Super Healer

Chapter 2971

Break the ground!

Chang'e's words make Chu Feng feel like this. If you look at the expressions of Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er, although they don't say anything on their lips, they can see from their expressions that they must have put a label on his character, and they will not let go of the beauty.

Gently coughed: "that snow no clear is really good, but I really have no meaning tonight."

"Needless to say, we all know it." Just ready to explain, don't want Zhang yun'er to smile.


Chu Feng was stunned for a moment, then looked at Zhang yun'er's joking look, and immediately knew what this meant. Zhang opened his mouth and chufeng wanted to say something, but finally he swallowed it back. Based on his previous personality, he can't explain it clearly in any way.

Chu Feng was too lazy to explain. After all, Lu Wan and her wife would understand.

After dispelling the tangled thoughts, Chu Feng said, "forget it, if you don't believe me, I won't say anything. Throw out all your artifacts. I want to see if there is anything special about the gathering of ten chaotic artifacts."

Chang'e was angry, but she didn't really want to argue with Chu Feng. She also believed that Chu Feng had her own sense of propriety in some things.

Raised his hand, the half moon suddenly appeared in the sky, emitting a light light.

During the half moon festival of Chang'e, Chu Feng also enveloped a large area with the demon Kingdom, so that the breath of the artifact would not leak out. Although this is in the demon world, you are in a certain place in the universe, you should always be careful.

With the appearance of Chang'e's half moon, Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er also presented their own weapons, Xuanyuan sword and star sword.

The two swords shot out of the sky and floated on the sky that day. The fierce sword spirit was surging from time to time, as if they wanted to compete with each other.

The three artifacts were suspended in the air. Chang'e and Chang'e also set their eyes on Chu Feng. Chu Feng now controls seven of the ten artifacts, which is absolutely shocking. If it is spread out, the world will shake.

"Come out!"

Chu Feng also waved his fingers, and Minghong's magic sword was the first to shoot out, which directly reached the front of the three artifact. Even if the domineering anger was not completely released, it was enough to make people dignified.

After Ming Hong magic sword, the bright moon spear, sun shooting bow, yin and Yang Holy Grail, Pangu shield, and the purple and gold gourd they just got appeared one by one. One by one, they went to the sky of that day. Under the night sky, the top ten artifacts were due to the Yin and Yang Holy Grail, but at the moment when it was suspended, the Holy Grail of yin and Yang was separated.

Between the highest sky has begun to slowly change color, there is a bright light, shaking the whole demon world, there are clouds rolling, as if to press down in general.

Chu Feng took a look at the rolling clouds, and knew that it was a device cloud!

Under normal circumstances, the cloud will not appear. Only the competition between the artifact will make the cloud born. Now the ten artifacts appear together. Although not a contest, their momentum together is enough to cause changes in the heaven and earth.

Chu Feng and others around is surging with horror evil spirit.

Because no matter how gorgeous weapons are born to kill people, the ten chaotic artifacts have gone through countless eras since ancient times. No one knows how many people died on them. Naturally, it will form a terrible evil spirit.

"You see, there's a connection between them."

All of a sudden, Zhang yun'er pointed to the sky in surprise: "are all the ten artifact mutually complementary?"

Chu Feng and his colleagues also saw that the ten artifacts were suspended in the air. At the moment, there was a light connecting with the artifacts nearby. The ten artifacts were completely connected and formed an aperture. There, the breath was more powerful than before, and the changes on the sky on that day did not need to be said much.

The breath became more and more terrifying, and the ten artifact began to rotate on the sky, and the speed of rotation was faster and faster. At the end of the day, they could not be seen. Only the rotation of the aperture and the agitation of the surrounding atmosphere could be seen.

All of a sudden, a ray of light from the aperture went towards the sky, and the ten artifacts stopped, but the light that connected them was still there.

Ten different colors of light shot out, in the sky on the convergence of a point, Chu Feng four people are looking at, eyes do not blink.

At first, Chu Feng asked Chang'e and Chang'e to take out their own artifacts, just to see if there was anything special, or to compare their thoughts. But now that he saw the changes on the sky that day, Chu Feng knew that something was going to happen beyond his expectation.

It also makes the magic field become more stable, so as to save the time when something can't be controlled, and let the outside world feel the breath of the top ten artifact.

"There are words!"

At this time, Zhang yun'er opened his mouth in a low voice: "the light from the ten artifact is forming a font."

There is no need for Zhang yun'er to say that they have seen Chu Feng, but at the moment, everyone has no intention of action. They just look at the font on the dome that day. They are very big, but they can't understand what those words are. They appear one by one, and finally float on the sky.Chu Feng then opened his mouth: "Wan'er, do you know what that is?"

Lu Wan had already narrowed her eyes and looked there. After a while, as the characters faded away, she whispered back: "the supreme throne, the ten sacred objects, the heavenly path reappearance, no one in ancient times!"

Without stopping, Lu Wan said 16 words, but Chu Feng didn't quite understand what they meant.

All of a sudden, before I could figure out what it meant, the diaphragm formed by the ten artifact suddenly produced a huge beam of light and went towards the sky. After breaking the atmosphere of the demon world, it was emitted like fireworks, shooting at every corner of the ancient universe.

The most important thing is that in the light of the intense shooting, Chu Feng felt a strong breath, even stronger than the breath he released now.

It's just that there's no time to explore what's going on, and the light has completely disappeared.

The top ten artifacts also slowly fell down. In the half moon, Xuanyuan sword and star sword disappeared when they arrived at Chang'e. the Holy Grail of light and dark again combined into the Holy Grail of yin and Yang. Together with the other five artifacts, they returned to Chu Feng's side, but disappeared without a trace.

The surrounding area began to quiet down, there was no fluctuation at all.

However, for Chu Feng and others, they were unable to calm down. What did the words that appeared just now with the collection of the top ten artifacts show and what meaning do they contain?

The supreme throne, ten square artifact, reappearance of the heavenly way, no one from ancient times!

There are only 16 words in this sentence, but what does it mean? The supreme throne Chu Feng and others naturally know that the situation that may lose balance is completely suppressed in the wormhole. If the ten square artifact guess is right, then it must be the chaos ten artifact.

What's the meaning of that day's road reappearance?

Chu Feng shook his head and said, "you three, who can give me an answer?"

Chang'e controls the great destiny, Zhang Yuner has the eyes of fate, and Lu Wan has existed for a long time. If you want an answer, no one is more qualified than the three of them.


Zhang yun'er took the words and looked dignified: "I found that I can only see the past now, but I can't see the present and the future. It seems that fate is broken."

Chang'e was silent for a moment. After a while, she also said, "I can't develop my destiny. The art of great destiny seems to have failed."

I still want to get some answers. What I don't want is such news. How can we not spy on anything? How can our destiny be broken?

"Is it countdown?"

At this time, Lu Wan opened her mouth, and her eyebrows were filled with solemnity: "in ancient times, it was still every era in the past. As long as it was near the end of the day, fate would be disordered and broken. No one could pry into what happened, and even nihilism could no longer control the direction of fate."

Chu Feng's eyes coagulated: "what's going on?"

Lu Wan sighed: "that is to say, the collapse of this era has entered the countdown, the layout of nothingness has been completed, the end of the day is coming, the fate will be broken, everything will go according to the formulation of the beginning of nothingness, which is a good thing and bad news for us."

"Because nothingness can no longer control fate and change anything, we can do a lot of things while fate is in disorder. The bad news is that we don't know what kind of extermination plan destiny has made, so we don't know how to change it."

From Lu Wan's words, Chu Feng also roughly understood that the fate of the universe now does not exist, all the layout of nothingness has been completed, and now it is on the way to extinction.

The only good news is that nothingness can no longer change the fate. On the contrary, they can break the layout of nothingness when their fate is in disorder. But how can it be easy?

He raised his head and looked at the sky in the night: "it's a good thing to be led by the nose of nothingness any more, but do you know what the sixteen words just now mean?"

Knowing that Chu Feng was asking himself this question, Lu Wan thought about it and said, "if I guess correctly, it's a big prophecy and the only way to stop the extinction. The gathering of the ten artifacts should be the key to opening the countdown to extinction."

"The great prophecy?" Chu Feng didn't listen to the countdown, but only cared about the three words Lu Wan said.

Lu Wan nodded softly: "yes, life and death are always the same. If there is life, there will be death. Even if the ten magic tools start the countdown of the world, then naturally there will be a prophecy of salvation. According to the paragraph just now, it should be said that when some things all appear, the world will be saved!"

In the peaceful look of the three Chu Feng people, Lu Wan continued: "when the supreme throne appears, the ten gods gather together, and the path of heaven reappears. The key to salvation is the eternal supreme."

"And the coming of the eternal supreme must satisfy the three points in front, including the supreme throne, the ten artifact, and the way of heaven!Chu Feng's brow was getting deeper and deeper. The supreme throne was in the wormhole. As long as he summoned him, he would appear immediately. If the ten magic tools were the ten great artifact, he had already got it now. What's the heavenly way?

Looking at Lu Wan, the meaning is very clear.

But Lu Wan gently shook his head: "I don't know what is heaven's way. I think it's the key to achieve eternal greatness."

If Lu Wan knew, she would certainly not conceal herself. She had never seen the supreme one since she appeared. Naturally, she could not know what conditions were needed for the birth of the supreme.

Chu Feng deeply breathed a breath, now the fate is disordered and broken, unable to pry into the future, is unable to explore what is the heavenly way.

Ancient supreme can save the world, so Chu Feng's heart emerged a lot of pressure, sighed: "then we, probably how long?"

"Not more than a year." Lu wansi thought for a moment and said, "because the time when fate is disordered is one year. After one year, the world will not be destroyed, and the destiny will form order again!"

Less than a year later, Chu Feng felt that time was becoming more and more urgent.

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