Super Healer

Chapter 2911

The sun is rising and the sky is clear!

After a night of repair, when Chu Feng got up, Bai He opened the door and put a basin of water in front of Chu Feng. The whole person seemed to be in a reserved posture. He didn't feel that he was getting closer to Chu Feng because of what happened last night.

Chu Feng was pleased that Bai He was not that kind of woman, but also picked up a towel and simply washed his face: "yun'er, what about them?"

Today is the time appointed with the four ancestors. Chu Feng wants to take LV Wan and Zhang yun'er with them. They don't want them to do anything. They just want them to realize something. Until now, Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er have not reached the peak.

It was not because of her long-standing existence and her powerful strength that the ancient venerable deity had once deterred the world. It was just that after an era of change, Lu Wan spent a lot of energy in this era, so she lost some of her strength, and has not recovered completely. Although she regained the power that was forbidden by nothingness, it is still a drop in the bucket.

As for Zhang Yuner, as a taboo goddess, her chance has not yet arrived. So Chu Feng takes all the places she can take to see if she can reach the peak of goddess.

Bai He replied, "the goddess and the revered God have been waiting for a long time in the front hall."

"Take it away!" Hearing that they were already waiting for themselves, Chu Feng nodded and walked out of the bedroom. He found that he didn't see situ Ya this morning, but he didn't go to explore. Anyway, he was not a rich landowner, so he wanted several maids to serve him.

When they arrived at the front hall, in addition to Zhang yun'er and Lu Wan, Yan Luo and others were here. They all knew what Chu Feng was going to do today. Everyone's face was solemn.

Feeling that the atmosphere was too dull, Chu Feng said with a smile: "don't be so hard faced one by one, just go to see a few old guys, it's OK."

Although Chu Feng took the initiative to ease the atmosphere, but everyone's faces still can not show any smile.

"Crazy boy!"

Yan Luo coughed gently and was rarely serious: "four old monsters, you should pay special attention to two people, namely, the Thor pugaishi, and the dream master, Xi Qingtian!"

Chu Feng a Leng: "do you know them?"

"Nonsense, who's brother, don't you know? It's just not deep enough. It's just a little knowledge. " Yan Luo rolled his eyes and said, "pugaishi is the ancestor of the Pu family. The most powerful means is the nine times plundering thunder, which is very difficult for the sages to resist. Although it is not as good as the thunder of heaven's punishment, it still makes you feel terrible if it falls on you."

"And the old ancestor of Pu family is more than this means, so you must be careful not to fall into his thunder array."

These Chu Feng knew from the mysterious woman last night, but at this moment, he can't say that he was used by the mysterious woman to sleep with Bai He's body.

Passing by and sitting on the throne of King Wu: "what about the dreamer?"

"Magic, the most real magic." Wu lie then said: "from my inherited memory, I probably know that Xi Qingtian, the master of the dream, will use powerful and real magic. Once you fall into it, even the saints can't tell the true from the false, so no matter what kind of fantasy you are in, don't forget that it's magic."

"Otherwise, you won't die, but you'll never get out of the dreamland all your life."

These are similar to what I knew last night. Chu Feng said with a warm smile: "thank you. I remember it. I'd better follow my arrangement yesterday to prevent any changes. But I don't think there will be any changes today."

Because the ancestors of each family will inevitably go to the edge of the ancient universe. At that time, they were more concerned about the life and death of Chu Feng. As for others, they would not care too much, because as long as he died, the rest would not be a problem.

There is also satina, I believe that in this case will not start, otherwise it is violence himself, when the time comes, no matter how she can toss around is useless.

Yan Luo's five people have nothing to say when they think about it. They tell Chu Feng to be careful and leave the temple of King Wu first. All of them are men. They don't want to make trouble with the separation.

Chu Feng breathed out a breath and stood up: "Bai He, you can stay in the temple of King Wu. By the way, look at kadaishan. Although she won't have any changes, it's always right to stare at one point. We're going."

Bethune said, "master, be careful and come back safely."

Chu Feng moved the corners of his mouth slightly. He always felt that Bai He was talking to her husband like a Wife talking to her husband. The secret way was not good. He took Zhang Yuner and LV Wan out of the temple of King Wu.

The original intention was to leave directly. I saw Shangguan Mingheng standing there with a group of Shangguan family members.

Chu Feng asked Zhang yun'er to wait for a moment and then walked over: "grandfather, what's the matter?"

That night, chufeng had already admitted to Shangguan's family, so it was reasonable to call Shangguan Mingheng's grandfather. As for Shangguan's uncle chasing the sun, Chu Feng didn't want to pay attention to it for the time being, because sometimes he was too emotional and loved saran so much that he had no principle at all.Shangguan Mingheng also knows that it is not easy for Chu Feng to accept all Shangguan family members. At least, the hope is not great in a short time.

Holding Chu Feng's hand, he said: "chufeng, my grandfather wants to fight with you, but his strength is limited. I don't know how powerful those people are. But they are not ordinary people who can become the ancestors of each family. You must be careful when you go, otherwise I will be dead, and I will have no face to see your mother."

The feeling of being cared by relatives made Chu Feng's whole heart warm. He nodded: "I will. Grandfather, go back. Although the return of the Xiuzhen world is surprising, I still have a way to deal with them."

Chu Feng's confidence filled appearance, let Shangguan Mingheng's heart also stabilize a bit, looking back at the Shangguan family of people: "you also and Chu Feng say a word, after all, are relatives."

After all, Shangguan Jinghong, his only son, died in the hands of Chu Feng. Even if it is excusable, Shangguan still can't let go of his pursuit of the sun as a father. If it wasn't for Shangguan Mingheng's strong demand, he didn't want to meet Chu Feng today.

"Be careful." But after holding back for a long time, Shangguan still couldn't say anything about chasing the sun. She could only say it casually. As for saran standing next to him, she ignored Chu Feng directly. She could not avenge Chu Feng. She also knew that Shangguan deserved to frighten Hong.

But as a mother, where can a child be damned because he is not?

Chu Feng naturally understood this, so he didn't expect them to be nice to him. When he was about to leave, saru suddenly came forward and took his hand: "nephew, you should be careful. If you have an accident, the temple world and our Shangguan family will be in danger."

When speaking, one of saru's fingers should scratch the back of Chu Feng's hand at an angle invisible to others. Chu Feng's expression affected her. She didn't really like this woman, because sometimes she gave him the feeling of seducing him.

But now there are so many people, Chu Feng is not good to give saru any face, cleverly break free of her hand, the words are also polite: "yes."

On one side, Shangguan Jiayan also said, "cousin, you should be careful. When you come back, your cousin will cook you delicious food."

What he said seemed to be trying to coax a child, which made Chu Feng speechless. However, it was not strange to think of the wonderful flower of Shangguan Jiayan. He stepped back a few steps and said to the people, "go back, you can look at it like this, I can't go away."

Shangguan Mingheng sighed and waved: "let's all go, let Chu Feng go without pressure. I believe he will come back safely."

Then he took the people of Shangguan family back to the territory of Shangguan family. Chu Feng stood there until he could not see them. Then he took back his eyes: "go

With the wings of magic light unfolded, Chu wind shuttled directly above the sky and disappeared into the clouds. Zhang yun'er and Lu Wan also followed, heading for the edge of the universe with Chu wind.

It is said that the edge of the universe is actually just a dark place close to the deep of the universe. As for where the edge of the universe is, I believe few people know.

After shuttling for unknown light years, they ignored the boundaries of space with the help of the dazzling gate. Before long, Chu Feng and his three men arrived at the dark part of the universe, and at a glance saw the four powerful people who had already arrived here.

But it seems a little embarrassed, because Pu yuanlei and others in the temple world's injury, up to now have not completely recovered.

When enemies meet, they are extremely envious. They are just disabled and defeated. At this moment, they dare not have any conflict with Chu Feng. They can only stand in place and look at Chu Feng with a kind of bitter eyes, and wait for the arrival of their ancestors.

Chu Feng also roughly swept them, and found that although each family had come together, they had opened a little distance from each other. In addition to Luo's and Pu's, renxuezong and Xijia were as far away from each other as possible.

In the direction of blade snow sect, Chu Feng also saw a new face.

A woman with a cold look and similar beauty as Xue nishang. Although she has never seen her before, Chu Feng probably knows who this person is, that is, Xueying, one of the sages of the blade snow sect, Xueying's younger martial sister!

In addition, what Chu Feng expected is that the people who cherish the family still cherish Canghai and Xi lanning, and there is no dream figure. She doesn't want to appear at all. Thinking of Xi Ruyan and himself, dream is the second miss of Xi family, and Xi Meng is the real miss of Xi family. This lie is really bad enough.

Maybe it's dream that he won't go to prove what, so let Xi Ruyan say so?

In the heart for that predestined will become the enemy of the woman sigh, Chu Feng also light mouth: "I have come, the ancestors are not ready to show up, want me to wait for it?"

Pu Yuan Lei said in a loud voice, "the four ancestors are everywhere, but if the devil wants to see them, he still needs to pass a little test. Otherwise, who knows if you are qualified to see the four ancestors?"

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