Super Healer

Chapter 2897

The nine gods of thunder constantly fall, that comes from the ancient roar let everyone on the scene moved.

People in Xuanyuan family are very excited, because Xuanyuan emperor is the strongest one in the history of Xuanyuan family, but it has only reached the level of half step sage. There is still a lot of gap between them. But now Xuanyuan emperor is likely to become a saint, making up for the embarrassment of no saint in Xuanyuan family since the new era. How can people not be excited?

But at the same time, we are also excited with a feeling of expectation, because they will not forget that the emperor Xuanyuan fought the way of heaven with his birthday, which is more difficult than the ordinary existence of breaking through the holy land. A little carelessness will cause him to fall under this disaster.

Everyone's heart has been raised to the throat, where he prayed for Xuanyuan emperor to become a saint and add glory to Xuanyuan family.

Chu Feng did not idle. After offering the Holy Grail of light, Chu Feng ascended to the sky with Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er, and kept an eye on the situation around him in a triangular formation. Now when Emperor Xuanyuan wants to break through the saints, people in the spiritual world must have known about it, and they are paying close attention to the current situation.

At the moment, it's just the melodious nine Heavenly God thunder. Naturally, they won't do it. But when the auspicious clouds come down, it's not possible. Therefore, the three Chu Feng people are very careful, and can't let Xuanyuan emperor suffer any damage beyond the disaster. As for the inevitable damage, there is no way to stop it.

The thundering thunder resounded between the heaven and the earth, and the auspicious atmosphere filled the air, but they could not suppress the tense hearts of the people. With the last blast of the nine Heavenly God thunder, Xuanyuan emperor could already feel the breath of holy land. But if you want to be a saint, the most important thing is to walk up the ladder of auspicious clouds, and nothing can happen.

Waiting for the last thunder to go away, a line of auspicious clouds fell on the sky, connecting the upper and lower heavy days.

Xuanyuan emperor raised his head, and the king's demeanor was still maintained. His eyes glared at the falling clouds. His body shape flashed before the first step, and the most critical time came at this moment. The Xuanyuan emperor who stepped up the Xiangyun ladder would not have any fighting power.

Once distracted, he will fall on the ladder of auspicious clouds. Everyone holds his breath in his eyes, for fear that his little movement will disturb Xuanyuan emperor, which will make it difficult for him to move safely on the ladder.

Chu Feng's left eye twinkled: "yun'er, Wan'er, both of you are in a very mental state. You may be disturbed next."

Chu Feng didn't see anything, but there was an ominous premonition from the sage. This kind of feeling told Chu Feng that after Xuanyuan emperor stepped on the Xiangyun ladder, someone would stop him. Although he was here, at the critical moment of Xuanyuan emperor's breakthrough, even if someone appeared, it was not good to have too big a move.

Otherwise, the person who came did not stop Xuanyuan emperor's breakthrough, he had already killed Xuanyuan emperor.

Zhang Yuner and LV Wan nodded. They presented their Xuanyuan sword and star sword respectively. They were very energetic and observed the surrounding situation. Once there was any abnormal wind and grass movement, they could find it in the first time.

Chu wind also let the Holy Grail of light hover over the sky, but if you look closely, you will find that the Holy Grail of light has been shrouded in the Xuanyuan emperor from the beginning to the end. Obviously, the Chu wind has added a guarantee to Xuanyuan emperor's possible failure in advance.

In the expectation of the masses, Emperor Xuanyuan also stepped up the ladder of auspicious clouds. After a step up, people clearly saw that the ruddy look of Xuanyuan emperor turned pale in an instant, and the color of pain flashed in their eyes.

Only Chu Feng and Zhang yun'er are passing through the Xiangyun ladder. LV Wan was born a saint. So even if she doesn't know what it's like to walk on the Xiangyun ladder, you can see from the expression of Xuanyuan emperor that his situation is not very good. Everyone's breath is subconsciously stagnant.

Xuanyuan emperor stabilized his body on the first step and relaxed his breath. After that, he raised his feet and walked towards the second step. The color on his face was much worse than that at the beginning.

He is against the fate of the trajectory of the challenge of heaven, trying to become a saint, the pressure is several times or even more than the rest of the people, at the moment how much pressure and pain, terror only Xuanyuan Emperor himself can know.

Chu Feng clenched his fists with sweat, and everyone here was nervous, because the success or failure of Xuanyuan emperor might mean the future of Xuanyuan family.

With Xuanyuan emperor's continuous upward, everyone's mood is also more tense, because the more to the back, the more dangerous, to go to that heavy sky, there will be nine robberies from the world, whether or not to survive, depends on Xuanyuan emperor's own fate.

What they can do is to protect Xuanyuan emperor's safety before the twenty-four and a half auspicious cloud stairs in the next heavy sky are put away. As for more things, Chu Feng can't help. They can only rely on Xuanyuan Emperor himself.

When Xuanyuan emperor went to the sixth Xiangyun ladder, Zhang yun'er suddenly turned around and shot a sharp killing opportunity in his eyes: "who!"Between the delicate drinks, the breath fluctuates, and a breath of cultivation world diffuses out, but he doesn't see any trace of anyone. Chu Feng takes a light look at his left eye and penetrates at the same time. He only sees a figure of his back approaching here, and his eyes flash a cold killing opportunity: "yun'er, whoever comes near here, kill him."

The person who comes is not an infinite sage, not to mention the ancestors of each family. Judging from the breath, he should be a sage in an ordinary realm. Such a saint Zhang yun'er can easily deal with it.

Zhang Yuner nodded and quickly passed through the void. The twinkling of his right eye locked the position of the man in the dark. At the next moment, Zhang Yuner disappeared directly. The only thing people could feel was that the two powerful breath were in violent collision.

Chu Feng offered a sacrifice to Minghong magic sword. Now there are practitioners. It's definitely not just one. What's more, what they are holding is destroying Xuanyuan emperor's breakthrough, which is more unpredictable. Chu Feng is ready to use force.

At this time, suddenly, a breath of a cultivator fell from the sky, and brought a powerful attack. He took Xuanyuan emperor on the Xiangyun ladder. Chu Feng's eyes were fixed, and his sword was waved between his hands. The falling power was broken in the air.

No need to say more, Lu wanteng left empty, did not enter the sky that day, to Xuanyuan emperor Dharma protectors, only Chu Feng was left.

Chu Feng knew that if the people of the Xiuzhen world wanted to stop Xuanyuan emperor's breakthrough, there would be more than two people to send out. Even if they had the purpose of destruction, they should also see if they had such a chance to get close.

With such thoughts and vigilance, Chu Feng watched Xuanyuan emperor advance on the Xiangyun ladder. Although the speed was a little slower, he himself was a challenge to heaven against fate. At the moment, he stuck to the 14 Xiangyun ladder, which was very remarkable.

But the most dangerous is still in the next heavy sky, Xuanyuan emperor can not go up to that heavy sky, Chu Feng's heart is not stable after all.

Suddenly, a dangerous breath sprang up. Chu Feng looked around and even looked around 360 degrees in his left eye. However, he could not see anyone approaching here. He could not even feel the breath of any Buddhist except those who were entangled with Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er.

But no one came near. Where did the dangerous smell come from?

"Master, the eternal universe, thousands of meteorites!" The Ming Hong magic sword in Chu Feng's hand trembled at the moment, and a woman's voice sounded in his ear, which was the voice of the sword spirit.

Chu Feng's eyes burst into a sharp color. Looking into the sky, his left eye directly penetrated the atmosphere and everything. Looking at the ancient universe, he saw that thousands of meteorites were coming towards the planet where Xuanyuan holy land was located. There was still a boiling force in the distant place that had not disappeared.

Chufeng's face flashed with anger and murder. He knew that those meteorites were not for no reason, but that someone destroyed a planet, leading to the fragmentation of those broken stars into meteorites. At the moment, he was coming towards the world of Xuanyuan holy land.

With a curse, Chu Feng had to admit that the cultivators had made great efforts. In order to prevent emperor Xuanyuan from breaking into a saint, he destroyed a planet to stop him. However, compared with the birth of a sage, destroying a planet was nothing.

Chu Feng knew that he didn't have much time. He released the Ming Hong magic sword in his hand and said with a low and powerful voice: "show me here. If anyone gets close, there will be no forgiveness."

After leaving Minghong magic sword and the Holy Grail of light, Chu Feng disappeared in the sight of the public, and went directly to the ancient universe.

Suspended in the space of Xuanyuan holy land world, looking at the man-made meteorite coming from a distant place, the speed is very fast. If it is not stopped, it will take only a few minutes to completely fall on this planet. By then, Xuanyuan emperor must not have gone to the upper heaven.

Moreover, all the people of Xuanyuan family are here. If it falls down, even the God of fortune is hard to resist. What's more, the Xuanyuan family has no other God except Xuanyuan emperor.

The left hand waved, the right hand clenched into a fist, the magic light wing directly unfolded, Chu Feng's left eye twinkled with dark blood red light.

Suddenly and directly fan the wings of the magic light, a violent hurricane is generated in space and goes forward. This is in the ancient universe, and there are other planets around. Chu Feng can prevent all meteorites from falling on the Xuanyuan family's territory, but that will not solidify the nearby planet world.

That saved the Xuanyuan family, but put the rest of the planet world in danger, not the style of Chu Feng.

In order to prevent the meteorite from moving forward with powerful hurricane force, Chu Feng also welcomed it with bare hands. He wanted to turn all the meteorites into dust and dissipate them in the universe. Otherwise, there will be more than one planet dead today.

Even if Xuanyuan emperor successfully became a saint, he would leave a shadow in his heart. So Chu Feng came to solve this problem first, hoping that Minghong magic sword could support for a while.

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