Super Healer

Chapter 2904

Pu Jingcang is dead!

Hearing the news from Yan Luo, Chu Feng was stunned for a minute or so, because how could Pu Jing Cang die? It was a saint. It was not easy to kill him, but now he died?

Let the five men of Yama clean up the people who are outside the practice world, and at the same time, let them stand up to one point and four major forces, that is to see what they will do. But what they did not expect is that Yama would bring him such news.

How could Pu Jingcang die?

Look at yourself. Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er are both there. Even if they do, they can't kill Pu Jingcang without making any noise. It's not easy to kill Pu Jingcang if they can become a saint. But now they are dead. Chu Feng can't accept it.

But he knew that Yan Luo would not make such a joke with himself. He slowly turned around, walked up the stairs and sat on the throne of King Wu. Then he slowly digested the news.

Showing a wry smile: "this black pot, who carries it?"

Just after declaring war against the four major forces, Pu Jingcang died. The most important thing is that he began to say that he wanted each of the four forces to die a saint to atone for what happened last night. Now Pu Jingcang is dead.

No matter whether he did it or not, the people of Xiuzhen world and Wanjie would all agree that all this was done by Chu Feng. Otherwise, who could have killed Pu Jingcang quietly without being discovered?

The heaven and the world, except Chu Feng has such ability, can no longer think of other people.

Lu Wan and others were also aware that the black pot was destined to be betrayed by Chu Feng. Although there were people who prevented Xuanyuan emperor from becoming a saint last night, they were more willing to believe that Chu Feng did all this, and Pu Jingcang died in his hands.

You don't have to look at it. The family that lost a saint must be very angry now.

"Order down, martial law!"

Chu Feng slowly calmed down and knew that he could not entangle himself with this problem now, because no matter who killed him, he is now the most suspect: "anyone who goes in and out of the temple world should be strictly investigated. Groups with more than 50 people refuse to enter the temple world. Once there is any abnormal situation, inform me at the first time."

Saints are precious to any force, and no one will accept the loss of a saint. Now that the Pu family is dead, Pu Jing Cang must be hysterical and angry.

The best thing you can do to prevent them from rushing in is to be prepared as soon as possible, or you'll be dead.

Even if Yan Luo also realized the seriousness of the matter, there was no rambling situation, nodded and hurried down to arrange.

Hall quiet down, Chu wind appears a little upset: "yun'er, can you detect it?"

Everyone's eyes are on Zhang Yuner. She is a forbidden goddess. Maybe you can see who killed Pu Jingcang.

But to everyone's disappointment, Zhang yun'er gently shook her head: "I tried to get the news just now. I can see that Pu Jingcang is really dead, but the people who started it can't see clearly, because it's two people, and both men and women can't judge."

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes, and the thought of saving Chang'e was more intense. What Zhang yun'er could not see now was the obstruction of nothingness, and what nihility didn't want them to know was certainly not a good thing.

If Chang'e is resurrected, the art of great destiny and Zhang Yuner will have a chance to break through the barrier of nothingness and see the exchanges between ancient and modern times.

He clenched his fist and slowly released it: "forget it, all go to rest. If you come, you will settle down. Although the ordinary family are angry, they may do something, but it is not likely that they will lose the saints. The other three families will not necessarily pay for them. The only people in the Pu family may not dare to fight against me first."

At the moment, we all have no clue, nod their heads and disperse separately. As long as the other three don't cooperate with PU family, then even if Pu family is angry, it is impossible to rush out.

In Chu Feng's mind, when he comes, the whole family is noisy. Because of Pu Jingcang's death, no one in the whole family can have a good rest. All of them are out looking for clues, although nothing can be found.

In front of the ancestral hall of the Pu family, Pu Yuan Lei, the head of the family, was full of people at the core of the family. As the head of the family, Pu Yuan Lei was very ugly and even twisted.

Although Pu Jingcang took advantage of Pu Jingqiong's mistakes and took the position of little Lord, Pu yuanlei never thought of letting him die, because sage is the foundation of a family power. Who has more saints, it shows the strength of his power.

The reason why the Pu family was honored as the first one in the Xiuzhen world was that there was one more Saint than the other forces. However, the more sage was dead, which in an instant damaged the overall strength of the family.

As the owner of the family, any decision he makes must be based on the interests of the family. Fairness and justice are the prerequisites. Even if he has a little selfishness, it can not affect the development of the family. Now Pu Jingcang is dead, which seriously affects the real strength of the family. How can Pu yuanlei not be angry?That means the strength of Pu family is similar to the other three at the moment.

"Second brother, this must be the hand of Chu Feng." Pu Yuanhao's face was ugly, and his voice was even more insidious: "did he not say at the beginning that as long as we didn't hand in people from the cultivation world, he would let our families lose a saint? So he must have done it. "

The rest of the family also echoed, except for Chu Feng, there was no one else.

Pu Yuan Lei's heart is also so think, hand slowly clenched into a fist, eyes burst out with a sharp color: "Chu Feng, bullying too much!"

If they sent someone out last night to stop Xuanyuan emperor from becoming a saint, now Pu Jingcang is dead, Pu yuanlei's heart will not be so angry, only if his skills are not as good as others, and the blame is on his own, but he still doesn't know who did it last night. Chu Feng even retaliated and killed Pu Jingcang.

No sin, but to bear the responsibility, how Pu Yuan Lei can not accept.

"Brother yuanlei, can you let everyone down first?" Because I asked all the ancestors to go out of the mountain for a while to stay in the Luojia mountain of Pujia. I took a look at PU Jing Cang, who was lying on the ground and died. He did not have that fiery appearance and spoke in a low voice.

Puyuanlei was stunned when he heard the speech. If he didn't know that Luojia mountain was injured now, he would have suspected that it was Luojia mountain. At this time, what else should we say to go down?

Just thinking that now everyone is cooperating, Chu Feng is the common enemy. Pu Yuan Lei dispelled the idea and waved: "everyone else will go down. Yuan Hao and Jing Qiong will stay."

Although the people around the Pu family didn't want to leave very much, they wanted to see what kind of decision puyuanlei had, but the latter was the owner of the house, and the people could only disperse slowly. When there were only a few people left, puyuanlei said coldly, "brother Luo, now my Pu family is suffering from this accident, what are you still doing?"

Luojia mountain can feel the dissatisfaction in Pu Yuan Lei's words. However, if someone died a saint, his mood would be bad, which is understandable.

Without any displeasure, he said with a sneer: "brother yuanlei, I'm not playing tricks. I just don't think I'm blinded by hatred. It's possible that the little master of Jingcang was killed by Chu Feng, but it could also be killed by others? Don't forget what happened last night. None of the four of us has ever sent anyone out. "

"I doubt that someone secretly instigated us to fight against Chu Feng. Do you think that Jingcang Shaozhu was killed by those people last night? The purpose is to let your family fight against Chu Feng

Puyuanlei frowned and was stunned. He did not think of it just now. Luojia mountain said that it seemed that there was such a possibility.

But just for a while, Pu yuanlei shook his head: "no way. If those people are really so powerful, they don't have to sneak around. If they can kill Jingcang, there is no movement at all. I can't think of anyone else except Chu Feng."

Luojia mountain was stunned and didn't speak any more. After all, he was an outsider. This is a matter of the Pu family. He has already said what he wants to say. Pu yuanlei doesn't believe it, which has nothing to do with him.

However, after a look at the body of Pu Jing Cang, Luojia mountain still felt a little strange.

There was no wound on Pu Jingcang's corpse, but a pair of round eyes showed that he could not close his eyes when he died. Even Pu yuanlei had explored Pu Jingcang's body just now. Except for the signs of death and atrophy in meridians, there were no other internal injuries. The whole person died in a strange way.

It is true that Chu Feng is the only one who can do such a means in Wanjie. However, there is always a feeling in Luojia mountain that this matter may not have much to do with Chu Feng. Of course, it is just a guess that Chu Feng did it. After all, he just announced to Wanjie that it is possible to do something.

Puyuanlei, who didn't know what Luojia mountain was thinking, was silent for a moment. He took a deep breath and controlled his inner anger: "the enemy is strong and I'm weak. Please bear with it for a while. The ancestors of the day after tomorrow will have a look at the Chu wind and see what's going on."

"Yuanhao, you can deal with the remains of Jingcang, and let the interface be more alert. No one can act alone."

Puyuanhao should say, he called for people to deal with it. Pu Jingqiong also timely opened his mouth: "father, I'll go down first if there's nothing wrong. The injury of broken hand still needs a little time."

Pu Yuan Lei nodded: "go, another preparation, Jing Cang died, the future of the little Lord, you are the only one."

"Yes, father!" Pujingqiong nodded, turned his back and left with a meaningful smile on his mouth, as well as the pleasure of becoming the young master again!

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