Super Healer

Chapter 3015

021 towards the wormhole, Pangu shield and purple gourd shine, and are slowly growing larger.

The people of the four forces were all shocked. For these chaotic artifacts, it would be good for one person to get one, but Chu Feng could simply gather ten artifacts, which made the people of the four forces feel dignified.

If this and Chu Feng fight again, ten artifact appear together, can they resist?

However, for Xue nishang and others of renxuezong, there are complex and emotional feelings, but more of them are happy, because they don't have to think about how to fight against Chu Feng now.

Looking at the two increasingly large artifact, the crowd also dispersed. The shock of Chu Feng's gathering of ten artifacts, they all wanted to see what to do next. Did they want to use artifact to destroy the wormhole?

However, wormholes are the products of nihilism. Can artifact really work?

Under everyone's attention, Pangu shield suddenly disappeared. A layer of light golden light appeared around it, covering thousands of miles. It completely blocked the wormhole. No matter which direction it went from, it could not go out completely.

Chu Feng saw in the eyes, the corner of his mouth finally showed a smile, know his judgment is right.

Pangu shield is a defensive thing. Combined with the Sphinx that we saw in the inverted pyramid, we can see that Pangu shield has a strong defensive and wrapping nature. Now with the wrapping nature of Pangu shield, the wormhole can only move back and forth in thousands of miles. It is not easy to continue to push forward.

Of course, Chu Feng felt that Pangu shield could not trap the wormhole for a long time. Next, he still had to find a way to go to the soul world and see if there was a solution to the wormhole by the master of the endless era.

At the same time, the smell of purple gourd is also rising, becoming a huge and golden gourd, which also has a huge suction, and is rapidly absorbing the wormhole in front.

Wormhole with the suction and purple gourd immediately produced a counterweight, mutual concessions!

Seeing this, Chu Feng was more relaxed. At first, he was worried that the suction of the purple gourd could not match the wormhole. But now it seems that he is worried a little bit. As a chaotic artifact, the purple gourd is still very powerful. Otherwise, he would not be able to suck in the snow at first.

Put down his hands, looking at the Pangu shield under the package and purple gourd against the impulse, Chu Feng's face finally revealed a knowing smile.

Of course, Chu Feng will not allow such a situation to continue, and no one knows how long it can last, because wormholes are still growing. Although there are Pangu shield and purple gourd, the growth rate still exists.

Now it can be suppressed, but when the wormhole gets stronger, it can't be suppressed.

Turning around and looking at the prosi family, he said in a deep voice: "the wormhole has been suppressed by me for the time being, but what I want to say is that the wormhole problem is not my own problem. Now I want to go to a place to see if I can find a way to solve it. I also hope you can think of a way after you go back. Even if we want to live forever, we must make sure we live first."

"Pangu shield and purple gourd joint suppression, at most that is to increase a few days, within seven days the wormhole will still be out of control, so do it yourself!"

After the words fall, Chu Feng doesn't talk to the people any more. She asks Xue nishang to go back first. She also opens the door of dazzling light and takes LV Wan and others to leave. Now the wormhole has been controlled for a while, but the time is not much.

As for whether the people of the three families of ploxi would make up their minds about Pan Gu Dun and purple gourd, Chu Feng didn't mean to worry at all. If the three families were not idiots, they would not do so. Otherwise, it would only aggravate their death time.

What's more, purple gourd and Pangu shield have already recognized themselves. Even if they want to do something, they have no way.

Between the stars, the Chu Feng and the blade snow clan all left. Xue Wuqing took a look at the front and quickly left. For the three families' joint attack on the blade snow sect, the three ancestors did nothing. Xue Wuqing was still very uncomfortable in his heart. If the three ancestors suppressed it, then the sword snow sect would not be swallowed by the Chu wind.

The three ancestors naturally felt the opinion of Xue Wuqing, so they could only smile bitterly. The most urgent thing is wormhole!

Looking at the wormhole that could not be separated from under the pressure of purple gourd and Pangu shield, Xi Qingtian frowned and said: "Chu Feng is right. Even if we want to live forever, we must ensure that we live first, or we have no qualification to survive. Even if we can kill chufeng, it is useless."

"But there's nothing we can do about it." Luo Qianding slightly shakes his head, his eyes are more heavy.

They are the top infinite saints, but when they see the wormhole and feel the destructive power, it is very clear that even if they fall into the wormhole, they will not survive. It is not an easy thing to find a solution.

We are still clear about this point. Pugaishi said, "let's go first. Chu Feng said that there are still seven days to go back. It's OK to go back and find a way to suppress the wormhole. We have many ways to cultivate the truth in ancient times. Maybe we can find a way to suppress the wormhole.""As for the rest, let's talk about it later. If you survive, you will have the qualification to fight for it. If you can't survive, you will have nothing to fight for."

Later, pugaishi left with his family members first. This matter is no longer a personal problem. We should treat it carefully.

Xi Qingtian and luoqianding didn't waste time. They took their own people and left. There was no one in the whole Xinghe river. Only the roaring wormhole was suppressed by purple gourd and Pangu shield.

The starry river is still, and an ethereal figure slowly emerges, which is nothing.

saw it as like as two peas, and smiled a little smile on the face of the dream. "I can't see anything now, but at least everything is set up at the beginning. Chu Feng, Chu Feng and wormhole are not so good. What do you know if you can achieve extreme in oppression?"

Thinking of the statue, his own entity, nihility laughed, his body slowly changed into hazy, and finally disappeared in the star river.

It has a lot of layout to oppress the growth of Chu wind. Although the growth speed of Chu wind is also very fast, it is still a little slower than expected. So this time, nihility makes the wormhole directly out of control. I want to use the powerful oppression of wormhole to let Chu Feng understand the mystery of the throne and let the supreme god descend!

Chu Feng, who left, has returned to the temple of King Wu. Naturally, he doesn't know that nothingness appears after everyone leaves. What he wants now is to go to the soul world. Of course, if you can let the master appear without going to the soul world.

It seems that there is no way to make the master appear. After all, we can only go to the soul world.

Walking into the hall, Chu Feng told Zhang Yuner that they should not let this matter be known by too many people for a while, because now Wanjie is far away from the wormhole, although it has also suffered from the suction effect, even the strong in the divine realm can not feel it.

Only the sage who is above the heaven can feel the change of the planet.

Just about to arrange to leave without wasting time, Chu Feng saw satina come out from inside, a white dress to restore the past pure and beautiful woman, looks delicate and soft, lost the power of the strong, but it is just a long and beautiful woman.

When satina is defeated, all her strength is eliminated, and even the effect of love forgetting pill is removed, she has returned to the past, and Chu Feng's killing heart for her is also dissipated.

Seeing this woman is still in the temple of King Wu, Chu Feng is a little surprised. Didn't she let Zhang yun'er send her back to the spirit world?

"Princess Anna wants to see you again." Zhang Yuner knew Chu Feng's doubts and said it.

Chu Feng looks at satyana and walks aside. She doesn't need to say much. Zhang Yuner and she know there must be something to say between them, so they don't follow. Everyone goes to one side to see if there is any way to destroy the wormhole.

Now the wormhole is not generally strong, if you don't think of a way as soon as possible, the world will be in danger.

In the back garden, Chu Feng sat down and looked at satina standing there. Although she was not formal but embarrassed, Chu Feng gently raised her hand: "everything that should have passed is over. Please sit down!"

Satina's body was shocked. It seemed that Chu Feng had ignored anything, but she could still feel Chu Feng's resistance to others. When she talked to her, she was calm and calm, just like talking to a stranger.

With a slight sigh in her heart, she knew that she and Chu Feng could not go back to the past, and even her friends couldn't do it. She regretted that she had practiced the heaven and earth Yin and Yang technique at first. If she had not practiced the heaven and earth Yin and Yang technique, she would not have been affected, and would not have taken the love forgetting pill, which would have led to the subsequent events.

It's just a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world. If everything is over, then we can really just pass.

She went to sit beside Chu Feng, and said softly, "I'm sorry!"

She knows that no matter how much I'm sorry, she can't hide what she has done, but now she doesn't know what else she can say besides saying sorry.

Although her strength has been destroyed by the Chu wind, her life span may be only 20 years at most, but now she does not hate Chu Feng at all. At first, she was only affected by the heaven and earth Yin and Yang technique. When the influence is removed, her heart will suddenly open up.

Chu Feng also did not entangle in the past things, showed a plain smile and said: "don't say these, after all, I believe you don't want to be ruthless, but the heaven and earth Yin and Yang technique is too evil."

"So let bygones be bygones. Now I'll send you back. I hope we can meet again."

When the door of dazzling light flashed, satina took a look. She had some words in her heart that she wanted to talk to Chu Feng, but she didn't want to say too much about Chu Feng. She stood up with a slight sigh in her heart.

When she was about to walk into the door of dazzling light and return to the spirit world, satina turned back and said, "I don't regret it. I once loved it!"

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