Super Healer

Chapter 2951

When the Sphinx died and the Pangu shield appeared, the sky over the earth would be shining in the sky.

At the same time, such a strange phenomenon spread to the five forbidden areas, all the people were curious. What happened? Two days ago, there was a vision of heaven and earth. How did this happen suddenly?

I can't help but think of an old saying that if there is a vision in the sky, there will be chaos.

But now even if there is no vision in the sky, the world is chaotic enough, so people don't have too much entanglement. They are just wondering whether there is another artifact. Otherwise, how to explain the vision of heaven and earth?

At the moment, the party Chu Feng has held Pangu shield in his hand, or because its former master died in the hands of taboo demons. At the moment, Chu Feng feels the exclusion of Pangu shield to himself.

However, no matter how repulsive it is, it is not allowed to find it. Even if it is found at this moment, it is natural to take it away.

A drop of blood floated from his fingertip, and a mark penetrated into Pangu shield. Chu Feng took a strong approach to make Pangu shield submit to him. He felt the resistance of Pangu shield. Chu Feng had a little bit of difficulty. As a chaotic artifact, he was not generally strong.

With the appearance of Haoyue gun and Minghong magic sword at the same time, the two chaotic artifacts both released their powerful power. The restless Pangu shield began to calm down. It seemed that he was more interested in Minghong magic sword and Haoyue gun than in Chu Feng.

However, it also gave Chu Feng a better chance. The blood of the devil did not enter Pangu shield, and the last bit of agitation of Pangu shield completely disappeared.

Chu Feng showed a knowing smile. He put away the Minghong magic sword and Haoyue gun. He felt the connection between him and Pangu shield. He knew that Pangu shield had strong defense, which was definitely a good thing.

However, it is not the time to study Pangu shield. Chu Feng immediately took it back, and the door of dazzling light flashed in front of him. Chu Feng went directly into it and went back to the temple of King Wu.

Now there are signs of artifact coming into being. The four ancestors must know what happened after endless years of existence. The way to let them not doubt themselves is to go back to King Wu's temple immediately.

When Chu Feng returned to the temple of King Wu, the auspicious color on the sky also dissipated a little bit, indicating that the artifact had been completely born.

Chu Feng came out of the temple of King Wu and looked up at the sky. It was not until the last trace of auspiciousness that Chu Feng took back his eyes. Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er also came back in advance and came to Chu Feng's side.

"What's the matter?" Chu Feng asked

"Nothing." Lu Wan glanced at Zhang yun'er and whispered back: "because yun'er said that Luo Qianding didn't recover there when he left. If we recovered, it would inevitably make him more suspicious. So we didn't do anything. I believe that they will restore it as before."

"What's more, Luo Qianding is responsible for looking for the ancient battlefield. Now there are artifacts there. How can he explain it clearly? It may be useless to provoke, but the effect should be a little bit."

Chu Feng is still a little speechless when she hears that they have done nothing, but she is relieved to hear Lu Wan's explanation. Chu Feng is not interested in knowing what will happen next to the four great ancestors. She just needs to find the purple gourd next.

But now I have just got Pangu shield, I'm sure I can't act rashly. I have to wait for the four great ancestors to disperse their vigilance. At least today, we can't have any more actions.

At the same time, between the stars of the ancient universe, pugaishi appeared through a dazzling gate, and then luoqianding, snow Wuqing and xiqingtian also came one after another, and everyone's face was not so good.

Pugaishi looked at the three men and looked pale: "if there is nothing wrong just now, it should be a sign of the birth of artifact, which can affect the world. Apart from the chaotic artifact, no weapon has such an effect. Do you have anything to say about this? Or who do you think has the artifact now? "

When the auspicious spirit appeared just now, pugaishi gave up searching for the place where the artifact was born. However, everything appeared so suddenly that all the worlds were shrouded in auspiciousness, so it was impossible to find the place of birth.

The four of them looked for the chaos artifact together, so pugshi's heart was a little suspicious that one of the other three might have already got the chaos artifact.

Pu Gaishi has such an idea, and Xi Qingtian has the same idea, but each of them has not said it out of his mouth, because at present, we are united together. If we doubt each other, we can only destroy that cooperation.

If Chu Feng knew that they even suspected that the other side could bear not to say it, he would be more careful, because he was not afraid of the enemy's strength, but he was afraid of the enemy's group.

Seeing the silence of the crowd, pugaishi forbade his dissatisfaction in his heart: "are there people looking for chaos artifact besides us?"

"Thor, are you doubting us?" Xi Qingtian frowned and looked at pugaishi with meaningful eyes: "if you really think so, I will be very disappointed. I can guarantee 100% that I did not get any chaos artifact. As for who has got chaos artifact now, I don't know."Although the words were said that way, but Xi Qingtian found that all the people didn't seem to believe it very much, and his face was slightly ugly: "it seems that only blood is positive, otherwise our cooperation will not be necessary."

If Chu Feng knew it at the moment, it must be a pity that Chu Feng didn't know.

Xi Qingtian proposed to take blood as the positive, and immediately got the recognition of several people in the world, because at this time, no one can believe each other. The best way is to prove his innocence with the most vicious oath, and the best way is to take blood as the right one.

The four people stood aside separately, and began to sacrifice their blood drops against this matter. When some subsided, the four people did not have the excitement of cheating each other, but a kind of dignified.

At this time, they would rather have their old friends get the chaos artifact than the rest of them. It is impossible to lie with blood as the positive factor, which means that the chaotic artifact is now in the hands of others and may even threaten them at any time.

All of a sudden, the mood of the four people was not very good, because they all thought of a possibility, and the last possibility they wanted to think about was that the person who got the chaotic artifact would not be Chu Feng, right?

The four looked at each other and knew what the other was thinking without talking. Finally, the three of pugaishi looked at pugaishi.

They will not forget that pugaishi sent the dream out, and whether Chu Feng got the chaos artifact, so the dream should know?

"Contact again?" Xi Qingtian naturally knew the meaning of the three old friends, but her eyebrows could not help frowning: "I just contacted you. If you contact again now, if you are found by Chu Feng, we will be very passive."

Pugaishi said, "but I'm not sure if Chu Feng gets another chaotic artifact. We will be more passive."

Luo Qianding and xuewuqing both nodded gently. What they wanted at this time was to make sure that the chaos artifact was not in Chu Feng's hand. As long as it was not, there was no need to worry too much.

Xi Qingtian knows that he can't refuse, and he sends out a secret sound connection for a moment, hoping not to be noticed by Chu Feng.

After waiting for a while, Xi Qingtian got a response, breathed out a breath and shook his head: "dream said that Chu Feng has never been out of King Wu's temple today. Just now the heaven and earth vision should go outside to see, but Zun God and goddess haven't seen it for some time. I don't know where they went. So she can't be sure whose hand chaos artifact is in, but she can't be sure it's not in Chu Feng's hands."

When they heard that they were not in Chu Feng's hands, they were relieved. As for Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er, they were not worried. They already had star swords and Xuanyuan swords. If they asked for the other artifacts, they would not only be unable to improve their combat effectiveness, but also might become chicken ribs.

Only the abnormal Chu Feng can use any kind of chaotic artifact freely, which is what they need to worry about.

At this moment, it is determined that it is not Chu Feng's, so there is no need to worry about it. Pugaishi said: "now we can be sure that a chaotic artifact has been born, and we don't know whether it's Pangu shield or purple and gold gourd, but it doesn't matter. We have to get the last one, and the benefits are still great."

Look at each other, I look at you. At this moment, I can only comfort myself in this way, nod and disperse, and continue to search for chaos artifact.

Only after he left, luoqianding quietly returned to the earth. The place where he had dug out and the soil had not been backfilled. Most importantly, luoqianding felt a kind of artifact.

His face was ugly. He came back just a feeling. At the moment, he felt the residual breath in the air and knew that he had missed something important.

Of course, he was also glad that pugaishi and others had not explored the place where the artifact was born. Otherwise, if he found that the artifact was born from here, he could not really explain it clearly.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Qianding didn't mean to go down to find out. Because the artifact was born, there was no need to go down to see it. It was just a waste of time. He might have been found selfish by pugaishi and others.

The yellow sand and soil piled up around began to be backfilled a little bit. At last, it completely recovered to its original appearance. No trace could be seen. Luo Qianding's heart was completely calmed down.

As long as they don't know that the artifact was born from here, they will not suspect that he has selfish intentions.

After confirming that there was no omission, Luo Qianding left with only one chaotic artifact. He vowed that he must be careful and not be careless. It would be too sad to let the artifact slip away from his eyes.

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