Super Healer

Chapter 286

No domineering, no too many words, is so simple and direct!

One centimeter ahead, you'll break your hand!

The flat headed youth looked stiff, but his hands did not move forward, but did not take them back. He just looked back to see who was talking. However, he found that the man he saw was an 18-year-old boy, and his face suddenly showed a fierce look: "who's your wife who didn't look forward to let you slip out, get out of here!"

Then he ignored Chu Feng's words and stretched his hand forward. Many people had already noticed that there was a lot of fun and pity. What he pondered was that it was useless for Chu Feng to save the beauty by heroes. Unfortunately, the two beauties would be taken by these people soon.

But at this time, a figure across, a knife flash, followed by a thrilling scream, even overshadowed the music of the nightclub.

"You dare to chop my hand, do you know who I am?"

Flat headed youth is also tough, was cut off a hand, just at the beginning of the scream, and then gnashing his teeth to look at Chu Feng: "or do you think you have nine lives?"

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly the knife in his hand crossed again. The two hands of the flat headed youth all went together: "say one more word, I will break your leg!"

"Give it to me, kill him!" In a short period of time, his hands were broken, and the flat headed youth had lost his last sense. He roared and showed his madness.

At the moment, Suho's music has stopped. No one is afraid of such a thing. Instead, he looks at it with interest. People who are used to seeking stimulation safely will have similar excitement when they see blood. Of course, the premise is that things don't happen to themselves.

However, the seven chamberlains of the flat headed youth had not yet started. Suddenly, more than a dozen Xiao Sha men appeared behind them. Their machetes were raised and waved in unison. The seven attendants fell to the ground before they knew what was going on, and they did not know life or death.

At the moment, everyone screamed, and the person in charge of Suhe nightclub also came out and raised his hand: "personal gratitude and resentment, tonight's singing and dancing, everything is Suho's!"

When all the people calmed down and their eyes were complicated because of Yao Pang's pacification, Yao Dabao waved and asked people to deal with the corpse on the ground. Then he went to Chu Feng's side and bowed respectfully: "less wind!"

Two words, the sound is not big, but at the moment the silent nightclub hall is like thunder, for these nights like to come out to seek stimulation, is not strange, but can not touch the word.

Almost at the same time, all people's eyes are focused on the back of the young man, he is the wind less, the master of the wind door? The king of the river and the sea, the underground emperor?

For a time, everyone's eyes from the beginning of the fun to the present awe, the contrast no one can understand, but it does not hinder many women who like to bubble in nightclubs, the dark wave flowing eyes staring at Chu Feng, the man above the pole road is palpitating, but an underground emperor is infatuated with women.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and went to the flat headed youth standing there with shocked eyes: "I don't know who you are. Can I introduce you now?"

Looking at my youth, Huang Shichang is younger than me

"Huang Shichang? I don't know! " Chu Feng aftertaste a sentence, shaking his head softly: "give me a reason why you can leave here safely tonight!"

Chu Feng knew that he must not be an ordinary person, and he did not seem to be a fool. That is to say, there is only one way of saying that he is a man with a background and is used to being rude.

"Less wind!" Yao Pang came to Chu Feng and asked people to disperse the customers to a little distance. Then he said softly, "you don't know Huang Shichang, but Huang Chengdong, are you familiar with him?"

"Huang Chengdong?" Chu Feng frowned: "leader of tianwangmen sect?"

Chu Feng nodded to understand. At the moment, Huang Shiren sneered to see that he didn't have the shoulders of both arms, because the pale blood loss made his face look more ferocious: "less wind, right? You are in trouble

With his head slightly raised, Huang Shiren continued: "although I am a worthless member of the Huang family in tianwangmen, my younger brother is extremely respectful to me. Do you think you have made trouble?"

In Chu Feng's slightly playful look, Huang Shiren hummed: "I tell you, I'm very angry about your behavior this evening. The principal of xiaojidao in the land of rivers and seas dare to fight against the tianwangmen, which I control the whole south?"

The smile on Chu Feng's face exuberant two points: "then you say, how should I do?"

Yao pangzi stood beside Chu Feng and shook his head. He looked at Huang Shiren sympathetically and said in his heart that he would not die if he did not seek death!

"Is Huang Chengdong your father?"

Chu Feng asked a question at the moment. His smile was warm and smooth, like a college student. When Huang Shiren was stunned, the knife in Chu Feng's hand suddenly stabbed on the shoulder without arm: "don't say you're not, even if you are, how about that?"

Then he grabbed Huang Shiren's collar and flew out with one foot. His eyes were full of murders: "bandage the wound and throw it back to Guangzhou!"Then he walked over and looked at Lin Yulin, who seemed to have nothing to do with himself. The murderous spirit on Chu Feng's face dissipated invisibly. Liu Yan also came up at the moment and just glanced at Huang Shiren, who was carried away by others. Then he said, "are you not afraid of tianwangmen's revenge on you?"

Chu Feng looked at Liu Yan: "I'm more curious, why didn't you stop me when a vice captain of the criminal investigation team saw me commit the murder?"

Liu Yan hums a way: "you also know that I am the vice captain of criminal investigation team, then what are you doing?" Then he turned his head to one side and said, "and it's off time now. I'm Liu Yan, not a policeman!"

Chu Feng knew Liu Yan's character and was too lazy to say anything. He sat down beside Lin Yulin, but the latter didn't see him at all: "what's wrong with my aunt? Why drink so much wine?"

"I want to ask you again!"

Liu Yan raised this face to show anger: "your little aunt originally went out shopping with me this evening, but on the way, she pulled me to Suhe to drink. At the beginning, even though it was over, but later your little aunt was drinking, and I couldn't stop it. She kept saying that you had no conscience. If you don't go back to see her, what do you say?"

Hearing Liu Yan's words, Chu Feng felt a trace of guilt in his heart. Because of some things, he deliberately avoided it. At the moment, he felt a little uncomfortable. He stretched out his hand and took Lin Yulin's hand: "aunt, don't drink it!"

Go away

Lin Yulin was crying, but she didn't have the strength of Chu Feng when she wanted to break free. She sobbed: "what do you care about me? I'm your little aunt. If I take care of you, you go away. I just want to drink. If I don't drink, I won't have a chance after I get married."

Chu Feng frowned deeply, directly took off Lin Yulin's wine cup, picked her up, and said without looking back: "manager Yao, Su He, regardless of any identity, will make trouble once and break his limbs!"

Sen Leng dropped a word, Chu Feng directly holding Lin Yulin to leave, Liu Yan Gang wanted to follow up, the phone rang, frown, look at Chu Feng and they, and then directly left.

"Then you take your aunt back first. I have something to deal with."

Outside the Suhe Hotel, fat Yao arranged for the car to wait here. But Liu Yan simply said that he stopped the car and left directly. Chu Feng frowned, but ignored too much. He took Lin Yulin into the car and looked at the quiet Lin Yulin and sighed: "drive!"

At the moment, Huang Shiren was also directly left on the bus to Guangzhou!

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