xinlan's belly. That feeling, after all, exists, but most families deliberately avoid it and do not take the initiative to mention it.

Chu Feng directly chose not to answer the call, because the result of the conversation is completely unclear.

Gently cough meaning horizontal, said: "time is still early, aunt ye there should not be ready, let's go to the house first!"

In the house?

Hearing Chu Feng's words, Su Xinyu's eyes solidified instantly. She bit her lips and subconsciously looked around her. She hesitated and said, "forget it. I'm afraid that time is not enough. Is it OK at night?"

Chu Feng is slightly stunned. After seeing Su Xinyu's shy face, she immediately reacts that Su Xinyu misunderstands her meaning and thinks that she is going to pull her to study life events.

Shaking his head with a bitter smile, he patted Su Xinyu on the back of his hand and said, "if you have a heart, one minute is also true love, but I really don't have that mind. It's just that you are in the period of natural anger. I just have a little time, so I want to promote you to the God of nature. In this way, apart from the saints, few people can threaten you. After all, there are no saints in the world."

After hearing Chu Feng's explanation, Su Xinyu also realized that he had misunderstood him and was very shy. However, for Chu Feng to improve his cultivation, Su Xinyu still shook his head: "I know you can help me improve my cultivation, but there are many problems and uneven problems. Let's wait until everyone is here."

"My requirement is to make sure that I don't look old, and now I'm satisfied with it. The rest is not urgent."

Chu Feng didn't expect that Su Xinyu would refuse to help her improve her accomplishments. If she changed to situ Ya or Bai He, who said that they would be promoted to the God of creation, they would be very happy.

However, if you think about Chu Feng carefully, you can understand that because Su Xinyu grew up in the modern world, and her desire for strength is not as strong as that of those who have practiced since childhood. Zhuque or fengqingqing, or situ Ya and Bai He, all began to practice in the early days, and their desire for strength must be very hot. If you don't want Su Xinyu, you will be satisfied as long as you can ensure your appearance is not old 。

Clench her hand, Chu Feng also did not force: "good, listen to you."

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