Super Healer

Chapter 2983

Chu Feng and Xue Ying did nothing. They just chatted there as if they were ordinary friends, until it was near dawn.

"I'll see you off."

Xueying took a look at the sky. It is estimated that it will be dawn in half an hour. She stood up and moved her hands. A dazzling door appeared in front of her: "I will contact you if there is anything in the future."

When it comes to contacting Chu Feng in the future, Xue Ying's face doesn't naturally appear faint, because she knows that if she contacts Chu Feng in the future, there will be only one result. She is ready, and she doesn't hesitate to dissipate all her skills for chufeng.

But Chu Feng didn't know that there was such a ban on the sword snow sect. At the moment, she couldn't give any response. She went to Xueying and looked at the woman's moving face.

Chu Feng knows that she and Xueying have no future, but it doesn't hinder the good feeling between them at the moment.

She opened her hands and hugged Xueying. Although the latter was shy, she didn't push away chufeng. She knew it was wrong for her. But when facing Chu Feng, she couldn't resist that feeling. If it wasn't for the blade snow sect in her heart, she would have given herself to Chu Feng last night.

At this time, chufeng also deeply kisses Xueying's red lips. Xueying is still a little passive and hesitant at the beginning. But when she thinks of two people's separation, Xueying does not have that kind of entanglement and actively hugs Chu Feng.

Maybe Chu Feng is just a half divine existence in her eyes at the moment, but she doesn't care at all.

Did not resist the death of lingering in the end, almost when Chu Feng released Xueying, looking at the ruddy face appears so charming woman, Chu Feng slightly smile: "at the beginning really did not think, can wave your heart."

Xueying's face was slightly red and her head was lowered. She didn't expect that she would be moved by the man in the semi divine period who she could not see before. However, things in the world are so wonderful, and many things are uncertain.

Knowing that the time was almost over, Chu Feng turned his back to Xueying: "goodbye!"

Then he went to the gate of dazzling light. He seemed to leave now, but it was just to say goodbye to Xueying with this face in this identity. He would still come back after turning a corner, but he could only hide in the dark at that time, because satina didn't show up one day, and Chu Feng's heart could not be put down.

Looking at Chu Feng gradually away from his back, Xueying's heart couldn't help shaking. She really wanted to have Chu Feng with her, but she also knew that it was unrealistic.

At least now that the Xiuzhen world is in crisis, she can't be willful for herself once.

Chu Feng stopped when he was close to the glare gate. His left eye twinkled and looked up at the night sky, which was about to break the dawn. His mouth flashed a smile that was not easy to detect. The pictures appeared in his mind, because he saw satina and she really came.

Almost thought just fell, snow Ying see he stopped not to go, is about to ask what happened, suddenly in Chu Feng side of satina directly appeared, smile overcast snow Ying: "want him safe, follow me."

Carrying the collar of Chu wind, he went directly into the shining door that Xueying opened.

All the things happened between the electric light and flint. Xueying doesn't know how satina appeared just now, but no matter what happened, now she can't watch Chu Feng fall into danger.

Satyana she naturally knew, at the moment she even appeared in the world of blade snow sect, but also took away the man of her heart, Xueying nature is not allowed.

Quickly follow up, as for the notice to others, Xueying has no such idea, it will let people know that she and men entangled, will also anger satina, then Chu Feng will be dangerous.

As Xueying walked into the glare door, everything around was quiet, as if nothing had happened.

Through the dazzling door, satyana, carrying Chu Feng to a lake, happened to be the place where Chu Feng turned into a wolf mask man to take away satina's Holy Grail of light. However, at the moment, satina is thinking of absorbing the power of Xueying. How can she know that the person in her hand may kill her?

Xueying soon came here, covered with ice and frost, without any emotion on her face, as if she was born like this.

"You don't have to do this with me."

Satina gave a sneer and a light sneer appeared: "I have been watching you in the dark, waiting for you to leave the world of blade snow sect. I know all about you and this man. You are not worried. Do you pretend to be calm?"

Snow Ying narrowed her eyes, coldly staring at satina, she really did not think that satina had been staring at himself.

Not only Xueying is a little surprised, but also Chu Feng is a little strange. Satyana is now so strong that she can't even find herself hiding around?

And the reason why satina chose just now was that it was the best time. Otherwise, she didn't know where Xueying had sent people. Even if she wanted to find out the threat, it was impossible.Looking at Chu Feng under her control, satina did not waste time: "Xueying, do you want to save him?"

Snow Ying looked at Chu Feng, then filled with murderous eyes fell on satina's body: "what do you want to do?"

"Nothing." Satina sneered, one hand pinched Chu Feng's neck. As long as there was something wrong, she could kill him at the first time: "I just want to use your strength, and you have no loss. As long as you give me your strength, the crisis from Chu Feng can be relieved, and you can live with this little guy without worry It is. "

Snow Ying still did not relax: "what do you mean?"

Satyana ang began and said word by word: "I believe you should know that I have practiced the Yin and Yang of heaven and earth, and can absorb other people's power. As long as you give me your strength, I can be confident to defeat Chu Feng. In that way, his oppression on the cultivation world will not exist. At most, you have lost your strength, but your life is still there, and you can still live with this person How good is it to help you? "

It seems that satina's words are very reasonable, but Xue Ying knows that satina is definitely not a simple person. She will fight Chu Feng if she has enough strength. But if she really kills Chu Feng, will she let the Xiuzhen world exist stably?

Don't think, Xueying all know the result, satina must be more than the Chu wind to oppress the Xiuzhen world, but who can stop her at that time?

See snow Ying's look, satina knew that she was hesitating, added a strength on her hand: "the day is about to dawn, you think clearly, my time is limited, I don't want to spend here with you."

Seeing Chu Feng's life and death, Xue Ying looks tight. In her heart, Chu Feng and her own strength contrast, she thinks that the former should be more important. If you can save Chu Feng, even if you die, you can. Although the time of understanding is very short, some feelings are so inexplicable.

She now hesitated that once she gave her strength to satina, the latter would surely kill them, because she was worried that someone would expose what she had done. Based on this, Xue Ying struggled for a time.

"Xueying, you go!"

Chu Feng wants satina to appear. Seeing Xueying's hesitation, she smiles knowingly and knows that she is really worried about herself: "if she gets your power, she will kill us. Even if she doesn't kill us, she will go to chaos all over the world if she gets strong power. It's not worth it for me."

As soon as she left, satina fell on Chu Feng's body, and Chu Feng immediately rolled out. Of course, he pretended these things, and there was a faint bloodstain on the corners of her mouth.

"Take care of your own mouth, or you will find that life is better than death."

Seeing Chu Feng hurt, Xueying looks ugly, but now Chu Feng in the hands of satina let her throw a mouse, if it was before, she would not care about a person's life and death, but now this person stirred her heart, Xueying can not see her accident.

Like the original snow nishang, if you can, snow Ying believe that she will also be the heart of the man to die.

Clenching her fist, the frost shrouded around her, satina looked in her eyes and sneered: "it seems that you are not ready to cooperate with me. If so, don't blame me. At most, it's a waste of time."

All of a sudden, the evil force was oppressed by the Chu wind. Chu Feng lay on the ground without any evasion. He was directly bombarded by the force, and his body flew across and fell into the lake.


Xueying also finally can't help but exclaim, but she has no time to see Chu Feng's life and death. Satyana has already started to her directly. Xueying can only go to explore Chu Feng's life and death mind and fight with satina angrily.

It's just that satina is the infinite saint or the top evil. Although Xue Ying is powerful, she is not her opponent after all. After all, she really fights. Even Xue nishang is not satina's opponent, let alone Xueying?

And satina has also drawn on the power of a few saints, and is just more powerful at the moment.

Xueying from the beginning of the difficult resistance, to later can only constantly make Dodge, want to leave here, but the lake do not know what the situation, Xueying is impossible to leave.

He inspired all his strength to launch attacks on satina constantly, and huge waves were raised around him. I only hope that the battle here can attract other people's attention, otherwise it will probably be folded in the hands of satina today.

Satina also saw snow Ying's mind, here is in the secret place of morning light. If Chu Feng knew it, she would not be able to leave. She continued to attack with cold face: "do you think you can stop me?"

"Do as you please, or I will send you to meet your little lover."

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