Super Healer

Chapter 2932

The master of the world naturally felt the opportunity to kill the nihility. He slowly raised his head and gave a cold smile: "nihility, do you think this day has been a long time?"

"That's natural." Nihilism does not deny that it had such a thought for a long time: "the world is divided into yin and Yang, but I can't completely interfere with the soul world. After death, all people are under your control, and even you can control their reincarnation, and I can only touch it by waiting for others to enter samsara."

"I am fate, everyone should be in my control, and you always make me feel regret, so you die?"

The world Master slowly stood up: "I am not your opponent, but you want to kill me, at least you have to pay the price of the disorder of heaven."

Nothingness narrows its eyes, and the way of heaven is disordered, which means that it can't spy on the fate track in a short time, but there are not many opportunities to kill the world Master. What is needed is an opportunity. If it is missed, there will be no more.

His eyes became firm in an instant, and he said, "go to death!"

All of a sudden, at the moment of nihility's hand, the world Master was ready to fight to death. The Minghong magic sword, which had disappeared in Chu Feng's hand, appeared, carrying a powerful force and whirling out, penetrating the nihility body directly, and then returned to Chu Feng's hand.

All seems to have stopped. The next moment, Chu Feng moves again. His body is like electricity. Minghong's magic sword passes through nothingness with hazy black air. Chu Feng also pulls the world Master away and goes a long distance.

After releasing the world Master, Chu Feng raised his hand and inserted the Ming Hong magic sword on the ground. With a flick, the sound of the sword suddenly appeared.

With the sound of swords, there is a slight explosion around the nothingness, just like the feeling of human bone fracture.

"Chu Feng!"

Nihilism looks at Chu Feng, resentment and confusion in his eyes, and the shock that can't be concealed: "what did you experience, why can you hurt me?"

Slowly, nothingness disappeared in the sight of Chu Feng and the Lord of the world. Even the breath did not leave, as if it had never appeared before.

And the world Master has been completely shocked, because he heard what nihilism said just now. Chu Feng actually hurt nihility. How can this be possible?

Nothingness has no form, just like the air. Except that it can attack others and control the fate of the universe, no one can hurt nothingness or even touch it. But now nihility says that it was hurt by the wind of Chu. What is the matter?

Subconsciously speaking: "what about nothingness?"

"Run away." Chu Feng looked calm and said, "it's only temporary. The only thing I can do is this. It's impossible to collapse nothingness. And the reason why I can succeed just now is that nothingness didn't think that someone could hurt it. Next time it won't be so simple."

"But I believe that it will not come back to the soul world, at least until I die."

The master of the world frowned and wanted to ask Chu Feng how he could hurt nothingness, but he still swallowed it up. If he could tell him, Chu Feng would tell him. Obviously, the relationship between them was not good enough for Chu Feng to tell him.

Moreover, the high priest was killed by Chu Feng in front of him, which made the Lord feel uncomfortable. However, Chu Feng saved him just now, which is a turning gesture. The death of the high priest means the end. We will not be friends, but we hope not to be enemies.

With a deep sigh, the master of the world seemed a little decadent: "now I want to stop you from taking Chang'e away, isn't it possible?"

"Can you beat me?" Chufeng, with a warm smile, asked the world Lord.

The master of the world was asked, because Chu Feng, who could hurt nothingness, was obviously not an opponent at all. He gently shook his head and went to the reincarnation Hall: "go find her. You don't have much time. If you don't leave, you can only stay in the soul world forever. At that time, I trapped you in the endless darkness, and I believe you can't come out again."

Chu Feng also found that in the endless dark time and the outside world is not the same, knowing that he can no longer waste time.

looked as like as two peas in the loft after the main hall, and appeared directly on the attic, and Chang Er stood there, though it was only a false and solid soul, but the beauty of the dust and the beauty of the face were just the same as before.

Chu Feng came to her in front of her, whispered: "follow me, the world Master will not stop us."

Chang'e didn't promise Chu Feng immediately. She just looked at him for a while and then asked, "can you answer me two questions first?"

"Good!" Chu Feng did not hesitate, nodded.

Chang'e turned around and looked at the gray and yellow sky of the soul world. After a moment of silence, she said, "although I am dead, I have forgotten the things before my life in the soul setting area. But after the art of great destiny, I know that I have practiced seven generations and seven life decisions. It is very important for you to integrate six lives. I want to know a question."

"Do you love me, or do you fall in love with me because of my six lives, or am I just a woman that I can't kill for you?"Chu Feng didn't expect that Chang'e would ask herself such a question at this time. She leaned over and stood beside her. She raised her hand and turned her body around. Because she was a virtual entity, it would not be like the rest of the soul bodies and could not be touched.

After staring at Chang'e's eyes for a while, Chu Feng replied: "at the beginning, you integrated Liusheng. I only hate and kill you for being cheated. But it's undeniable that before you integrate Liusheng, I've been moved to you, just suppressed by my hatred and didn't show up."

"But the hidden love was dug out after you helped me for many times regardless of the cost. Maybe you think I accepted you because I couldn't kill you because of the other six students. After all, you are the leader of seven students. But now I can tell you for sure that I love you, Chang'e!"

Chang'e quietly listened to Chu Feng and said, "your love for me is true, not because of Liusheng?"

"No!" Chu Feng firmly shook his head and answered this question without any flicker.

"I believe you." Chang'e didn't have any smile on her face. She stepped back and turned her head: "but when I developed the art of great destiny a few days ago, I found that you didn't forgive me when I died because of your maid driving me away. In your heart, I didn't have a maid, or other reasons?"

When she asked this question, Chang'e's eyebrows were filled with expectation and tension. She believed that Chu Feng loved herself, but worried that she was not as good as a maid.

It was in the wild demon domain when things, Chu Feng knew that there must be a shadow in Chang'e's heart.

He shook his head with a bitter smile: "you are the daughter of emperor Jun, the Lord of heaven. You are a princess of noble birth. You have your own pride. I know that you just want to have you around me. I also know that you hate every woman around me."

"Just like once, you watched Rushuang and Bingbing being taken away by the demon emperor. You wanted to kill Lu Wan, and you also wanted to kill many women around me. I understand, but it does not mean that I agree with your practice. You are very important to me. I am very sure that you don't need to question anything. I want you to understand that it is my fault to be sentimental and has nothing to do with other people If you want to kill them later, kill me, because I provoked them. "

Chang'e slightly frowned, slowly looked back to Chu Feng: "meaning, I can only be one of many?"

"I'm sorry!" Chu Feng knew that there was no need to deceive Chang'e because she had cheated her now. Instead, she became more crazy in the future.

Chang'e's body was slightly shocked. There was no woman who didn't want her beloved man, only herself. No woman wanted to share her man with other women. However, it was such a simple requirement that SHANGCHU wind could only be extravagant.

In the soul setting area, Chang'e has forgotten the memory of her life, but she is very clear that even if the memory is still there, she still can't accept the fact that Chu Feng has so many beauties.

Clenching her lips, she turned around and looked into the distance. Chang'e didn't know whether to leave with Chu Feng. She wanted to follow Chu Feng back to restore her memory, but she didn't want to share Chu Feng with others after recovering her memory.

Between leaving and not leaving, Chang'e's heart presents an unprecedented tangle.

Chu Feng saw Chang'e's entanglement and held her hand: "you have seven people's weight. Do you still worry that I will neglect you in the future?"

Chang'e was stunned for a moment. She looked back at Chu Feng. Her beautiful eyes flickered. Chu Feng's words seemed to be unreasonable, but they pricked her advantage.

Yes, I have practiced seven generations and seven lives, and I have integrated six women who are important to Chu Feng. Among them, Lin Yulin, the most important woman in Chu Feng, is one person. How can we fight with her?

Chang'e squints her eyes and thinks about being nice to Chu Feng. Will he gradually forget other women?

So a thought of Chang'e did not start so repulsive, looking at Chu Feng that sincere eyes, gently nodded: "I follow you, take me away from here, find my memory."

"I want to see how much I love you, because now I forget that only that feeling exists."

Hearing that Chang'e is willing to leave with himself, Chu Feng smiles, but the corners of his mouth twitch violently. If Chang'e returns to restore his memory and knows what he has done, he will surely regret going back, right?

Of course, now Chu Feng can't tear down the platform by himself. He encircles Chang'e's waist and falls before the reincarnation hall. The Lord of the Kingdom has been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing Chu Feng holding Chang'e, the world Master knows that he can't stop him.

"This is the first resurrected person in the soul world, and I hope it will be the last time. It's just that through the road of reincarnation, I can give you soul cards, but if you don't pay attention to the whirlpool of reincarnation, you will all be born into babies. Except for my own shuttling, you and I can't guarantee that there will be no accidents."

Chu Feng took a look at Chang'e, and with a smile, he loosened her waist and stepped on the front of her: "if you can let me go, I will guarantee the safety, the safety, and the safety."

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