Super Healer

Chapter 2886

Pu yuanlei is not a fool after all. Although it is possible to survive according to Chu Feng's words, he will not be able to avoid becoming enemies with Chu Feng in the future. I believe that after today's events, Chu Feng will fight them in an all-round way.

Therefore, in order to survive temporarily, facing the embarrassment of no allies in the future, it is far better to stick to it now, maybe there will be a little miracle.

There is a trace of regret in Chu Feng's eyes. He really has such a mind. He also thinks that people like Pu yuanlei should accept his own coercion like satina. He doesn't want to be more firm than satina. He doesn't really go to Luojia mountain because of his words. It can be said that he is a little disappointed.

But that's all. Chu Feng said with a smile: "you want to die. I'll help you, but how many of you can fight with me?"

Xicanghai's uncle and nephew have already left, and satyana has also left. Now the rest of the people, Luojia mountain and puyuanlei, have no power to fight again. Xue nishang just sealed Chu Feng also spent a lot of strength. The only one who still has the power to fight is Pu Jingcang, Luo Fei and Mu Qianxue.

But the five infinite sages are not Chu Feng's opponents, let alone the three of them?

"Come on

Mu Qianxue walked forward at this time, with a resolute look: "even if you can't go, you can only choose a war. What's the use of escaping?"

Pu Jingcang and Luo Fei, who had a little hesitation, were a little embarrassed when they heard this. As a man, they even wanted a woman to teach them these things. They took a deep breath to cheer themselves up. They went up to stand with mu Qianxue.

The outstanding young people of the Xiuzhen world are facing Chu Feng. How much pressure is there? After all, their elders are not Chu Feng's opponents, let alone them? It's just that the current situation, even if you know that it's not an opponent, should stick to it.

Chu Feng passed over their faces one by one. It can be seen that there are few of them who can become saints at this stage. It can be seen that they are all gifted people. However, talent does not represent combat effectiveness, and Chu Feng does not pay much attention to them.

He could have destroyed everyone in the shortest time, but he didn't do it. The main thing was the ancestors.

All the ancestors have not yet appeared. Chu Feng believes that Pu yuanlei and others had already informed him when something happened here. Because he had not isolated their contact, he had already informed people that they had not appeared. Chu Feng subconsciously felt that there was a conspiracy.

It is also because of this, he used the posture of cat and mouse to see if he could wait for the ancestors of each family to appear. Otherwise, he would have no suitable excuse to let go of these people in front of him.

People naturally don't know what Chu Feng's idea is, just stare at him with vigilant eyes.

Chu Feng also temporarily dispersed his thoughts. Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er went through the realm of demons and entered them, pointing to Mu Qianxue and saying to them, "I don't bully the younger generation!"

Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er turn their eyes helplessly when they hear the speech. The youngest person here is Chu Feng. He even says that others are descendants.

However, in terms of strength, mu Qianxue and others are really descendants.

Take a look at the alert situation of the three people, Zhang yun'er gently opened her lips: "you'd better admit defeat, don't lose face."

"Better fight to death!" Mu Qianxue suddenly drank, and a crystal clear sword like ice and snow appeared in his hand. He stabbed directly at the Chu wind. The reason why he started so rashly was because of the snow colored clothes.

She was an orphan since she was a child. She should have died long ago. Fortunately, Xue nishang met her and took her in, and even eventually cultivated her to be today. The most respected person is ravaged by the Chu wind. Naturally, mu Qianxue's heart is not happy.

Know clearly is not Chu Feng's opponent, but she still want to try.

Chu Feng laughs with astonishment. He also wants to give the three men to LV Wan and Zhang yun'er to practice. He doesn't want mu Qianxue to come towards him. Your master is not my opponent. Are you my opponent?

In the face of Mu Qianxue's undisguised murders and attacks, Chu Feng has no interest in the war at all. It's not that mu Qianxue is too weak, but their spiritual state is not at the same level at all. Let alone one mu Qianxue or ten mu Qianxue, Chu Feng is confident that he is not his opponent.

With his right hand raised, the middle finger gently bent back. Suddenly, the sword in Mu Qianxue's hand was bent back directly and stabbed at herself. Mu Qianxue's face changed slightly. As he dodged by, he waved thousands of ice and snow toward the Chu wind.

She knew that Chu Feng, who couldn't even hurt her snow clothes, couldn't help it. But if she didn't do that now, she would be very ugly.

Chu Feng is surrounded by the wind and snow. It doesn't seem to have any effect on him at all. When he gently raises his hand, the wind and snow melt completely, and it seems that it has never appeared.

The corners of his mouth flashed lightly, and Chu Feng's figure twinkled. When everyone didn't see clearly, he appeared beside mu Qianxue.

Mu Qianxue had just stabilized her figure and felt what she was looking at. She saw Chu Feng standing beside her. Her face changed slightly under the veil. She subconsciously raised her sword and stabbed at Chu Feng.Chu Feng did not move his body, two fingers lightly clamped mu Qianxue's sword, and his eyes fell on her eyes. Although she could not see her face, she could be called one of the two beauties in the Xiuzhen world. I think it's not bad.

However, Chu Feng had already passed the stage of not having the heart to start with the beauty. He gently patted mu Qianxue on the shoulder. The seemingly casual palm did not contain too strong power, but mu Qianxue still flew out. If it was not for stabilizing the body shape in time, it would have hit the ground.

Throat feel salty taste, a stream of blood was her hard to suppress down, beautiful eyes burst out a touch of anger, looking at Chu Feng, she has never been so rampant, now only a short two rounds of Chu wind hurt, feel a little bit of shame.

However, if she thought of the Luojia mountain move just now, she would not be so angry.

"You dare to hurt my disciple."

Snow nishang saw mu Qianxue's eyes present a touch of pain, knowing that she must have suffered some injuries. She cried out, no matter the strength of her body had been greatly consumed, she directly launched an attack against the Chu wind again.

When she attacks, Luo Fei and Pu Jing Cang also start at the same time, one by one can only be easily ravaged by Chu Feng. Although they may not be opponents together, they can at least fight for more time.

The three of them came together, and Chu Feng just laughed at it. It was like moving a form and changing a shadow to avoid the attack of snow colored clothes. The whole person could only see the shadow in the air, but he couldn't catch the real figure of Chu Feng.

All of a sudden, a figure stopped, and Chu Feng showed up. He hit Luo Fei fiercely behind his back. The latter was still looking around. He didn't expect that there was someone behind him. He was totally unprepared and received a punch, accompanied by the spray of blood.

Almost at the same time, Chu Feng appeared in Pu Jing Cang's back. Although the latter was very cautious in defense, but in absolute strength, all caution and preparedness were floating clouds, which could not play any role at all, so Chu Feng jumped out.

The two younger generation even did not touch the corner of Chu Feng's clothes, and they were like dogs. Their eyes became more and more dignified. They scolded the evil sect in their hearts, which also drove the forces that could be driven, and tried to hold down the Chu wind.

But the speed of Chu Feng is too fast. Every time, she doesn't wait for the snow and neon clothes to lock in, then it disappears.

"Master, be careful!" All of a sudden, there relaxed the breath of snow neon clothes anxious to drink a voice.

But it was too late. Chu Feng didn't know when he appeared on the top of xuenishang's head. His body turned 180 degrees directly and slapped it on her. The latter had already been exhausted. At the moment, it was totally supported by a spirit. How could he withstand the blow of Chu Feng.

The body shape flies to the distance. Chu Feng doesn't let her go. Mu Qianxue is worried that her master is in danger. No matter the injury is not alleviated, he follows up.

But just close to Chu Feng, he was kicked on the abdomen by Chu Feng, without any pity. This time, mu Qianxue directly hit the ground, without the demeanor of a peerless beauty.

Zhang Yuner and Zhang Yuner didn't do anything, but they also smile bitterly when they saw Chu Feng. If it was Chu Feng before, she would not be so cruel to women. Now she is merciless to women even the most beautiful women. To a large extent, she is still influenced by satina.

Now in Chu Feng's heart, it can be said that apart from enemies and friends, there is no difference between men and women.

Suffering from several times of Chu Feng's fury, Xue nishang also fell into Chu Feng's hand. He held the collar with one hand, and completely controlled life and death. Just as she was about to speak, Xue nishang spat out blood and almost vomited on Chu Feng's face. She angrily said, "let me go!"

Because Chu Feng pinched her neck, there was nothing left. Now he grabbed her collar and directly let her open her collar. Standing in the angle of Chu Feng, you could see the contents in it. Snow colored clothes are as good as jade in an era. How can we allow the eyes of men to see their own pride.

Chu Feng did not have such a mind, just control snow Ni clothes want to threaten some, do not want her reaction so big.

He turned his head and saw the deep bottom of the valley from the slightly separated neckline. The corners of his mouth twitched fiercely. He said in a deep voice that he pretended to be a rascal: "not as big as your apprentice. Are you afraid I'll see it?"

Snow neon clothes look one angry: "shameless!"

Because Chu Feng didn't just look at it, he even patted it on fullness just now.

Chu Fengcai did not care so much about this group of practitioners. He clapped his palm on the back of the snow colored clothes, causing her to spit blood and say in a cold voice: "in my hands, you should be honest, otherwise you will be very hurt."

Xue nishang sipped the blood on the corner of her mouth, slowly raised her head, and her eyes were burning with indignation: "you will not die easily. I will put my shame on your relatives and friends, and I will still be your relatives and friends."

before the words are finished, she is completely interrupted by a slap. Chu Feng draws close to Xue nishang and stares at her stunned eyes: "threaten me, I will make you worse than death! "

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