Super Healer

Chapter 2929

The Lord returned to the garden he built and appeared in front of Chang'e at the first time.

Looking at the woman squatting there, the master's eyes became softer: "Chang'e!"

Chang'e had no fluctuation. She smelled the fragrance of the flowers and stood up: "how is he? Is he dead?"

"No The world Master shook his head and said, "he is a taboo demon. I will not kill him if I can suppress him. I will just keep him in the endless darkness. If he is willing to make a blood spirit contract to ensure that he will not step into the soul world again, I can let him go for the second time."

Chang'e turned her back and looked into the distance: "it's a pity that he will never agree to your request, but you have trapped him in the endless darkness for too long, so don't you worry about nothingness doing to you?"

"You should know what is meaningless. If you trap Chu Feng, it is the plan to destroy it."

The owner of the world looked as usual, but when he heard Chang'e's words, he was stunned. His pretty face showed shock: "how do you know that?"

"Just because I'm dead doesn't mean I have nothing left." Chang'e turned back and said softly, "I can still use the art of great destiny. Although the effect will be worse, because I am dead, no one will stop my evolution, so I see a lot of things."

"I even know that you have trapped Chu Feng so that I can marry you, Lord of the kingdom. Your justice and justice should not be abandoned because of me."

The world Master was silent and did not go to pick up Chang'e's words.

Because Chang'e is right, he trapped the Chu wind in the endless darkness for Chang'e. he hoped that Chang'e could agree to be his wife, because in those endless years, Chang'e was the first woman to stir his heart strings. Even LV Wan, the venerable God of all ages, had never given him such a feeling.

So he trapped Chu Feng and wanted to use Chu Feng's freedom to exchange Chang'e's promise. Although Chang'e would not love him, he did not need it. What he needed was that Chang'e could accompany him through the changes of the years.

At the moment, Chang'e said his mind. Although the world Master was a little embarrassed, that was all.

Soon he covered up his unnatural, turned his back to Chang'e, and did not let him see his look: "don't worry. According to the ancient legend, one day in the sky, one year on the earth, one day on the earth and one year in the underworld. Although there are some mistakes in this legend, there are still some mistakes in this legend."

"That's a day on the earth, a year of endless darkness, so it doesn't matter if there is no one or two days. What I want is Chu Feng to stay in the dark for a few years first."

With a faint smile, Chang'e looked at the distance: "nothingness can be superior to all holy dharmas. Don't look at it with ordinary eyes or with normal thinking. Although I have forgotten some, I have a feeling that the spiritual world will usher in the second coming of nothingness because of the Chu wind soon."

The master of the world frowned slightly, not because he was worried about the coming of nothingness, but because he was worried that the nothingness would come too soon. In that way, he could not hold Chu Feng's blood spirit contract, nor could he use Chu Feng to make Chang'e agree to marry him.

"Lord of the world, the Holy Grail of darkness, is it really in the soul world?"

At this time, Chang'e took the initiative to open the topic and asked curiously: "it is said that the Holy Grail of darkness has powerful killing power, even saints can hardly stop it. Only the Holy Grail of light can compete with it, and then it has great benefits for the soul and body, isn't it?"

Chang'e took the initiative to open up the topic, and the world leader did not want to talk about Chu Feng any more. He nodded gently: "yes, the dark Holy Grail is in the soul world. Taowu came through Yin and Yang some time ago, but then left again, because it felt that in the soul world, no one could take away the dark grail."

Chang'e has no interest in these things: "can you tell me about its past and why it is in the soul world?"

Maybe it's because of Chu Feng's affairs, or because nothingness may come at any time for the sake of Chu Feng. The world Lord nodded calmly and walked with Chang'e and sat down, saying slowly.

As a chaotic artifact, the Holy Grail of darkness was born in chaos like the other nine artifacts. However, at the beginning of its birth, the Holy Grail of darkness and the Holy Grail of light were integrated into each other, which were the Holy Grail of yin and Yang.

But later, for some reasons, the Holy Grail of yin and Yang was separated, and there were two Holy Grails of darkness and light in the world.

At that time, the dark Grail was not in the soul world, but drifted away from the universe. By chance, the Lord of the world discovered the dark grail and found that it had the function of making the soul powerful. If any soul got the dark grail, it would be able to become a corpse demon.

In order to prevent such a situation from confusing Yin and Yang, the Lord of the world extradited the Holy Grail of darkness to the soul world with supreme power.

At first, the dark grail did not accept any extradition. However, after arriving at the soul world, the dark grail may feel that there is a lot of dead air here. Later, it quieted down, accepted the closure of the Lord of the world, and stayed safely in the soul world.

It was not until the ancient times that the faithful followers of the ancient demon king discovered the dark grail with Mosuo, and it was born for the first time. However, with the death of the ancient devil in the hands of the demon king, the dark grail returned to the soul world on its own.Chang'e heard the speech and frowned slightly: "do you mean that the dark grail is not under your control, it completely regards the soul world as its own home?"

"Yes, if I was in charge, how could Mosuo in ancient times take it away?" The Lord nodded.

Chang'e stood up and said, "can I have a look at it?"

The master of the world was stunned, but the silence immediately rose: "of course, just be careful. You are the soul body now. I am afraid that the dark Grail has absorbed you, because the reason why the dark grail remains in the soul world is to absorb the endless dead gas here and increase its own power."

Chang'e nodded, and the world Lord did not say anything more. She took Chang'e out of the garden and came to a hillside at the back of the main hall, where there was a loft like building.

Standing in front of the attic like building, the Lord pointed to the attic and said to Chang'e: "the dark grail is in it, because the main hall of the world is the center of the soul world, and this is the highest place of the main hall of the world. So it stays there after the death of the ancient demon king. Endless years have passed, and it has never been to any place again."

"I haven't seen it for thousands of years. I just need to know that it's in the soul world."

Chang'e didn't go in. She turned her back and looked down at the main hall of the world below. Who could have imagined that the dark Holy Grail, one of the ten chaotic artifacts, was here?

There was also a roar at the moment, accompanied by a woman's laughter. The owner who wanted to take Chang'e in to have a look was stunned and quickly looked back.

But Chang'e is very calm: "I said, you trapped Chu Feng, nihility may soon know, now she came."

At the moment when Chu Feng was trapped, he knew that nihility would surely come, because Chu Feng was very important to nothingness, but he didn't expect nihility to come so quickly. Therefore, nihility has paid close attention to Chu Feng.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to reach the soul world so soon, and his face is a little ugly, because nothingness is the only one in the universe who can ignore everything and shuttle between yin and Yang. Although it can't control the soul world, it has a direct impact on the ownership of soul and body.

It seems a little difficult for the master of the world to get rid of the relationship between the spirit world and nothingness all the time.

Knowing that Chu Feng came to the soul world, it would bring trouble. At the moment, the trouble came as expected. He said to Chang'e, "you are a soul body now. It's hard to guarantee what nothingness will do to you. Go back first. I will be nihility."

In the whole soul world, except that he can resist nothingness, there is no way for any existence. Moreover, the nihilism comes for the sake of Chu Feng. It is impossible for him to show up.

Chang'e did not mean to go back, but turned and walked into the attic. When she came to the second floor, she saw a bright black cup suspended on a table.

With her eyes narrowed slightly, Chang'e walked past. When she was about to approach, she found that she seemed to be pulled by something. Thinking of what the Lord of the world said to her, Chang'e quickly backed back, and the traction force was barely disappeared.

Guess this is the Holy Grail of darkness?

Chang'e did not see these things, but the breath from it, as well as the feeling that it was hard to get close to, all indicated that this was the Holy Grail of darkness, which was one of the purposes of Chu Feng's coming to the soul world this time.

Chang'e did not go back, but looked aside: "I have found the dark grail for you. Why don't you come out?"

The next moment, Chang'e's dream floated out of the direction she was looking at. Her eyes were puzzled: "there's an attic here. I couldn't see it just now. It seems that it's hidden by the Lord." After a pause, the dream's eyes deviated and looked at Chang'e: "although you have lost your memory, now it seems that the art of great destiny has let you know something, even know my existence."

"That's the limit." Chang'e took back her eyes, staring at the dark Grail: "as for the relationship between me and you, what is the relationship between you and Chu Feng, I don't know, I only know that what I saw just now is that you and Chu Feng came together."

"The Holy Grail of darkness is here. Take it. I believe that when the two Holy Grails merge, yin and yang can't trap him."

Dream took a deep look at Chang'e, this time is not Chang'e, even if this attic is here, she can not find it, and nodded slightly: "thank you, wait here, Chu Feng will soon come to take you away."

As the dream is not the soul of the dead, so the dark grail does not play a very important role in her. The dream does not directly grasp the dark grail, and she can not hold it. Instead, it envelops the dark grail with a mysterious power.

The next moment directly with the dark grail disappeared, Chang'e stood in place and slowly turned to look at the direction of the main hall: "should I go back with him?"

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