Super Healer

Chapter 2947

Luo Qianding went to the end of the first floor and saw the stairs down. He was very careful because of the mummy situation just now.

Although he didn't worry that these dead things would hurt him, if there were any other accidents, it would not be worth the loss. So Luo Qianding was very careful. On the way, Pu Gaishi asked him how the situation was. Luo Qianding didn't tell him that he was still on the earth. He just said that he was still on his way to see if there were any other special places.

Pugshi didn't doubt anything, but told him to contact him as soon as possible if anything happened.

Walking down the stairs, luoqianding saw another spacious hall, which was a little smaller than the first floor. Although strange, luoqianding didn't care. He didn't have Chu Feng's left eye, so he didn't know it was an inverted pyramid.

Walking into it, because of the encounter just now, luoqianding seems very careful. His eyes are also attracted by the four doors in the hall. The four closed stone doors are in the past.

There is also a passageway in the front, just like the first floor. You can go to the next floor at the end.

Luo Qianding walked forward for a few steps, but finally stopped. His eyes wandered over the four stone gates with strange depictions on them. Luo Qianding felt that the possibility of hidden treasures was not very great, but it was not very possible, which did not mean that there was no possibility.

Stop the pace of the forward, Luo Qianding came to one of the stone gates, observed up and down, did not see anything that can be opened, as if the stone door could not be opened at all.

As for the direct violence to open, Luo Qianding has no such mind. If there are any other treasures in it, what should be done if they are destroyed by their own power?

Turning around, Luo Qianding walked back and forth in the second floor, and finally his eyes fell on a pillar in the middle. There was a ball on the top of the pillar, but it should be inlaid.

Luoqianding went over and looked at the four stone gates. Finally, he fell on the ball on the stone pillar. There was nothing special about it. But luoqianding had a feeling that maybe this is the key to open the four stone gates.

He reached out his hand and touched it, but there was no way to turn it. It was completely inlaid and fixed on it, and there was no possibility of mechanism.

But if there is no mechanism, how should the four stone gates be opened?

Luo Qianding frowned and went to one of the stone gates. He stretched out his hands to press on one side of the stone gate. He tried to push the stone door open violently. However, no matter how much power he used, the stone gate was still and strange.

Think of this stone door so difficult to open, perhaps really hidden in some treasures, Luo Qianding a pair of eyes have been unable to hide that desire.

Step back, there is a strong force between the two palms. There is no way to gently open it. Then use a strong force to open it. As long as it is well controlled, it will only damage the gate and will not damage anything inside.

Just do what you say. Luoqianding directly released a powerful force. It was suppressed within a certain range and exploded on the door. Except for the vibration of the earth, there was no other situation at all. The stone gate was still solid there, motionless. Even the attack just now did not even show any cracks.

Luo Qianding's eyes flashed with surprise. He knew exactly how powerful his power was. According to the truth, even a mountain would be destroyed, let alone a door.

Also more firm in the heart of the idea, behind the stone gate must be hidden some treasures.

Back a few steps, Luo Qianding ready to strengthen the attack, suddenly came to the cool and evil atmosphere, that feeling is very familiar, eyelids jump, look to the direction of the stairs that he just walked down, in the dark channel, there is a slight footstep sound, dada echoes.

And the sound began to grow louder and louder. Luo Qianding was on guard. It was in a mysterious place, and there might be chaos artifacts hidden. Everything needs to be careful.

Slowly, Luo Qianding saw a huge figure appeared in his sight. When he saw something coming out, he looked slightly moved and showed a look of astonishment, because what appeared was the huge mummy. At the moment, the empty eyes seemed to be burning with fire. At the moment of seeing luoqianding, he roared and ran past.

The huge bone in the hand was raised and went to the head of luoqianding.

At the moment, luoqianding still doesn't know what happened. When the mummy reappears, luoqianding directly launches a powerful attack. However, this attack falls on the huge mummy and does not cause any damage to it.

Eyes flashed, Luo Qianding slowly back a few steps, ready to do the same, with Yin and Yang fire to burn the huge mummy.

But before he could make a move, the huge mummy moved first, but the seemingly huge body moved very quickly. It was only in a moment that he arrived in front of luoqianding, and the huge bones were lifted up and swept across.Luo Qianding flashed anger in his eyes and avoided it directly. When he avoided, the remaining strength of the bone did not fall on the ball above the stone pillar in the middle.

Just heard a sound of breaking, the ball was directly smashed by the mummy's bones. In the crackling sound, the second layer also vibrated, as if it would collapse at any time.

Luo Qianding shook his body and immediately stood firm. Looking around, he found that dust was falling from the four stone gates. His eyes shrank in an instant and looked at the broken ball. Did you want to open the stone gate, you have to break the ball?

It's possible that his anger at the huge mummy had dissipated a little, because if it had not been for the huge mummy, he would never have thought that the four stone gates would have been opened if the ball had not been broken.

At the moment, Chu Feng had followed the huge mummy to the second floor, but he did not come out. He hid in the darkness and looked at the scene in front of him. He saw that the second layer trembled slightly, and the four stone gates all had the posture of opening at any time.

His left eye twinkled and couldn't penetrate the stone gate to see the things behind, which made Chu Feng less and less depressed. However, Luo Qianding was in front of everything, and Chu Feng's mood was relaxed a little.

But in the shaking, the huge mummy who had intended to attack luoqianding stopped. The two flames in the empty eyes suddenly burst into flames, and the body trembled a little, as if afraid of something.

Luo Qianding's attention has completely fallen on the four stone gates. As long as the huge mummy doesn't attack him, he doesn't care about anything now.

Chu Feng just saw all this in his eyes. At first, he had the same idea as Luo Qianding, that is, there might be some treasure hidden behind the stone gate, but when he saw the huge mummy, Chu Feng felt that it was not good news.

Because the mummy is dead, but now it shows instinctive fear. So there must be something unusual, but what can make the huge mummy feel fear?

Chu Feng also let himself be vigilant, ready and so on. Once something out of control happened, he left here at the first time, and then completely blocked the open channel of luoqianding.

Because whether it is the beginning of blood sucking bats, or huge mummies, these things must not let them go to the ground, which will bring confusion to the present civilized society.

In the vibration, the four stone doors opened slowly at the same time, but there was nothing behind, only the dark passage extending down. Luo Qianding looked forward to a little more anger. He thought he could see good things when he opened it. He didn't want to hide the passage there.

But where do these passageways lead to? Are there hidden treasures?

Slowly forward a step forward, thinking about whether to choose one to go in to explore, the huge mummy suddenly roared up, the harsh voice let Luo Qianding surprised out of a cold sweat, and then was angry.

But at the moment, the huge mummy didn't attack him, and he didn't want to make trouble for himself. He just looked at the four entrances, and faintly felt the wind coming from inside, and he could hear some sparse sounds.

There's something in it? Is it a mummy again?

Thinking of such a possibility, Luo Qianding secretly scolded that he should die. At this time, black tides appeared in the four channels at the same time, but when Luo Qianding saw clearly, the whole body felt numb with chicken skin.

Because it's not a black tide, it's a black rush. It's like a cockroach, but it's not like a cockroach, because their heads are the size of two fingers, which makes people's scalp numb when they see it.

All these things come out of the four channels. Luo Qianding looks ugly. There is a fire around him, forming a circle. The cockroaches can't get close to him, but they go towards the huge mummy.

At the beginning, the huge mummy seemed to be scared. He turned around and was about to leave. Just as he turned around, the black cockroaches had already covered his whole body. Within two steps of going out, the huge mummy suddenly fell to the ground. Chu Feng saw the huge mummy slowly disappearing in the dark, and finally disappeared completely.

His face moved slightly. He knew that the huge mummy had been eaten. Those were not ordinary cockroaches. They should be corpses!

Chufeng is not very clear about corpses and insects. This is the first time that we have seen them. We only know that the corpses are produced in the places where the corpses are piled up. In this way, there are no treasures in the four channels, but endless corpses.

Otherwise, there will never be so many horrible corpses.

After the corpses ate the huge mummy, they surrounded Luo Qianding again. But because the fire could not get close to him, Chu Feng's heart was relieved, so he didn't have to hand it.

However, these corpses are absolutely not allowed to go out, otherwise, where they have passed, there will be no grass.

I'm also more curious about this inverted pyramid. Who built it, hiding such evil things as mummies and corpses?In the bewilderment of Chu Feng, Luo Qianding suddenly burst into a drink: "Damn, these and mummies are actually the same?"

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