Super Healer

Chapter 2925

Chu Feng knew that she would take the opportunity to ask Lu Wan to do anything, but he didn't do it. A woman's love for you is very precious. If you use their worries to satisfy their selfish desires, it will also stain the feelings.

Let Zhang yun'er and Lu Wan go to rest. Chu Feng also goes to the back of King Wu's temple and prepares to go back to the bedroom for a rest. Next, he will go to the soul world. He can be sure that he does not know what he is going to do next even if he is nihilistic.

However, in order to achieve one-time success, we still need to ponder over some details quietly, because if we fail this time, there will be no more opportunities. After all, the world Master is the absolute master of the soul world. If he is prepared, he can do nothing.

If one person can go with him, he will drag the steps of the Lord of the world, and another person will win the Holy Grail of darkness, which is a good way.

It's just that the soul world is too dangerous. It's very likely that there will be no return. Chu Feng doesn't want either Lu Wan or Zhang yun'er to take risks with himself. So he still has to rely on himself. He just doesn't know how to do it, because he doesn't know where he is going to find the dark Holy Grail, where does the Lord hide it or carry it with him?

Unconsciously, back to the bedroom, Chu Feng pushed open the door to enter, looking slightly stunned.

Usually, no matter how late he came back, Bai He must be waiting here. How can he not see anyone tonight?

Because the mysterious woman attached to Bai He's body led to some things that shouldn't have happened. Although she was still a maid, she felt different from before. Although she didn't go beyond anything, it seemed that such things were rare.

Go to the bedroom also did not see white lotus, Chu wind inevitable some curiosity, went out of the outside, whispered: "white lotus, are you in?"

There was no response, but situ ya, who lived in the adjacent yard, came in: "less wind, what's the matter?"

"It's OK. Have you seen white lotus?" Chu Feng shook his head and asked.

"White lotus?" Si Ya shook her head a moment ago, but I didn't know where I was wandering around

If someone else went to hang out, Chu Feng thought it was possible, but Bai He was absolutely impossible. She always regarded herself as his maid. It seems that Bai He would wait for him to come back and wait for him to have a rest on such a night. It was absolutely impossible for him to go to other places.

Although there will not be any danger in the temple world, some things are still uncertain. Chu Feng sends out a dense sound connection, and his facial expression softens a little, because Bai he responds.

"It's all right. You go to have a rest. Baihe will come back."

After receiving Bai He's response, Chu Feng said to situ Ya and went back to his bedroom. Situ Ya looked at Chu Feng curiously and wondered how he cared about Bai He, but he didn't think much about it. He spread out his hands and went back to his residence.

Chu Feng returned to his bedroom and threw himself into the hot spring pool in the bathroom. He did not know how long it would take to come back to the soul world. Naturally, he could relax and relax.

At this time, the door of the bedroom also heard the sound of opening. Chu Feng opened his eyes and saw Bai he come in: "wipe my back!"

Bai he closed the door, his hand was stagnant, and his face was unnatural. If Chu Feng saw it at the moment, it would be very strange. Because Bai He was used to doing these things, except for being shy at the beginning, he was used to blushing. It's just a pity that Chu Feng didn't see it.

The reason why Bai He has such a change is that she is Bai He now, but she has been attached to the soul of dream in thought.

Even if she didn't want to dream, she could only do it. So she came all night and attached to Bai He again. As for not attaching to Chu Feng, it was never thought of in the dream, because Chu Feng could break the illusion because she knew how to tell Xi Qingtian.

Slowly walked past, Bai He didn't know that there was a soul hidden in his body. He went to the back of Chu Feng, took off his clothes, and went into the hot spring pool. He gently wiped his back behind the Chu wind.

Chu Feng closed his eyes very calm, simply unable to detect, white lotus at this moment in the heart, there is a dream of the soul.

Feeling almost Chu Feng stood up from the water: "OK."

Go up, Chu Feng opened his hands, because the soul of the dream affected some emotions, white lotus red face came up, take a towel gently help Chu Feng dry body, turned to Chu Feng face is red.

"What's the matter? It's not the first time!"

Chu Feng saw white lotus face slightly red, thought it was to see shyness, and said with a smile: "moreover, life events have been studied, but also shy on?"

Bai He was said by Chu Feng, his face was even more shy. He lowered his head and quickly helped Chu Feng dry his body: "master, have a rest!"

Chu Feng en, put on his pants, went to lie down, see white lotus still standing there, Chu wind warm mouth: "you also go to rest.""Master, may I lie down beside you?" White lotus raised his head, although bashful, but plucked up the courage to say a word.

Chu Feng looked at the moment has not put on the clothes of the white lotus, gently coughed, the body moved inside a little: "can!"

What should not have happened has happened, so it can only be accepted calmly. Moreover, Bai He is not the kind of person who needs status. What she wants is to follow him, just like the maid who followed the emperor's side in ancient times. Even if she is favored by the emperor, they think it is reasonable.

Bai He went to lie beside Chu Feng and waited for a while. Bai He turned his head and saw Chu Feng close his eyes.

Micro bite lips, white lotus slowly into the quilt, a while Chu Feng opened his eyes, looked to the quilt high position, wry smile: "white lotus, not to say rest?"

When the quilt was opened, Bai He raised his head, and his eyes were misty: "I am the maid of the master. You have been under a lot of pressure recently, and you haven't gone to the gods and goddesses. So Chu Feng shook his head and thought of a quiet night. He didn't want Bai He to be so active. He turned around and pressed Bai He:" remember, don't shout, situ Yajin Night is next door. "

Bai He knew that there would be a storm next, and nodded gently: "en!"

When a war without gunpowder started completely, Chu Feng always felt something wrong. It was clear that the man was Bai He, but he felt like another person. If he didn't know that the mysterious woman didn't appear, Chu Feng would almost doubt whether Bai He was controlled by the mysterious woman again.

Little did you know that Bai He was not controlled by the mysterious woman, but was attached to the body by the soul of the dream. There was nothing in itself. But with the war, the soul of the dream was agitated and controlled Bai He's body. At the moment, Bai He seemed to be thinking normally, but the dream was also in it, which made him feel ashamed.

When the war was over, Chu Feng breathed out his breath and lay there: "Bai He, you don't need to be like this in the future. I won't be polite when I need to. You always take the initiative and I'm very passive."

White lotus face slightly red, like a kitten, leaning against Chu Feng's arms, whispered: "I just want to help the master release pressure, do anything for you, see you no longer frown, I think I will be happy."

Chu Feng looked slightly stunned and patted Bai He's snow back. He could feel that Bai He said was from the bottom of his heart: "Bai He, I will go to a place tomorrow. You are my close servant girl. Maybe some people will pay attention to you to spy on my trace. So before I come back, you can go to the devil's world and stay."

Originally Chu Feng wanted to wait until tomorrow to leave before he said, but now it's all like this, may as well say it.

Because Baihe is his close follower, many people know that if he is not in Baihe, but he is still in the temple world, it is inevitable that some people doubt something. Therefore, Chu Feng wants Bai He to go to the demon world. In this way, LV Wan said that they had gone to the demon world, and Baihe was not there, so no one would doubt that he was not at all.

White lotus gently nodded: "master, where are you going, can you take me?"

"No way!" Chu Feng shook his head, and he had enough trust in Bai He: "I want to go to the soul world to find the dark grail, and save Chang'e's soul by the way. But I don't know how long it will take, because I have to entangle with the master of the soul world and find the dark Holy Grail, so I can't take you there, because saints are likely to die."

Hearing Chu Feng going to such a dangerous place, Bai He sat up in a hurry and shivered in snow: "so dangerous, do you still go?"

Bai He's reaction was almost the same as Lu Wan's. Chu Feng pulled her down and lay on her arm: "I have to go. Many things can't be explained to you for a while. That's why I want you to go to the devil's world. People will think that I took you to the demon world, and they won't doubt that I'm not in the world."

Bai he frowns slightly. She is worried, but she also knows her identity. If Lu Wan and Lu Wan can't persuade, she has no such qualification: "master, you have to be careful. If something happens to you, Bai He will follow you and serve you as a maid in the soul world."

Chu Feng's corners of the mouth violently twitch for a while, do as if what and what, pat Bai He's shoulder: "sleep!"

When everything is quiet down, an illusory figure outside the bedroom slowly emerges, which is just a dream!

Her face was flushed, but there was also a worried look in her eyes, because Chu Feng even wanted to go to the soul world, and raised her head. Her eyebrows were full of solemnity: "is he crazy?"

With a sigh, Meng knew that what Chu Feng decided was hard to change, and she could not show up. She struggled in her heart and made a decision. She wanted to attach herself to Chu Feng and go to the soul world with him.

When I made this decision, my dream was to look at myself and blush a little: "am I not a virgin then?"

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