Super Healer

Chapter 2844

Yes, even if satina did a lot of wrong things, but at this moment Chu Feng did not have to kill her heart.

Because the biggest enemy of the universe is nothingness. Nothingness will never die. The world is restless. Facing nothingness, we need not only the most powerful strength, but also the strength of enough unity. Every sage is valuable. If satyana can realize her mistakes, Chu Feng will not mind giving her a chance to live.

After all, apart from secretly absorbing strength and some treacherous things, satina did not bring direct harm to Chu Feng. For the overall situation of the world, Chu Feng did not mind forgiving her once.

But at the moment, satina only has boundless hatred for him, and there is no repentant heart at all. Chu Feng can't find the reason why she can continue to live.

Because such a woman is too crazy. Once she is allowed to survive today and find an opportunity in the future, she will surely retaliate. Maybe she will worry about the protoss at first, but once her heart changes completely, hatred will mask her final kindness.

Chu Feng doesn't know why satina became what she is today, but a person who will cause great harm in the future can't be left.

Because today's Wanjie, except that she can completely crush satyana, the rest of the people are not her opponents, and he can not stare at satina all the time. For various reasons, this sword is doomed to be stabbed.

Seeing Chu Feng kill himself, satina did not have the slightest fear, just a pair of venomous eyes staring at Chu Feng.

Even if the gods in the distance were worried about it, satina didn't change her hatred of Chu Feng because of them. Forgetting Dan not only makes her forget that she once loved Chu Feng, but also slowly makes her heart become indifferent. It's just destined that all these things are unknown to satyana.

Minghong magic sword gently lifted up, a dark light beam connected the sky and the body of the sword. A sword was chopped down, and the power of exterminating heaven and earth was suffocating.

Satina nodded her head slightly and put on a posture of greeting death.

Chu Feng closed his eyes, and even satina could not stand with himself in the future to face nothingness together, so there was no need to let her live. Holding on to Minghong magic sword, strong turbulence began to appear around her.

The strong air flow continued to spread, did not cause severe vibration, but in which can feel the breath of death, everyone felt that, Chu wind down, satina will be completely dead.

Suddenly opened his eyes, Chu wind a sword fell, the power of the magic sword brought out an unparalleled opportunity to kill, directly shrouded satianna.

Satina slowly closed her eyes and a sad smile flashed over her mouth. She felt that she had succeeded, but this success had not been a joke for a long time. She did not want to admit her failure, but now the failure is so clear that she even has to pay the price of her life.

Father, mother, saint, Anna is here to see you.

There was a thunderous blast, and Chu Feng's pupil shrank violently on the sky: "Damn it!"

A gust of wind blew between the hands, and the dust and smoke were blown away directly. The people of the gods in the distance didn't know what happened, but Chu Feng saw it. At the moment when satina was about to die under Minghong magic sword, someone blocked her.

And it was William who prevented her from that fatal attack!

I don't know how William got close to him, but Chu Feng was destined not to let William die at the moment. His body quickly passed by. Seeing William lying on the ground, his voice seemed to have disappeared. Chu Feng did not pay attention to satina, who was standing on the side, and quickly helped William up.

A hand on William's back, regardless of the cost of the original force into William's body, he has seen people who don't want them to die. If William died in his own hands, Chu Feng could not forgive himself.

In the distance, the Star City Lord didn't expect that William ran out. He also found that he didn't know when he was leaving. He was anxious to pass by. However, as soon as he went out, he was deterred by the killing of Stuart and Baihe, and he didn't dare to move any further.

In the same place, the original force of Chu Feng constantly poured into William's body, feeling that the injury was stabilized, and a trace of breath remained, but if he didn't hurry up, he would die at any time.

As soon as his eyes congealed, the Holy Grail of light came out of the sky, and produced liquid in the cup by himself. Chu Feng took it in his hand and put it on William's mouth to let him drink it a little bit. The Holy Grail of light has the effect of living and dying. Just for a while, William's bloodless face was a little more ruddy.

Satina looked at all this in the eyes and asked, "why?"

At first, William spoke for Chu Feng in front of so many people, and even said that she was not credible. But why did he have to block the fatal attack for himself at this time? If Chu Feng didn't make timely moves, William would surely die. Why?

Even though William already knew the dark things she had done, why did he help her to block Chu Feng's attack, even not afraid to die?Because of the effect of the Grail of light, William opened his eyes faintly. Although he was still weak, he could see that he was recovering a little bit.

Just heard satianna's words, William smile back: "Aunt Anna, you are like my mother, if it was not for you, I would not have a happy childhood, in this world in addition to my biological mother, you are my most respected woman, how can I look at my mother like you, die?"

Satina's body trembled slightly, and her heart was very uncomfortable. Her body swayed slightly and walked forward, regardless of Chu Feng's presence. She squatted down and looked at William: "silly child, it's not worth it."

"I think it's worth it, then it's worth it." William, who was recovering slowly, always kept his smile: "otherwise, looking at Auntie Anna, you were killed by fengshao, I would never forgive myself for my whole life. If you listen to fengshao, you and fengshao should not be enemies."

"When I was at mirage manor, I wanted you to be a couple every day."

Chu Feng did not say a word, just a hand to repair William's injury, as if nothing had been heard.

Satina squinted her eyes and looked at Chu Feng. Seeing that he didn't respond at all, she took back her eyes, stood up and stepped back two steps, gently shaking her head: "William, forgive Auntie for not agreeing to your request. Chu Feng and I are destined to die. Today's humiliation will never be forgotten."

William was stunned and then sighed slightly. He knew that the fierce Chu wind must have buried a deep hatred in satina's heart. It was impossible for him to let her go.

His eyes deviated and looked at Chu Feng.

"Don't say anything. I'll heal you first."

Chu Feng knew what William wanted to say, but he didn't let him say it. He just said a few words and concentrated on repairing William's body injury. With the effect of the Holy Grail of light, he could directly die of the injury, in the process of rapid repair.

Before long, William's injury was completely recovered. He stood up from the ground. He could not see where he was injured except for his tattered clothes. He moved his hands and feet. William gently bowed: "thank you for the lack of wind."

Chu Feng helped him up and said, "why don't you cherish yourself so much? Do you really think it's worth it?"

William looked back at satina and nodded firmly: "it's worth it. She's just like my mother. If you can, let her go. If you really want to die, then kill me. I'm willing to make atonement for Aunt Anna!"

From the moment he knew William, Chu Feng had a good impression on him. When he was in the spirit world, William also gave a lot of help.

According to the truth, chufeng should promise William, when it is to repay some human feelings, but the person who wants to let go is satina, which makes Chu Feng more hesitant, because he knows that satina has the heart of never dying with him. A woman who hates himself or a woman who is strong enough, how can she survive all the time?

William suddenly kneels down in front of Chu Feng. This action not only makes chufeng, but also satiana is stunned, even in a daze.

Chu Feng frowned: "what are you going to do?"

"Please William knelt on the ground, his head very low and low: "I know that my requirements are too much for you, but I also know that Aunt Anna is not such a person. She is very kind, but I don't know why it has become like this. But I really hope that the wind is less. You can let her go once. I believe Aunt Anna will change."

"If you really want to die, let me die!"

Satina's heart was slightly shaken, and then she gave a cold drink: "William, don't ask for this bastard."

"No!" William shook his head. "I can't see you killed by fengshao. Absolutely not."

Chu Feng didn't expect that William's feelings for satina were so deep that he was totally treating his own mother. He frowned deeply and said, "you get up first."

"If you don't agree, I won't get up." William shook his head firmly. He knew that it was wrong to threaten Chu Feng. He might not have that weight, but he was willing to do so for the safety of satina: "please promise me."

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes and took a deep look at satina. He didn't really have the heart to kill satina at first, because nothingness is the most important enemy. But satina didn't repent, so he moved to kill his heart. But it's not convenient for him to say these things for the moment. If he said it, who knows what the nihility madman would do?

In the heart hesitated to struggle for a while, Chu Feng exhaled a breath: "you get up, I promise you."

Even if William died, he would plead for satina, and Chu Feng didn't mind holding back his killing heart temporarily. If satyana could change her mind very well, she would have more strength to deal with nothingness in the future. Of course, it doesn't matter if she doesn't change.

He can make satina miserable today, and she can be miserable tomorrow!

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