Super Healer

Chapter 2889

At the end of the night, Chu Feng left the temple of King Wu, but left in a very low-key manner. He asked situ Ya and Bai He to arrange some affairs without being discovered. Chu Feng left alone.

As for the last time when Lu Waner came to the Saint wu'er temple, she didn't want to hurt others. So she didn't want to stay in the world for another time.

As for the several major forces in the Xiuzhen world, it is the limit that they can organize themselves to attack him first. It is absolutely impossible to let them do it. They will only be more cautious to prevent his revenge.

After leaving the temple of King Wu, Chu Feng did not go directly to the spirit world, but came to the entrance and exit of the Chenguang secret place and the temple world. He knew that pujingqiong must have been away for a long time, but he just wanted to have a look, because he got the news that pujingqiong was still kneeling at the entrance to the temple world after the war.

Pu family may not be able to pay attention to Pu Jing dome because of the change, but Pu Jing Qiong should not be a fool? Knowing that there is a big war, you should run away at the first time. How can you kneel here?

Of course, Chu Feng also wanted to go to Xuanyuan family by the way when he came to Chenguang secret place. He didn't take situ Ya and Bai He to worry that they would do something out of time because of their hatred of satina. However, xuanyuanlang could take it, because Xuanyuan family, as a transit station of the hidden world, always needs a strong successor.

Strength can be improved for him, but courage and understanding of these, after all, need bloody baptism.

Come to the place where pujingqiong kneels down. Because of the war in the daytime, no one shuttles between the secret place of morning light and the temple world. Under the night, Chu Feng can see a man kneeling there. Who else can Pujing dome be?

Chu Feng walked forward without any fluctuation and stood in front of Pujing dome. Between the twinkling of his left eye, a hand stretched out on Pujing dome's forehead, and his fingertips jumped with a light and disappeared into it. Then Pujing dome slowly disappeared in front of Chu Feng.

Chu Feng probably thought of such a possibility before he came here. But when Pujing dome disappeared, Chu Feng also found a very interesting thing. That is, when the Pujing dome disappeared, Chu Feng felt the breath of satyana.

Powerful saints can transform themselves into a person by raising their hands. The Pujing dome kneeling here is obviously made by man.

But now there is the smell of satyana, then there is only one possibility. This pujingqiong was made by satina. If it is Pu yuanlei, even pujingqiong's own chufeng can accept it, but now it's satyana, chufeng will feel interesting.

Because during the day today, under his coercion, satina broke a hand of puyuanlei. If she had helped pujingqiong secretly, would puyuanlei hate satyana, or did he know that satyana saved pujingqiong.

Or has satina absorbed the power to kill pujingqiong?

Chu Feng is not very clear, but she should not appear in the place where she is left with her breath. This is a particularly interesting thing. The corners of his mouth flashed a look of fun. Chu Feng did not continue to pursue, because what he needs to do now is to go to the spirit world and kill satina.

Open the door of dazzling light, chufeng directly penetrates through, and soon arrives at Xuanyuan family. In order not to cause shock, chufeng comes to the place where xuanyuanlang lives.

In the spacious bedroom, Chu Feng didn't see Xuanyuan Lang's figure. After looking for a while, he still didn't, so he sent out a secret tone to let Xuanyuan Lang come back immediately. But don't make any noise or tell others that he came to Xuanyuan family.

Because if people knew he had left the temple world, there would have been other thoughts.

After a while, the door opened, and Xuanyuan Lang came in, but in addition to Xuanyuan Lang, there was another person, Xuanyuan Huining.

Chufeng is stunned. When he met last time, he arranged for Xuanyuan Huining to return to the present world. Because Xuanyuan's ancestor is old and unable to support Xuanyuan's family any more, chufeng means to let Xuanyuan Huining go back to the town. Why are people still in the Xuanyuan family?

When Chu Feng looks at her, Xuanyuan Huining is also looking at him. However, because Xuanyuan Lang is still here, Xuanyuan Huining and chufeng do not show any intimate behavior. Moreover, considering the current situation, it is impossible to enhance intimacy.

Coughing gently, let Xuanyuan Lang close the door. Chu Feng then asked, "Huining, didn't I let you go back to the present world?"

"Grandfather told me not to go back for the time being." There was a trace of resentment in Xuanyuan Huining's eyes, but he didn't let Xuanyuan Lang find out: "she said that now there are Zhuque Dharma protectors in the world, and there won't be anything happening to the Xuanyuan family. Although he is old, he can still last for several years."

"So let me continue to stay in Zhongzhou Xuanyuan, let me find time to continue to exercise, said that my heart is not hard enough, but you, brother-in-law, you don't take me around, who do I go to experience with?"

Chu Feng did not continue to entangle this issue, said: "Xiao Lang, you go to clean up, and duckweed Princess they say, but pay attention to the movement, do not make too much noise, said you want to go out with me to do something."Xuanyuan Lang is a man who doesn't have many prefectures. How can he know the meaning of Chu Feng's letting him go out first? Oh, he didn't ask why he left the bedroom and went to find Xuanyuan duckweed to talk to him.

When the gate was closed, Xuanyuan Huining bit his lips, and his eyes clearly showed the color of resentment: "when can my sister come back? Are you lying to me?"

Chu Feng shakes her head helplessly, knowing that Xuanyuan Huining will definitely ask this question. After all, her feelings with Xuanyuan crape myrtle are there, but it's not suitable for her to go to the soul world. Many people know that LV Wan can't help it.

So Chu Feng didn't explain that he had tried hard to bring back Chang'e, because that just let Xuanyuan Huining disappointed his failure. He held her small hand and whispered, "how could I cheat you? It's just that now the Xiuzhen kingdom is coming back, and the spirit world and satina are in trouble. I can't separate myself to go to the soul world to find Chang'e's soul."

"Because if I don't deal with the things in the present world, I will not be able to come back to the soul world. I'm afraid you will not be able to resist the rampage of the Xiuzhen world."

Xuanyuan Huining didn't know that chufeng was trying to coax herself, but she had no doubt about it. Now the Xiuzhen world is back. Chu Feng has a big fight with the four leaders of the Xiuzhen world in the daytime. It has been spread all over the world. Xuanyuan Huining is naturally clear.

What the outside world heard was that chufeng had defeated the four forces, but for Xuanyuan Huining, it was his worry about chufeng, for fear that he could not resist the increasingly powerful enemy one day.

Without saying anything about the crape myrtle, Xuanyuan Huining asked, "brother-in-law, where are you going to take Xiaolang?"

"Spirit world!" Chu Feng didn't hide it, and whispered back: "satina has brought me trouble three times and four times. If she doesn't solve her problem, she will become more and more powerful by using her magic, which will be particularly difficult to deal with. So, while I can crush her now, I will get rid of it as soon as possible to prevent accidents."

"As for taking Xiao Lang, he is not tough and cruel enough. The power of the Xiuzhen world is too strong. It happens that the spiritual world can give him a try."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xuanyuan Huining stood up and said, "then I will go too."

"No way." Chu Feng predicted this situation, but he did not hesitate to refuse: "you will go back to the present world in the future. Unlike Xiao Lang, the crueler a heart is in the five forbidden areas, the better. But in the modern world, you still need a kind heart. Do you understand what I mean?"

"And if you have been baptized with blood, my sister-in-law will not be able to find it back?"

Chufeng refused Xuanyuan Huining was very unhappy, but when he heard the words behind, his face turned a little red, and murmured in a low voice: "still my sister-in-law, do you have such a bad brother-in-law?"

From Xuanyuan Huining's tone, Chu Feng knew that she would no longer be entangled with the spirit world. She stood up and went to her face. She held her in her arms with open hands, and said softly, "if I behave properly, then you can only think of me in secret?"

Xuanyuan Huining is a very thin skinned person. It is even more bashful to be said by Chu Feng. Almost all the people are buried in Chu Feng's arms.

"Brother in law, what can we do At this time, Xuanyuan Lang also came back, pushed the door to come in, originally was talking, but saw Chu Feng and Xuanyuan Huining holding there, all of a sudden there was no sound.

Xuanyuan Huining's face turned red in an instant, as if she had been bitten by a snake. Chu Feng's eyes were flustered. She didn't know how to say it.

"Huining thinks of her sister." Chu Feng was a decent book. He didn't feel embarrassed when he was found stealing. He also said in a melancholy tone: "she asked me when I could get your sister back, but after so long time, I still didn't think of a good way, so she was sad."

"Well, Princess duckweed agreed with you and me to leave?"

Xuanyuan Lang always feels something wrong when he hears the speech, but he can't see what's wrong. He can't imagine that his two sisters have been collected by Chu Feng.

Shaking his head, he didn't think about it any more. Xuanyuan Lang nodded: "yes, just brother-in-law. Where do you want to take me?"

"Spirit world!" Chu Feng patted him on the shoulder and told him, "although you are a subordinate God now, your experience is not enough. You are much worse than Xuanyuan jiaorui. How can you be the future successor of Xuanyuan? If you don't have your own courage, you can't do it."

"I will go to the spirit world tonight, so you can follow me to help you grow up with blood and killing."

Hearing that he was going to the spirit world, Xuanyuan Lang immediately showed a puzzled look: "the battle of the saints!"

"Are you afraid?" Chu Feng then asked.

"That's a little scary." Xuanyuan Lang didn't have any embarrassment, nodded: "but go with my brother-in-law, you certainly won't let me have an accident. Don't worry, I won't let you down."

After knocking on Xuanyuan Lang's head, Chu Feng turned his head and looked soft, but he didn't let Xuanyuan Lang see: "then you can stay in Xuanyuan family, or find a safe time to go to King Wu's temple. Yun'er and Wan'er are there, and they will teach you something."Just meet again to separate, Xuanyuan Huining's heart is of course so a little reluctant to give up, but Xuanyuan Lang beside her is not good to give a love hug, can only nod: "OK, then you are careful!"

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