Super Healer

Chapter 2988

"Chu Feng!"

Snow nishang began to have some conjectures, that is, if Chu Feng is not the one who started, he will certainly explore the dead people in each family, so let mu Qianxue and Xueying hide here with himself. Chu wind is indeed coming, but it is only unexpected that Chu Feng just said that.

"OK, don't talk about it." Chu Feng did not have any kind words, spread his hands: "is it I do you should be the most clear, isn't it?"

Snow nishang was in a turbulent mood and rough. At first, she doubted that all of this was the provocative means of Chu wind. But after a calm thought, she knew that the possibility of Chu wind was not very large, so she would wait here.

But now it is certainly not made by Chu Feng, but Chu Feng says such words in front of her younger sister and apprentice, which makes snow nishang feel very upset. If you don't know that he is not a Chu Feng opponent, it has already been done.

The constant deep breath, is to suppress that anger down, but still have no good face to Chu wind: "then you think, who did it?"

Chu wind as do not know Snow Ying general, hand a lift next to a body of clothes directly untied: "you first take a look, again."

Just now they saw Chu Feng unting the clothes of the dead. At that time, they were a little curious about what Chu Feng was looking for. At this moment, Chu Feng asked them to see, and the three looked at each other. Snow Ying and moqian snow nodded slightly, and snow nishang walked by.

Chu Feng looked at the snow and the snow, knowing that they were deliberately looking at themselves, to prevent themselves from doing anything.

But Chu Feng didn't mean to do anything tonight, so it didn't matter to go to one side and sit with his knees.

Snow nishang squatted in the body before, like Chu Feng reached out to touch the body, frown: "what is the problem?"

"Before I came here, I went to the other three." Chu Feng also did not conceal the meaning, but now it has not torn his face, which does not hinder the communication between each other: "of course, I mainly find some evidence for my own innocence, and then found a problem. The disciple of blade snow sect died yesterday."

"Release a little bit of power to probe their skin and you will find that it has been dehydrated long ago, and if it is to die today, it is impossible."

Snow nishang was stunned, and then he did according to the words of Chu wind. His face changed suddenly, and then he explored several. As Chu Feng said, the skin had already dehydrated.

At first they just explored the problem of life and death, did not pay attention to these things, now it is certain that these people have already died, and 100% have died before the other three.

Standing up, snow nishang eyebrows deep lock: "who, can God do things in my blade snow Zong, I don't know ghosts?"

Xueying thought of satyana who began to appear in the snow Zong.

"The main cause of their death is the atrophy of meridians and brain necrosis. Only one person can have such means in the world is satyana, the little princess of the divine race. She will cause such a situation after she draws other people's strength by using the heaven and earth Yin and Yang skills, which is the most evil situation."

Snow Ying looked at Chu Feng, some surprised, but also said: "elder sister, the demon God said that I just thought, at that time, satyana appeared in the place of the zongmen, led me to."

Snow and neon clothes know about the snow, there is no doubt at this moment.

Clenched her fist and slowly released, "but isn't satyana dead in the hands of the demon?"

"I think so, but now it seems that the result, it seems, is not." Chu fan stall hands rather helpless, stood up: "but what results do not matter, now know the people who started, I also know how to do, goodbye!"

Chu Feng said to come, now said to go, snow nishang face angry: "you go like this?"

Chu wind stopped and laughed: "why, snow Lord is missing a husband of the stronghold, want to stay me down? Just you are lonely endless years, I am afraid you squeeze me dry, what to do? "

The provocation in words annoyed snow nishang and said, "shameless!"

"The devil!" Mu Qianxue, seeing that master was not light by Chu's atmosphere, went up and said softly: "now we are suspected by all the families. It is said that all families have already acted against the blade snow sect in the dark. Now the demon God knows the truth. Can you help us clarify it. I believe that as long as you can tell the truth, we can disperse the suspected situation."

Chu Feng smiled, with the a playful look and a joke: "that, can I ask you two questions?"

Mok snow a little bit not used to Chu wind such a smile, frown: "demon God excuse me."

"First!" Chu wind put up a finger and said, "do you think I am kind?"

Mu Qianxue was stunned for a moment, did not offend Chu wind, shake his head: "the evil god murders, how many people die in your hands is unknown, how to be kind?""Yes, I'm not a good man." Chu Feng nodded and asked, "who is my woman, the three of you?"

This time, not only mu Qianxue was stunned, but even xuenishang and Xueying were stunned. After the reaction, they were all angry. When Chu Feng said such words, it was totally to belittle them, especially Xueying, who just felt that she had died, how could anyone provoke them.

However, before she was angry, she was stopped by snow neon clothes. The latter asked with a cold face, "what do you mean, demon God?"

Chu Feng was not in a hurry: "I'm not a kind person. Secondly, you have no relationship with me for a dime. Moreover, the Xiuzhen world has declared that they want to fight with me to the end. It's a good thing for me to love and kill each other. I have to clarify the facts for you. Are you sure there is no problem with your brain?"

"I tell you, it's absolutely impossible. I wish I could see you killing each other now. I don't want me to kill all of you."

With a gentle wave of his hand, Chu Feng directly opened the door of dazzling light and left. Although the situation of the Xiuzhen world has made him questioned and cruel by the outside world, as long as the people in the cultivation world do not doubt themselves.

Moreover, we can see that the three families may unite to attack the blade snow sect, which is completely in the interests of Chu Feng. It's cool to think about Chu Feng. Although she would like to kill satina, if she didn't die, the thing she did was really good.

Chu Feng said to go and left directly, ignoring the three women present completely, everyone's heart is angry situation.

Xue nishang left here with a cold hum. Xueying and mu Qianxue also went with them. The three returned to the central hall. Now it was quiet at night and there was no one else. Xue nishang sat on the throne of the patriarch, and his face was gloomy and terrible.

She began to let mu Qianxue ask Chu Feng, just want to see if Chu Feng will have a trace of kindness, now it seems that his imagination is too beautiful.

As a taboo demon, Chu Feng was still the supreme and powerful existence in this era. How could Chu Feng wish to wipe out the whole Xiuzhen realm and clarify for the Renxue sect? Even if Chu Feng did, the result would not be very good. Instead, it would be recognized by the three schools that there was cooperation between them.

The more she thought about Xue nishang, the more irritable she felt. Since she became the patriarch, this was the worst time for her. Because she tried to contact her master, Xue Wuqing, there was no response at all. It seemed that she was not ready to take care of this matter at all.

The next snow Ying and mu Qianxue did not sit down, knowing that because of this matter, the blade snow sect really ushered in a crisis, or it is difficult to resolve the crisis.

Three hundred people died, but they were also suspected by the three families to cooperate with Chu Feng to harm the Xiuzhen world. Both of them could understand Xue nishang's frustration in her heart. How could their hearts not be oppressed?

It's just that in the era of the strong, everything is not about any evidence. Who is powerful is reasonable. Even if it is wrong, it can also be right. The three schools jointly oppress the Renxue sect. Then the Renxue sect is right, but what can be said?

Snow Ni Shang deep breath, eyes clear: "Chu wind is a son of a bitch."

As soon as she met, she said that she had a big chest and no brain. Finally, she was provoked by words. How ever did Xue nishang feel so oppressed and bent? She thought that she had been attacked by the wind of Chu. However, if she knew that her master Xue Wuqing had been held lightly by Chu Feng, she would not be so miserable.

"Elder martial sister, Chu Feng is indeed a jerk, but what shall we do now?"

Xue Ying sighed and said: "the three think that we have cooperation with Chu Feng. Although we have not directly said it now, it is that they are not ready yet. Once they are ready, it is difficult to guarantee that we will start."

Xue nishang naturally knows the problems faced by renxuezong, but she can't contact xuewuqing. She doesn't know what to do.

"If the three families really unite to invade, regardless of the friendship of the four ancestors, they want to put the harm on us, then don't blame me for not having any principles!"

"Big deal", "big deal", "big deal"

gripping his teeth, she added in a cold voice: "if it's a big deal, my Lord will submit to the Chu wind and let the three families cry to death!"

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