Super Healer

Chapter 2868

When night fell, the temple world also ushered in a guest, the housekeeper of the family, Pusa!

He was sent by Pu Yuan Lei after satina and Xi Canghai left, asking to see Chu Feng.

Chu Feng is not too surprised about the arrival of Pu SA, because Zhang yun'er has no too many obstacles from nothingness. He can already see the trace of the development of fate. Chu Feng can probably guess what Pu SA is going to do.

On the temple of King Wu, Chu Feng met Pusa, and the reason why he sent Pusa was also because on the day of the return of the Xiuzhen world, Pusa and chufeng met, and when they met again, they could speak a little better.

On the main hall, Chu Feng just let situ Ya and Bai He accompany, but Lu Wan and others did not show up.

Looking at PU SA who came in, Chu Feng glanced at a post in his hand. His left eye flashed and saw the content completely. However, Chu Feng didn't reveal it, so as to avoid the suspicion of his prophecy, so as to reduce some cards that can be played in the future.

When he reached the center of the hall, Pusa's body was bent 90 degrees and modest in place: "Pusa, I have seen the devil."

If people who don't know see it, they think that Pusa is a courtier. But Chu Feng knows very well that the more polite he is to himself, he may be the one who wants to kill himself most. When he thinks of what Zhang Yuner said to himself, Chu Feng's heart is full of fun, which is senleng's killing opportunity.

Standing up, Pusa didn't know that Chu Feng had already known something in advance, and raised his hands: "this is the joint name of Pujia, Luojia, Xijia and zhenxuezong. I hope that in two days' time, I will visit the demon God and discuss the future affairs of the heaven and the world. The world is peaceful and all living beings need to be stable."

"The four masters want to hear the meaning of the devil."

Chufeng smiles and ponders, opens the hand to worship the post to arrive in his hand.

After a cursory look at it and close it, Chu Feng said with a warm smile: "I thought the four families were waiting for me to visit one by one. I didn't want to come, so the day after tomorrow."

Pusa nodded slightly: "follow the arrangement of the devil."

Chu Feng side head: "white lotus, send Pu housekeeper."

Pusa was stunned for a moment, and then he sent the invitation to the guest? Although he was a little uncomfortable, he didn't dare to show it on his face. He bowed slightly and was sent out by Bai He. Anyway, he had sent the invitation to him, and there was nothing to do.

Bai He sent Pu SA away and returned to the hall. Chu Feng said, "it's really interesting. When you come to visit me, how do you feel like you're going to kill me? They just started at me on my own territory. Where did they get their confidence? "

Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er also came out from behind. After seeing that there was no Pu SA outside, Zhang yun'er said in a soft voice, "just now the god worshipped and said that the ancient practitioners' means were very powerful. Maybe they had some cards?"

Judging from the traces of fate, this visit is a hidden plot. It is basically certain that the four families will unite to attack Chu Feng.

Chu Feng put the worship card aside and said with a warm smile: "I don't know if they have any cards, but they are definitely considered. It's better to start with me in the temple world than in other places, because there is my core power here. When I do it, I dare not release my power."

"Because in that case, I will destroy my own strength and throw a mousetrap. Naturally, I will not be able to make a big deal of it. They will not care about this, and the chance of winning will be increased by 20%

Hearing this, Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er are both stunned, and then feel very reasonable.

If Chu Feng is invited to meet in other places, although there are countless creatures, there are not so many obstacles for Chu Feng. However, if it is in the temple world, there are the temple army and people close to Chu Feng. When fighting, they will surely cast a rat's paw and not dare to open the Dahe to hurt the innocent.

The people in the spiritual world don't care about this. They just care about whether their own strength is lost. It's good for them to collapse the warriors. It's natural to start with a cruel move.

Chu Feng has no scruples about hurting innocent people. They have no scruples. Moreover, they are united with powerful forces, so their chances of winning are much greater. It seems that visiting the door is the same as sending it to the door. But if you change your mind, it is another situation.

Bai he frowned and said, "master, you even know that they want to use the creatures in the temple world to hold you back. Why don't you change places, such as to the whole family world, and see if they dare to start?"

"That doesn't mean much." Chu Feng gently shook his head: "because changing places will arouse their attention and vigilance, and if they set a trap on their territory, I have no chance to fight back. Although in the temple world, I can't let go, but as long as we do a good defense in advance, who can do anything for me?"

"In any case, as long as the temple world is immortal, everything can be restored, so if they want to come, they can come. It happens that I also explore the strength of the four families to adjust the next deployment."

His eyes burst into a terrible killing opportunity: "is it to destroy the Xiuzhen realm first and then deal with nothingness, or to endure to destroy the nothingness first and then destroy the Xiuzhen realm."

There are not many people who know Chu Feng's thoughts and practices, and the people present don't mean to go deep into it. Anyway, Chu Feng has arranged for them to follow suit. As for other things, they can't help Chu Feng too much."Crazy boy, there's a good play."

As soon as he finished speaking, a few people came in outside and immediately heard Yan Luo's words. He still said with a smile: "the demons who have just surrounded the small world of the spirit world have come. The Luo family, the Xi family and the blade snow clan have started to move and leave the spirit world."

Chu Feng a Leng: "left the spirit world?"

"Yes Yan Luo shrugged his shoulders, went over and sat down carelessly. He continued: "all arrived at the secret place of the morning light, and then there were three entrances and exits of the world. According to the news that came back, it seemed that they went back to their homes and went to their respective mothers."

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes. He didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Holding up his hand, the picture of the secret place of morning light suddenly appears in the temple of King Wu. You can see that countless people from the three families are going to a certain place through the entrance and exit. Chu Feng then changes the picture and follows the women of Renxue sect to another world, a world covered with ice and snow.

If you zoom in, this is a planet, a white planet, covered with ice and snow everywhere. You can also see many buildings under the ice and snow. The people of Renxue sect are busy there at the moment.

"This is the planet world created by the ancestors of the blade snow clan, which was their base camp in ancient times."

Lu Wan saw something, frowned and said, "if you don't guess wrong, Luojia and Xijia are going back to their own planet world. Their planet world is a light-year away from the earth and Pujia, showing the four directions of East, West, North and south. What's going on? Why are they all back to their own planet all of a sudden

Not to mention Lu Wan's curiosity, even Chu Feng was a little puzzled. He also felt that besides the Pu family, the other three forces would stay in the spirit world for a period of time. I didn't want to surprise him in the past few days.

First, Zhang yun'er spied out their murderous heart. Now the matter has not been solved. They go back to their own planet world one by one, all so close to the earth. If there is any war, it will definitely affect the earth.

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes, and everyone was silent and did not speak, because the current situation is too inexplicable, Xi Jia Luo family and blade snow Zong, is this a provocation?

After a long silence, Chu Feng's tense expression relaxed a little and showed a faint smile: "it seems that I think I underestimate their IQ too much. I want to use their future to deal with nothingness. I think they also know this, and know that before dealing with nihility, I will not do anything to them."

"This is a kind of trial, of course, it also paves the way for the day after tomorrow's visit. If I stop their behavior tonight, they will not come to visit the day after tomorrow, and there will be a great blockade. If I don't stop them tonight, they will come here unscrupulously and act on me with confidence."

Zhang yun'er asked, "do you want to do something to stop it now? This is a kind of trial. As long as we suppress it, we may break their killing heart."

Chu Feng gently shakes his head to stop them, which can suppress their killing heart, but it may also be self defeating to make the war come ahead of time, which is a nihilistic conspiracy. And now that the three families move recklessly, they must have been ready for him to stop them, so there is no need to touch a dust.

The corner of the mouth raised a warm smile: "if people want to die, heaven can't stop it. Remove the demon Kingdom army, let them all go back to the demon world, and mobilize the temple army to secretly replace all the people in the surrounding area."

"The day after tomorrow is very good. If not, withdraw at full speed. The cultivation world wants to challenge my bottom line and test my strength. Then I will let them have a good feeling."

He stood up and waved his big hand: "just like all the forces I stepped on at the foot, no matter how strong, there is only one result of death."

All of us can feel Chu Feng's firmness and killing opportunity. They also know that after this time, unless the group of people in the Zhenzhen realm the day after the first World War are honest, they will be destroyed by Chu Feng after World War I. if they can't cooperate to fight against nothingness, they can't be left as trouble.

This is the experience that satyana brought to Chu Feng. If she didn't want to fight for satyana at the beginning, the Xiuzhen world has not come back.

Chu Feng did not continue to entangle these topics with you, because the entanglement was too much, and the results were all the results. He gently waved: "OK, the sky has fallen and I, all go to rest. In addition, let people pay attention to the Xuanyuan family. The Xiuzhen world is coming again. Xuanyuan family is located at the junction of the hidden world and the military must fight for!"

"For the rest, just take a step and look at it."

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