Super Healer

Chapter 2997

"Chu Feng, you want to go?"

In the morning of the next morning, cardashanben was summoned by Chu Feng while he was still resting. Besides, William came early. When she knew Chu Feng was going to leave, she was staring round.

Satyana was not dead in a day, and cardesan was worried that she would come and kill herself. Although it is not very likely, what if it was such a thing?

"Just wait and go."

Chu Feng nodded and understood cardesan's worry: "but you don't have to worry about anything. I leave today for a reason. You will always be well."

Cardesan wanted to say that satyana was not dead, but she saw William beside him, and swallowed up what she wanted to say. She knew that Williams' respect for satyana was like a mother. If she said such a thing, she would be targeted by William when Chu Feng left.

Even if Chu Feng and she said that she didn't need to worry about any problems, a heart of cardesan still had a little bit of a sense of inability to put it down.

She has always been a strong side, and now she has chosen Chu Feng, but she also knows that her own things will make some people very angry, such as satianna will probably kill her, which is what katieshan does not want to face, and the eyes to Chu Feng are also bitterly resented.

It was like Chu Feng made three entries and three out to her last night, but this morning he didn't admit to doing things.

And for the eyes of cardesan, Chu Feng chose to ignore directly.

Last night, the LORD came to give him that life card. Chu Feng could feel the smell of satyana on it. Even though the leader said that he could find satyana by this, he would not deceive himself. He would not stay here naturally because he was sure to find satyana.

Of course, Chu Feng will not tell anyone about the Lord of the world. And today, there is another reason to leave Chu Feng. That is, the three families have started to do the work on blade snow Zong, and they should do it.

His initial plan was to take over the whole world of cultivation. It would only be destroyed when it was really impossible. Now snow Wuqing is closed in Zijin gourd. The blade snow sect is totally isolated. If he can't find snow without clear, his ancestors are not good at stopping.

Because that result only sharpens the contradiction, can not see the snow no clear blade snow Zong person, just will suspect that she has been killed.

So if Chu Feng doesn't do something at this time, it is a little sorry for his conscience.

Looking at William, Chu Feng slapped his shoulder with a light smile: "the spiritual world will depend on you later. I hope that the spiritual world can indirectly affect the western world in your hands, and give all living beings a stable environment."

"I will not interfere with anything you have in the future. If there is any problem that can not be solved, you can ask Miss cardesan first. She has no good advice. You can find me."

William nodded and gave the bad lady a look before she could.

Chu Feng naturally knows Williams' disgust for cardesan, but standing on the overall view, Chu Feng also believes that William knows how to do it, and there is nothing to see. Chu Feng opens a dazzling door to leave.

"Less wind!" Seeing Chu Feng leaving soon, cardesan called him: "well, after helping William stabilize the spiritual world and everything, can I go to you?"

Chu Feng paused and asked, "why?"

"Then I want to follow you." Without any hesitation, cardesan went back directly.

Chu Feng squinted her eyes and looked at cardesan, and immediately knew her mind. She was sure to worry about the things that would happen to help William stabilize the spiritual world completely. She believed that she could feel that William was not very kind to her.

Rather than being killed unconsciously by William, it is better to choose a wise way, and it is a good choice to follow himself.

Chu Feng looked at the look that cardashan expected, and knew that the woman thought much. William hated her, but she would never have taken her away by dark means: "then, maybe I will not be alive in the future."

Leaving a sentence Chu Feng directly into the dazzle door, cardesan opened her mouth to continue to call Chu Feng, but Chu wind has disappeared in front of her.

Open her mouth. At last, cardesan bit her lips tightly, knew that she was really played by Chu Feng, and had so much regret in her heart. She knew that it would be such a result. At the beginning, satianna and Chu Feng should establish a contact with Chu Feng when they were in trouble. So she would not be the result of this.

It was just a lot of things that she didn't think of at first. Cardesan had a little regret in her heart, but regret was useless.

Chu Feng left the spiritual world and came to the secret state of morning light. The 8000 gods who gathered by the three families are attacking the entrance of the blade snow sect violently. Only because the array left by snow is clear, at this time, 8000 people take turns to attack, and in a short time, they can not break those big arrays into the world of blade snow sect.

Although the saint can ignore these shuttle, but in the case of war, it is estimated that few people are willing to travel to the world of zhixuezong to take risks. It is far better to let 8000 people break the entrance of Jianxue sect, and then slowly push forward, the safety factor will also be high.Chu Feng took a look at the array road that covered the entrance of the sword snow sect, and felt the power of it. He knew that he could not hold on for too long. He was expected to be broken within today.

The key to remove these, and even let the blade snow Zong stand on the height of truth, is to find satina. In that way, you can say that the three families are wronging themselves. When they start to crush the three, it will be much easier. But when we don't know the key point, will the women of renxuezong submit to themselves?

Chu Feng thought about it for a moment, but he couldn't guess the result. Finally, he also gave up his mind. Anyway, the three families have already decided that renxuezong has cooperation with him, so he can find satina and fight with his heart, and the rest will not be taken care of for the time being.

Without the awareness of those who attacked the entrance of renxuezong, the Chu wind had already gone away without any sound.

Holding the life card given by the world Master, Chu Feng doesn't know why she has the breath of satina, but as long as she can find someone.

And with the gradual approach to some places, Chu Feng found that the breath of the life card was stronger sometimes, and sometimes the breath was weaker. Maybe he knew that the life card would be strong when it was close to satina, and it would be weaker if it was far away.

According to the characteristics of the life card, the Chu wind speed is faster and faster, across the unknown distance in the secret place of the morning light, and the breath on the life card is more and more strong, surging with the breath of satina.

Finally, Chu Feng stopped at the entrance of a small world in the spirit world. Looking at the entrance of the world which can be said to be a little broken in front of him, and looking at the life card in his hand, the breath was very strong.

Chu Feng takes a look at the surrounding environment. Apart from a small world entrance, there is no other entrance, so satina is likely to be hidden in this world.

Chu Feng step into one of them, came to the desolate endless small world, eyebrows can not help but wrinkled up, you can see that this world has been a long time no signs of human habitation, at most someone just passed by here, how could satina choose such a place to hide?

Although the world with a small number of people is not easy to be found, but Chu Feng also firmly believes in a word, big hidden in the world, small hidden in the wild!

It seems that there are no people in this small world, but it is also the place that is easy to be valued and looked for. According to the intelligence of satina, she can not fail to understand these reasons.

It's just that the life card given by the owner of the world can't have any problems, which shows that satina is indeed in the world.

After dispelling the doubts in her heart, Chu Feng moved forward quickly. Meanwhile, the demon Kingdom gradually expanded and covered the whole world. When she ran away last time, she could attack the four major forces in the Xiuzhen world. If she ran away this time, who knows what kind of things this woman will do?

Shuttling through the void, about a thousand miles or so, Chu Feng stopped. It was not that he found satina, but the breath of life card in his hand seemed to weaken. Moreover, on the ground, Chu Feng saw someone lying there.

He quickly fell down and looked at the 20 people lying on the ground. Chu Feng narrowed his eyes and made a deep investigation. His eyebrows were also deeply wrinkled.

Because these 20 dead people were all gods of nature before their lives. They should be the 20 people who disappeared from the three families. But why did they all appear here and have no trace of struggle and fighting?

No matter how many twenty gods of nature, how many should have some effect? How could satina directly absorb all the strength and resist for a moment?

Chu Feng more and more feel strange, but at the moment he also completely can not think of all this is because of what things.

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Feng gave up the idea of wasting time, looked at the life card in his hand, and returned to the beginning. There was only one possibility in this situation. Satina knew that he was looking for her, so she deliberately played hide and seek with her.

The left eye twinkles, 360 degrees of radiation out, the whole planet has been explored by Chu wind, there is no trace of satyana.

A little disappointed to take back his eyes, Chu Feng is ready to look again, try to find satina before the life card fails, when the ear came to satyana's Secret tone contact.

Chu Feng, whose feet had been lifted up, slowly put his feet down. His eyes were slightly cold. He looked at the twenty corpses of God of nature on the ground.

He's caught something, but he's not sure yet.

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