Super Healer

Chapter 3028

Demon Zun itself is the kind of person who is self-respect. In his eyes, only Chu Feng can be his opponent.

Now he is fighting against Chu Feng, but he is attacked by Xi Qingtian and others. That kind of anger makes him ignore Chu Feng, and directly turns into a powerful body. The body of four different monsters makes Xi Qingtian and other people coagulate.

But just for a moment, Xi Qingtian once again let the whirlpool space launch an attack, more powerful than just the starlight power shot out, and shot two at a time.

One toward the demon Zun, the other toward the Chu wind, which is to destroy both of them.

"Second grandfather, how can you do this?" Dream of, face instant big change, just cherish the sky completely ignore.

Dream's eyes are also hard to see, began to shoot a beam of light, can be said to be to destroy the demon Zun, now the two beams together, or rush to Chu Feng and demon Zun respectively, even the fool can see what is going on.

Just looking at his father and the people of the Puluo family, I knew that this was what we would like to see. His heart sank slightly. If Chu Feng had been so easy to kill, he would have been dead. Didn't you see Chu Feng's calm and calm?

Facing the starlight beam, demon Zun's eyes were fierce. As for dodging, he didn't mean to dodge because the beam was too strong to give him a chance to dodge.

After a blast, the bone weapon swung out and collided with a starlight beam, and it also collided with another beam. In the shocking noise, both beams disappeared. Although the bone weapon was broken, it recovered quickly. Even the body of demon Zun was also rapidly recovered.

This time, Xi Qingtian and others are stupid. Their plan was to kill Chu Feng and demon Zun together.

But now the demon Zun even blocked the attack against Chu Feng. How can we play?

Seeing Chu Feng standing there with a smile on his face, Xi Qingtian and others all feel the boundless cold. If the demon Zun blocks all the attacks of Chu Feng, then the demon Zun is dead and Chu Feng is not dead. What should we do if we attack them again?

Almost do not need to think about it, Xi Qingtian once again urged the starlight array, condensing the terrible starlight power.

"A bunch of hypocritical villains."

Demon Zun's voice was hoarse, and his evil eyes were staring at them: "if you want to catch me and the devil, you are just dreaming, and see how I can break your plot."

Then he turned back to Chu Feng and said, "demon, you must not take the opportunity to escape, so I will be very angry."

Chufeng gentle smile spread his hands: "don't worry, I will never run away."

Xi Qingtian and other people's faces are even more ugly. From the words of demon Zun, they understand that what they have to face next is demon Zun. It is impossible to hurt Chu Feng with starlight beam. In this case, you can only kill the demon Zun first and then clean up Chu Feng.

Roar, more powerful than the beginning of the star power convergence, toward the demon Zun shot out.

The whole demon Zun was covered with light beams and glittered with gold. However, even in the face of such a powerful attack, the demon Zun still did not mean to dodge. Instead, he used his own powerful power to absorb more powerful power from the wormhole, casting a defense, and lifting the bone weapons in his hand.

The sound of shaking the universe makes people feel that the eardrum is painful. The light shines in that area, and the power of starlight slowly dissipates. Xi Qingtian and others all open their eyes to see if the demon Zun is still alive.

When the power of starlight dissipated, people's faces changed. Demon Zun was still standing there. Although one hand was blown off and half of his head was gone, he was still standing there, and his breath was very strong.

The most important thing is that the demon Zun is rapidly recovering. The lost hands grow out, and half of the head is also restored to the original state. Seeing the power of the demon Zun, people are more awed by the immortal celestial body.

But now the demon Zun is in anger, and he must not be allowed to get close to him, otherwise everyone will be finished.

Xi Qingtian's face is ugly. With his hands swinging, the speed of the starlight array turns faster. The vortex space absorbs the power of starlight and opens the second hidden power. Now the power of the first layer is almost consumed. If you want to destroy the demon Zun, you can only use the power of the second layer in the whirlpool space.

Otherwise, they will all die. In the face of the fierce demon Zun, no one dares to say that he will not die.

On the contrary, chufeng looks at it with a smile, just like an outsider. As for what chufeng is thinking, only he knows.

That is, the demon Zun doesn't feel much about the power of starlight, and can't even hurt him. However, the bombardment consumes a lot of demon Zun's power. It's just that these powers are made up by wormholes, but they are not made up at will. When the wormhole sends power to the demon Zun, it also begins to get smaller.

Especially when the demon Zun wants to repair itself, the power from the wormhole is more powerful.

Xi Qingtian's star array can't do away with the demon Zun, but Chu Feng believes that in the end, the power of the demon Zun must also be greatly consumed. At that time, if he makes another move, the demon Zun will naturally be unable to resist. It is pleasant to think about Chu Feng's mood.When the second layer of vortex space is opened, the power of converging starlight is more powerful, but when I see the power of starlight, I feel a little heavy.

Now the power of launching out is very big, and the power of starlight absorbed is totally beyond the means of income. At most, you can attack several times, and you can't run the whirlpool space any more. If you can't get rid of the demon Zun several times, they will die.

Boom a dull sound, the power of starlight again shot out, the powerful force makes people feel suffocating like difficulties.

With a roar of demon Zun, he once again used his powerful power and the power of starlight to make a terrible collision and set off a torrent of weather waves. Even the sage was a little unstable.

But when the stars dispersed, although the demon Zun looked miserable, this time even his head was blown off, but all recovered in a short time, and kept moving forward. If it wasn't for the starlight array, demon Zun would have broken into the camp of Xi Qingtian.

But even if it is like this, Xi Qingtian doesn't feel any sense of safety. They know that if they dare not drop the demon Zun again, they will really die.

"The last blow?"

Pugaishi came to Xi Qingtian's side, his eyes were dignified: "the power of the demon Zun is beyond our expectation. Don't disperse the power in batches like this, and directly gather the strongest blow to blow off the demon Zun."

Xi Qingtian narrowed his eyes and pondered. His attack in batches was to leave a little bit to deal with Chu Feng later. But now if all of them gather together, if you can't destroy the Chu wind behind him by killing demon Zun, everyone is still dangerous.

But the demon Zun is so powerful that it is impossible to kill the demon Zun without the most powerful blow.

"All right."

Soon Xi Qingtian made a decision. He raised his hand and whirlpool space whirled wildly. He was constantly absorbing strength and gathering powerful attacks: "this time, not only demon Zun is dying, even Chu Feng is going to die."

As long as the demon Zun and Chu Feng die together, the wormhole will naturally be destroyed. At that time, their four ancestors, together with the leaders of each family, can absolutely easily suppress Chang'e and others, or even kill them.

In the face of the four ancestors have not covered up the killing heart, want to kill himself and demon Zun together, Chu Feng did not show any angry appearance, but with a smile and peaceful standing there.

Today, the behavior of the four ancestors is enough to make him destroy the whole Xiuzhen world. When they wait, they will know how to write the word "cry".

Demon Zun, is it so easy to kill?

If he had been killed so easily, he would not have been lured to the wormhole.

Looking at the power of starlight gathered from the whirlpool space, Chu Feng knew that they had already released the power of the second layer. Such a powerful strike was enough to destroy half of the universe, but now it is used to bombard demon Zun. The fourth ancestor is also a big hand.

The demon Zun also felt the power of the blow, but in his face, except for anger, he could not see the slightest worry and fear. The evil and domineering atmosphere was still rising.

Pu yuanlei, standing behind Xi Qingtian and others, all began to retreat, because it was a powerful collision, which might have affected the people around. It was better to be careful. However, people were very excited when they thought that Chu Feng might die with demon Zun. It seems that they have seen Chu Feng die.

Only dream stood there without saying a word. For today's situation, she was very clear that the Xiuzhen world was playing with fire. They didn't know Chu Feng, but the dream knew it very well.

If Chu Feng was worried about the power of starlight, he would never still be standing there. At the moment, he didn't even mean to avoid it. That means Chu Feng didn't care about anything, and the power of starlight couldn't bring him any harm.

But if Xi Qingtian and others can't kill Chu Feng, then the next step is Chu Feng's bloody and cruel suppression of Xiuzhen world. Meng sighs in her heart that she doesn't want to be the enemy of Chu Feng, but eventually she seems to be on the opposite side.

Xi Qingtian felt that the power in the whirlpool space had all gathered together, and took a deep breath: "you help me, let me blow this blow out, and Chu Feng and demon Zun will disappear forever."

Pugaishi three people stand behind, raise their hands to send strength to Xi Qingtian.

This blow is too strong. I'm afraid it's hard to support with the strength of Xi Qingtian.

At this time, the demon Zun suddenly roared, like a flash of lightning. Xi Qingtian's pupils shrank sharply, and his eyes burst into a sharp color: "go to death!"

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