Super Healer

Chapter 2875

The long night will pass, just as the light must come.

At dawn, many powerful people began to go to the temple area. However, they were not invited to enter the temple area. They just looked at the empty Temple of King Wu from a high place outside, and wanted to see how the leaders of the four forces were.

With the return of the cultivation world, the masters of the four forces all know that they are infinite saints. As most of them are strong in the semi divine period and the most divine realm, it is not easy to see the saints. What's more, it is the ultimate of the saints, the infinite saints?

So there may be risks in coming to the temple world, but none of them can stop those who come to see it.

In the temple of King Wu, Chu Feng got up before dawn. Sitting on the throne of King Wu, he knew about the gathering of countless people outside the temple area.

On the contrary, Chu Feng frowned deeply: "these guys are really looking for death!"

Zhang yun'er has a glimpse of the development of his fate. He knows that the four major forces today are called "visiting". In fact, they are the first to attack. He also wants to transfer the people in the temple area temporarily without the attention of the religious circle. He does not want a group of onlookers to gather here. If there is a big war, many people will die.

It's not that Chu Feng is too bloody. It's really the case that the war is imminent. No matter how the sage controls it, the influence of his power can destroy those who are not enough.

But now Chu Feng can't let people expel those who come to see the excitement, otherwise it will arouse the vigilance of the Xiuzhen world and make it self defeating.

Lu Wan and others naturally understood this. They started to think about the safety of the people in the temple area. They forgot that people from the outside would also come to the temple area. Now, more and more people are gathering here. If World War I breaks out, there will be countless casualties!

Zhang yun'er knew that it was impossible, but she said, "Chu Feng, why don't you let Yan Luo drive people away?"

"No!" Chu Feng shook his head without hesitation, and his eyes were firm: "today is a crisis for us, but it is also an opportunity. If we arouse their vigilance today, it will not be easy to attack them in the future. What I hope is that the autumn wind sweeps the leaves to solve the threat of the spiritual world, rather than consume it with them."

"If the people on the periphery are expelled, they will certainly be on guard. They must know that we have insight into their plot and are not advisable!"

Everyone can see Chu Feng's dilemma, but there is no good way and suggestion, slowly all silent down.

"Forget it. Let them go." Chu Feng thought for a while, and finally dispersed the idea of continuing to tangle: "curiosity killed the cat, but I can't obviously stop their curiosity, or it can only be self defeating. Yun'er, Wan'er, when the time comes, I'll trouble you two. If you can die a little less, you can die less."

Zhang yun'er and Lu Wan are both stunned. The latter frowns slightly and shows his eyebrows: "do you want to face the four forces alone?"

Chu Feng didn't say it clearly, but Lu Wan was very clear about his meaning, that is, at the critical time, let her and Zhang Yuner protect the people who came to see the excitement. They could not expel them now, so they should protect them from the back.

It seems that this is a way, but it is not good for yourself, because the result is that Chu Feng alone to face the four forces.

Today, no one knows what kind of power the four forces will exert. If they want to protect those people who don't know the truth to watch the excitement, Chu Feng can only deal with it by themselves. Today's chufeng is indeed very powerful, but at least they are all four infinite saints, and the ancestors of each family may appear.

Chu Feng alone, really OK?

"That's it!"

Chu Feng knew their worries, but he didn't give them a chance to say it. He waved his hand and clapped his hands directly: "in recent years, many innocent people have been hurt by the wars in recent years. As the center of the hidden world, many innocent people have died in the war. In other words, I can't let the temple world die any more."

Because as a central area, if it is not safe to cause panic here, it will indirectly affect the stability of the whole hidden world, which is not what Chu Feng wants to see.

If he can, he doesn't want to waste his hands to protect a group of people who have nothing to do with their lives, but without them, the stability of the hidden world is also a problem.

Seeing that Chu Feng has already made up his mind, Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er can't say anything. Otherwise, it just makes Chu Feng feel more uncomfortable. However, they also make a decision in their hearts. After this, let Chu Feng widen the forbidden area of the temple area. In this way, even if there is a big war here in the future, we don't worry about people getting too close.

Although the method is not very good, but in the end it will have a little effect.

"Master, Luojia mountain, the master of Luo family, has come with Luo, the young master of Luo family." At this time, white lotus also came in from the outside and said.

Chu Feng had just arranged that if the war happened, people would come.

Squint at the sky outside. When the sun rises, it's early enough, and you can feel a strong breath. Obviously, the people who come here not only announce his arrival to the temple people, but also to the whole temple world!See through this point, Chu Feng gentle smile: "please!"

Bai He was stunned, looked back at the outside, and then said, "master, you,,"

"do you want me to meet them?" Chu Feng knew what Bai He wanted to say, so when she didn't finish, she interrupted what she wanted to say and asked a question.

Bai he blinked, nodded and went out. Zhang yun'er and Lu Wan also sat on the left side and looked out.

After a while, you can hear the hearty laughter coming from the outside. It's the kind of low-key voice of Luojia mountain: "there were no five forbidden areas in ancient times. I didn't expect that an era would appear. It's good. This temple is a good place with plenty of vitality and flexibility in the world."

Luojia mountain, with a red haired young man, looked like I was the eldest: "the devil gives orders in the temple world. It's really like a king!"

In the face of Luojia mountain, Chu Feng thought that he didn't hear what he said, and he didn't even mean to look at him. Luojia mountain's expression twitched, and his face felt a little hot. When was he ignored as the second generation owner of the Luo family?

The heart is very uncomfortable, but in order to follow-up plan or endure down, patted side Luo Fei's shoulder: "come, see the devil."

Luo Fei looked proud, and his nostrils could almost be said to be facing the sky. He cast a glance at Chu Feng and said, "good devil!"

Chu Feng still did not hear the general, Zhang Yuner and Lu Wan looked in their eyes and laughed bitterly in their hearts. How could they not know that Chu Feng was intentional. Lu Wan coughed gently, leading to the embarrassment of the atmosphere: "Luojia mountain, where are they?"

The two father and son of Luojia mountain are very unhappy about Chu Feng's neglect of them. Hearing Lu Wan's question just leads to embarrassment and has a new stage.

When he turned to face Lu Wan, the arrogance and laxity of Luojia mountain or Luofei's arrogance and disdain all disappeared, showing respect and saying in unison: "respect God!"

When facing Zhang yun'er, she is not so polite, but she just nods to them gently.

However, Chu Feng was surprised by the respect of Lu Wan by the Luojia mountain father and son, but after thinking about it for a while, it was clear that Lu Wan was the immortal God and had appeared before the emergence of the Xiuzhen world. It can be said that the reason why the Xiuzhen world developed steadily at the beginning was because of Lu Wan.

Although they are strong enough now, they still respect Lu Wan, who once set down the law of heaven and bound the world, and had nothing to do with her strength, but her identity.

Lu Wan nodded softly: "you are welcome. Your father and son are here. What about the other three families?"

Luojia mountain still maintained a polite posture: "thinking of visiting the devil today, I didn't rest all night last night, and I came before dawn. As for the three families, it is estimated that they will come later."

Lu Wan nodded, raised his hand and said, "then go and have a rest first." On the side of the situya said: "arrange Luo family master and Luo Shao Lord to go to the side hall to have a rest, and prepare some food and drink for them."

In response, situ Ya made a gesture to invite Luojia mountain father and son to go to the side hall. The father and son did not say anything. They nodded to Lu Wan and followed situ ya to the side hall. In addition to saying hello to Chu Feng, even if he left behind, he thought that Chu Feng was transparent. If you didn't bird me, would you like me to bird you?

When the father and son left, Chu Fengcai looked at Lu Wan with a smile and said, "it seems that you are more authoritative than yun'er and me in the Xiuzhen world."

Lu Wan sat down, shook her head gently and said, "it was when nothingness was still standing behind me. They thought I was the master of the universe. Now that nothingness has been known, they will understand that the respect for me now is just a legacy of ancient times."

"I believe that when you have a conflict with them, my God will collapse in their hearts."

Because she is Chu Feng's woman, once the war starts, she must stand with Chu Feng, and then become the enemy. How can we respect her?

Chu Feng smile: "nothing, sooner or later they will because of your man, more respect for you."

Lu Wan Wen's face turned red. Zhang yun'er couldn't help chuckling. Seeing Lu Wan teased by Chu Feng, she felt very interesting.

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