Super Healer

Chapter 3044

When the PLO family chose to watch the change, Yihong also brought the news back to the temple world.

"It's interesting!"

When Chu Feng knew the conditions proposed by the Xi family, a funny smile appeared in the corner of his mouth: "I thought that the Xi family would put forward some excessive conditions, but I only did not think that they would put forward such conditions, so that once in and out, the strength of the Xi family would not be lost, and I could be overcame."

All the people present didn't understand what Chu Feng wanted to do, so they didn't understand what he said at the moment. They all just looked at him to see what chufeng wanted to say.

But Chu Feng didn't mean to explain it at all, because he only had to understand the idea of cherishing the family. At first, maybe he was worried about the oppression of his family because of his dream. But now Chu Feng has no sense of guilt in his heart. The people who cherish his family are indeed ambitious people.

It seems like a simple proposal to change people, but Chu Feng is very clear that as long as one of them can't handle it well, then the sword snow sect will have estrangement and contradiction with himself. Even if they dare not say anything because of the blood spirit contract, who knows what will happen in the future?

The reason why Xi's family did that was very simple. In addition to the dream of leaving their family, their family power would be consumed. If Mu Qianxue wanted to marry into Xi family to make up for this deficiency, there was also to sow dissension.

Because now the blade snow clan is the only one in their hands, the Xi family is also very clear about this. I think they also know that they will put some resources on the blade snow sect at a certain time. Even if they marry their dreams, they are not sure whether they will fully support Xi family.

Therefore, in order to make the Xijia get the most benefits after cooperation, even surpass the blade snow sect, so we put forward the requirement of exchanging people for people.

Mu Qianxue is the holy daughter of the Renxue clan. If she wants her to marry to the Xijia family, then the whole family will definitely resent itself. The Xijia family also knows that it will suppress the development of the sect and will not fit in with the appearance of the sect. At that time, they will incline the Xijia family intentionally or unintentionally, and the Xijia family will get great benefits.

As for whether the family has ever considered the consequences of their refusal, Chu Feng believes that they have thought about it, but they are not worried.

The reason is also very simple. If he really refuses, the big deal is to maintain the original situation, and he can continue to cooperate with the PLO family. If he agrees, it will be better. Xijia will probably become the first one in the cultivation world. Even in the future, he will be able to get an extraordinary status in the universe.

I think Chu Feng is not right. People who don't admire this way to get along with their families are really one thing that doesn't lose and can also get great benefits.

It's just that how can it be so cheap in this world? Don't you know that someone once called himself chupaipi?

And the people standing at the bottom of the table feel a little bit of heartache when they see the smile and playfulness on Chu Feng's face. Because according to their understanding of Chu Feng, when Chu Feng shows such a smile, it is certain that someone is going to have bad luck, but who is going to have bad luck this time?

Yihong couldn't see what Chu Feng was thinking at the moment, and asked, "what are you going to do next? I think the attitude of cherishing the family is very strong. If Mu Qianxue doesn't marry in the past, they can't let their eldest daughter marry you."

Until now, in addition to Lu Wan, Zhang yun'er and Chang'e, only Chu Feng knows that it is a dream, not a dream cherished by a young lady.

But at the moment, Chu Feng did not explain the meaning of these things, because the dream had done some things, we must be a little uncomfortable.

The corner of his mouth raised a smile and said, "unexpectedly, they asked mu Qianxue to marry their little master. Then I promised that there was nothing to consider about this problem!"

When Chu Feng was so good at talking, it was obvious that this condition was too much. There was a smell of provoking the relationship between him and the school of blade snow. In it, I believe that Chu Feng could feel it, and even felt it. How could he agree to the request of Xijia?

Zhang yun'er also put forward her own puzzle: "if so, Xue nishang will be very angry, even the blade snow Zong up and down will have resentment against you, then it will lead to your control over the blade snow clan, there will be problems!"

The rest of the people nodded and married anyone to the little master of the family. However, this woman must not be mu Qianxue, not to mention that she is a saint. The status of the Xianxue sect's Saint daughter alone does not allow her to become a chess piece and be used by Chu Feng.

"I'll take care of this matter myself. You can arrange it. Before sunset, I'll go to cherish my home to welcome the bride."

Chufeng stood up with a smile and didn't mean to worry about the current problem: "another 300 tables will be held, and some people will be invited to have a lively and lively feast. I'll take a concubine. How can I celebrate it?"

All of them laughed bitterly at the speech. They married a concubine before they married the main room. It is estimated that Chu Feng could do such a thing.

But he didn't worry about being provoked at all. He wanted mu Qianxue to marry Xi lanning. What did he think? Chu Feng had opened a door of dazzling light. Everyone knew that he was going to the sword snow sect, and they all gave up the idea of asking questions. They went to do things separately according to Chu Feng's instructions.Chu Feng came to the blade snow sect, and directly appeared in front of the tallest ice and snow building. Xue nishang seemed to have known that he would come, and generally stood outside the door. Besides her, there were no other people of Renxue sect.

Look at that look as cold as frost, as if the whole world owes her a lot of things in general, let Chu Feng astonished, it seems that he has not offended this woman?

Without waiting for Chu Feng to open his mouth, Xue nishang had already said in a cold voice: "I already know about the matter of cherishing my family. I refuse to accept it. Even if the demon God killed me or even the blood spirit contract killed me, I would not follow your instructions."

Mu Qianxue is her apprentice, who was adopted and brought up by her at a very young age, just like her own daughter. After knowing about Chu Fengfeng's Xi family's proposal and his family's requirements, Xue nishang knew that Chu Feng might come to find her, but she would never allow mu Qianxue to marry Xi lanning.

"Snow Lord, you didn't want to give mu Qianxue to me at the beginning?" Chu Feng smile, there is no dissatisfaction because of the ugly face of snow neon dress: "so mu Qianxue gave me is also to, marry others is also married, you think you have given mu Qianxue to me, that is not OK?"

"Can that be the same?" A cold snort of snow.

He began to give mu Qianxue to chufeng, in order to make Qianxue's submission more stable. After chufeng refused, xuenishang was still very relaxed. But at the moment, chufeng even wanted to marry mu Qianxue to Xi lanning, which was absolutely impossible.

The more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt in her heart: "demon, Xi Meng is indeed a beautiful woman, but we Qianxue is also one of the two beauties in the Xiuzhen world who are equally famous with her. I won't agree with you if you hurt Qianxue for a woman."

Chu Feng had already thought of such a situation before he came, so he was expected to stop and be angry with the snow colored clothes, so it is not surprising at all.

Gently coughed: "it's freezing here. We'd better go in and talk about it. I must have my reason for doing that, and I believe I can convince you."

Xue nishang frowned. As long as mu Qianxue was married to the Xi family, she would not agree. However, seeing Chu Feng's words were so polite, Xue nishang didn't want to irritate Chu Feng, so she went inside with a cold face. Anyway, she decided in her heart that even if she died today, she couldn't let Chu Feng succeed.

When she was in the snow palace, she was very angry when she was standing under the snow snow palace, because she was very angry when she was standing in the snow palace Think about it.

but soon, Chu Feng, a red face, dispelled unhealthy ideas. He came here not to study how to play with snow neon, but how to think about how to divide the real world. "If I insist on Mu Qian's marriage to Xi Lang Ning today, what will you do?"

The snow colored clothes raised her head, and an unyielding color appeared on her beautiful and cold face: "then I will persist to the end. I will absolutely not allow my apprentice to be used as a tool to gain benefits. Even if we can't betray you because of the blood spirit contract, we will never die with you after a thousand years."

Chu wind smile, snow nishang firmness is really he did not expect, but also can see, snow nishang for mu Qianxue is still very love.

It doesn't matter if Mu Qianxue is given to him in exchange for the stable snow colored clothes of qianxuezong. After all, it's good for renxuezong. But if you want to marry mu Qianxue to Xijia, it's absolutely impossible, because it will weaken the power of the school to a certain extent, and it is also an irreparable loss.

The corner of the mouth slightly cocked up: "that is to say, if I insist, you can't fight against me, but you have no good attitude to me since then?"

Snow Ni clothes a Zheng, then firmly nodded: "yes, I will hate you."

"Ha ha ha ha!" Chu Feng chufeng smiles. Although Xue nishang's character is very cold, her way of speaking is very direct, and there is a little lovely flavor in it. She stood up and said, "Lord Xue, I've already made this matter absolute, so no matter how you hate me or how, I hope you can listen to me."

Xue nishang frowned deeply. Chu Feng also went to one side and said some of his thoughts with his back to him. Of course, for the sake of 100% safety, Chu Feng did not tell him his most real idea, but tried his best to persuade Xue nishang.

Otherwise, it is not an easy thing to let mu Qianxue marry to cherish his family.

After listening, snow Ni Shang tightly frown: "demon God, you mean, thousand snow won't suffer any harm?"

"That's for sure." Chu Feng nodded and turned to face Xue nishang: "of course, this needs her cooperation. If she is still cold, she will inevitably be hurt. I can see that Xi lanning is a morbid love for mu Qianxue. I believe that some reasonable conditions will allow him. As long as Xi lanning agrees, then Mu Qianxue will not suffer any harm."

"I know what you're thinking, and I know how to cherish your family. Don't think about it. I'm really stupid, OK?"Xue nishang's face did not naturally pass a trace of embarrassment. At first, she really thought that Chu Feng thought that, but now hearing Chu Feng's explanation, Xue nishang's heart was not so nervous, but she still shook her head: "demon, I believe what you said, but I hope you find Qianxue yourself, because I don't know how to tell her."

Chu Feng a Leng, he told snow nishang these is to let her go to Mu Qianxue to discuss, did not think that she should not go, but also go by themselves?

Seeing Chu Feng's bewilderment, Xue nishang said, "Qianxue wants to be a woman for you according to my intention, and even made a contract of heaven. But in the end, she is broken by you. She has always been as famous as Xi Meng. She is coveted by countless men. Even Pu yuanlei and other old bastards of my generation have a mind for her. The rest of us don't need to say more."

"But you refused her, and let Qianxue's self-esteem suffer a little blow. The woman's heart is very strange, so she may object to this matter because of your needs, even if it's death."

Chu Feng's mouth twitched violently. He didn't expect that he would not want to admire Qianxue. He thought of the madness after satina was rejected by himself. Chu Feng still has a little fear.

A light cough: "unexpectedly such words, then I still go to have a look!"

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