Super Healer

Chapter 3

The world is so big, there is no wonder that Chu Feng bumped into a person, and then found out that it was his aunt, and there were many misunderstandings!

"Did you remember what I said to you just now?"

Lin Yulin's impression of Chu Feng was not very good from the beginning. However, she was entrusted by her dead sister on her deathbed. She could only take care of it. Fortunately, Jianghai University will open in one month, and it will be OK to leave chufeng to school. However, during one month here, Lin Yulin has set some rules.

Chu Feng held a book in his hand. He wrote down all the things Lin Yulin said just now. Looking at more than 30 rules, he said with a wry smile: "Auntie, I am your nephew. You don't need to be like this. I'm not a sex wolf!"

"Are you not a lecher? Forget it, go and tidy up your room Lin Yulin is worried about this, but it is not easy to say heavy words. Although she is a strong woman in front of outsiders, her personality is also a little weak. How can Chu Feng be regarded as her younger generation, she can't bear to say too much.

Chu Feng also shut up, knowing that in this little aunt's heart, he estimated that he was a bad boy, just met? Thinking of these eyes can't help looking at the past, Lin Yulin immediately caught: "what's the seventh rule just now?"

"Don't peep at my aunt. Don't look at my aunt with a man's eyes!"

Chu Feng immediately straightened his back and said the so-called rules, and then turned to take the bag: "by the way, I brought a lot of local products from my hometown this time. Fortunately, this bag is waterproof, otherwise it will be all scrapped. You can take it out and put it away by yourself. I'm going to clean up the room now."

Lin Yulin nodded her head slightly, looking like an elder, but after Chu Feng entered the room, she felt her face: "I haven't talked about this love for a time, so I'm called auntie. Can I be called old?"

Chu Feng, who is cleaning up her room at the moment, naturally doesn't know what Lin Yulin is muttering about. She looks at her room in the next month and nods with satisfaction. Although it's not as big as her room in the countryside, it's still pretty good. It's clean and tidy, and the bed. It must be very comfortable to sleep.

"The things have been sorted out. You will live in that room in the future. I told you one more thing. I forgot to say it just now."

More than ten minutes later, Lin Yulin walked to the door of the room. Seeing Chu Feng's tidy room, she felt a little approbation, but her face was majestic: "besides me, there is another person here, who is my roommate. She usually goes out in the morning and comes back at night. If there is nothing wrong, don't leave after 12 o'clock in the evening Room. "

"Yes Chu Feng didn't say anything about it. After all, as long as he lay down, he would fall asleep. After all, he had no habit of getting up at night.

"Today you just arrived. I'll take you out to eat some good food. I'll catch you up."

Seeing that Chu Feng was still obedient, Lin Yulin turned around and went away. In addition, she continued: "besides, you are not allowed to enter my room and that room, or you will move out at that time. Don't blame me for not giving you face. I'm heartless."

"Yes." The secret Auntie is so strict than before. When she was a child, she took herself to sleep and told stories to herself. When she had good food to eat, most of her food was for herself. Even the younger brother, she was not so good. But now Chu Feng can only say in secret that time is a butcher's knife.

Half an hour later, they came to a place called Dian LAN hot pot shop. Lin Yulin ordered a light mutton hot pot, and several cooked dishes. They also ordered things.

Chu Feng didn't ask for food, and she knew that although Lin Yulin was well dressed, she knew that her economic conditions were not very superior. She worked in a security company, which was eight or nine thousand a month, and the bonus at the end of the year was 1121 months.

This income standard is very high if it is in dianlan, but it is not enough in Jianghai, an international metropolis. It is said that she will give 3000 yuan a month to rent together with others. In addition, she has to eat, drink and buy some cosmetics. She has to take care of her sister in her hometown. She has no savings these years.

"Watch me do it?"

Waiting for the gap on the hot pot, Lin Yulin found that Chu Feng's eyes were not blinking at himself, said displeased, but the latter was serious: "Auntie, you have to work hard for a few years, until I graduate from University, you will not be hard."

"I wish you could support yourself." Lin Yulin's heart is warm, but there is nothing to show. Over the years, she has been taking care of her sister in her hometown. Now Chu Feng is admitted to Jianghai University, which costs tens of thousands of yuan a year. All these are pressure on Lin Yulin.

But Chu Feng can say such a word, Lin Yulin is very pleased, the secret way elder sister did not raise this guy in vain, it seems that there will be future prospects.

"All down!"

At this time, five men burst into the hotpot shop with guns in their hands. The first one yelled directly: "hurry up, otherwise I will shoot, and it will be a white death if I kill them!"Chu Feng quickly pulled Lin Yulin, who had not responded, squatted down. Her eyes were calm and she saw the five men. Although she had not seen the real guns, she still saw many on TV. A ray of light flashed in her left eye, and Chu Feng's mouth moved her. Why did you take a fake gun to frighten people?

Although the guns in the hands of the five men looked like real ones, and a shot made the same sound as the real one, Chu Feng's left eye could clearly see that the internal bullets of those guns were fake, and the guns were also fake, just like the gunpowder guns played by children, which was just frightening.

However, they still have a knife in their hands, and Chu Feng doesn't want to act rashly. After all, Lin Yulin is still around. He doesn't care. He can't let his aunt hurt.

Lin Yulin, who had been very nervous, felt the warmth in her hand. She was staring at the hand. She suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of security. Her face turned red unconsciously. Especially when she looked at the calm face, she didn't show surprise and fear of Chu Feng. Isn't this little guy afraid?

"Big brother, what should I do? The police have surrounded me!"

At this time, a thin man came to the side of a big man, heard the sound of the siren outside, and his forehead was covered with sweat: "let's surrender directly. Although it's robbing the gold shop, we haven't succeeded. At most, we'll come out after closing for a while."

"If you want to surrender, surrender yourself. I stabbed the manager. Do you think I can come out in a while?" The five were all thugs at the bottom of the society, but they didn't get along very well recently, so they thought of robbing. It's just that it's too dangerous to rob a bank, so they want to rob a gold shop.

Who knows that before the operation, he was found by the manager. Finally, the burly man stabbed the manager and quickly withdrew. However, he was blocked by the police and finally ran here.

Looking at dozens of people squatting on the ground in the hall, the burly man continuously ordered several people: "you, you, you, you, how many, stand up for me, I need hostages now, I'm safe, but if I'm not safe, you'll be finished!"

The man who was ordered by the burly man hesitated for a moment, but was deterred by the gun or stood up. There was a girl who was not far from Chu Feng and squatted with several girls. It seemed that they had come out to eat together. Their appearance was pure and sweet. However, they were ordered by these robbers, but their expression was a little nervous.

"I'll take you hostage."

Chu Feng patted the back of Lin Yulin's hand to show her to bow her head a little, so as not to be watched. Then she stood up and pointed to the girl: "she can't be a hostage to you like this. If you are weak, you can't say anything. It's just counterproductive to be a hostage to you. Let me replace her!"

Chu Feng is not a * * but he doesn't mind reaching out to help others. Seeing that girl is obviously scared, everyone has the so-called love for beauty. Chu Feng stands up.

Lin Yulin show eyebrows wrinkled, secretly took a look at the blank expression of gratitude of the girl, pure and sweet, secretly a, Xiaofeng this guy really know the hero to save the United States, but you also want to see what is the situation, if you have an accident, how can I explain to your dead mother?

"Well, come here!"

The burly man didn't want to make trouble. Chu Feng could cooperate with them. Naturally, it was the best to let a man stand on it. Chu Feng came over. There was a hostage in the hands of all five people: "tell you, wait until we get out of here. The five of you will be in front of us. Let those policemen go away, or I will blow your head off with one shot."

Except for Chu Feng, the rest of them didn't know whether it was a real gun or a fake gun. However, they felt the cold knife in their neck and nodded to show their willingness to cooperate. The burly man and others were satisfied with pressing the five people out to get ready to run for a car!

The girl who was replaced by Chu Feng looked at the back of being escorted away by robbers and others. Her eyes twinkled with gratitude and worry!

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