Super Healer

Chapter 3037

When Chu Feng made an embarrassing thing there, the Xiuzhen world was not so relaxed.

Since they knew that Chu Feng had mobilized the forces under his banner to do things, they had already gathered together. All the people who had reached the Holy Land in the family sat together, and even the God of creation at the elder level was approved to participate in it.

Next, Chu Feng is likely to attack the Xiuzhen world in a large scale. They always have to be prepared in advance.

Even if all the worlds are closed by an ancient array, it is Chu Feng, which also has ten artifact and a supreme throne. Who knows how long the ancient array can last under his absolute power?

So at night, the three people gathered in Pujia world to discuss the next way to deal with Chu Feng.

It's just that in the past few hours, everyone is sitting, and no one breaks the silence, because now is to discuss the way to deal with Chu Feng. Chu Feng can even destroy the demon Zun, and even suppress the general situation. How difficult is it to defeat him?

And after the Ancient World War I people made a comparison, found that the current Chu wind is more powerful than the ancient taboo demons.

At the beginning, the ten ancient clans joined hands with each other in the hands of the ancient demons. The dead died and the oppressed were suppressed. Now there are no ten ancient clans in the Xiuzhen world. The Chu wind is stronger than the ancient demons, and the chance of winning is slim. It has been clearly placed in front of them.

No matter how hard it is, we have to face it.

Pu Yuan Lei and his family sat on one side. Seeing that everyone didn't speak, it was not a way to go on like this. He breathed out a sullen breath and said, "brother Canghai, brother Luo, is there really no way out?"

Xi Canghai and Luojia mountain look at each other, and they can see no way of color in each other's eyes.

With a sigh, Xi Canghai replied, "brother yuanlei, what can I do?"

Pu yuanlei's expression was stagnant, and his eyes flashed with helplessness. If he had a way, he would not have sat with you for so long. He asked if so many people could have a solution or a way to protect themselves. But at the moment, it seems that everyone has no way to do it.

The wind of Chu is so powerful that it is even stronger than the ancient demons. What kind of methods are just floating clouds when it comes to the wind of Chu.

"I have a way."

When everyone fell into silence again, Luffy opened his mouth and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Seeing that all the people looked at him, Luo Fei felt proud. He straightened up his chest and said, "Chu Feng is not very strong. We don't deny that. But besides Chu Feng, are the people under his command very strong? This is definitely impossible. "

"It can be said that in addition to Chu Feng, we can do nothing but the rest of the people for us, are easy to deal with."

Luojia mountain saw what his son said and frowned: "what do you want to say?"

"Take down the people around her, and especially important people." Luo Fei flashed a fierce look in his eyes and said, "I don't believe that Chu Feng can ignore important people and be pinched by us. Isn't there a woman with Chu wind in the wild demon domain? Isn't there many important people in the world who have Chu Feng? "

"As long as the people from the Holy Land join hands, we can catch a large number of people who threaten him before Chu Feng reacts. Then we will threaten him to abandon his cultivation and hand over the ten artifacts. Dare he say no?"

Luo Fei had just said his plan which he thought was absolutely feasible. Luojia mountain's face changed greatly. He slapped him in the face and scolded, "stupid, how could I have given birth to such a stupid son as you? Do you know what kind of result it was to threaten Chu Feng with pinch people in the past?"

After a pause, Luojia mountain continued to say in a loud voice: "all of them are dead. Those people are really important to Chu Feng, but which time did you see him really compromise?"

"This method seems feasible, but as long as Chu Feng completely ignores their life and death, it will not play any role."

Luo Fei thought he had come up with a brilliant plan. He didn't want to say it. No one else objected to it. Luojia mountain slapped himself first and sat there with his face covered. He didn't dare to say a word. But in his heart, he still thought it was the best way.

Chu Feng's women and brothers are all arrested. Does Chu Feng dare to do something? When the time comes, he will not believe that Chu Feng will not compromise.

At the moment, Luojia mountain does not know what Luofei is thinking. If he does, he must slap him.

"It's not the way to keep silent like this. My opinion is to hold together firmly. Although Chu Feng has the strength to crush as long as we hold together, as long as we show enough toughness, Chu Feng will weigh the consequences. After all, we really let go of a war, even if we can't destroy the universe, we can also destroy most of the planet world."

"Isn't Chu Feng trying to protect the heaven and the universe? As long as we are tough, it may help

Xi Canghai and Pu yuanlei were both stunned. In the past, Luojia mountain had given them the image of a man of ignorance. At the moment, I really didn't expect him to say such a thing.However, this is also the best way at present. Although the probability of success is not great, it is better than Luofei's stupid method, which just allows Chu Feng to start ahead of time without even giving them the opportunity to arrange and defend.

After thinking about it, Xi Canghai was just about to speak when four figures appeared in the hall.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the dead, all the people who had been sitting stood up at once, showing a respectful look: "four ancestors!"

"It turns out that we are ancestors." Pugaishi snorted coldly, went over and sat down at the position where Pu yuanlei began to sit: "at that time, Chu Feng offered a general trend of suppression, and I don't know who ran so fast?"

Pugaishi's words made all the people present slightly embarrassed. When they saw the general trend of suppressing Chu Feng's sacrifice, they all ran away and felt that the four great ancestors were finished this time.

But at the moment, the four great ancestors are all right, and they are back. Their hearts are embarrassed and some are worried. After all, it is shameful to abandon their ancestors for their lives.

Pugaishi snorted coldly without saying a word. At that time, he was in a bad mood when he saw the people of various families running away. If it was not for the last empty move, they would not know where they were sealed now?

Compared with PU Gaishi and Luo Qianding's obvious dissatisfaction, xiqingtian and xuewuqing are much calmer. The former goes forward and sits on the throne: "the situation was dangerous at that time. It's understandable that we should keep the power of the cultivation world to prevent being caught by the Chu wind. I won't blame you."

Pu Yuan Lei and others immediately relaxed, showing gratitude: "thank you for understanding."

With a faint smile, Xi Qingtian couldn't see the confusion when the Chu wind was raging: "as for our coming tonight, we just want to show you a clear way, and we will cooperate with each other without reservation to resist the Chu wind, because only in this way can we bear the pressure of Chu wind."

"As for how to unite, we also think well for you. After all, we still understand your thoughts."

Pu yuanlei, xicanghai and Luojia mountain look a little unnatural. They seem to live in groups on the surface, but they have their own ideas in the dark. If they can kill each other, they are absolutely happy. If this return had not been threatened by Chu Feng, they might have been at war.

Xi Qingtian didn't entangle their inner thoughts. He said faintly, "the way to let you cooperate closely is to have a woman and a man in a family, and, most importantly, get married."

Pointing to Xi Lang Ning, he was stunned when he was ready to speak: "Xi Meng?"

At this time, we also found that the dream was not there. Xi Canghai rushed to the front and said, "the dream has been hurt a little and is still cultivating. I don't know what to do with it, second uncle? How to get married? "

Xi Qingtian nodded slightly and did not care about the absence of the dream: "Xi langning married a woman directly from the Pu family, Xi Meng married Luo Fei of the Luo family, and so on. Each family had a cross marriage, so that everyone had the deepest protection. It was not easy to unite?"

Pu yuanlei's face changed slightly. Among them, Xi Canghai is the most ugly one. The strength of Xijia is the strongest among the three. It is also because of this that the two families gather to discuss the attack.

However, Pu Yuan Lei is the only Saint left in the Pu family, and pugaishi certainly will not be in charge of affairs. Even if the Pu family takes out the people who are directly related to him, they are only gods of creation, and all of them are saints. This is unfair.

Secondly, although Luofei is still in Luofei's family, the skill of dream making is extremely powerful. If you marry Luofei, how can it be? It seems that everyone is united, but it virtually weakens the power of cherishing the family.

Even if the wind of Chu is resisted finally, how can we play when our family has no strength in the future?

Puyuanlei and Luojiashan also thought about it in their minds. They both showed a smile, especially Luojiashan. They thought that they could marry their dream into a cherished family. Their smiles had not been concealed: "the dream master's method is a good way, so we will not guess the sincerity of cooperation, and we will not worry about who will not go all out."

Pu Yuan Lei also nodded with a smile: "this is a good thing, I have no opinion!"

Xi Canghai smell speech in the heart secretly scold a, Luojia mountain is OK to say, you Pu Yuan Lei have what opinion? It is worthwhile to marry a woman to become the wife of Xi lanning without any details of saints. "It's just that Xi Qingtian doesn't give Xi Canghai a chance to deny or publish. He stands up and makes a direct decision:" that's settled. Each family has a man and a woman. He must be a direct core person and get married immediately. "

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